Chapter 1



After such a good performance, after being so happy with how everything went, it was time for the girls to rest, even if it was just for a little while.  End of the year performances were something they had to work extra hard. They had to make everything go according to plan, make people want to be with them on stage. They had to show people that they were indeed one of the best groups out there and that they weren’t going to allow anything to make their performances less amazing. It could rain rocks, they would still pull it off. “I’m so proud of you guys!” The f(x) leader said with a smile on her face. The other girls smiled to her and thanked her for being such a supportive leader. They were pretty sure that without Victoria, they wouldn’t be able to deal with their daily stress. Sure, there were things about their performance that they would change, things that didn’t went well, but as long the public didn’t saw them, they were happy about it. “Who’s performing now?” Krystal asked. She wanted to have enough time to sit down for a little while, drink some water and relax before she went to stage again.

“I’m pretty sure we have time.” Luna said. The youngest thanked the lead vocal and the five girls continued walking to their dressing room, talking about the small things that didn’t went so long in their performance and what they should do next time so everything went alright and perfect, without flaws. “Hey Soojung.” Amber started as she placed an arm around the youngest. Krystal looked to her friend and raised a brow, wondering why in the world Amber was smirking like that. She hated when the other did that. It meant no good, and usually got one of them in trouble. Mostly Krystal because she was always caught on things that were Amber fault. “What?” She asked very suspicious and instead of getting an answer from Amber, she felt another arm around her shoulders. She looked to her left and saw Sulli smiling at her with the same stupid smirk. Did they know how annoying it was? Did they know how it scared her?  “How did it felt?” Sulli asked, her smirk getting a little bigger. Krystal didn’t understood what she meant by that. She looked to her friend and continued staring at her with a confused face. “Yeah, how it felt?”

Now Luna? What did they know that she didn’t? And she was having too much people around her! She needed her personal space! “What the hell are you all talking about?” She asked and the three members looked at her with scary smirks on their faces. “You know” No. She didn’t know, and the more she tried to think about it, the less she understood. What the hell did the members wanted to know? “No I don’t!” she said in her defense but the members kept on staring at her. Victoria on the other hand was just looking at the scene in front of her and couldn’t help but think how amusing all of this was. The members were cute without even trying. Sure, sometimes they would give her headaches, but it was nothing compared to the happiness they managed to give her. “Just tell me already!” Krystal was almost demanding. She hated when people took too long to ask her simple questions. Amber looked at the other members and then to the lost Krystal who was almost exploding with what was happening.

She used to boil over small things, but it was stronger than her. On that department, she was exactly like her sister. “You know…Taemin’s kiss!” Amber said and all the members gave their full attention. Even Victoria turned her head to the youngest and kept on looking at her, waiting for an answer. “What are you talking about?” Krystal asked and Sulli rolled her eyes, showing that she wasn’t in the mood to have the other member  act dumb, pretending not knowing what was happening. “Don’t play stupid Soojung! We’re talking about the kiss Taemin-Oppa gave you on stage!”  Krystal didn’t know if she should blush or if she should glare to the other members for bringing that up. She honestly felt like punching Taemin from doing such a thing. They just rehearsed they were going to pretend! He would try to kiss her hand and that was it! When he grabbed her head and kissed her, she could swear she was going to punch him on the face. And she would do it, not caring if it was a live show or not. She was willing to do it. The only thing stopping her was the hundred SHINee fans there.

“It was like having a brother kiss me!” She said with a very blank stare, not showing any kind of emotion. But the members knew better. “Soojung! Don’t lie to us! We all know that you and him are best friends! He totally wanted to kiss you on stage!” Luna said as she saw Krystal a little embarrassed with all of it. It was no secret that Krystal and Taemin were best friends. It was no secret that the two of them told each other everything that they would go out together and even practice together. Taemin was good teacher, she had to admit that.  “So? Just because we’re best friends that means we’re going to date? Or that I want him to kiss me?” She asked, failing to hide how this conversation was making a little bothered. But even so, the members wouldn’t allow her to rest about it.  On the contrary. “So? You two would be a very cute couple!” Luna said excited and Krystal was honestly trying her best not to answer in a rude manner. “Like you and Jinki-Oppa?”

It was no secret that Luna had one of the largest crushes on Onew, but for some reason he was dense enough not to notice it. And if he did notice, he was just trying to spare her from a rejection. Krystal wasn’t sure, but she could swear Onew liked Luna too, but the way he behaved…he looked like a caring brother, and nothing else. It was their life, not hers. “W…Well…” Luna was lost for words, and decided that she wouldn’t talk about anything anymore, otherwise this conversation would go a path she refused to talk. “Don’t change the subject Soojung!” Amber started, not wanting to stop talking about Taemin and Krystal performance. “Are you and Taemin having something? Because as your friends, I think we have the right to know!” Krystal, for the first time in her life, wanted to kill Amber. Not in a way of speaking, but as in actually grab her by the neck and suffocate her friend so she wouldn’t talk anymore. It was horrible to think that way about your best friend, but when Amber wanted, she could be extremely annoying! “You have to tell us! Because I highly doubt Taemin, of all people, would give you a ki-“Before she could continue, Sulli stopped her by touching Amber’s ribcage with her elbow. “Hey what was that for?” Amber asked, a little annoyed with what. “I’m just asking Soojung about the ki-“Again, Sulli stopped her, this time by slapping her in the head. “Shut up!” She whispered.

All girls looked pass Krystal and the youngest showed a confused face. Noticing why Sulli made her shut up, Amber formed a small ‘o’ with her lips and cursed for not being discrete a while ago. Sometimes, she had to admit, she was too loud for her own good.“Do I have something on my face?” She asked and the members said no with their heads. “Then what is it?” The members didn’t answer. Why were her friends so weird? Sometimes, she just wanted them to be normal, was that too much to ask for? “Then what it?” She asked, not understanding a single thing, again. Victoria walked towards Krystal, and without saying a single word, she placed her hands on the younger girl’s shoulders and turned her around, so she could look towards the door of their dressing room.

 “What is ha-“ She chocked on her own speech when she saw what was what her members were staring at. “….what...” She whispered, just to herself. In front of the dressing room, was Infinite’s visual Kim Myungsoo. He had his hands on his pockets and a very unfriendly expression. He was actually scary with that expression in his face, and they realized no one was around him. He was looking to the floor, like he was thinking about something. It seemed the more he thought about it, the pissed he got. “…What is he doing here?” Krystal asked herself, not even daring to look to her members. His presence there made no sense, at least to her.  The other four members looked at each other and weren’t sure if they should stay there or if they should just leave Krystal behind, like nothing happened.

When he felt watched, he turned his head to them and Krystal felt her body freeze. His eyes were cold, his lips almost formed a line and she could feel the tension between the two of them. Krystal closed and just wished for a deep, deep whole to hide because right now, she could feel an amount of second hand embarrassment that she couldn’t explain. It just came out from nowhere and she couldn’t explain why.  “Kim Myungsoo! What are you doing here?” Victoria asked with a smile on her face. She could feel the tension between her youngest and the man in front of their dressing room, so she decided she was going to try to make things a little lighter, at least for a while. The tension between these two was so big that could be cut with a knife!  He looked to the f(x) leader and even thought he tried to fake a small smile, he failed. Instead he just looked at her and answered politely, not wanting to pass a rude image to the female group. “I came to talk to Krystal-sunbae.” He said and the four members looked at each other. Even his voice sounded pissed.

He looked to Krystal and she could feel her heart skip millions of beats. “…if that’s possible.” Victoria looked to the other three and the only thing they did was nod.  “I guess there isn’t any problem with that!” The leader said and the other three members started walking towards their dressing room. Krystal was stunned. Did her members…just left her alone with Kim Myungsoo? “Don’t take too long Soojung! We still have to perform!” Victoria said with a small smile on her face. “And we still have to talk!” Amber made sure Krystal wouldn’t forget about what they were talking about moments ago. “Yes! And I want to know everything after!” This time it was Sulli’s turn to talk. Why was Krystal friends with them again? “Hwaiting!” Luna said with a smile and closed the door behind her. Krystal couldn’t believe it. Her members actually left her completely alone with Kim Myungsoo! They left her all alone in a cold hall and he looked like he was ready to kill someone if he had the chance.

An awkward silence took over them. The only thing they could hear was the staff calling the next artist that was going to perform and for every other idol to be ready for their turn. It was complete chaos there, but for some reason, around them, there was nothing. It was like the two of them were in a bubble and nothing was going to touch them until one of them decided to speak. It was so strange to be looking at him and see him with that pissed, mean expression. Usually when he looked at her, it made her smile to him. She could never forget the way the two behaved when they did that photo shoot together. Every time they would look at each other, he would smile at her and she couldn’t help but smiling back. But the man in front of her…looked like a completely different man, like she had no idea who this man was. It was just so strange to see Kim Myungsoo like that. It was just strange and made her feel seriously uncomfortable.

“Can we talk?” He asked her, and Krystal woke up from her thoughts. “Sure!” It came out more excited than she expected at first. And it wasn’t like she was going to say she didn’t want to talk to him after Victoria practically pushed her towards him in the first place. “…Can we talk somewhere that isn’t here?” She looked around. Truth was too many people were around and anyone could hear their conversation. And it was more than obvious this was a conversation just for the two of them. “…We can go outside…” She didn’t have to say anything else. He just nodded and started outside.  Krystal was a little surprised with the sudden action but didn’t say a word. Instead, she decided to follow him outside the building. At least that’s what she thought, but then she saw him turn towards the stairs to the roof. Honestly she had no idea why she did it, but instead of complaining like she usually did, she decided to keep quiet. It was clear that he wasn’t in the mood for small talk.

Once outside, she realized how cold it was. She knew it was cold, it was winter after all, but she didn’t thought it would be cold enough to freeze her bones. She was wearing a skirt for god’s sake. If she didn’t froze outside or got sick, she was sure that she was going to at least, have her lips completely blue. She closed the door behind her, and then crossed her arms, trying to get a little warm. “S…So.” She started, trying to forget about the freezing cold that was taking over her body. “What did you want to talk about?” She asked not sure if he was going to answer her right away of not. He turned towards her and she could see his eyes were full of anger but there was something about them. There was something in his eyes that made her believe that…he was hurt. That he was hurt about something that happened, but she couldn’t actually explain it. She didn’t know! She didn’t know what the hell was happening.  Looking down, he placed his hands on his pockets again. She was starting to feel nervous for some reason. What was happening? Why was it bothering her so much? He took a deep breath and looked at her with his eyes full of emotions.

“…Why did you let him kiss you?”  Myungsoo asked, his voice low, but loud enough for her to hear. Krystal was a little surprised with the question to be honest. She wasn’t expecting him to ask something like that but then again, why in the world was she surprised? Why in the world was she surprised with such a question? “Why did you let him kiss you in front of you in front of everyone?” Krystal looked down to her to her feet, forgetting completely about her cold body. “Why did you let him kiss you in front of so many people, for the world to see?” He asked  her and she could see his hurt eyes. That look was killing her. it was making her wish the world would open under her feet and swallow her and never let her go. This was something she didn’t want to happen. This was something she hated. She hated confrontation especially something like this. It was something she always hated and wanted him to understand. But at the same time she knew that he wasn’t going to stop talking about it until he got what he wanted.  She squeezed her hands together and looked at him. He was waiting for an answer, he was waiting for  her to say something about him.

Krystal looked down at her hands and then to him. She felt her lips shiver and she knew it wasn’t because she was cold. It was because something else.“I…I wasn’t expecting him to kiss me.” She said and looked to him. she was being honest. She was being honest. “I don’t believe you.” He said and that went straight to her heart. How could he not believe her when what she was saying was the absolute truth?  “It’s true! He was supposed only to kiss my hand, but then he decided to kiss my head! It’s just that. Nothing else!” Her head was hurting. Why didn’t he believed her? And it was just a stupid kiss on the head. It was nothing special. People did that all the time, even friends. Nothing else so she didn’t understand why the other man was literally freaking out with what was happening. He was acting like she just killed a man or something. “I even pushed him away from me!”

Myungsoo started biting his lower lip and moved a little closer to her. He could see she was freezing and was having a hard time breathing because of the cold, but even like that, she didn’t complain, she didn’t left. She just stood there looking at him. Her heart skipped millions of beats when she realized how close he was to her. He was so serious, but now his eyes weren’t showing the same anger as before. They were just a little hurt. He continued scanning her from head to toe. She didn’t even dare to breath as he did it. Instead, she allowed him to look at her with those eyes that send shivers down to her spine. With those eyes that made her go insane as always. With his hand shacking, probably because of the cold, he  reached for her hair. He started caressing her dark looks. His hand was so gentle and she couldn’t help but close your eyes when she felt his hand on her face. She dared to closer her eyes for a couple of moments, enjoying how incredibly soft his hand felt against her skin. It was something out of this world.

“I’m tired.” He whispered against her skin. He pressed their foreheads together and looked at her, right in the eyes.  Krystal looked up to him and saw his eyes completely different from what they were moments before. They were just gentle and full of pain at the same time. “I’m tired of it Soojung…so tired.” She felt her whole defenses break down as soon she heard his voice. He sounded like he was about to cry at any moment.  He closed his eyes for a little and brushed their noises together. “…I know Myungsoo…I’m tired too…” She whispered. He took a long breath that he had no idea he was holding. He wrapped his free arm around her tinny waist and pulled her even closer, making their noses brush together. “…We have been dating for a year now…” He stopped and took another long breath. He looked straight into her eyes and saw she was probably feeling exactly the same thing he was.

It was horrible. Feel that frustration, feel like the only thing you could do was stare and endure everything you were feeling. They learned, since trainees that they were supposed to put their feelings aside, but right now, both of them were seriously tired of it. They were tired of hiding it from the world but they had no other choice. “And all I can do is stare while Taemin kisses you, even if it’s just your head, and picks you up like a bride…” He stops for a while and Krystal looks at him feeling her heart incredibly tight. It hurt hearing those words from the older man, especially because he was right. She hated seeing Myungsoo with other girls. She even lost count of how many curses she gave the girl who made the music video with him. And he was working! It was their job to act all cute and in love. But even like that, it hurt her and sometimes it was hard to hide it. “All I can do is deal with it…but we’re together. You’re my girlfriend…you’ve been my girlfriend for a year…and I’m tired of being a secret. I want to tell the world we’re together.”

Another pause and this time, she placed her arms around his waist. It made her feel safe, it made her feel like everything was going to be alright, no matter what happened. “I want to tell men…I want to tell Taemin that you’re mine. That they can’t touch you!” He brushed her lips with his thumb. “That I’m the only one allowed to kiss you." Krystal smiled at that statement. She adored when Myungsoo acted so protective. She felt like she belonged to him and not to anyone else. It was exactly what she wanted. “We’ll…we’ll be able to tell the world…that we belong to each other.” She wasn’t the kind of girl who said those words, but they just came out before she could stop it. He smiled at those words and before she knew it, he pressed their lips together. It was a surprisingly fast kiss, but it meant the universe to them. It meant they were going to stand together no matter what happened, no matter what people said. “We’ll make it official.” She whispered. “I’ll make official to everyone. To my sister, to f(x)…everyone.” He showed a bright smile. A smile so bright that made her forget  completely about the glares he gave her before.

Krystal understood why he was mad. He wasn’t mad at her and wasn’t made at Taemin. He was just mad at the world for not allowing them to scream and shout they were together no matter what others thought. “I love you Jung Soojung…” He whispered to her as he brushed their lips together. “I love you too Kim Myungsoo…” Both smiled to each other and shared a small, perfect kiss. “Now…let’s get out of this cold before I stop feeling my legs.” She said but at the same time she made herself comfortable in his arms. She loved his embrace so much. It made her feel like she would always have someone who would protect her. “Don’t worry Soojung…I’ll keep you warm.” He gave her a small smirk and she just smiled. She really loved this man and no matter what the world thought about them, she knew they were perfect for each other.





The End


A/N: I missed writing MyungsTal so much! But I felt like this was perfect for them, so I just had to write. I hope you liked it :3 I know I've to write another long MyungsTal fic, but right now I don't have time...but I'll! And when I do, I'll write more MyungsTal for all of you! And yes, I've fics on hiatus, but it's hard for me to have time to even write a page...I'm sorry!

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Chapter 1: Daebak. I love this one shot fanfic. You write it very nice!
helloimyna #2
Chapter 1: Aww that's cute! I love it! <33 pls make another myungstal fanfic, Imma myungstal hardshipper. Pmsl x)
Chapter 1: oooowwwww~ myungstal <3
Chapter 1: Omg when i saw that Taestal moment at gayo daejun, i immediatly remembered the rumor of myungstal dating. I was uh oh~ i think a certain someone will not be happy about this. And theres this fic and i convinced myself yeah this is what went down bts.
this is so cute
inpinits #6
finally i found this fic! i wanted to read fanfics about jealousy myungsoo bcs taestal, and you made it authornim! daebak~
and i hope a rumour abt myungstal had been dating for a year true!!
winterapril #7
Chapter 1: So cuteeeee myungstal ^^
Chapter 1: I love this fic,.. It seems realistic, and logical. Taemin looked so so enthusiastic or hyper after he kissed stal's forehead (isn't this kid interesting LOL)
MyungsTal is the best, I felt bad for shipping both KaisTal and MyungsTal... But I surely know what to expect from each pairing...
Btw.. Sequel juseyo :3 The fanfic is too good for goodness sake >.<
Glad99 #9
Chapter 1: Oh. Well. I thought there will be another chapter for this fic. :') didn't expect this to be a one-shot.
huixin1017 #10
Chapter 1: omg I love this story!It's feel like real
When I see Krystal and Taemin...I really want to cry!
Pls have more myungstal fanfic for myungstal shipper<3