New Year's

A Chance

The room was as dark as it could be. The door shut out all light, except for the little bit creeping in through the bottom. The blinds were down, only the winter glow shining around the edges was visible. And in that darkness you sat, knees up in a corner of your room with your duvet tucked around your body. There was a heavy atmosphere around you, your aura as black as the room. Upon closer inspection, dried tear tracks could be seen. You were tired. Tired of crying. Tired of pretending. Tired of everything.

Another year has ended, a new one just beginning. But what was the point? They were always the same. You’d stopped believing in the magic of a new year, a blank slate, a fresh start. At some point, the years had melded into one. Disappointment after disappointment. Rejection after rejection. Hurt after hurt. It was never different and why should this year break the pattern? You’d given up hoping. All hope ever did was make the fall longer, harder, more painful. You were hurt enough and you didn’t need to add more to it.

You sat there hating everyone, hating the world, hating life. But in truth? Hating yourself. Hating this cynical person who had replaced the dreamer you had once been.

Time ticked on, each second bringing you closer to the dawn of the new year. Closer to a new beginning for everyone. Closer to a new end for you. The cold of the floor seeped through the duvet, chilling your body to match the chill in your heart. This was your only company, along with the darkness of the room, the darkness in your soul.

The new year announced itself with the chimes of the grandfather clock in the living room. Each chime heralded its presence, celebrated it. It was nothing special, nothing different. It was the same greeting given to every new year, to every new day.

But as the chimes wound down, a new sound could be heard. You heard a high pitched whine… Something very similar to the sound of fireworks. As if to confirm your suspicions, the dull white glow coming from your window turned into shades of ruby, gold, amethyst, a veritable rainbow of colours. Surprised and curious, you crawl to the window and lift a corner of the blind. What you saw made your breath catch.

The night was alive, pulsing with explosions of colour. The one responsible for this magic stood in your backyard, temporarily paused in his actions as he too stared, transfixed by the display. “Sunggyu,” his name whispered out on a breath.

The moment was broken as he resumed his task, lighting up more fireworks to ensure the magic never ceased. What had felt like a lifetime had been mere seconds. But those seconds had granted you a clarity that allowed you to transcend the outer shell of life and glimpse what was truly real.

In your backyard stood a man, whom hours earlier you had pushed away as you did everyone. Whom you had walled your heart against to protect yourself. All good things left eventually and you found it best to sever the connection as quickly as possible, rather than to prolong the inevitable. This man was your answer to everything, to your hopes and dreams. And he terrified you. So when he had asked for a chance, you denied it to him. You were too vulnerable, too weak to him and you didn’t have the capacity to trust in him as he wanted you to. So you’d acted the way you always had.

But there he stood. Slowly, your body on autopilot, you get up and walk out of the room, out of the house, away from the darkness toward him and the light. The bite of the snow on your bare feet didn’t deter you, it just affirmed that this wasn’t a dream. Snow had started to fall, the little flakes dancing in the air, cloaking the world in its frosty embrace.

You reached where he stood in the middle of your backyard. No words were exchanged, no movement made by either person. All you did was stare into each others’ eyes, one searching for the truth, the other offering it. Finding what you were looking for, a sigh escapes your lips, the little cloud of condensation hanging between you both before it disappeared into the night. His hand slowly reached out to cup your face and you close your eyes and lean into its embrace, his warmth driving away your chill. A lone tear leaks out from the corner of your eye, slowly tracking its way down your cheek before it is swept away by his thumb.

“I will never give up on you. I will always be here, whether in the shadows or in plain sight. I will wait for however long it takes, for however long you want, for forever,” he whispers. “I am real.”

You open your eyes and you feel something inside you that you hadn’t felt for a long time. Something you had thought was impossible. You feel your heart open its rusty doors to someone. To Sunggyu.

So, it's almost the end of the day and I hadn't expected uploading this would have taken so long, but I'd been out of the house the entire day. Not fun, especially when you only managed to get maybe 1 hour's worth of sleep.

This sounded so much better in my head! Really, I am so unsatisfied with some phrases and words. This is what I get for not writing things down when they first come to me.

I hope you guys like it though! It's much, much, much shorter than my usual oneshots, but I felt it couldn't be classified as a drabble. I am so surprised though, this story has gotten so many views on just the foward alone, my drabbles have about half the view and I have two up! Thank you for the interest.

Comments or thoughts? I'd really appreciate comments, especially for this story because of reasons. Also, how do you like the picture? It's my first edit

Happy New Year's again guys! I hope 2013 will be a great year for everyone.

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seungri_is_hawt #1
Chapter 1: ok...... um brb im gonna go stalk sunggyu right now vuz hes officially my new obsession and i um.... i freaking live ur story, and btw i wish i could have boyfriend like sunggyu