Chapter Fifteen

A Guy Like Me







Chapter 15

As soon as the group returned to the vacation house from the beach, Sungyeol rushed to take a shower so that he could go meet Myungsoo.  After showering he ran around the house trying to get ready and in his flury he attracted the attention of Woohyun.  He snuck up to Sungyeol’s room and quietly opened the door before sticking his head in and seeing a busy Sungyeol inside.  

“So where are you going?” Woohyun asked smirking and Sungyeol jumped.  

“Y-yah!  Don’t sneak up on me like that you almost gave me a heart attack!” Sungyeol exclaimed clutching his shirt over where his pounding heart was.  

“Sorry I didn’t mean to sneak up on you I swear,” Woohyun said but his laughter gave him away.  

“Yeah because you sound so convincing right now,” Sungyeol said rolling his eyes.  “Now what was it that you came here for besides to scare me?”

“Oh yeah I was going to ask you where you’re going since you see to be so busy getting ready after we came back,” Woohyun explained.  

“I’m going to Myungsoo’s house to hang out,” Sungyeol told Woohyun as he checked himself in the mirror.  “Okay I’m ready.”

Woohyun saw him off to the door and waved goodbye to him.

“Bye!  Have fun with Myungsoo but not too much fun!” Woohyun shouted out the door after Sungyeol.  

“Y-yah!  Don’t just yell things like that out!” Sungyeol yelled turning back to wave his fist at Woohyun his face bright red from embarrassment.  

“Sorry!” Woohyun yelled back not sounding sorry at all.  


Meanwhile Myungsoo had already showered up and was waiting for Sungyeol by his aunty and uncle’s restaurant.  They had agreed to meet there earlier since it was a long walk from the vacation house Sungyeol was staying at to Myungsoo’s place and Myungsoo had offered to meet there so that they could walk to his place together.  Myungsoo stood in front of the restaurant waiting when suddenly his cousin came up to him from inside the restaurant.  

“Hey Myungsoo what are you doing here?  You don’t work today,” Sungjong asked him curiously.  

“Yeah I know I’m just meeting someone here that’s all,” Myungsoo replied.  

“Oooooooooooo~ Is it the someone that you’ve been ditching me all the time for these days the tall one with the pretty smile,” Sungjong said teasingly grinning.  

“Sh-shut up I wouldn’t have told you that if I knew you were going to use it against me,” Myungsoo said frowning a bright red blush painting his cheeks.  

“Aw come on I’m just playing no need to be so sour,” Sungjong said poking Myungsoo in the arm.  “....So is it him or not?”

“Yes it is,” Myungsoo said rolling his eyes and sighing tiredly.  

“Aaaaaaaawwwwwwww,” Sungjong cooed but then suddenly his face turned serious.  “You do know that I have to meet this boy right?”

“Yeah yeah I know mom,” Myungsoo said rolling his eyes again at Sungjong.  

“I just want only the best for you Myungie,” Sungjong said throwing his arms around Myungsoo in a hug and pecking his cheek.  “And after you get Mr.tall and handsome don’t forget about your dear cousin okay?”

“Of course I won’t forget about you,” Myungsoo said chuckling and hugging him back.  “And like you would even let me forget about you.”

“Hehe you’re right,” Sungjong said laughing too.  

What they didn’t know though was that at that very moment someone just so happened to be watching them.


Myungsoo turned around and his eyes widened in shock when he saw Sungyeol standing there with tears in his eyes.  Before Myungsoo could even do anything Sungyeol suddenly turned around and started to run away.  


After Sungyeol had left the vacation house he started to walk towards the restaurant where he was suppose to meet Myungsoo.  As he got closer to the restaurant he saw Myungsoo standing there waiting but he wasn’t alone.  Standing there with Myungsoo was another boy and the two were talking when suddenly the other boy hugged Myungsoo and kissed him on the cheek.  Sungyeol’s eyes widened in shock and he felt his heart stop.  The worst part though was that Myungsoo made no attempt to push the other boy off and did not mind at all that he had just kissed him but instead just laughed and hugged him back.  Sungyeol suddenly felt sick to his stomach and he felt tears start welling up in his eyes.  

‘H-he already has someone...?’

“M-myungsoo...?” Sungyeol called out softly just having ot make sure that it was really Myungsoo that he was seeing.  

Myungsoo quickly turned around when he heard Sungyeol call his name and his eyes widened in shock.  At this point Sungyeol was sure that it was Myungsoo that he was seeing and he did the first thing that came to his mind: he ran away as fast as he could.  

“S-sungyeol...SUNGYEOL!  WAIT SUNGYEOL LET ME EXPLAIN!” Sungyeol heard Myungsoo yell from behind him and he could hear him running to catch up with him.  

After hearing this though Sungyeol just ran faster and having longer legs than Myungsoo he was able to get a lot further than him and eventually Myungsoo had to stop and rest before his lungs exploded.  

“SUNGYEOL!” Myungsoo shouted out desperately as he slumped over trying to catch his breath and watched Sungyeol’s figure disappear off into the distance.  “Damn it!”


And here’s chapter 15~

i decided to cut it off here at a cliffhanger because i figured that if i would’ve put the whole myungyeol getting together part in this chapter it would have turned out REALLY i owe you all an update today ^^;

Don’t worry all the misunderstandings will be cleared up and myungyeol will get together and be happy i promise!!!

And in other news...sungjong finally appeared!  He’s myungsoo’s cousin so don’t worry he won’t get in the way at all of myungyeol~

Myungyeol is getting together next chapter so anticipate it!!!

So until next chapter my lovely subscribers bye ^-^/

Remember to subscribe and comment i love to hear what you all think ^-^b







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Chapter 17 for "A Guy Like Me" has finally been posted! Go check it out~


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 23: This is a good storyy
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 16: Sungyeolliiieeeeee
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 11: Cute myungyeol
Simran20 #4
Chapter 23: The story was really good
Loved every couples.
Chapter 2: Omg...who does that? XD
Plots a revenge to hurt someone but makes sure that that someone has someone to comfort them XD
Chapter 23: Awhh woohyun thnking gyu for loving him.thts so sweet :3
Chapter 23: Awhh woohyun thnking gyu for loving him.thts so sweet :3
Chapter 16: Kattun and The Akame couple....but when akanishi got married felt like he betrayed my baby kamenashi kazuya.still love kame from 2007 xDkyaaha
Chapter 23: Thank you for this wonderful story ^^