My awful day at the beach

Fight between good and evil

Suzuki's Mother POV: "You wanted me?" A voice said softly as the person approached me. I turned around and squinted to see in the dark that surrounded me. I glanced over my shoulder where I was watching Suzuki peacefully sleep. "Yes, it's time that she knew." I said to the boy in front of me. He looke through his black bangs and I saw concern in his eyes. "What if she doesn't believe us?" He asked his blue eyes burning into mine. I chuckled and put my pale hand on his shoulder. "My daughter might not be the brightest, but she isn't that stupid when it comes to cute boys." I said and his pale  cheeks turned bright pink. We just need to convince her that she has the abilitiy to choose between heaven and hell. I closed my eyes and felt warm tears swell behind my eyes. "I don't want her to make the same mstake I did, Mika." I said opening my eyes and staring at the boy. Mika smiled warmly and looked down at Suzuki. "Well it's not like she wanted this curse." A voice said behind me. I clenched my fist and tried my hardest not to yell at him. "No, it's a blessing." I said trying to control my anger. The boy walked around me until he stood beside Suzuki to. "She won't believe us." The boy said looking up at us, his black bangs stained with blood. Mika narrowed his eyes at him. "Well who else would trust a demon like you?" Mika snapped walking up to the boy. "Hey, no fighting. She may not choose right away and seeing you guys fighting like this, might make her not choose at all." I said stepping between both of them. "Thunder, she actually might believe you." I said suddenly. If she realizes the dangers around her, Mika or Thunder can explain it to her. As if reading my mind, Mika sighed. "No, Thunder will screw that up. You can't trust him." Mika said not even caring if Thunder was standing beside him. "I can't control when Noriko will attack. He knows it's time for her to choose and who knows what will happen." Thunder said looking at his clothes and outfit that had slashes through them. "I just want you both to keep a eye out for her." I said glaring at them both. "Well I think-" Mika cut Thunder off by holding up his hand to his face. "We'll do it." Mika said giving a side glare to Thunder. I wonder if demons really are looking for her...I looked at Thunder who was watching Suzuki expressionless. Would her really side with them? "Ok, I'll be watching you." I said as Mika and Thunder started to fade away. I hope Suzuki will be ok, poor Suzuki...

            Suzuki's POV: "I'm going to pass out." I groaned blowing into the air up raft again. Iv'e been trying to air up this thing for hours. "Give it one more try." Yuki said fixing her zebra print two piece. "If I pass out, it's your fault then you will have to carry me to the beach." I said holding the plastic over the hole. "Your the one who decided to go to the beach." Yuki said brushing her long blonde hair in front of my huge dresser mirror. We have been concentrating so hard on school, that we haven't been able to relax. "Can you believe summer break is just two days away?" Yuki said putting her blonde hair in a neat pony tail. "Actually no." I said resuming to air up the huge floaty. I felt it expand under my hands and I blew into it slowly. "I hope there will be cute boys." Yuki said sitting beside me on my blue huge bed that stretched out diagonally at the left side of the room. The bed squeaked when I blew into it. "There." I said happily and I handed the green floaty to her. "No I can get a tan." She mumbled looking down at her pale arms. "Well, are we ready?" I said standing up and jumping up and down excitedly. We haven't been to the beach in a long time. The last time iv'e been to the beach was with my mom. I stopped jumping and stared at my dresser that was across from my bed. I stared at the mirror on it, I look like my mom. I have long brown hair like her, pale arms and face, but piercing blue eyes. "Are you ok?" Yuki asked standing in front of me. I shook my head and nodded. "Yeah, let's go." I said swurving around our clothes and other stuff. We walked down the hallway my footsteps echoing off the walls. Finally we reached the door. "My s are small." I said putting my hands on my flat chest. Yuki just shook hear head at me and walked outside. I shielded my eyes with my hand. The warm sunlight seemed to blind me and I squinted to see, It's so pretty outside.  We made our way through our huge yard and I stopped by our blue mustang that shined in the sunlight. Yuki opened the drivers seat and she mumbled something to herself.  "Prepare for the ice cream monster." I said as I opened the door handel. Pain shot through my hand as I touched the hot metal. "Ow.." I said squeezing my hand as I sat down in the seat. It's so hot, but it's soothing. I took a deep breath and sighed as the hot air surrounded me. I rolled down my window as we backed out of our rocky drive way. "I hope a bug doesn't fly in my mouth."  I said as the warm air hit my face making tears stream down my face.  Thanks mom for sure amazing weather. A couple of more minutes of amazing breeze through my hair I saw the white beach in the distants. Blurry shapes of people past the car. We pulled up in the parking spaces in front of the beach. I heard the muffled laughter people as they passed us by. "Let's go!" I said bouncing in the seat making it squeak. Yuki gave a tiny smile. "Ok, let's go five year old." She said and she opened the car door. I walked out and winced as I stepped on the hard concreate of the sidewalk. "Wow look at the cute boys." I said scanning the area. A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was walking with a group of girls with a white  surf board. He watched me carefully as I walked by. I screamed as I stumbled over my feet and clung onto Yuki at the last minute making us both crash down on the hot sidewalk. "Really?" Yuki mumbled in my ear. I groaned and stood up. "Are you ok?" The boy asked trying not to laugh. The girls snickered behind him. "Y-Yeah..." I said wiping off the small  rocks that stuck to me. He just gave a tiny nod and continued walking. "Great." I said to Yuki who sadly watched the boy walk away. "Hey Thunder, let's sit over here." A boy with black flippy bangs said on the beach as he pointed to a spot under a group of thick trees. I felt my cheeks turn bright red. "Let's sit over there." I said tugging on Yuki's  arm and making her walk in the direction the two boys where. "Why?" She asked but she looked up as she saw both boys and she went wide eyed. "Yeah." She said and we walked a couple feet in front of them. Why do I feel like I know them from somewhere? I looked at the boy with black hair and blue eyes. He must be Thunder... "I'm just going to sit here for a while." Yuki said looking out of the corner of her eye at the boys. "I'm going swimming." I said walking straight ahead until the bright sunlight shined brightly on my face. I stopped in front of the waves that crashed against the sand then pulling back. "Ok, here goes nothing." I said stepping in the clear cold water. I stood there stunned for a moment but I shook my head. It's just water. I went further out and I felt my teeth chatter. "Wait up Mika." A voice said from behind me. I  looked over my shoulder at both boys as they walked towards me. The one known as Mika flashed me a dazzling smile as he passed me. "I hope you fall on your face." Thunder said following him closely. He glanced over at me and stopped dead and glared at me. "Do you got a staring problem?" He snapped challenginly. I fidgeted uneasily in the water. "I-I'm sorry..." I began and pain pierced through my leg and I let out a scream. Thunder went wide eyed as I leaped on him. We both yelled and went crashing in the clear water. Oh god...

                 Yuki's POV: I jumped as I heard the familiar scream of Suzuki. Great...What happened to her now? I sat up and looked around the beach that was slowly being empty. I sighed and trudged through the sand towards the noise. "Thunder!" A boy said with black hair and blue eyes said. A boy with also black hair and darker blue eyes leaped up out of the water. I froze as I saw a girl with long brown hair and piercing blue eyes clinging to him. "Suzuki!" I yelled running towards the water. I winced on how cold it was but I forced myself to keep running. "I'm so sorry." I said to the boy. He looked at me sharply and I flinched on how mad he looked. "I-I..." Suzuki slowly got off him and avoided his glare. "It's ok, accidents happen." The other boy said with a friendly smile. "She just got scared probally." I said looking at the boy more closely. Something isn't right about him..."I'll repay you back by buying you both ice cream." Suzuki said fixing her brown crazy hair. "No, I don't want anything from you." Thunder said staring at her and sinking down in the water. "Well I am really sorry." She said looking at her feet through the clear water. "It was probally a jellyfish." The other boy said with a shrug. "Yeah, it hurt like-" Suzuki began but a huge wave from behind us crashed over us. I shivered as the cold water seemed to soak into me. I heard the laughter above water and I shot up. "It washed over her right when she was talking, I hope she has salt water in ." Thunder said as Suzuki didn't say anything. "You know what..." She began looking through her tangly brown hair that was in her face. Everyone stared at her confusedly. "I'm tired of your attitude." She screamed and she lunged towards Thunder quickly. They both disappeared underwater but when she shot up her face was beat red. "What?" Me and the boy both asked  at the same time. Thunder shot up and flipped his black hair. "Satisfied?" He said then he slowly lifted up his white swimming trunks. I let out a startled gasp and moved away from him. "Did she.." The other boy said his jaw hanging open. "No! You got to believe me! I wouldn't do that." Suzuki said pressing her pale hands against her face. I gave her a unbeliving look. She pantsed my old boyfriend before.... "Really? Are you saying I would randomly take my pants off underwater?" Thunder asked looking at his trunks. "Y-Yes." Suzuki said struggling not to look. "Your a idiot, no I didn't." Thunder said putting his trunks back on again. "Want to go get some ice cream?" The other boy said with  a smile. "Sure." I said glancing over my shoulder at those two as we walked towards the shore. "My name is Mika." The boy said shielding his eyes with his hand. "My name is Yuki." I said shaking my foot in disguist as the sand clung to my foot. "My friends name is Thunder." Mika said looking at the water at Thunder and Suzuki as they were dunking each other. "He has a bad temper." I blurted out. I looked at him apologetically and covered my mouth with my cold hands. "No your right." He said nodding slowly. It's ok, those two would be perfect for each other. "They would be great together." Mika said as if he was reading my thoughts. I flinched and concentarated on the sand. That's kinda weird. "There is the ice cream booth." He said happily jerking me out of my thoughts. We both walked up to it and I squinted to see the menu. "Hey pretty ladie." A man said his black mustache. I gulped uneasily and glanced at Mika who made a disguisted face. "Can I have a chocolate ice cream cone." Mika said looking at the menu. Then he looked at me. He's buying me mine? "Umm....A vanilla?" I said and gave a thankful smile to Mika. "Here you are pretty lady." The man said handing me mine. He handed Mika's his and sighed. "Your a lucky fellow, to have a pretty girl like her." The man said winking at Mika. I felt my cheeks turn bright pink. "No, were just friends." Mika said shaking his head, his pale face even turning pink. "Thanks for the ice cream." I said it. "No problem." Mika said as he tilted his head to the melting ice cream. "Your so stupid, how can that poor girl stand you?" Thunder said off in the distance. Mika rolled his eyes. "I can't stand either of them." I said jokingly. Suzuki let out a happy squeal and ran towards us. "Ice cream?" She said her blue eyes shining on me. "Mika gave me it." I said it and shivering as it hit my tooth. "Can I have a , thanks." Thunder said grabbing my ice cream out of my hands. I gasped and he took a huge . "Here." He said awkwardly and he handed some to Suzuki. She looked up startled but smiled. "Thanks." She said. He held the cone again and tilted it towards her. She leaned foreword to it but he jerked away with a smirk. "Hey!" She said annoyedly. "Sorry." He said.

          Thunder's POV: She is actually pretty weird. "Hey, let me have a !" Suzuki whined as I jerked away once again. "Can I have it back?" Yuki asked holding out her hand. "Sure." I said handing her the ice cream cone that had melted ice cream dripping down the side. "It's melting." Yuki whined it depseratlely. Yeah ice cream does that. "Oh great." Suzuki said looking over my shoulder. I looked over where she was looking. A boy with blonde flippy hair and blue eyes was sitting further away from us. Does she like him? I gave a grin and rested my hands on her warm sun burnt shoulders. "You should talk to him." I whispered in her ear. Her pale cheeks turned bright pink and she stumbled over her feet. "No! I had a very embarrassing moment earlier with him. Mika gave me a warning look. I know...Don't trust any other strangers. "Hey!"I called out to the boy. He looked at me quickly and I gave a friendly smile. Suzuki walked around me so he couldn't see who she was. "What do you want?" The boy said as he walked over towards me. "My friend wants your number." I said stepping aside to reveal Suzuki. She had her eyes closed tightly. "That's the girl who fell on her earlier." He chuckled and he smiled at the girl. "Sure. What's your name?" The boy said tilting his head at her. Uneasy went through me and I looked at Mika who looked like he was going to deck me in the face. "Suzuki." She mumbled looking at her feet that was covered in sand. "I'm Randy and is this your brother?" Randy said looking down at me. Suzuki looked at me pleadingly. "Yeah, probally saw us arguing?" I said trying to not let my anger show. No, I am way hotter then Suzuki...Well she's not even hot. "Yeah, she seemed pretty upset." Randy said walking around her until he was standing protectively beside her. Yuki nodded and so did Mika. I was just joking! "Well I'm going to steal your sister for a while." Randy said putting his hand on her back and pulling her away from us. Mika stared at me like telling me to go with them. "Hey, I'm going to." I said clenching my fist. "Why?" Suzuki whispered to me as she squeezed between us. "I don't trust him." I said avoiding her confused look. "You really do sound like my brother." She said half to her self but she just smiled at me. I don't care but Mika and Yuki do. "Hey, let's go swimming." Randy said shielding his eyes from the sun. Suzuki had a half smile when she stared at his perfect body and blue eyes. "Yeah, come on Thunder." She said walking beside Randy. Randy looked back at me and beckoned for me to follow. "I'm going to sit out here. I might swim later." I said sitting on the shore in front of the water. Suzuki smile faded for a minute. You like the guy, I'm not gay so yeah. She held up a finger to Randy as they were half way in the water. She splashed noisly towards me. "Yeah?" I asked picking a piece of sand up in my hand. "Please swim with us, I'm so nervous." She begged stomping her feet in the water. I narrowed my eyes at her. "What am I? Your father or something?" I said and she stared blankly down at me. Was it something I said? She shook her head and the brightness in her eyes returned. "Please Thunder?" She said shaking my arm with her cold hands. "Fine." I groaned standing up. We both trudged through the cold clear water and I shivered. "About time." Randy snapped. Suzuki flinched and I let my jaw drop a little bit. He actually seemed pretty nice. "Let's have fun." Randy said and he scooped Suzuki up in his strong arms. She gasped with surprise and Randy flung his arms out and Suzuki flyed over the water and landed with a splash. "You guys don't look related." Randy said making me jump. I shrugged and I saw the bubbles as Suzuki swam closer to us. I grinned and pressed my hands down on her shoulders to keep her from coming up. A moment later she shot up and screamed my name. I laughed and swam further out and she splashed widely making the water hit Randy in the face. "I got you." She said grabbing my arm. She leaped on me and we both crashed under the water again. The coldness surrounded me making me dizzy. We both shot up and I flipped my black bangs making water fly everywhere. Suzuki's pale cheeks turned bright red as I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. Why is she blushing? I cleared my throat and Randy chuckled. "Let's see who can stay under the longest." He said standing beside Suzuki. She nodded in agreement and smiled at me. I snickered and looked away. She's so weird. "Suzuki, you go first." Randy said leaning over her. She nodded and plugged her nose and sunk underwater. Randy stared at me and I froze as his blue eyes turned bright red like mine does. He's a demon! I swam towards him and punched him hard in the face. He growled and picked me up by the arms. His red eyes burned into mine then he flung me hard. I landed with a painful splash futher away. I layed in the water dazed for a moment but I struggled to break the surface. I got to help Suzuki! I swam to were they both were. "How long was that?" Suzuki spluttered. Randy shrugged, his red eyes gone. "Go under again." He said looking at me quickly. She rolled her eyes and went back under. Randy glared at me and chuckled."Leave her alone." I snapped but pain surged through me as his fist flung towards me and landed squarly on my nose. I stumbled back in pain. He leaned over Suzuki and pressed his hands on her shoulders his red eyes glowing in delight. This is going to hurt like heck...I leaped on him and punched him in the mouth. He roared in pain and flung me off. I landed in the water with another splash and I saw his reflection lean over me. Help us!

            Suzuki's POV: I sprung out above the water and flipped my hair out of my face. I wiped my eyes and looked around for Randy and Thunder. They left without me... I froze as they both jumped out of the water. Blood poured down Thunder's face. Were they fighting? I swam towards them, kicking with all of my strength. Thunder sprang up and stared at me. "Run!" He said before a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders and making him fall backwards in the water. I let out a startled scream and swam towards the shore. Pain surged through my leg and I jerked underwater. I heard laughter and I felt strong hands push down on my shoulders until my chest touched the smushy ground. Randy? I struggled to get free of his grip but he didn't budge. I glanced up at the surface and saw his red glowing eyes. I let out a terrified scream and tried kicking him. His...eyes were red! That's  not human! I struggled again but I felt my strength fading away and black spots started to swirm around me. I can't believe that when I like a guy, he tries to kill me. The world seemed to spin around me and the darkness finally swirled around me until I saw nothing else. "Suzuki." A voice called out. I opened my eyes and was surrounded by nothing but darkness. "Hello?" I called out my voice shaking with fear. I can't see anything... "It's ok." The soft voice said sounding really close. A bright light formed behind me and I gulped. "Don't go towards the light..." I said out loud. A soft chuckle formed in the light. "You never were the smartest." The light started to fade to reveal a lady wearing all white but she had long brown hair. "Mom?" I called out walking towards her slowly. She smiled and opened up her arms for a hug. I felt wet tears pour down my face as I ran into her arms. "It's ok, Suzuki. But we need to have a talk." She said her blue eyes glowing with concern. I gulped and met her gaze curiuosly. "Well..what's wrong?" I asked after the very long pause. "Those two boys are very special." My mom began watching my expression carefully. Special? What's so special about them? "The only thing special is their attitude and looks." I said giving a grin. My moms soft gaze hardened and I frowned. "No, they aren't human...." She said avoiding my gaze. I let my jaw drop in amazement. "I know! There's no way Thunder can get so angry at me." I blurted out crossing my arms. My mom tried to hide a smile. "No, my dear Suzuki, they are very special beings. Haven't you noticed anything strange?" She pressed leaning foreword. I looked around at my black surroundings. Not really..."Wait, Randy's eyes. They were like red cat eyes." I said flopping my arms around in panic. My mom sighed and pressed her hand on her forehead. "You got to believe them when they tell you Suzuki." She said her and her voice starting to fade now. I called out her name but only her blue eyes still remained but they slowly vanished. "Come on Suzuki!" A muffled voice yelled over me. The world seemed to spin around me. What's happening? My vision was super blurry and I could see three people leaning over me. The vision started to clear and I tasted the gross salt water in my mouth. I sat up and everyone was wide eyed at me. "Wev'e been trying forever." Mika said looking down at me. Yuki had her face covered but I could see a tear stream down her cheek. They must have been worried sick about me. Well...accept Thunder. "Welcome back. We almost lost you." Thunder said slapping me on my sun burnt back. "Thanks guys." I croaked my voice barely a whisper. "We took care of Randy." Thunder said looking at me, the side of his face all bloody. I gave him a thankful smile. "Let's get you home." Mika said standing up and brushing the sand off of him. "Won't you guys have to drive your car?" Yuki asked wiping the tears from her eyes. Mika stared at Thunder only for a second. "We walked here, we'll drive and keep you company." Mika said putting his warm arms around my shoulder. I blushed as he smiled at me. Mika is really cute to.. "Thanks." I said smiling at him. "I'm not driving, I'm taking a long nap." Thunder mumbled half to his self. "Ok, you can chill back there with me." I said playfully shoving him. He looked at me sharply, his blue eyes darkening. "I said...I'm going to bed." He growled. I flinched and gulped. Does he have the same red eyes? I glanced at him to make sure, no their normal. I hope my mom was just kidding. "Well I guess I'll have to drive then." Mika chuckled as no one responded. I winced as I walked across the hot concreate. "Your an Idiot for not bringing shoes." Thunder mumbled. He rolled his eyes and slipped off his black sandels. "Thanks." I said slipping them on. He just nodded and woddled towards the car. I guess he's not that bad. I sighed as we all finally reached the car. Mika smiled as he opened the drivers seat, Yuki by him. "I call the right." Me and Thunder both said at the same time. He glared at me. "No, take the left." He said shoving me playfully. I frowned. "No." I snapped shoving him back. "Just get in children." Yuki said turning around in her seat to stare at us. "Fine." I grunted and moved my way to the left. "Thanks buddy." Thunder said giving me a half smile. I sighed and pressed myself against the left door until I felt the metal. "Want to listen to music?" Thunder said in my ear. I looked over and he was holding a white Ipod in his hand. I nodded and took a head phone. Why is he being so nice all of a sudden? I heard the loud music blaring it was scream and shout by britnay spears and I bobbed my head to the music. I love this song! I glanced over at Thunder who was mouthing the words. "I'm sleepy." I groaned and layed my head on the warm window.

                 Yuki's POV: "Look at them." Mika nudged me with his elbow making me jump. "What?" I said looking over the seat to were Mika was looking through the rerview mirror. Suzuki had her head on Thunder's shoulder and she was sleeping peacefully. Thunder had his head on hers, they both were asleep. "So cute." I squealed turning around in my seat to see better. They look like a couple. "They seem more relaxed." Mika mumbled and he squinted as he looked foreword again. "Yeah, it's good to not hear them both yelling and screaming at each other." I said resting my arm against the warm window then laying my head down on it. A couple moments later I realized the familiar trees that passed us by and the huge house in the distance. "This is our house." I said pointing to it. Mika looked through the wind shield to see it. "Big house for two people." He mumbled and I heard the rocks crunch under our tires. "Wake up love birds." I said turning around in my seat. Suzuki grunted and yawned. Thunder opened his blue eyes and stared at me unblinkingly. "Ew!" Suzuki screeched and leaped away from Thunder. "Trying to me now?" Thunder said glaring at her. Well so much for relaxed. "Wow nice house." Thunder mumbled after the long silence. He looked out the black window and struggled to see the full house. "Well it has enough rooms for you guys." I said as Mika turned off the car. "Wow wait, are we staying here?" Thunder blurted out. He glanced over at Suzuki who stared at me in dismay. "Well...We don't really have anywhere to live." Mika said staring at Thunder. Suzuki looked at the floor board and mumbled something to her self. It won't be bad if they live here right? "Thanks, we won't be any trouble.." Mika said calmly while flashing Thunder a warning glare. "Ok, let's go." I said opening up the door to get away from the intense glares. It should help all of us all get along together. I heard the annoyed arguing of Suzuki behind me. Mika picked up his pace and walked beside me as we stopped in front of our white porch that had paint fading from it. "Shut up, and be glad were staying." Thunder snapped as he stood behind me. We all stomped up the porch stairs and it creaked under our feet. "I'm so tired." Thunder mumbled the anger and annoyance gone from his voice. We all walked in the room and our huge living room loomed in front of us. Fancy furniture was everywhere and futher away to the left was our kitchen. "Nice." Thunder said looking around with a impressed expression on his face. "Well I'm going up stairs to claim my room." Thunder said turning towards our white stair case. "No! My room is upstairs!" Suzuki said stumbling towards him, nearly falling on his face. "So what." He said stomping up stairs. I listened to their voices and footsteps until it echoed from upstaires. "There is more rooms down staires." I said avoiding Mika's bright smile. "Ok, thanks Yuki." He said turning around and walking down the narrow hallway. "No! Those are my gummy bears!" I heard Suzuki yell from upstaires. Great, now I have to deal with two kids. I walked in the brightly colored kitchen and sighed. Now I got to make super. "Need help?" Mika's voice from behind me made me jump. "Yeah." I blurted out without thinking. Before I could correcct myself he leaned against the counter and tilted his head. "Well we need some eggs, flour and steak." I said avoiding his amused stare. He knows I'm nervous. "For 18 your pretty mature." He said grabbing the stuff out of our huge fridge. How does he know my age? "Yeah I get that alot." I lied. He stood in front of the tiny window in front of the sink and looked out it. I froze as the wind blew through his hair. He is really cute...I shook my head. "I better go let the two kids know that supers being made." I said turning away and trying to walk away cooly. It's like were a family.. I walked up the stairs and listened to the echoing of my foot steps. I stopped by Suzuki's door and knocked gently. "Eww give me that back!" Suzuki yelled. I flinched and gave a half smile. The door flung open and Thunder stood in front of me with a white bra in his hand. "Yuki, tell him to give me it back." Suzuki whined her pale cheeks red. I giggled and Thunder held up the bra and put it against his chest. "You must be a B cup." He said raising a eyebrow at her. Suzuki snatched the bra from him angerly. "Shut up." She growled and stomped across her room and threw it in the dresser drawer.  "Supper is being cooked." I said with a smile. Thunder went wide eyed and he leaned towards me. "Ok mother." He said gently. I felt my heart pound with nervousness. "N-No! I am not your mother." I snapped feeling my cheeks turn bright red. He's like a mean. I pouted. Suzuki beckoned me over to her. I swurved around Thunder who was still rummaging through stuff. "Do they have to stay with us?" She whined when I reached her. "Yeah, it's only fair." I said glancing at Thunder who glanced at Suzuki for only a second. "Why? What do you mean?" She asked her eyes growing wide. "Well you have to repay Thunder, after all, he gave you mouth to mouth." I blurted out making them both look up at me quickly. "What?!" Suzuki screamed her pale cheeks turning red. "Yeah, so you owe me." Thunder said holding up Suzuki's favorite black and blue DC hat. "But..." Suzuki began looking down to hide her beat red face. "Well I'm going down staires children." I said turning around and leaving Suzuki alone with Thunder. I walked down staires while imagining her face. I giggled and called Mika's name. I froze as I heard him talking to someone gently. He seemed very confused but yet determined. Who is he talking to? I ducked behind the counter where he was on the other side. I don't see anyone, who is he talking to? I froze as I heard the familiar voice of Suzuki's mom. How can she be here? Isn't she....I gulped and looked away. Of course she is gone...But then how can Mika talk to her? Is he the one was supposed to help us choose? I gripped my other hand deperately. I was told that when I was smaller, then Suzuki's mother took me in and told me more about our destiny.

                      Mika's POV: I glanced over my shoulder and made sure no one else was listening. "Tell her Mika, show them." Nami, Suzuki's Mom said. "What do I to show them ?" I said feeling panic rise in me. "Maybe if you show Yuki or Suzuki, then they will believe each other." Nami said her voice drifting through the wind. They won't believe me. I closed my eyes and I let my huge white wings unfold. The breeze blew gently on them and I sighed. "Y-You...are.." Some one stuttered from behind me. I looked over my shoulder in alarm. Yuki was clinging onto the counter wide eyed. Suzuki walked around the corner with Thunder by her side.. They both stopped and looked sharply up at me. Suzuki went wide eyed and let out a high pitched scream. Thunder stared wide eyed at me in shock. "I...." I started but Thunder jumped in front of Suzuki. "It's just your mind playing tricks on you." He said quickly looking deep in her eyes. Suzuki blushed and looked over his shoulder still. "I am your guardian angel." I blurted out and I clenched my fist and waited for the worst. Suzuki lifted her hand up weakly and opened  but nothing came out. "Your....The ones?" Yuki said stepping away from the counter, her face paler then usual. What?  "What do you mean?" Suzuki said trying to make her self laugh it off. Thunder stared down at her and his blue eyes darkened until they tinted with the bright red color. "He's a monster!" Suzuki screeeched flunging herself against the wall away from Thunder. I let my jaw drop as he flinched. "I hope the demons get you." He yelled before stomping off with his fist by his side. Suzuki gulped and looked in the direction where he walked off. "What's going on?" She choked out staring at me fear burning in her eyes. "You were destined on a destiny, you have the power to choose between heaven and hell." I blurted out walking towards her slowly.Suzuki stared at Yuki but she slowly smiled. Why isn't she like Suzuki? "I knew about the destiny, Iv'e been waiting for you guys forever." She said giving a bounce of excitement. Suzuki sighed and ran her fingers through her long brown hair. "You mean....I have to choose?" She said her voice barely a whisper. I put my hand on her shoulder and made her look up at me gently. "It's ok, me and Thunder are going to help you." I said gently and her pale cheeks turned bright pink. "So Thunder is the demon." Yuki blurted out suddenly looking at the white counter. Suzuki looked where Thunder went in dismay. "I got to apologize.." She said softly. She looked down and let her brown hair fall in her face. "If you apologize, He might forgive you." I said incouragingly. She smiled and gave a tiny nod. She charged towards the huge stair case. I hope he will forgive her anyway. "Well what do we have to do to help her choose?" Yuki said tilting her head at me her blonde hair falling in her face. "Well we just have to see how she reacts with both angels and demons." I said walking in the huge living room. Yuki let out a tiny gasp. "Well isn't it obvous? Anyone would choose a angle over a demon." Yuki said glancing at the staircase to make sure no one heard us. "You don't know that, she might choose demons or angles depending on how me and Thunder act towards her." I said sitting on a huge leather couch in front of a flat screen. "You better work on that then." Yuki said sitting beside me and turning on the tv. "Hey, let's watch a movie." Suzuki said running down staires with a movie in her hand. Thunder followed after her slowly giving her a 'your stupid' look.  "Sure." I said scooting over. "Wait, then I got to get my huge blanket." Suzuki said spinning around on her foot. "I hope you fall on your face." Thunder mumbled giving her a half smile. "Whatever." She grunted walking upstaires. Thunder sat by my feet on the floor. "You don't want to sit up here with us?" I asked gently kicking him in the back. "No." He said looking over his shoulder at me. I heard the clumsy stumble of Suzuki as she ran down staires. "I'm back." She said sitting on her knees as she put the disk in the dvd player on top of the tv. Would she sit beside me or Thunder? "Scoot over." Suzuki said sitting beside me. Thunder glanced up at her expressionless. "What are we watching?" I asked scooting over as she wrapped herself up in her covers. "Paranormal activity four." She said huddling down until the cover was up to her nose. "I'm turning off the lights." Thunder announced. He stood up and turn off the lights, leaving us all in the dark. I froze as Suzuki wrapped her arms around mine. "I'm scared of the dark." She whined. I smiled and  her arm. "It's ok, it's not that bad." I mumbled in her ear. The movie started and she went wide eyed. "I'm scared." She said slowly scooting on the floor beside Thunder who was staring at the tv his mouth barely open. "Ew get away from me." He said jerking away from her. "I'm scared!" She repeated clinging onto his arm. I gasped as his pale cheeks turned red as she squeezed his arm. I smiled and stared down at them. I squinted as I saw Thunder holding something in his hand. Is that....Suzuki's bra? "Hey! give me back my bra you ert!" Suzuki yelled leaning over him to grab it. "No, it' mine." He laughed holding it above her head. Yuki sighed and crained her neck to see the TV. "Give me-" Suzuki broke off as she grunted as she fell on top of Thunder. They both layed there stunned. Thunder went wide eyed as he saw her inches away from him. "G-Get off me." He stuttered gently pushing her off. " so sorry." She squealed quickly getting off of him and leaping back on the couch beside me. I laughed and they both awkwardly looked back at the TV. Weird kids.     

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