Chapter 7

Which Jonghyun?

“Jonghyun, why don’t you eat some more?  You’re so skinny.” said Grandma, as she gave him more rice.

                After 5 hours, the trio was finally at the grandparent’s place.  The train ride was 4 hours long, but getting to the small remote village was another hour.  Grandpa and Grandma came to pick up the younglings.  They were tired, especially Jonghyun.  Grandma was so excited that her grandsons were bringing home a girl that could possibly be her future granddaughter that she made her best dishes and it was only lunch.  Jonghyun and Kyuhyun’s grandparents were only in their 60s.  They used to live in Seoul, but decided to live in the country side because they grew up never liking the city much.  Thus, when Jonghyun and Kyuhyun’s mother is mad she lets out her country accent and that is a sign that you’re in some big trouble.

                “Grandma, I’m full already.” complained Jonghyun.

                “Don’t be shy, Sungmi.” said Grandpa.  “Eat some more.”

                “Yeah, Sungmi.  You ate so little.” said Kyuhyun, as he ate a spoonful of rice.

                Jonghyun just rolled his eyes, as he ate some kimchi.  Sungmi smiled, as she lightly shook her head.  “It’s OK.  I’m full.” she said.

                “You ate so little though.” said Grandpa and Kyuhyun, unison.

                Grandma laughed.  “Are you trying to look good for Jonghyun?” she asked and then winked at Sungmi.  Grandma’s statement caused Jonghyun to choke on his rice.

                “No way would I do that for him.” laughed Sungmi.  “I love myself too much to starve for him.”

                “Then eat some more.” said Grandma, as she placed two dumplings into Sungmi’s bowl.

                “You’re too skinny, Sungmi.  Aish…  You teenagers are stick thin.” said Grandpa, as he shook his head.

                “Grandpa, I’m lean not thin.  That’s Jonghyun; he barely has any muscles.” contemplated Kyuhyun, as Jonghyun sent him the glare.  “And, Sungmi…  Yeah, she’s thin.”

                “I am not thin!!” she said.  “I’m over weight.”

                Kyuhyun laughed.  “A few more pounds and then you’ll be perfect.” he said, as he eyed her.  “A little more here…  And, you’ll be perfect for me.”  Kyuhyun made a gesture to his chest and it was as if a bomb exploded on Sungmi’s face.

                “Kyuhyun, are you saying that my chest is too small?” asked Sungmi, boldly and offended.

                “Kyuhyun!!  That is not gentlemen talking there!” said Grandma.  She hit him at the back of his head.  “Be polite.  Besides this is the dinner table, keep your ual comments between you and your brother.”

                “I didn’t even say anything!!” said Jonghyun. 

                “I saw your eyes, mister!” said Grandma, as she looked at him.

                Sungmi sent Jonghyun a disgusted face.  He shook his head.  “No, I didn’t.” he said   Jonghyun did glance at her chest to evaluate if they were fitting for Kyuhyun’s liking, but that was it. 

                Kyuhyun laughed out loud.  “Nice to know that you like them too Jonghyun.” he said.

                “Well, let’s go onto another topic.” said Grandma.  “Sungmi, which one of my grandsons are you in a relationship with?”

                “Neither.” she answered, without a beat. 

                “Oh, I see.  Their mother was talking too quickly on the phone, so I wasn’t sure.” said Grandma, with a nod.

                “Why don’t you marry the both of them?” asked Grandpa, suddenly.

                “What?” asked Sungmi and Jonghyun, unison.  Kyuhyun starts to laugh.

                “Yes!!  Marry the both of them and have many children!!  So then I’ll have many great grandchildren to take care of!!” smiled Grandma.  Jonghyun started to choke on his water.    Grandma turned to him.  “Are you OK, sweetie?”

                “Oh, wow!  And, have children that are all brothers, sisters, and cousins.” nodded Sungmi, stiffly.  “That’s amazing…”

                Grandpa laughed.  “Both my grandsons are handsome, just take your pick.  Or, even better, have the both of them.” he said.  “Kyuhyun is a fine young man and Jonghyun is a womanizer, but he has a kind heart.  So, if you can’t decide….  Take the both of them.”

                Sungmi laughed, chiming in with the older man.  “I’ll think about it.” she said, with a smile.



                “Do you guys ever bring home girls or what?” asked Sungmi.

                “Of course we do!” answered Jonghyun, annoyed.

                “We do, it’s just that our parents don’t like them.” answered Kyuhyun, with a smile.  The brothers were showing Sungmi around the small village, as they made their way to the little market to get some items for Grandma.  There wasn’t much, thus they were on their way to the main square.

                “Woah.” said Sungmi, as she was about to slip.

                “Be careful.” said Kyuhyun, as he grabbed onto her arm.  After he steadied her, his hand slipped down to her hand and held it.  “This road gets pretty slippery, even though it’s a dirt road.  Since Grandpa and Grandma live all the way up here, near the mountain, they get a lot of rain and so, thus the roads are icy and slippery.  So, be careful.”

                “Hi, Jonghyun.” said a soft voice.

                The trio turned to the person.  It was a young woman around his age.  She was short and pretty with long straight hair.  Her eyes were big and bright with pale white skin.

                Jonghyun smiled.  “Hi, Eunmi.” he said.

                “Hi, Kyuhyun.” said Eunmi, as she turned to the taller young man.  “And, you are?”

                “Hi, my name is Jung Sungmi.” she said.

                “Nice to meet you, Sungmi.” said Eunmi.  “I should be going.  See you all around.”  She left with a smile.

                After Eunmi was out of ear shot, Sungmi said, “You like her?”

                “Well, DUH!” said Jonghyun, rolling his eyes.

                “Don’t fool around with country girls…  That’s just wrong.” said Sungmi.  “She’s too sweet to get used by you.”

                “You little-” started Jonghyun, as he lowered his face to her level.

                “Back off, Jonghyun!” said Kyuhyun, as pulled his brother away.

                “I’m just talking about the truth!” defended Sungmi.

                “Well, maybe you should keep your comments to yourself!!” yelled Jonghyun, as he was about to grab her.  Kyuhyun stepped in the way.

                “Jonghyun…  Just keep your cool.” he said.

                Jonghyun took a d deep breath.  “I can’t keep my cool anymore.” he said, as he started walking away.  “I can’t take it anymore!!  I don’t care about my Literature grade next school year; I’m going to tell Mrs. Kim to call this stupid project off!”  He walked quickly away from them.

                As Kyuhyun and Sungmi watched him walk away, Kyuhyun turned to Sungmi.  “Shoot!!” he said.  “I forgot about the money grandma gave me to get the things.  I’ll be back, OK?  Stay here.”

                Sungmi did as she was told; she stayed where she was.  She watched Kyuhyun walk away from her.  After he disappeared behind the little hill that they walked passed by earlier, she turned towards the river and looked down at it.  The river was frozen, but the ice looked thin.  Sungmi could see the water flowing slowly below.

                “I hate you!!” she could hear Jonghyun say.  She turned to her right and she saw the blond haired young man walk up to her.  He returned.  He stood two feet away from her.  His breathing was hard, as if he ran a mile.  “I hate you Jung Sungmi!!  Why do you always have to have the last word, huh?!!  I hate you, you little !!  Why do you always have to comment on everything I do, huh?!!”  Jonghyun closed the gap and pushed her.  She slid across the icy road.  “If you like me, then just freaking confess to me!!  I am so freaking tired of you playing around like this!!”  Jonghyun pushed her again harder, causing her to fall.  Then, everything happened in a flash.

                Sungmi screamed as she slipped down the icy river bed.  Jonghyun just stood there and stared like an idiot.  The ice cracked loudly as she fell into the icy cold water.  Jonghyun let out a breath.  “S-!!  Sungmi!!” he yelled.  The girl should have been coming up to the surface already, but she wasn’t.  From what Jonghyun remembered, the river wasn’t too deep.  Perhaps at the maximum 6 ft or a little more, but that was it.  “Sungmi!!!”

                “What the hell happened to Sungmi?!!” asked Kyuhyun, breathless.  It was obvious that he was running.  “She fell into the water didn’t she?!”  Before Jonghyun could answer, he stripped off all of his shirts and jacket except for his tank top and kicked off his boots, then jumped into the water.

                Jonghyun stood there, waiting nervously for his brother.  What a chicken he was…  Just standing there waiting for others to do his job for him.  Before Jonghyun could finish counting to 10, Kyuhyun came up with Sungmi.  They were both pale as if they were dead and their lips were a pale blue.  Sungmi was unconscious and barely breathing by the time Jonghyun pulled her up to the road.

                Oh, GOD!!!  I killed Jung Sungmi, he thought, feeling guilty.



                Jonghyun quickly pulled off his clothes.  Kyuhyun watched him like an eagle.  “What the hell were you thinking?” asked Kyuhyun.  “Sungmi could have died from cardiac arrest!!”

                “I know!!!” yelled Jonghyun, as he kicked off his pants.  “Damn it!!  I know!!!  I wasn’t thinking at the time!!!  Geesh!!!”

                “That water was freaking cold and all you did was stood there with your mouth open like an idiot!!!” yelled Kyuhyun.

                Jonghyun looked at his brother.  He found it amazing how Kyuhyun was still able to move around and yell at him meanwhile Sungmi is laying under 5 electric blankets, cold as hot ice.  The doctor in the village wasn’t home.  There wouldn’t be any doctor out there for miles.  All they all could do was pray that Sungmi wouldn’t die on them.  Not only was it a bad omen, but it would make the family look bad, especially Jonghyun who was the one that pushed her.  Jonghyun got on the bed and slipped under the 5 electric blankets, next to Sungmi.

                “What in the world are you doing?” asked Kyuhyun.

                “Body to body rewarming.” answered Jonghyun, as he pulled the unconscious cold Sungmi closer to him.  “God!!  She’s cold!!”

                Kyuhyun glared at him.  “What the hell?!!  She wouldn’t be in this condition if you went into the water right away!!!” he said.  “Damn it, Kim Jonghyun!!  You worked at the public pool as a life guard for 2 years straight and you still can’t save a life?!!  What in the world is wrong with you?!!”

                Jonghyun glared at his older brother.  He looked down at Sungmi as her forehead rested against his collar bone.  Her breathing was even now, which he assumed that it was a good sign.  With his free hand, he held her cold icy face.  There were a few scratches on her forehead, but that could be covered up by her bangs.  Besides that and hypothermia, she was fine.  Jonghyun looked up at Kyuhyun, but he already left, closing the door behind him.  Spending time with the fast asleep Sungmi was much enjoyable than spending time with the wide awake one.  Jonghyun let out a breath, as he wrapped his arms around Sungmi.

                “You little brat…” he said.  “You made me worried about you…”  Jonghyun stared at her for a little bit.  He let his fingers trace the scratches on her face.  “I’m sorry for doing that…”



                Sungmi’s head felt like it was going to crack open.  She felt so tired, as she slipped out of bed.  Her body was so weak that she almost couldn’t even turn the knob.  When she did, she stumbled out of the room, meeting Kyuhyun.

                “Sungmi!” he said, as she tripped and fell into his chest.  “Hey, you shouldn’t be walking!  Sungmi?”

                She lifted her heavy head from Kyuhyun’s chest and looked up at him.  Her hand came up and gripped his shoulder to steady herself.  “J-Jonghyun…” she said softly.

                “Sungmi, I’m not Jonghyun.” said Kyuhyun.

                “Jonghyun.” she continued to say, as her eyelids became heavy.  “Jonghyun…”

                Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around her waist, as she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes.  As he watched her sleeping soundly, his hand came up to her chin.  His hand burned like crazy at the touch of her face; she has a fever.  His face came down to hers, almost letting their lips touch.  Kyuhyun was going to give Sungmi a light peck.

                “Kyuhyun,” said Jonghyun.  The older brother looked up and saw the younger one leaning on the door frame, watching him like a cat.  “Why don’t you let her rest on the bed?”  Jonghyun stepped aside, as an invitation for him to bring Sungmi into the room.

                Kyuhyun didn’t say anything, as he carried her inside.  After Sungmi was under the covers again, Kyuhyun turned to Jonghyun.  “Why don’t you go get Grandma?  Sungmi has a high fever.” he said.

                “Why were you about to kiss a girl calling out your younger brother’s name?” asked Jonghyun.  His tone was unreadable along with his still face.  Kyuhyun wasn’t sure if Jonghyun was jealous and angry, or just simply curious.

                Kyuhyun smiled a small smile.  “You don’t even like her.” he said.  “Besides, what if she was calling your name because you are the one to blame for her current condition?”  Jonghyun gritted his teeth and quickly walked out of the room to go wake up his grandmother.


**NOTE: Hello everyone!!  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!  This chapter sure was juicy!!  So much skinship!!  (Or what I like to call skinship!!)  Sorry that it was short...  I'll try to update Chapter 8 soon!!  Love you all!!  And, thank you for reading, commenting, and supporting me!!!  If you have any questions, just post your questions on my wall!! 



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yhieremoah #1
I missed fangirling. Adult life . Just came by to say hi. Hope u still remember
teddiebears #2
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
bleuverry #3
Damn! I re-read this story again after I found Jonghyun's passing news. :(
This story reminds me of him and personally, it is one of the best fanfic that made me so attracted with him.
Thanks for writing this and I hope that you don't delete this story.
Shineelovingshawol #4
Chapter 18: What?!? I thought she would end up with kim jonghyun! Nooooooo :'( well I guess it's just a story after all but our Dino!!!!!
Chapter 18: GOD! I enjoyed this 18 chapters so muchhh. Good ending. I love love love it.
Aika0330 #6
I just finished!! ^o^ wow.. I'm so late hahah :P
anyways, I REALLY LIKED THIS STORY! Good job! :D
omg, this was so good! It gave me butterflies in my stomach just from reading it! Thanks for sharing!