
Another Day with Kim Myungsoo


Myungsoo shot up immediately after the blaring sound of loud alarm. He rubbed his eyes while opening the curtains in his room. He went to brush his teeth and showered.
When he was done, he grabbed another towel to dry his hair and went into his room and shut the door behind him.
"Seriously, Myungsoo? A black towel?"
His eyes widened to see you in his bedroom.
"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?!" He took the other towel and quickly covered his bare chest, while his hair is still dripping wet.
"Revenge. For that day." You smiled to him.
"Oh... wait. But that's your fault for wearing those pink pajamas! I didn't know you still wear that! And what are you doing here?!" He pointed to you, who is looking through his bookshelf. 
"Well, your mother let me in. And she asked me to wake you up. But it looks like you are already up and ready! So, it means that we can go out earlier!" You exclaimed. "By the way, your life will be so dull if black is all you love," you played with his cat, which is also a black one.
"We are going out?" 
"YES, MYUNGSOO!!" A few voices yelled outside the door. "By the way, are you , or what? I hope you guys are not doing that thing...." Myungsoo opened the door to see 6 of his friends crowding outside his room.
"No I am not !! Look! And did you guys come with Jiyoung or what?!" Myungsoo yelled.
"Well duh. We are all going out together. Did you forget or something?" Woohyun nudged him.
"What? Since when?" He raised his brows.
"Last week~" You poked your head out. "Remember when you said that if you lost the bet you would treat us all for lunch, a movie and shopping?"
"Oh yeah... I guess?" Myungsoo rubbed his neck.
"You forgot!!!!!" The 6 boys yelled in shock.
"It's okay. He's going to pay for 8 movie tickets, 8 sets of expensive sushi and the shopping bags for 8 people." You happily said while skipping out of the room. "And I almost forgot! We're going to your dad's exclusive shopping mall~!"
"Wow good luck with paying for all of us, Myungsoo. Thanks in advance!" Sunggyu gave Myungsoo a pat on his back and walked towards the front door while the others followed behind, howling in laughter.
A few minutes later, Myungsoo came out, dressed in black from head to toe. Black hair, black shirt, black pants and black jeans. Perhaps his undies is black, too..
"The man in black is all dressed, let's go! Bye, Mrs Kim!! We're going to Mr Kim's new shopping mall!" You waved to Myungsoo's mother while pushing Sungyeol out the door. 
"Sure, take care!" She waved back while perspiring.
All of them stood in front of the mall with your jaws dropped and your eyes widened.
"It's so big!!" Sungjong exclaimed.
"And majestic-looking!" Woohyun beamed.
"You guys, try not to get too excited. It's just a shopping mall, no biggie.." Myungsoo rolled his eyes and walked into the mall.
Inside it was filled with different varieties of apparel stores, restaurants and different kinds of stores. 
"So, we are going to watch a movie first! Let's go!" You held onto Myungsoo's hand and took the elevator to the 10th floor where there is a huge cinema with different movies showing.
"Hmm let's watch... a comedy one and a horror one! Oh, they show past movies, too!" You exclaimed to the boys while Myungsoo sighed at the corner, since he is paying..
So in the end, all of them decided to watch all of the Toy Story series and The Sinister. When they finished watching Toy Story 3, there was a break before The Sinister starts. The 6 boys got very excited but Myungsoo was fidgeting and fiddling with his phone outside the men's.
"You scared?" You . He nodded slowly. 
"It's nothing, really! This reminds me of the time when you got scared during the roller coaster ride~!" You again and started giggling.
"It's not funny.. I can say that I'm a when it comes to horror and violent movies.. We just don't go well together." He rubbed his left arm while looking around. 
"It's okay, I'm here!" You smiled and held onto his hands to assure him that it will be okay. 
During the movie, the boys kept yelling and shaking while Myungsoo gripped onto your arms and never letting it go. When the movie was over, Sungyeol and Sungjong kept trying to scare them, making you laugh. Myungsoo, on the other hand, just kept quiet.
"Still scared?" You .
"No, not really.. I slept halfway through the movie because I got scared.." Myungsoo looked away.
"Oh, I didn't notice at all.. Anyway, thanks for the movie! Let's go eat!" You smiled at, making him crack into a genuine smile.
And again, the boys went ahead first and chose expensive sushi to eat for lunch. They ate happily and thanked Myungsoo for paying for everything. You just sat and ate quietly beside him.
Finally, it was time to shop. By this time, the shopping mall was crowded with a lot of people and soon, the 6 boys disappeared and blended in with the crowd. You and Myungsoo walked around and window shop since you felt like you didn't need anything.
"Are you sure you don't want to buy anything?" Myungsoo asked.
"Nope. I don't really need anything at the moment," You smiled. "All I need are my friends, family.. and you. That's all. And I'm already very grateful for it."
"Geez, you have a way with your words. Just summarise it.."
"I love you, Myungsoo-oppa," You stopped and hugged him. "I had fun today. Thanks for that." 
"I love you too. And it's no problem." He smiled back at you. Just as he said it, the six boys walked towards the both of you with shopping bags in their hands.
"Thanks for everything, Myungsoo!" All of them thanked in unison. 
"Yeah, yeah. Next time, it's Sunggyu hyung's turn!" He teased. The rest of them turned to see Sunggyu looking away, pretending not to hear anything. All of a sudden, your phone started to ring. It was a call from your mum and she's here to pick you up to go somewhere else.
"My mum is here to pick me up, bye guys!" You waved and walked in the opposite direction towards the exit.
"Wait!" Myungsoo stopped you. You turned and Myungsoo gave you a hug.
"You forgot your goodbye hug!" Myungsoo squeezed you.
"Sorry! Now I have to go! Bye, love you!" You gave a quick peck on his cheeks and left off.
a/n : Sorry for the super late update, but here you go! I hoped you liked it. If you do like it, please take time to check out my other oneshots and fanfics, it would mean a lot to me! Stay happy and healthy, always! Ciao~
Tumblr : 4rmpit5 , Twitter : 7pluz5
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marlimacha21 #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^