Chapter 1

Our Bittersweet love

This isn't you're usual fairytale romantic lovey dovey story. It might seem like it in the beginning but I assure you that this might not have a happy ending to it. So lets begin this bittersweet love.

Zelo's POV

It all started when I was first laid eyes on him. He was the most handsomest guy I have ever laid my eyes on. Oh im probaby guessing who I'm talking about and all that stuff. Well, this guy I'm talking about is, Bang Youngguk. We were both in track together but I ran 440's while he ran the miles and he did long jump.Our first meet. Honestly I have always had a crush on him despite him being 3 years older than me, There was something about him that just caught my attention. I dont know what it really was but whatever it was I liked it alot. I never really talked to him since I was the shy type but I'm gonna change that today. Today I shall talk to Bang Youngguk ! Honestly in my head this was planned out really well but in reality it went something like this :

-Goes up to him- " Hi, excuse me?"


"I was wondering do you have the time?"

" Um..yeah it's 3:45"

"Oh ok thanks."

Pretty lame I know but hey its better than nothing. I had an another plan to go and talk to him but I kinda chickened out. I tried to but I was just to damn shy. I thought I was never gonna talk to him until his friend , Kim Himchan, came up to me and asks me " Hey, Junhong-ah you like Youngguk huh?" At first I felt my heart dropped and I was pretty nervous so I acted dumb and was like ' Nope' I continued to act pretty dumb until I revealed it to him that I did indeed had a crush on Bang Youngguk. I began to panic and told him not to tell him please but he told me not to worry. That he was gonna help me to talk to Bang Youngguk. I thought he was kidding, later I found out he wasn't and he was actually going to help me. So the first attempt kinda was a fail since I was to shy. Maybe the second one will be better right but nope that was a fail too. Right when I was gonna talk to him somebody calls him. Great. Ok maybe the first and second weren't such a big hit maybe the Third right ? Nope that didn't work either since he was out sick. Just when I thought I was never gonna talk to him my luck changed. In our first track meet on the bus ride going home, that's where we shared our first conversation. Well it's all thanks to Himchan-hyung. I was so nervous when I was talking with him. He was just so good-looking, my heart couldnt stop beating. When I got home, I thought I was gonna die from happiness honestly this day couldn't get any better. My luck had changed completely, I got over my shyness and made new friends who were also friends with Yongguk hyung. That whole week was like my week, honestly it was just a pretty amazing week. Then Friday came and during practice we were all exchanging numbers and stuff like that. I was about to ask Himchan-hyung for Youngguk-hyung's number practice was over and we all drifted. I went home sad that I didn't get his number. Right when i got home, I took a shower, ate and fell asleep.  When I woke up, I checked my phone. When I opened it, It read You have 1 unread new message Hmm..probably from Himchan-hyung. I opened the message. When I read what it said I felt like my heart just stopped and I began to fangirl. I got a text message from Youngguk.  I was so happy that I replied back almost instantly if it wasn't for me dropping my phone. Our First text.

Zelo's and Youngguk's first text

Y : Hey, is this Choi Junhong's number ? Its Bang Yongguk.

Z : Oh hey, and yes it is

Y: Oh okay. Hey, whatsup?

Z: Nothing much, just listening to music wbu ?

Y: Same, hey can I tell you something ?

Z: Umm..sure what is it ?

Y: I know that you like me..

Z: did you find out ?

Y: Youngjae told me..

Z: Oh..

Y: Yeah, but don't worry I won't tell anybody it's our little secret k ?

Z: Okay thanks hyung :D Wait is it okay if I call you hyung ?

Y: Sure. So Junhong-ah tell me about yourself.?

Z: You can call me Zelo and well what do you want to know ?

Y: Ok, Zelo and everything what your hobbies, dreams/goals, etc.

Our conversation went on for hours and hours. We talked about everything that needed to be said. Honestly, despite him knowing that I liked him. He didn't really make a big fuss about it. Thats what I liked about him. No Fuss. We texted each other until 5 am in the morning. When we bid our goodbyes to go sleep. For once I fell asleep with a smile on my face.



~Authors note~

Here's the first chapter in 'Our Bittersweet love' this story will probably be like only 15 or 10 chapters long. This story was honestly based on true events that happened to me. So everything that you read in this story is based on what really happened to me. So I hope you enjoy it and please subscribe and yeah. Also sorry for any mistakes and other stuff. I'm writing this in 4 am in the morning.

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