Can YOU be my christmas present?

I want YOU to be my Christmas present.

Kris Imagine XD

You meet kris at this awesome boring school event two years ago. Kris was sitting alone in a corner, while you was alone too, you decided to walk up and talk to him

"Um...hai I'm Angela..." You said with your lowest voice while trying to sit next to him. Because he's hot and has that y face, nobody dare to talk nor sit next to him.

"..." He reply without any word. He just stared straight into your face.

"Um..." Because he didn't reply, so you don't know what to say anymore. Then both of you just sit in that corner silently watching other classmates having fun playing games.

After a while, you feel someone staring at you, again. You look to that direction and found the guy with the y face who's still sitting next to you is still staring at you for no reason.

" there something..on my face?" You asked. And he blush at the second when he see that you caught him staring at you.

" makes me wonder why you didn't just walk off and..leave me alone after like..I didn't respon nor question.." The guy said while looking at the crowd in front of you guys. Probably he's just too shy to look at you while he's he's weird..that's the only thing came up on your mind while talking to him.

"??" You were so confused so you just throw him a confused look.

" people I knew before, they would just walk off and say I'm weird because I don't talk to them nor answer their questions...and I have this y face without any are the first person who didn't just leave me alone but choose to stay next to me while I don't even talk to you..." There was this one sad tear in his eyes. Your heart melt for that tear, you fell for him because his shyness (?) and his cuteness.

"Omfg that's so mean!" You scream out. That guy is so shock that you shout out in front of him, and more shock at the sentence you just said.

"Mean..? Wow you are are so you are the only one who started talking to me and..stay with me..and think about me(?)...thank you..." that guy with the y face...smiled! It's one of those modelic smile that can melt everybody include 60 years old grandmothers. You fell again for his smile, yes he's hot and cute and..perfect.

"Aha, you're kidding me..anyway, wanna be friends? I'm Angela, you?" You extanded ur hand and the guy pull out his hand from his pocket, and shakes your hand while introducing himself.

"Hi, I'm Kris Wu, I'm a sophomore this year, you?"

"Nice to meet you Kris, this is my first year in high school..." Then a random idea pop out from you head, you asked "Do you mind helping me through my homeworks and like tests? Because I'm kind of getting lost in the freshman year of high school...please?" You asked with sparkly eyes, which killed kris inside. He didn't show it and you never knew that he fall for you at that moment.

"" He paused for a second, you showed a sad expression on your face because his 5 second pausing, you have the urge to cry, tears starting to form in your eyes. 

"Ugh baby don't cry please, I can't handle girls crying...okay I promise you that I will teach you and help you." He said while flashing another smile on his face.

-flashback ends-

And now you are a junior in high school while kris is a senior.

It's December 24th, Christmas Eve. Nobody asked you to go on a date or anything, because you are that innocent and out of the social life. It's 11:50 PM, you are sitting on your bed and texting people, (important family member and a few friends) greeting them a Merry Christmas. Because it's very late, most of the people you texted didn't reply. You sit on your bed with half eye close trying to fall asleep. After 4 min, you phone buzz which woke you up from your sleep.

From: Kris Wu
Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too. xD

To:Kris Wu
Aha no problem :) anyway what are you planing to do tmr? Want to hang out together? Because I have no plans and no social life -sign-

From: Kris Wu

Ahahahah, that sounds hilarious, anyway ... I don't think I have anything plan for tomorrow too, so where di you want to hang out?


To: Kris Wu
OMG stop teasing me Kris, it's really not that funny ;A; 
and let's just hang out at...the mall near my house. So I don't need to take the bus nor anything, I'm lazy ...

Ps. Where is my Christmas present?

*You send that question just to tease kris back, and you never expected that he's going to take it too serious. You didn't get his reply in the pass three minute, you started to feel guilty for asking such a stupid question. When you was planing to send another text to apologize, you get kris text*

From: Kris Wu
Okay let's meet at..12 tomorrow okay? Because I need my lovely sleep. And what do you want for Christmas? I can buy you anything...As long as I can afford. 

Ps. Where is my Christmas present then?

*You are so happy that he texted you back, you were so scare that he's going to get mad at you and never talk to you again*

To: Kris Wu
Okay sure, I will see you there at 12 tomorrow then. I want so many things, kpop poster, and like bubble tea and green tea frap and omfg so many things I want...I will give you a full list by tomorrow, don't worry. :3

Ps (so many ps wow) What do you want? Because I don't have that much money, cries, I'm brokeee

So maybe I will give you a hug instead of buying you something expansive?

*You send that as another joke. You though that kris will just replie with like 'It's okay, you don't need to buy me anything.' or something ''s very awkward to like receive a hug for Christmas present..' Little did you know, his answer for the question is...*

From: Kris Wu
Wow look at who's having that whole plan there...trying to steal my money...okay okay and I will buy anything for you to make you smile. Because when you smile, I smile too.

*Wait, that's not the end of the text?* You pulls to the bottom of your phone / the text to see where all this "spaces" leads to.

You made me smile. You are my angel.

*You are so surprise by the last line of the previous text, you don't know how to reply, so you just sit there and staring at the ceiling. Because you have had a crush on Kris for at least 2 years, there are butterflies in your stomach when you saw that one particular line 'You made me smile, you are my angel' .. One minute passed by, your phone buzz again signaling another text*

From: Kris Wu
And...a hug from you as my Christmas present is not enough, I want YOU, Angela, to be my Christmas present.

*Wait.. Is that Kris? That face cold person? I mean like he changed a lot this two years but he barely says things like this, wait wait what? oh is this like a dream? What did I just read...* This is too much for you to handle, the happiness and the unbelievable texts just made you scream like a little girl, you start making weird whale noices. Luckily nobody was awake at 12 am so nobody heard your weird noices and screams. You were surprise, more than surprise, the text just made you jump up from your bed and jump around your room with happiness. Then you remember, probably that's just a dare or a joke from Kris's naughty roommate Chen. So you decide to call Kris for a clarification.

"Di, di, di" the phone is ringing.

"Ni hao?" It's Kris's voice. It's so beautiful and..perfect, but it's not time to fangirl right now.

"Kris?" You ask while making sure it's him, of course you know it's his voice, and his werid chiense greeting, but you asked again just to check if you are not mistaken by any chance.

"Yea it's me, you know it's me and you asked? Wow, I thought we had something special from the pass two years...And what's up with a random phone call at this time? You know it's like 12 in the morning right? You should go to bed~ Pretty girls go to bed early~~" Kris giggles while he's saying that. He's being sarcastic.

"What time is it now... And you know that I sleep at like 2 every weekend, so stop with the teasing, and and I don't really care about anything like right now, i just want to ask you--" you bought urself back on track about the text message you wanted to ask.

"" All of a sudden, your guts just flew away with the air, you have no idea what to say, you cannot form a proper complete sentence out of your mouth and your brain.  


What if his answer is no, and what if he's going to say that was just a joke? Am I going to be able to handle all this?

"Angela, you okay there? What happen?" Kris asks with worry in his voice.

“ yea..I'm fine..but like..I want to ask you something...but I'm not sure if I should...Because like you know...It might harm our relationship...Wait no I mean like friendship you know like Friendship...Yea friendship...” You stuttered. You have no idea what you are saying anymore.

“It's okay, just ask me, i will answer all your question. I promise. And I will not leave you for any reason, I will always be here so don't be afraid, I will always be your...friend.” However, you didn't hear Kris sentence after friend, which is "Or...More than just friends.." The line contains a little sadness and disappointed, but of course, your brain is blind and you can't really hear anything else except Kris's angelic voice. You don't care about anything anymore, it's almost one in the monring, you have no idea what you are saying anymore.  

“Okay! Fine! So! I will ask you right now! … About the last text you send me..Like was that you or was it Chen? LIke because like I'm sure Chen would totally take your phone and text me something like that , aha” You fake a laugh while saying it. You are so scare inside, one part of you don't want to hear Kris’s answer, because it might hurt, very badly. During the pass minute, the all you can manage to do is keep saying “like”

“...” The other side of the phone keep silent for a few seconds, then a minute pass. It’s only 1 to 2 minute, but it feels like 10 or 20 minute to you. You check your phone to make sure that there is still signal and the call didn’t end by accident. Yes, there is signal, and yes, the call is still on. So that's just kris keep being silent on the other side of the phone? 

“Angela?” Kris finally speaks, his perfect voice calls your name, probably to make sure that you didn't hang up, yet. You can't make up anything to say, you are so nervous and scare, so you start crying.

“Angela...Are you crying? Please dont cry.” Kris begs, because you know that he can never be able to handle a girl crying. However, the tears are just keep dropping down from your eye, to you cheek, then to the floor. It's like a river, you have no control over your tears anymore.

“ don't know how to explain this..But I will try...Like you know...” This time its kris stammered. It's very rare that the face Kris cannot manage to say anything, it's very weird but ... You just can't stop crying.

“I LIKE YOU. or rather..  I mean like .. I LOVE YOU...would you be...WOULD YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!!” Kris say all this words without breathing.

“ WANT YOU TO BE MY CHRISTMAS PRESENT, I would buy anything to make you happy, I don't really care about money anymore, as long as you are happy, I'm happy.” Kris is blushing so hard, however you cannot see it because it's on the other side of the phone. You started blushing when he said “I like you” You can't manage to say anything because your mind is fill with the line that Kris just said. The all you do is smiling... like a idiot. You are too happy, because you like him too. for a long long time.

“hehe.” you let out a little laugh. Your tears stop. With a smile.

“Please don't laugh at me, angela. I know this might sound a bit stupid, but I fall for you the first sight I saw you. Remember when you was sitting next to me in the corner during that school event? Your smile melt me down. It's so perfect and pretty, you are like an angel coming down from heaven.” Kris continues. You want to tell him that you have special feeling towards him the first time you saw him too. The perfect angelic smile of his. But you are too shy to say anything, so you just say:


“I know. I love you too.“ you are so shock by what you just say.

“For real?! Then...Um..Can you be my christmas present? That's the only thing I want from you for christmas.”

“Yes...Please... .” you replied with your face red like a tomato.

“I love you, my Angela. my christmas is complete now.” Kris screams in happiness.

“I love you too, Kris oppa.” You say with a big smile. :D

-The end-

ignore the last sentence there pls cuz its by..nauty friend Rena is totally over already, anyway hope you enjoy that. and yea THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND SUBCRIBE AND COMMENT PLEASE. <3 


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Awww, this is sooooo cute, i wish life actually worked that way :P
Chapter 1: It's really nice~~~ ^^
an124ful #3