The Jones Family

How my normal life changed... to this!

You were closely approaching Maya's house and you stopped in thought *Hmm, I wonder if J is there*.

J was Maya's twin brother, but they didn't look much alike. You would be lying if you said you didn't have feelings for him. Yes, you like him, you've liked him ever since the first time you saw him. Even though you only met him 2 years ago, when you had a sleepover with Maya, you've liked him ever since. Don't ask why, because I don't really know the reason.

You were now infront of her the house. You toke a deep breathe *It's been a while since I have been here* you knocked on the red door.

You waiting for about a minute *Why is no one answering?* you knocked louder.

After another minute the door opened. Standing infront of you was the one guy that you liked, J Jones.

He looked amazing. You had to make yourself not scream because of how hot he was.

"Oh, Emily. I haven't seen you in a while. I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss you" he admitted.

You nearly jumped around in joy, but you didn't. "I missed you, too" you softly said.

"So, what brings you here?" he asked you, already knowing the answer was Maya, but a part of him wanted it to be because of him.

"Oh, I wanted to see Maya" you answered.

*Like always* "Oh, Maya went out for a bit" he told you.

"I should go then, tell her I stopped by" you turned to go, but someone grabbed your wrist. You slowly turned your head. J was holding your wrist "Why don't you stay till she comes back, she should come back soon" you looked as he really wanted you to stay.

"Alright, I'll stay if..." you started "IF WHAT?!" you gave him an odd look "Calm down, will you? I'll stay if you give me a piggyback ride".

"What? Why don't you give me one?" he questioned.

"Because I'm a monkey, not 'The Incredible Hulk'" you answered.

"Well, I'm not 120lbs, like someone" he shot back.

"That's because I'm tall, unlike you" you said as you smirked.

"Hey, don't call me short!" he whined. "Well, you're... I give up, you're perfect" he hung his head in shame.

"Heehee, I won" you smiled, satisfied.

"HEY!" J started to chase you and you ran away. The two of you were playing a game of tag for about an hour.

"Okay, I give up, you win" he stopped immediately and you, who was running at top speed, couldn't stop in time and you ran into him. Both of you were on the ground in pain, you were on top of him.

Just then, the front door opened and Maya was standing there.

She saw you on top of her brother and she giggled "What is this?" she said in a serious tone, even though she wasn't really mad.

"Oh, Maya" you quickly stood up "What brings you here?" you shyly said.

"What brings me to my house? I think you've gone crazy" she said jokingly.

J, who was still on the ground, got up and said "She is crazy. She ran me over".

"AHAHAHAH" Maya laughed loudly.

"And she called me short" he pouted.

"Because you are" you said.


You and your bestie were in her room, talking about random stuff, when something popped into your head "I need to use your laptop, NOW!" you begged.

"Heehee lapTOP!" Maya giggled as she passed it to you.

You quickly went onto Google and searched up something *Block B first, Teen Top after* you though with a wide smile on your face.

"Okay, you're my bestie and I don't want to be mean, but I can honestly say that you officially gone mad" she commented on your goofy, silly, smile.


Time passed by and the time came, when you had to leave.

"Ahh, Maya I have to go now" you pouted, you didn't want to leave your best friend and go to the one place that the devil lives. The devil is obviously your sister.

"Bye, I'll see you at school" she smiled.

You walked downstairs. Right when you were at the bottom of the stairs, J appeared out of nowhere.

"AHHHHHHHH~~~!" you screamed, thinking he was a ghost.

J looked at you funny and started to laugh... a lot.

"So, you're leaving?" he asked you.

"Yea, it's getting kinda late... and dark" you said looking down.

"Yeah, it is really dark. Are you sure you can go by yourself? I can take you if you want".

*YES YES YES YES* "Nah, I'm okay" you declined his offer, even though you really wanted to spend time with him.

"Alright, be safe out there, kiddo" he patten your head.

"Who are you calling kiddo? We're the same age!" you yelled.

"Bye-bye, see you soon" he messed up your hair and walked down the stairs.

"HEY, MY HAIR!!" you shouted as you attempted to fix your hair.

You walked out of the big house and breathed in the fresh air and you continued to walk home.


Authors Note

Chapter number 3! Is it okay?

Heehee, I'll update soon~!









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Maritae #1
Update soon, neh? ^^