The Disadvantages of Having a Not So Dumb Boyfriend

The Benefits of Having a Dumb Best Friend

Yes I know, I have nothing else to add to this particular story. 

But I can tell you that the sequel to this story is finally up, hooray :D or not, if you didn't want it.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed. All the people that have subscribed recently, thanks a bunch :)
All the people that have stuck with this story since before, thank you so much.

If you decide to read the sequel, I hope it doesn't disappoint ^-^

Anyway, I'll stop blabbing. It can be found here*surrounds with flowers and sparkles*

Description is as follows ^-^


Zhang Yixing and Kim Joonmyun are your average boy/boy couple living in one of the more homophobic countries in the world, South Korea. No matter that, they're pretty happy. Freshly out of high school and now on the way to the rest of their lives, tertiary education is sitting on their doorsteps (or more so, banging quite loudly at the wooden frame), but what happens when one gets into somewhere slightly unexpectedly?

Well, let's just say Yixing wishes Joonmyun wasn't not so dumb that he had to be away from home, and Joonmyun just wishes he never had to go


But hey, he'll be back before they know it!


They hope. 




It's considerably longer, and a lot more happens! Aside from that, I hope you can give it the love you've given this fic ^-^


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Thank you!
Sequel should be up today! (It's 2:42AM where I live though, so maybe not for you), just let me sort out a few more things ^-^


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Chapter 1: KaiXing is brotp!!!!! ♡♡♡
Chapter 5: I love Kai xD and Sulay *-* i liked the story :3
Teddyg #3
Chapter 1: Aww, thank you for this! I agree, there is a lack of Sulay fics!
Chapter 3: Omfg let me die xD
Suho's mom is so funny can't handle With it xD
Chapter 3: Omo this was so cute~ \(>~<)/
Off to read the sequel now...
Chapter 3: IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!!! >< //off to sequel :))
somarshies #7
Chapter 3: So cute and fluffy :"""")
Chapter 3: Hi! Okay, so I want to ask this since a little moment already, but I always forget.
I reading this one (AGAIN) and I had planned on reading the sequel after, end then I thought: , this is good...
And then I was like, okay, I'll ask the writer.
Si hear I am, asking you if maybe you'd agree with me translating those two ff in french because, hell, they are good and I want to share it! xD
If you don't want, I'd totally understand.
Oh and, Happy new year! Kkkk
Chapter 5: Yixing falling down the stairs trying to be cool hahahha hilarious and Joonmyun's mom is the best!!! I love Kaisoo in here though number 1 otp