Well That Was Unexpected.

The Benefits of Having a Dumb Best Friend

A quick note before the chapter::
If you haven't seen any of the dance for the song 'Ice Cream' by Hyuna and 'Dr Feel Good' by Rania, and
 you can see them here and here.
You don't need to see much to get the idea, but if you haven't seen them a part of the story wont be as effective.
It's not compulsory though, don't worry :P
I hope you enjoy!


The rest of the week went by fast, and the next thing Yixing knew it was Saturday afternoon and he was trying to figure out what to wear to Jongin’s. Usually he wouldn’t really bother too much, but Joonmyun was going to be there and he had to look good. Like every other time someone did something like this, Jongin always attempted to get him and Joonmyun together. Even though Yixing didn’t think that’d happen, he still thought he should look hot. A precautionary tool if anything.
It took a good 45 minutes of looking through his wardrobe and trying on just about every combination of clothing for him to finally settle on what he thought would make him look good without looking overdressed. He was also shamelessly dancing to any girls group song that came up on his iPod, but that wasn’t out of the normal for him.

Walking over to check the time on his phone, he noticed a message that had been received a few minutes earlier.

From: Joonmyun oppa<3
Hey, want me to walk you to Jongin’s? I wouldn’t want you to get stolen, you always look so handsome for these things ^.^


Yixing blushed. Really hard. Damn ing Joonmyun and his way of making Yixing feel like a prince or something, even though he felt the farthest thing from it. Realizing that he better reply, he sent a message back.

To: Joonmyun oppa<3
You'd think we were dating the way you compliment me all the time =.= how can you, who is so very handsome, say one like I, a mere smudge of eyeliner on Baekhyun's face, is handsome? But yeah, that sounds good .

Yixing giggled as he pressed send, but he honestly always wondered why Joonmyun complimented him when he couldn't see any of that.

Less than 2 minutes later, he got a message back.

From: Joonmyun oppa<3
Shush, you're beautiful, okay? I'll be there in half an hour :)

Yixing squealed – he and Joonmyun weren't even dating and he was this sweet to him.
However, he only had 30 more minutes (well, probably 28, but he hasn’t proved this theory) until Joonmyun got here, so he figured he’d better finish getting ready.


. . .

 Yixing sighed as he flopped down on his bed 27 minutes later, when suddenly his iPod started playing what was only Ice Cream by the legendary (in his opinion)  Hyuna. He put his fierce y face on as he stood up and started to dance and sing along, because they tell you to get onto the dance floor - and he was going to be the last man to deny Hyuna. Plus he’d just finished learning this dance, and needed to make sure he’d remember it forever.

Unfortunately because he’d turned the song up so loud, he hadn’t heard the knock on his front door or the calls of his name. He also then hadn’t heard the person open the front door and walk upstairs, nor see that person stand at his door for the rest of the song with an amused smile on his face. He didn’t notice any of this until the song finished and he snapped out of his reverie by the noise of Joonmyun clapping and saying well, you sure showed your y swag. Shall we go now?

Yixing turned around, expression nothing but pure horror becoming tainted with red. “How much of that did you see?”

“Just before the middle of the song.” Joonmyun said, smirking.

“I feel like I’ve violated you.”

“I’ve seen you do ier things than that.”

Yixing froze. He didn’t think he’d ever been so embarrassed and flustered in his life. “Please don’t tell me.”

“Dr Feel Good.” Joonmyun said simply. Yixing hid his face in his hands before walking inside his wardrobe to hide from the shame that was his life.
Joonmyun laughed, whilst walking over and yanking the door open. “Come on Xing-ah, you do those dancers better than the girls do, it’s nothing to be ashamed of! I wish I had hips like yours,” he said with a wink.

“Let’s just go.” Yixing muttered, face still burning.

“Okay Hyuna, shall we take the ice cream van?”

Yixing hit him, “Shut up and get out of my house.”


. . .

“Ayo what’s up Yixing?!” Jongin yelled when he spotted him walking through the door of his house, “Oh hey Joonmyun. You two came together? Hey? Hey? Hey-!”

Jongin was promptly cut off by Yixing delivering a sharp kick to his calf.

Joonmyun looked confused more than anything, “Well, Yixing’s house is on the way and I knew he would be walking, I thought I’d give him company…” he said, innocently.

He’s so cute, help. Yixing thought while he lightly blushed. Never would he vocalise that in front of Jongin, however, so he settled with telling Jongin that he was a loser and should stop trying to act cool.

“Yixing’s right, you know. We all know you’re a little nerd on the inside baby.”

Jongin must have been thinking about something, because it took him more than a few seconds to reply, “Shush Kyungsoo, before I shut your lips with mine.”

Kyungsoo blushed, and Jongin smirked, before startling him by pulling him away from everyone else, and into the kitchen. Yixing and Joonmyun looked at each other before shrugging, and walked off to the lounge to see the others.

“J-Jongin. What are you doing?” Kyungsoo stuttered whilst being pushed against the fridge.

“Shush baby,” Jongin whispered into Kyungsoo’s ear before kissing down his neck, making Kyungsoo shiver. Jongin suddenly pulled back, and Kyungsoo pouted.

“Why’d you stop? I was enjoying that.”

“I had to so they didn’t get suspicious. I need to tell you something.”

Kyungsoo’s pout turned into a huge frown, and Jongin giggled because who could deny that was cute? “Aww baby, don’t pull that face. We both enjoyed it, and you know I love you. I probably would have done it anyway.”

Kyungsoo nodded, before straightening himself up. “So what did you want to tell me?” he cocked his head.

Jongin’s face lit up, and it was safe to say that Kyungsoo was very scared of what he was about to say. “So, you know how our dear Yixing wants in Joonmyun’s pants, and vice versa?”

Kyungsoo nodded, not liking where this was going.

“Well I was thinking, maybe we should just give them a little… Push?”

Kyungsoo gave him a look that screamed pure annoyance. “You try to do this every time, and you always fail! Just leave them be, they’ll figure it out themselves.”

Jongin sighed, mouth forming a deep frown. “But they won’t, hyung! It’s been nearly two years since they started liking each other, and nothing has happened! I just have to deal with Yixing complaining constantly, and even bringing up Hyuna can’t stop that for long. Yixing loves her a lot, but if there’s one person that Yixing loves more that Hyuna, it’s Joonmyun.”

Kyungsoo stood there, deep in thought. He didn’t want to admit it, but his boyfriend was right. Yixing really loved Hyuna, but even he knew that it was hard to stop himself talking about Joonmyun if she was mentioned. He paused for a while longer, before finally agreeing. “Okay, Jongin. One more try.”

Jongin grinned before he kissed him on his cheeks, his nose, and then finally his mouth. Kyungsoo happily responded, letting Jongin take control before Jongin pulled away.

“So what’s the plan then?” Kyungsoo said, his voice husky.

“Well, I was thinking…”


. . .

Kim Jongin realised there were obvious benefits of being a secret nerd, as he had somehow managed to get all his friends sitting cross-legged in a rather large circle to play a game of what was meant to be a round of truth or dare, where none of the questions or ventures were made by any of them -except Jongin, but no one except Kyungsoo could know that.

“But that’s boring!” Luhan exclaimed loudly, “If it gets too personal people always back out, and then that’s no fun.”

“Well let’s make up rules then. If you choose to back out of what you have to do, there’s a punishment.” Jongin said back, as casually as he could.

“But what sort of punishment could stop us from doing basically anything?”

Chanyeol spoke up, “We could use violence…”

“I’m not patching you up if you back out, idiot.”

“Shush Baekkie, I was just joking,” Chanyeol said with a smile, and Baekhyun pulled a rather ugly face at him.

Everyone sat there in thought or yelling out useless suggestions until Jongin suddenly sat upright and spoke.

“Guys shut up, I got something. You have to eat Sehun’s cooking...”

“Hey!” Sehun said, indignant, “I’m offended,”

Luhan looked at him earnestly, “Sehunnie, Jongin is right… You’re not that good of a cook, and it’s not like we’ll get you to make something nice as a punishment,” he turned to the circle, “I say a lot of wasabi and tabasco sauce?”

Sehun continued to frown, but nodded. “What if I don’t do it…?”

Luhan spoke quickly, “I ually deprive you for a week.”

Sehun’s eyes widened - bingo.

“…So, mine and Luhan’s ideas?” Jongin asked.

Everyone sat in thought. “That sounds awful…” Chen said, “I like it,” he added, ginning evilly.

Everyone else nodded. There was basically nothing they wouldn’t do to avoid Sehun’s food, or ual deprivation if you were Sehun.

“Then it’s settled… Let’s start, shall we?”


. . .

“Kyungsoo hyung! The phone says it’s your go. Truth or dare?” Jongin chirped whilst Yixing gave him funny looks, because Christ be damned if he wasn’t up to something. Whenever Jongin would catch Yixing doing so, he’d simply give him a fake-innocent look – one which years of friendship had proved Yixing all too used to.

“Uhh - truth…” Kyungsoo mumbled. After hearing some other things that he’d never want to know (like Sehun’s answer to what his lover called him in the bedroom, which made his and Luhan’s cute little faces turn red but everyone else feel like they wanted to throw up), he wasn’t looking forward to the answer.

Jongin turned the screen to Kyungsoo, and smirked as he saw Kyungsoo’s face turn bright red and whisper out a faint do I really have to say this?

“Well of course baby, we’ve heard a lot worse, plus it’s not like people don’t know that we do this.” Jongin said back, winking. Yixing swore he nearly threw up in his mouth, how was this guy his best friend?

“Come on ‘Soo! We wanna know what it says!” Luhan whined loudly, while Sehun sat next to him with his face in his hands. Luhan’s embarrassment for revealing the pet name he called Sehun whilst they were in bed had faded faster than his had, obviously.

“Well. Uh. It says. Um. To say the last time I um. Had …” Kyungsoo muttered.

“Pfft ‘Soo.” Baekhyun scoffed, “You’re dating Jongin, can’t be that hard to remember.”

“No harder than your when I you,” Jongin chimed.

Kyungsoo snapped, whipping his head around to face the boy next to him. “Says you Jongin, you’re quite a screamer, and I thought you usually topped because you got harder faster?”

Everyone gasped. “Usually!?” Chanyeol said in amazement as Chen clapped, and Kyungsoo gave a very embarrassed looking Jongin a smug look.
“For your information, it was last night and I topped. Next person.” Kyungsoo said casually and the room erupted in applause – bar Jongin, who’d realized that he needed to regain his pride in a few short seconds, because he’d hacked the software and he knew that a certain person would be next.

“Next person, who could it be?” Jongin sang, Yixing looking at him oddly in response. Yet again, he knew this wouldn’t end well - Jongin would never be this happy after what just happened. “Ah, Joonmyun-hyung, it’s you! Truth or dare?”

Yixing’s jaw dropped - he’d never imagined him targeting Joonmyun.

“Uh, dare?”

“Oh hyung! It says to pick someone else to do a dare with, which’ll come up next.”

Joonmyun looked worried, “But if it’s really bad I’ll feel bad…” he said softly, “Jongin, can you pick someone for me?”

“Sure thing!” Jongin sung once again. He was way too happy for what’d just happened.

“How about Yixing, babe? He hasn’t had a go yet.”

That , Yixing thought. He’d got Kyungsoo in on this too.

“That’s a great idea babe!” Jongin said, a bit too enthusiastically for Yixing’s liking – not that it was something Jongin ever catered for. He was hoping that it would just be a hug and nothing more, but he was full of doubts because he knew Jongin was ending his tether.

Jongin pressed the button to say what the dare was, and gasped. Yixing froze.
“Yixing and Joonmyun hyung, it’s saying that you have to kiss the person that the dare was originally assigned to, for at least thirty seconds!”

Yixing and Joonmyun’s eyes both simultaneously bulged out their pockets.

“Nice Kyungsoo imitation!” Chanyeol snickered, and Baekhyun hit him to shut him up. Kyungsoo chose to ignore what Chanyeol had just said.

“You’re joking right?” Yixing asked, and did he detect a bit of sadness on Joonmyun’s face? He thought it must be the dare.

‘No! That’s what it says!” Jongin said, feigning innocence.

“Yixing-ah, it’s okay if you don’t want to kiss me, I don’t mind having to eat Sehun’s cooking - I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” Joonmyun said softly, head slightly hung and a hint of sadness in his voice.

Yixing really wanted to punch Jongin in the face. No wonder he had looked so smug ever since this whole thing was mentioned, he knew that Yixing couldn’t make Joonmyun eat Sehun’s cooking. Last time Yixing did that he got food poisoning.

“No-no hyung,” he said nervously, “I don’t want you to get food poisoning or something. I’ll kiss you – thirty seconds, right?”

Jongin was trying really hard to stop himself from freaking out on the floor. For once everything was perfectly going to plan. He knew Yixing would hurt him later, but for now this didn’t matter - he deserved the title of best wingman. Ever. “Yes,” he said simply, trying to contain his feels. “I’ll keep count.”

There were a lot of things going through Yixing’s head whilst he moved towards Joonmyun. One was what he was going to do to Jongin once this was over, and another was the fact that he was just about to kiss the guy he’d liked for nearly two years who was straight and whilst it wasn’t an ideal situation it was probably the only chance he’d ever have to do it so maybe he should thank Jongin later.

When he felt Joonmyun’s lips on his, however, everything that was going through his head came to a startling halt. It felt like heaven, and Joonmyun must have been sticking to eating chocolate and strawberries the whole night because that’s what his lips tasted like.  At first the kiss was soft and slow, but somehow everything started to get heated, causing him to accidentally bite Joonmyun’s lip. Yixing swore he heard the softest moan come from Joonmyun’s mouth – what he figured was a reaction, and couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride. Was this how Joonmyun was used to kissing girls? Because if so, Yixing was really, really jealous.

The kiss didn’t seem to last long enough, and Yixing tried his best to hide his look of disappointment when he finally heard Jongin telling them thirty seconds was over at least fifteen ago. . The Chinese looked across at Joonmyun, and was surprised to see he looked very red and flustered. He probably looked the same however, and he didn’t see how anyone who’d been made to kiss one of their best friends couldn’t be embarrassed about it happening – no matter the cause. Jongin looked very smug and pleased with himself, even more so when Yixing death glared at him. He turned to face and smile reassuringly at Joonmyun, but found that eye contact with him was no longer in Joonmyun’s book.

That kiss should have meant nothing to him; Yixing would have never expected a reaction like this. What the hell was going on?


. . .


The rest of the game of truth or dare was spent in utter awkwardness for the two that had kissed, and utter glee for a certain Kim Jongin. What everyone except for the two kissing had just witnessed was an obvious display of affection which went much deeper than just friendship, and if it hadn’t been obvious that they liked each other before, it certainly was now. 

Now, however, it’d been nearly two hours after the game had finished and Jongin was growing sick of Yixing and Joonmyun constantly looking at each other, only to catch the other looking at them back and then glance away, acting like they weren’t just imagining their lives together. 
And because Jongin started this, he was going to finish it.

“Joonmyun hyung, can you come with me? I need help with something in the kitchen,” Jongin chirped, making Yixing raise an eyebrow. He couldn’t still be up to his old tricks seeming as the last one had gone so badly.

“Sure thing, Jongin!” Joonmyun said, unsuspecting and standing up and moving towards Jongin.

All of a sudden Jongin grabbed Joonmyun’s and Yixing’s arms before he pushed them into the bathroom - shutting the door and locking it. Joonmyun looked stunned, and Yixing looked like he was about to murder someone. 

“Save the thanks until later!” Jongin yelled through the door, making Joonmyun look even more confused. 

“Who even has a lock on the outside of their door?” Joonmyun pondered aloud. Yixing was glad that’s what his thoughts were preoccupied with.

“Jongin. He’s ty at DIY. Let’s leave it there.” the Chinese said, annoyance clearly in his voice. “I wonder how many sharp objects they have stored that I can impale Jongin with…”

The two sat in there for a good half an hour, gradually becoming less and less awkward even though they had both shared what they couldn’t deny was an amazing kiss with each other only a couple of hours before. Finally Jongin grew bored, and let them out, which only resulted in a smirking Yixing. 

Unfortunately Joonmyun caught sight of this smirk and the dimple it caused on Yixing’s face - even when he was being smug he was beautiful. It hit him that their kiss had been the most right-feeling thing he’d ever experienced, and he felt he owed it to Yixing to tell him that. 

“Yixing-ah, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone…”

Yixing’s eyes bulged out of his pockets and his smirk seemingly moved on to Jongin’s face.

“But hyung! You were just locked in a room with him for half an hour. You had all the time then, why do you have to tell him now?” Jongin whined, though he wore a contradictory smile.

Joonmyun looked worried, “It’s really important…” he trailed off.

Yixing smiled nervously, his stomach feeling ready to explode. “Sure thing?”

Joonmyun looked at Jongin and Kyungsoo and smiled, saying “We won’t be long,” before pulling Yixing into Jongin’s bedroom and shutting the door behind him.


. . .


“I really don’t want to think about what’s gone down in here,” Yixing muttered, making Joonmyun chuckle. The sound made Yixing go red, and that it was so cute Joonmyun thought he could probably die happily right there. But he had to do this first. 

“See Yixing-ah, this is one of the reasons I like you. You’re so funny, without even trying to be. It’s cute - nearly as cute as you when your face goes red.”

Yixing blushed even harder, why was he saying this?

“And about that kiss. I - I’m sorry if it makes you feel awkward around me, even though there isn’t really anything to be ashamed of, but - it was really good. The best I’ve ever had, actually.” Joonmyun said nervously, his palms starting to feel clammy. “And even when the dare was announced I knew it would be. I knew that even if you didn’t feel the same way as me, it’d still be the best feeling ever.”

Yixing’s brain was going into overdrive. Feel the same way as me? What’s he on about?

“I guess I owe it to you to tell you. With everyone else it might not be a problem because they’re all interested in other people, but it’s different for us. I know you, and I know you’d feel more uncomfortable if you found out through someone else. After that kiss, I couldn’t - I might as well tell you, because I’m too selfish for you to hate me for a reason that doesn’t have to exist,” Joonmyun paused, taking a moment to breathe. He was terrified, but this had to be said. “Xing-ah, you’re my friend, right? But I don’t like you like a friend.”

Yixing froze. Was Joonmyun saying that he never liked him at all? Then how come he said he liked the kiss?

Joonmyun looked down, his heart not being able to risk seeing rejection before he’d finished. “Because friends make you smile when you see them, but you don’t imagine waking up to them and their kiss every morning, and then making them breakfast in bed, and then sitting around with them at home all day, doing nothing but being with each other.”

Yixing’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe what the words were that Joonmyun was spouting.

“I don’t imagine taking them out on dates, and showing them off to my family, being able to say that they are mine and that I love them... Yixing, I like you in the way that means I want to be with you forever, doing more than being just friends.” Joonmyun paused and took a deep breath, “For the past near two years I’ve liked you like this. I don’t even think like is the right word anymore. I guess what I’m trying to say is that… I might love you. I might be in love with you. I get that you’re not going to appreciate this, but I needed to tell you. If you don’t want to be friends anymore, then that’s fine but – you were going to find out soon some way or another. I’d rather tell you myself.”

Yixing stood there, mouth agape and eyes opened wide. He would have never thought that Joonmyun was interested in him.

“I’ll leave, now,” Joonmyun muttered quietly, “I’m sorry but – thanks for hearing me out,” 

“Joonmyun…” Yixing whispered as he went to walk out the door, and Joonmyun turned around, eyes glazed but hopeful. “You’re an idiot,” he held back tears as he grabbed him and connected their lips together.

Now this, Yixing thought, was hot. The two years of pent up ual frustration were finally being released and it felt perfect. At first Joonmyun was hesitant, not really knowing if Yixing was just pitying him, but soon he built up confidence and quickly it became a battle for dominance and anyone’s game. Yixing pushed Joonmyun up against the wall, and whether it was his head or decided on it, created a little friction.

Joonmyun pulled away, looking red and flustered, but somehow managed to smirk. “Not so fast babe, we’re at Jongin’s, remember?”

Yixing frowned, but Joonmyun was right. They couldn’t go any farther at Jongin’s, and Yixing hadn’t even told him how he felt yet. Though Joonmyun had poured his heart out, nervousness filled Yixing’s own as he said the Korean’s name.

“Yes?” Joonmyun replied, the beaming smile he’d just held dropping ever so slightly as he too was filled with nausea.

“I think – I think I might be in love with you, too.”

“Then you’re mine, and I’m yours?”

Yixing bit back a grin, burying his head into Joonmyun’s collar. “I think I’m okay with that,”

Joonmyun’s face lit up, and neither had ever been happier.

(Even Jongin couldn’t contain his squeals from outside the door).



// Authors Note //

I bet you guys weren't expecting the story to progress this fast, right? It was a backstory to another plot but it turned out way too long so here we are.
The next chapter is the last one before the sequel wooh.

Anyway, thanks for all the nice comments and subs! Seriously I didn't think I'd get  this many so I'm really happy :D you guys are the best!}

let me love you!
And I'm glad you're enjoying it, hopefully this chapter didn't disappoint you.
I feel like it gets less funny as it goes along OTL.

And also, Happy New Year!
(anyone else watch Gayo Daejun the other day I cant believe Baekhyun added the adlib I died and questioned my bias list a lot :P)

Okay I'll shut up now, bye! 


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Thank you!
Sequel should be up today! (It's 2:42AM where I live though, so maybe not for you), just let me sort out a few more things ^-^


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Chapter 1: KaiXing is brotp!!!!! ♡♡♡
Chapter 5: I love Kai xD and Sulay *-* i liked the story :3
Teddyg #3
Chapter 1: Aww, thank you for this! I agree, there is a lack of Sulay fics!
Chapter 3: Omfg let me die xD
Suho's mom is so funny can't handle With it xD
Chapter 3: Omo this was so cute~ \(>~<)/
Off to read the sequel now...
Chapter 3: IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!!! >< //off to sequel :))
somarshies #7
Chapter 3: So cute and fluffy :"""")
Chapter 3: Hi! Okay, so I want to ask this since a little moment already, but I always forget.
I reading this one (AGAIN) and I had planned on reading the sequel after, end then I thought: , this is good...
And then I was like, okay, I'll ask the writer.
Si hear I am, asking you if maybe you'd agree with me translating those two ff in french because, hell, they are good and I want to share it! xD
If you don't want, I'd totally understand.
Oh and, Happy new year! Kkkk
Chapter 5: Yixing falling down the stairs trying to be cool hahahha hilarious and Joonmyun's mom is the best!!! I love Kaisoo in here though number 1 otp