

"Hyung! Hyung!" Zelo exclaimed as he nudged Yongguk, who currently taking a power nap on the couch. Manager Kang today decided to give everyone a break from their "No Mercy" promotions, so everyone was at home, sleeping. All except for Zelo of course.
Being the maknae and teen he was, Zelo was awake, and due to his curiosity and raging teen hormones, was surfing on the web when a particular website caught his attention. He clicked on the URL and began searching around it. He noticed that many stories were written here. He concluded from his "research" that it was some sort of site where fans of different fandoms could write stories about their idols. 
He was searching through the tags when Junhong noticed the B.A.P tag that suddenly appeared on the monitor. He wanted his hyungs to know how dedicated and devoted their Babys were, so he proceeded to go around their dorm, waking up all the members who were in dreamland, and forcing them to all gather in the living room.
"What's all of this about Zelo? And you better make it quick so we can all go back to sleep peacefully," grumbled Yongguk, who was yawning and rubbing his eyes.
"Okay fine. So look at this site," he stated.
"Yeah. It's a site. What about it?" Himchan retorted.
"Sigh, my hyungs are pabos," Zelo muttered under his breath and shook his head. "This is AsianFanfics, aka AFF. It's a site where people can write stories and post them online for other people to see. The stories are usually written by fans of different fandoms. See? Daehyun hyung, click the B.A.P tag." Now the rest of members suddenly became interested after hearing the younger's explanation.
Daehyun obediently did as the maknae told him and clicked on the blue color coded word. Another page popped up filled with many titles. 
"Alright then! What should we read? Oh, how about this one?" He chose a random one and the members reluctantly began to read. Unfortunately, no one took notice of the "Rated M" symbol and the DaeJae and tag in the title. (Well, except for Daehyun, but he just ignored it.)
*Insert your favorite DaeJae oneshot here. Yeah. I can't write . Sadly.*
"Ok! That's enough reading for one day!" Yongguk stated in shock, eyes starting to bulge out of their sockets.
"Oh my Shisus! I didn't even know our fans write THESE kind of stories," Youngjae exclaimed in horror, clasping his hands over his eyes and mouth.
"That was some pretty hot though," Daehyun unconsciously stated out loud. 
"Daehyun! You ert!" Youngjae contorted, and smacked his boyfriend square on the head, which in return, left the older with a rather large, purple, bruising, and throbbing bump on his head.
Daehyun clutched the injury in pain and agony. "Ouch! Remind me not to get on your nerves next time Jaejae."
"Can we continue? I found another story!" suggested Zelo.
Yongguk looked reluctant, and hesitated before agreeing with the maknae. "Fine, but no more stories okay?" 
*Now insert a fluffy BangHim date oneshot here. Yeah, I know. I'm being a lazy author right now.*
"Well, um, no comment to that."
"Daehyunnie! Why can't we have a date like that?!" Youngjae whined, clinging on to his lover's arm while pointing a finger at the laptop screen.
"Honey, we can't because; a) We're famous, so someone could see us, and then there goes our job, and b) We're not allowed to go outside without Yongguk's hyung's permission," explained Daehyun, who was also placing butterfly kisses all over Youngjae's face when a pout was formed from the younger's disappointment.
"Alright, fine. But can we in the future?" Youngjae questioned, his eyes filled with hope. 
The lead vocalist let out a chuckle. "Of course we can." He then placed a peck on the younger vocalist's naturally plump lips. 
"Hello? Earth to lovey-dovey couple over there. May we continue?" Himchan retorted once again, agitated with the couple's PDA.
"Oh yeah, ok. Sorry," they apologized with a cheeky smile on their faces.
"Oh hey, how about this one!"
"Zelo, I don't think that's a good idea to click on that one-"
"Nah, we're going to be fine," he reassured them. 
*Last one: Insert some ty JongLo in there, hehe. And if you can, some too. y mode on here hehe.*
"I didn't know the fans write about us too. How did they know?" Jongup gasped in horror, looking like a fish on dry land.
"Alright, who filmed us last night?" Junhong contorted, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and suspicion.
"So that's where the sounds and thumps came from," Daehyun wondered out loud.
"So...can we read another one?" Zelo asked innocently, as if none of any of the stories had scarred him before.
"No! No! No! We're not going to corrupt you anymore, any longer," retorted the leader, who closed the laptop shut.
"Who cares? I was already traumatized already," the maknae muttered under his breath.
"WHAT?! WHO TOOK AWAY YOUR INNOCENCE?! And no, not your ity, shrieked Himchan, switching on his motherly mode.
"Geez. I was just hanging out with Kyuhyun and Heechul hyung a few days ago. No need to get so worked up," he muttered.
"Someone remind me to shove some ty up their asses the next time I see them," mumbled the 2nd oldest.
"What is a 'ty '?" The once innocent Jongup questioned.
"Oh yeah. We forgot that Jongup was here," Daehyun said in realization.
"Jongup, a 'ty ' is a crappy ," Junhong explained shortly after.
"Oh...wait are you implying that I have a crappy ?!" The 2nd youngest shrieked.
"No! No, your is great! Especially in bed," Zelo said, mumbling the last part, a light shade of pink clear on his face.
"Eww, too much information..." the bandmates stated in a disgusted manner with grossed out expressions on their faces.
Suddenly, Manager Kang decided to appear in the room. "What are you guys doing?" he asked suspiciously, his sunglasses starting to droop below his eyes.
"Uh, reading?" Junhong asked in a clearly questionable tone.
"Wait? READING?!" Manager Kang questioned, trying to confirm the unbelievable truth.
"Uh, yeah."
"That's...AMAZING! I HAVE FINALLY SEEN THE TRUTH! YOU GUYS ARE ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE INSTEAD OF WATCHING ! (Well, besides Jongup, but that's a different story.)" yelped their manager in amazement. He then immediately disappeared out of their dorm. No I mean it, literally. Like right after they blinked, he just like, vaporized into the air. You know what I'm saying? Weird.
"Um, okay?" They all said as an awkward atmosphere slowly appeared, hovering around the room, along with a side of silence too. After what seemed to be like 69 hours, which was really only 5 minutes, Himchan finally broke out of his quiet daze, and spoke a simple yet complicated phrase, that described everything that had happened that day.
"What the hell just happened?"
~Yes,yes, I know. A crappy ending. It's sad. But oh well, I had to finish it at some point. This is probably one of the longest oneshots I have ever written, and it took about 2 weeks too. That's because I'm pretty lazy, so yeah. Anyhow, has my writing improved? :)
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yolanee #1
Chapter 1: Well this is what crack should be. :D
Dafuq?Heechul and Kyuhyun ahahahaha...if we like add Eunhyuk omg omg omg ahahahahaha
Chapter 1: HOHO, would rather say it would have been our dear Hyukkie and Kangin than HeeKyu. xD
babiegel #4
Chapter 1: bwahaha love that all the couples are here! Lol Heechul & Kyuhyun corrupting Zelo
Chapter 1: Haha YAY! you had all the couples that i ship. Banghim, jonglo, and DEAJE (my favorite)
Chapter 1: lols 69 hours? lols heechul and kyuhyun? XD this was awesome ^^
DinoCarrot #7
petalcha #8
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA, Heechul and Kyuhyun... omg, so that's the result, that Zelo. XDD
wonwoojpeg #9
Chapter 1: Haha 69 hours XD