Birthday Surprise

Ramblings of a Blank Mind

It was a dreary day. An overcast day. A rainy day. It was your birthday. Staring out from underneath your umbrella, you glare at the clouds. I love rainy days, really, I do. But today, when things already aren’t going the way I want them to, do you really have to make me more miserable? This morning you’d fallen off the bed, so your body was bruised. You’d been late to work and in your rush, you had spilt coffee on your white shirt. Then you’d opened your email and saw a letter from Sunggyu telling you that unfortunately he wouldn’t be able to come back in time to celebrate your birthday with you. All in all, this birthday was turning out to be a nightmare. The rain did nothing for your spirits, instead dragging them further down. You’d forgotten to bring a jacket, so the biting wind went straight through you. The heavy downpour had literally flooded the sidewalks and you were walking home. You felt wretched.

Halfway home, you got a call. Checking the caller display, you saw it was Sunggyu. Grumpy, you answer the phone rather rudely, “What?”

All Sunggyu did was chuckle. “Sorry _____. You know I’d do anything to be with you right now, I can’t control my schedule. Forgive me?”

Upset that he’d laughed, you pout. “No.”

You heard him sigh through the phone. When you got in this kind of mood, it was hard to get you out of it. “What are you doing? At least talk to me, I miss your voice,” he said.

“I’m walking home. In the rain. Getting soaked because I have a sorry excuse for an umbrella. And I miss you, not just your voice.”

“You know I miss you too, but since I can’t see you, I’ll settle for your voice. How much farther do you have to walk? Hurry home, don’t dawdle. I don’t want you getting sick.”

“I’ll be home in 2 minutes. What do you care if I’m sick or not, you aren’t even here to take care of me.”

He sighed again. “Come on, stop being bitter. How was your day?”

You continued in the same thread all the way home. You weren’t happy and you felt bad about taking it out on Sunggyu, but you couldn’t help it. Entering your apartment, you quickly go to your room and change. Sunggyu was still on the phone, but you let him talk to himself as you dressed for warmth and comfort. Picking up the phone again, you walked into the kitchen. But that’s where you stopped.

On your little table, there was a cake and candles, along with your laptop, although the screen was covered with a cloth. You slowly walk to the laptop and take the covering off. You saw Skype was on and Sunggyu’s face filled the screen. He had his phone up to his ear and when he noticed you on his screen he smiled.

“Ah, so you found your surprise. Happy birthday _____!” he said, closing his phone.

You slowly sit down and close your phone too.

“Hey _____, don’t be so shocked,” he said, waving his hand.

You just stared back at him and slowly tears dripped down your face.

“Why are you crying?” he asked surprised.

“You idiot. I hate you Kim Sunggyu. You let me act like that on the phone when you knew all along you were doing this. You’re horrible,” you said, crying now. But in truth, they were happy tears.

“It was supposed to be a surprise. I couldn’t very well tell you, could I?”

Slowly your tears subsided and sniffling, you tell him, “I love you, you idiot.”

All he did was laugh, “I love you too.”

This is longer than what I'd term a drabble, but it's too short to be a oneshot. I guess it has the potential to turn into a story if I wanted it to.

Anyways, not happy with this. In the beginning I really liked the idea and was excited to write it, but as I wrote, it veered away from the direction I wanted it to go. It's not how I imagined it. Near the end I just kind of gave up.

At least you have a gorgeous picture to make up for the lack of quality.

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read it!!!!sooo cute!!!!send me the file so i can edit????
Chapter 8: awww...i want dongwoos shoulder to lean on...def something hed do!!!!so cute!!!!
Chapter 8: Awwww cute patootie Dongwoo!!!!
Chapter 6: ...its super rushed...but yay!!!!namgrease!!!!
Chapter 5: pwahahaha!!!!luved this to bits really i did...its just...dies of laughter...whew...laughs once more...