Prompts ,Tasks and submission form

Abusive Pencil - The Graphic/One Shot Contest (Winners Announced!)

Graphic Tasks

(You can do max three and min one tasks)



                                                                                                     Task 1

Title: You’re beautiful

Characters: max 4- min 2

Theme: Cute, romantic

Bonus: Use someone from INFINITE/SHINee/Boyriend


Task 2

Title: Letters to Nobody

Characters: 2-3

Theme: Sad, depressing

Bonus: Use a matching quote


Task 3

Title: Romeo must Die

Characters: Max 5- min 3

Theme: Action, love

Bonus: Add a nice sinister looking villain and gun to it.




Task 4

Title: Hundred and One ways to get rid of a Vampire

Characters: Max 4 – Min 2

Theme: Comedy, supernatural (Vampirish)

Bonus: One of your main character (guy or girl) should have white/ bright blonde hair.


Task 5

Title: Trapped

Characters: Max 5- Min 3

Theme: Horror, angst, dark

Bonus: Give is a gory look with a bloody quote




Story Prompts

(Max no. of chapters three, Min. one)


Basically the prompts for one shots are going to be songs or pictures . I’ll give you a nice number of song titles and pictures. Listen to them, think of the theme or story they signify and then write. It’s not like a song narrates only a one sided story. You need to write what you think fits the theme best. What you think the song or picture is about.

Be creative!

Let your imagination run wild!



Song list:-





Submit your entries here:-

Submission Form

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Thank you!
still workin on d prizes heheh...


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Chapter 11: Yay cool!! Thank you, I'll keep your critiques in mind!
Chapter 11: Wow I'm truly honored to have placed. I'm so glad you liked the story (despite the lack of visuals) and thanks again for holding the contest! :D

Congratulations for all the winners. :)
Chapter 10: ...Woah.

I did not see that coming. I kind of joined just...just to join.
I'm a newbie, I didn't think I could...

Oh woah. T-thank you.
I'm in shock. I can't type right. Oh gosh. Wow. Thank you.
Chapter 10: Congratulations to all the winners of the contest!! OuO
Chapter 10: Ahhh I won?! omg yay!!! lol thank you~
asdfgklefv i'm so in shock right now (D_O eyed)
but i cant see ur versions for the graphic prompts :(

But yay~!!! ^O^ ahh thank you so much! :D
Chapter 10: Congratulations to all the graphic winners!!! I can't wait to see the results for the one shot contest!!
Chapter 9: tomorrow ... the day of judgement ... X_X

Good luck for all of us! XD
Ahh I can't wait till the 14th!! :)
I've sent my form for the one-shot contest. ^^
Chapter 1: Hi my entry is complete!! :) And I requested a poster, it just hasn't been finished yet.