
Making Memories


( Nell-Time Spent Walking Through Memories)



“Still, I hear your sound
Still, I feel your touch
Today…I lived in your presence
Still, I see your image
Still, I feel your warmness
Now I live in your time again
From the vision of a stranger passing by
From the leaf that rides the wind and sorrowfully sways
From the air in the night that brush against my face
All I see, I hear, I feel
You are there


How are you?  Are you like me?

Tomorrow, I will see you again
Tomorrow, I will hear you again
Tomorrow will be just like as it is now


What should I do now?
You probably erased everything…
What should I do now…about us?


Opening the door of yearning

The memories of you visit me

Constantly my eyelids crimson

Constantly my heart is tearing

What should I do now?"


I sat on the first chair I saw and took a deep breath; my hands were still in my chest.

Why is it hurting so badly?






Woohyun’s POV


What should I do?

If I see her again today… My heart will not take it !

When she left yesterday, I thought I was dying!

I left Korea because I couldn’t bear this look and pain but like a boomerang, it comes to me again!

Why destiny is playing with my feelings? Is it a punishment? Do I have to see the face of the only person I ever loved and hurt so badly for the rest of my life? Yeah, I deserve all kind of punishment for that…

-Woohyun…? Are you agreeing with that?

My eyes left the door and turned back to my new boss.


-That’s great! So you will work with her then! I’m happy that you accept it! I was afraid because of what happened yesterday… He scratched the back of his head.

What is he talking about? Working with whom? I really don't understand a word!

 I should have been more concentrated!

-The meeting will begin soon, are you ready? Asked M.Lee

I nodded.

-I’m glad to work with serious worker like you Woohyun!

He stood up and patted my shoulder. Then, we left his office.

He called me in his office before the meeting for telling me something but I was thinking too much about…Hyun Jae…

 I felt a huge pain in my heart when I thought of her.


-Miss Min! called M.Lee

-Ne sajang-nim. She bowed and looked at me with a shy smile plastered in her face.

I felt uncomfortable with her peeking at me all the time.

-Hyun Jae came already?

My heart skipped a beat. I tried to keep a normal look.

-Oh no. The secretary said sadly. But I’m sure she will come! Don’t you know her? Even if she has a 40 fever, she will come!

 I couldn’t help myself from smiling. She didn’t change at all.

-If her doctor called, tell me. I don’t know if she went to her monthly check up already, maybe she is there this morning… said worriedly the boss.

I felt suddenly worry.

When we walked in the meeting room, I finally asked with a knot in my stomach:

-S-sorry I heard your talk without willing it…Can I ask why she needs a monthly check up?

He sighed. I became worrier than ever.

-If I knew, I wouldn’t be that worried! He simply answered. The only thing that I know is that she is one of the best businesswomen and trust me, I know a lot of businessman! That’s why I’m glad to have her and now you! I heard a lot of good things about you too.

I smiled.

-I hope I will not disappoint you.

-Time will say it!

Someone cleared .

-Boss, you looked for me?

He turned back. I couldn’t help my surprised look. I looked at the boss, he was smiling.

-Hyun Jae! Are you feeling good?

She probably nodded because I didn’t hear her voice.

Her face kept on appearing in front of my eyes. I froze, why does she look cold? Even her voice is…different?

-Ah! I introduce you Mister Nam Woohyun. He is a member of the company in the United States which will work with us. Started from today, you will work on the project with him. You will be partners.

My eyes widened. He was talking about that earlier?

-W-hy? She asked with a shaking voice.

I turned to face her. She looked so…beautiful!

-He has the same post as you! Hyun Jae, are you bothered by that? Woohyun is totally agreed with that.

She looked at me…our eyes met… her eyes were deathly cold. I felt my heart breaking.

Hyun Jae, if I knew it, maybe I would refuse it… It will hurt both of us…

I opened my mouth to say I changed my mind but she cut me off.

She showed me her hands and said with an emotionless look and voice:

-Hi Mister Nam. Let’s do our best for the project.

She did like she didn’t know me… It’s normal…I think…

I took her hand and shook it.

My heart was beating again.

She let go, bowed and sat on a chair.

-Don’t worry. Said M. Lee when he saw my shocked look. It’s because she is cold that she is doing a good job! But after a while, when she will be used at you, it will be less awkward.

Cold? My Hyun Jae? How can it be true?

I never saw her like that. Maybe I was wrong. She had changed a lot.

The Hyun Jae that I used to know was the brighter and happier girl of the world, even if her past was sadder than everyone else.


The meeting seemed shorter than yesterday. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her…

How could I bring myself to leave her?

I clenched on my wrist.


-Thanks for coming.

People began to leave the room. I looked at the boss who seemed tired then looked back at Hyun Jae but she wasn’t in the room! My eyes were looking for her when I took all my stuff and went out of this room.

My eyes widened. Between all the people who were talking and walking to the elevator, my eyes could only see this… Hyun Jae…was hugging someone tightly!

My heart exploded in pain.

Stupid Woohyun! Of course she forgot you…Of course she did…

I walked slowly to my desk and put all my stuff on it. I was next to them now but they didn’t notice my presence.

I couldn’t look at them…it will hurt me more!

-Can we go? Asked the man.

-Yes Myungsoo! We can finally go!

Her voice wasn’t cold at all!


I heard their footsteps going away.


I sat on my chair and like yesterday, I faced my entire mistakes…Like a boomerang, all my past pain came back to me…

Why are you so hard with me destiny? 




I hope that this chapter wasn't boring... Sorry if it was^^' *bow* 

I wanted to show Woohyun's feeling^^ 

So what are you thinking about it? Doy you want to know why and how did they broke up? 

I will make a special chapter which will tell you how they broke up^^

I'm in holiday for still 4 days so I will try to update soon~  

Sorry for spelling mistakes~ 

PS: Do you guys already see that?   

*fangirl mode on* KYYAAAAA!!!!       

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teresiakinta #1
Chapter 36: im so confused right now, in one hand i want woohyun and hyun jae back together, damn, they are still in deep love to each other, and it hurt me when they cant be together. but in other hand, i really hate woohyun to leave hyun jae and kill her like that, what the hell that woohyun think to made him leave her like that, im really cant understand. i wish sunggyu can help hyun jae to live a proper life again without woohyun and is it possible to have sunggyu and hyun jae together as a couple? im really like sunggyu's character here, he is strong and bold haha
Chapter 34: Wooahhhhh I like the storyline it's getting more excited n interesting I hope they could fix the problems in her life ...... I'm more excited about what will happen next please update soon author_nim n Hwaiting ♥ Xoxo ♥
nurinyeolliepop #3
Chapter 29: Woohyun kept asking her if she hasn't forget about them. And he even swore that he didn't meant to hurt her but then WHY THE HELL DID YOU LEAVE HER!!? KANG HYUN JAE WHY R U SUCH AN IDIOT ?! WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK HIM THAT ?!?!?!
Chapter 29: Okay, my first reaction was : 'HE KISSED HER FINALLY ! AHFDSJFKSLFFSDDQSDQSDKQLDQ' but then the end was so sad and I ended up : "WHAAAT ?! OH MY GOSH I'M GONNA KILL THIS -Censured- BECAUSE OF HIM THEY WON'T BE TOGETHER NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !"
So... Yeah, it's frustrating xD
Chapter 27: Owww things will be complicated between Hyun Jae and Woohyun ;w;
Ahah the moment with woohyun and the secretary killed him xD
nurinyeolliepop #6
Chapter 26: LOL DIRTY MYUNGSOO XD Btw is the end near? :(
(Yup I'm back with my crazy comments kekeke~ ♥)
Chapter 25: Mouahaha Myungsoo you're the best ! He killed me xD
What ? What ? What does Hyun Jae still have ? I want to knooow ;___;
Fleurdesaison #9
Chapter 25: myungsoo you're awesome!
Go go Sunggyu change Hyun Jae ! \o/