non smetti mai di sorprendermi

non smetti mai di sorprendermi


<< People should stop saying that it's too early to love,too late to forgive,too early to give up and too late to come back. Feelings can't control time. They do not count how many days are gone, they do not think about how many years are passing. Those are things people do. People treat love as if it's an old lady: full of memories, worried about the future, scared of tomorrow, all it's left is waiting for the end to come. People do not understand that love is like a child: it can't wait, it doesn't want to wait, it smiles for little things and if you offend it, it will be willing to forgive just to spend a little time playing with you.

It's not too early to fall in love,people. Not too late to forgive someone. It's not too early to give up. And definitely not too late to come back.

So,people, love,forgive,don't give up and come back. >>


- - -


There's always something about Hyukjae that Kyuhyun hasn't yet discovered.

Adreline always pulses in his veins and excitement awakes his mind. What's coming next it's all a surprise,there's always something that doesn't belong to him. Living with Hyukjae is like living at the start of a trip. 


- - -


Kyuhyun gets up when the sun is on the orizon and Hyukjae has his face still pressed on his pillow. He walks silently to the bathroom, careful of not making noises. He stands in front of the mirror, wears his suit and then slips into his jacket. 

He doesn't kiss Hyukjae goodbye even if he wants to.

The door doesn't slam when he leaves their apartment. When Hyukjae wakes up,and sits on the bed, it's the smell of coffee that greets him good morning.


- - -


They're different.

Not opposites,just different.

Kyuhyun is up before eight o'clock, eight o'clock doesn't even exist for Hyukjae. Not eight o'clock in the morning at least. 

Hyukjae works at a mechanic shop,likes putting his hands in greasy gloves and likes when oil smudges his face. He loves to work on old machinery, loves when an old car, an old truck reborns. He doesn't mind his hair getting darker because of sweat, dust on his clothes has never been a problem.

You can still wash them.

Or you can buy a new one, Kyuhyun would retort.

Kyuhyun takes pencils,makes straight lines and perfect circles with rulers and compasses, draws triangulars while squinting his eyes, he makes equations in his mind, scribbles numbers and then he asks for his co-workers to remind him if the clients want three or four rooms upstairs,one bathroom next to the children's play-room, if they want a large living room and a small kitchen. He creates new buildings, houses for people. For families. 

Hyukjae believes,he loves clubs,drinks,falling in bed drunk,wild , likes forgetting what he did and likes remembering what he hasn't still done. 

Kyuhyun always raises his eyebrows in surprise when Hyukjae gives him a flower made of paper that Kyuhyun has never been able to make. The flowers are never the same. Once Hyukjae gave him two roses, but the second one had one petal covered by dirt. "How do you do this?",he asks.

Hyukjae puts his hands behind his head, shrugs and sticks his tongue out petulantly. "I don't know what you're talking about",and maybe he's sincere because it takes him minutes to recall questions that Kyuhyun has already asked him and answers that he has already given with different words,but with the same meaning. "Oh", Hyukjae has now his hand in his hair, twirling bright blond strand. "I just do",which is the same as if saying "I don't know either", "Why do you ask me?", "Don't you like them?". They're different, but don't they sound the same?

Kyuhyun laughs. "Non smetti mai di sorprendermi ( ) ". He doesn't know if the pronunciation is correct. Three years studying in a foreign country with a friend while working don't certainly do miracles. But Kyuhyun said it with confidence.

Hyukjae rolls his eyes,leans in, "Yeah,yeah,I'm cute, I know" and presses their lips together.


- - -


Hyukjae lets his relatives meet him once a year.

It's almost always his brother Chanyeol.

The owner is in another city and besides Jongin and Hyukjae, the place is empty. "Hey", Jongin says friendly at Kyuhyun who walks in the garage. The boy is growing fast. Their last meeting was on May of last year. Kyuhyun responds with a quiet hello, traveling through time for a brief moment and seeing himself facing a Jongin taller than him. "He's there", Jongin brings Kyuhyun back to present, his thumb indicating Hyukjae behind him.

Kyuhyun mouths thank you and then stays there waiting for Hyukjae to finish. At some point, he puts the papers he's carrying down on  one of the wooden chairs inside the shop,but not after checking if it's safe. He equally feels the need to clean it with a tissue. Then, he's back waiting for Hyukjae.

Everytime Chanyeol calls,saying that he's coming to visit, there's dirt crusted under Hyukjae's fingernails,Hyukjae's shoes have black patches. Hyukjae's dirt and dust and so he uses the bottle that he's supposed to drink in order to refresh his throat, to wash his face and his hands.

Kyuhyun observes how Hyukjae's shoulders are down for the weight of Hyukjae's fear that Chanyeol might refer him the disappointment he brought to his parents. He's lost. He looks as if he doesn't know what to do when his hand is gripping a tool.


Hyukjae turns around and sees Kyuhyun. His eyes are dancing and his mouth is curving.

Kyuhyun sighs inwardly. He waves.

Hyukjae will never admit that he's nervous and afraid.


- - -


The day ends, Chanyeol's head is popping out of the train's window for the last time and Kyuhyun finally sees Hyukjae's chest deflate normally.

"That went well", Hyukjae starts to say,scratching his nape. Kyuhyun stops his hand and earns a frown from the other, "Itchy".

"Your hands are .",Kyuhyun replies, "And baby, you smell."

The train is out of their sight. Hyukjae grins, his eyes disappearing,the heaviness in his heart lessening temporarily. "Leave me. I'm itchy.",Hyukjae repeats in a singsong voice,catching Kyuhyun's tie ,bringing him closer to him,but then he lets go.

"That went well", and it's a quieter tone this time.

There is a girl's voice announcing the arrival of another train. Kyuhyun rolls one of the papers and the regret he's feeling for doing so vanishes when he hits Hyukjae's forehead with it. "It always goes well."

"Because Chanyeol is the best", Hyukjae offers.

Kyuhyun stays silent at that. His only answer is hitting Hyukjae again.


- - -


The light is blinding. Kyuhyun blows smoke inside Hyukjae's mouth, the heat of their palms is burning on skin, Hyukjae's knees dig into the couch.

"Disgusting", but Hyukjae isn't pulling away.

Kyuhyun pecks his lips. "But you like it."

"Not really", Hyukjae tells to the curve of Kyuhyun's neck. Kiss. "But I like you." 


- - -


Saturday is Kyuhyun's day off. Tuesday is Hyukjae's.


- - -


"Why should I sacrifice my work for a person like you?"

Hyukjae never fakes he's offended. 

"Why shouldn't you sacrifice your work for a person like me?"


- - -


Kyuhyun scowls.

"Come on", Hyukjae says, grabbing his hand.

It's elegant like a top ten restaurant of the city should be. He should have understood that there was something different when Hyukjae styled his hair instead of squeezing gel out of the bottle and raked his hand through his hair. It's the leather jacket that tricked him.  When they go clubbing Hyukjae always wears it.

They serve them wines. Kyuhyun sips it. "Why are we here?"

Hyukjae has his hands cupping his face, "Because I figured you'd like to be here.",and he's winking and he's right.


- - -


There are days when Kyuhyun thinks he's the luckiest person on this planet. 

Hyukjae puts happiness in his everyday life. In his life. Hyukjae makes little things like a piece of paper look special. Kyuhyun finds said happiness in little things.


- - -


"Wow", Kyuhyun deadpans. "You're giving me a piece of paper.", he's looked at it back and forth. There's written nothing. Absolutely nothing. There is not a dot of blue. No dirt. Nothing. It's completely white. "I use papers a lot, thank you,baby."

Hyukjae punches him hard. He slams the blue pen in his hand on the table, his cheeks are red. "I was thinking about writing a poem for you", Kyuhyun blinks, "I- Uh. Well- ehm. I thought about it,but I really am not good with words. You know that.", he's taking the paper from Kyuhyun's hand and placing him on the table as well. Hyukjae takes the pen and hands it to Kyuhyun. "I wanted to,but I'm not good like you. A-And so I thought, what about you do it and then I write down my name and after that,read it to you?"

"That's. . .", Kyuhyun considers the idea for a second, "That's the oddest thing I've ever heard."

Hyukjae covers his face, "This is the last time I'm trying to be romantic for someone who doesn't appreciate my effort!"

Kyuhyun's expression is priceless. "B-But. I. Oh god Hyukjae, that's odd, not romantic!"

He gets another punch,but he deserves it.


- - -



Kyuhyun sighs. "I'm sorry."

"That was like", Hyukjae rolls on the bed, "my way of saying thank you because you're always there. That was me trying to be something I'm not because of you,because I love you. Jerk."


- - -


"Good Morning."

"This is a miracle."

"No, it's coffee and shut up, Kyuhyun."




) You never fail to amaze me. 

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< LOVE.

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Chapter 1: This is totally my favorite kyuhyuk fic from you... They are so sweet :D
Chapter 1: awwww cute cute cute
love it^^
privatecookie228 #3
Chapter 1: Lol, he gave him a blank paper XD
Chapter 1: owh,,one-shot only? dunno how much i wish this fic never ends...little details just make me more curious & craving LoL
Chapter 1: "Wow,you're giving me a piece of paper" *flips Ambra*
Chapter 1: humm...what should i say about this...? this is...again, the same as the idea i have in my mind and still unable to write it down -.-" haha...i thought about their difference(s) too!

but this is sweet, cute, lovely...just nice! i like it. the best part for me is the rose-paper (yes those are different sentences but sounds the same, somehow XD), and the empty paper (what a smart thought of hyukjae about being romantic!)
ahahaha...cute, sooo kyuhyuk-like!
thanks for sharing ^^
michikokasiumi #7
Chapter 1: HWoooooaaaaaaaaa...
its soooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet >///<
it's not too cheezy but its sweet >0<
not too romantic but IT IS romantic n make my heart flutter XD
omo... and that 'paper' scene.. how cuuuuuuuute hwaaaaaaaaaa >0<
i love them loving each other just the way they are... omooo
u r great in make a sweet story.. n i'm not a cheezy ppl so, i looooove ur story, implicit romanticism >u<

Seriously I loved everything about this. I love your humour and amusement and how everything you write ends up amazing. The ending was amazing and it was just such an easy read and I didn't even have to try to get myself interested because I fell in love with the whole thing. You really don't know how good you are, do you? I know I keep saying this, but you're good. Like, really good. You don't need perfect grammar and spaces between commas to be a good author.

You're seriously talented. Even without proof-reading this is amazing and wonderful and everything you are and I love you as a friend and because you're one of my favourite authors <3

The beginning was very thoughtful. I really like your writing <3
I hope you know that without even reading the chapter I know this is going to be amazing. <3
analee592 #10
Chapter 1: this is sooo good... thank you for writing this..