Park Sang Hyun...?

This isn't Love (이건 사랑이 아냐)

Nicole avoided me again. Finally it's the last lesson for the day, Biology. Never a favourite subject of mine however i managed to pass thanks to Nicole, i don't know how to cope now, Seungho too didn't come to school, so i'm practically alone today. Daydreaming as per usual, i didn't realize that the bell rang to signal the end of the day. Just as i was about to pack my bags, somebody stood ahead of me...
"Park Seung Won sshi?" a boy took a seat in front of me, looking at me with a smile.
"Ne? Nuguseyo? (Yes? Who are you?)" i asked, ignoring the loud noise Nicole made with her chair as she got out of the class.
The class took their time to clear out, giving the boy ahead of me constant glances and animated whispering, sometimes squealing.
"Okay," he gave a small snicker as the last person got out of the class, "Hi, my name is Park Sang Hyun,"
"Hi, i guess you already know my name. However, if i may ask, do you need something?" I eyed him curiously.
"Do you want to be my friend?!" he grinned excitedly, practically bouncing on the chair.
"W-What? Friend?" i stuttered in shock, wasn’t the question I was actually expecting.
"Yes a friend! Ever heard the terms before??" he laughed and stood up.
Then I noticed his baby-faced features, as though that of a younger brother. He has dark brown hair, short and spiked up. My face flushed red probably. I wonder how I wasn’t able to realize his features previously...
"If you say so then, but just in case, I already have a boyfriend," i exclaimed, as i stood up as well.
"I know Noona,” His eye smile never failing to accompany his smile and short snicker.

“By the way, what class are you from?” I asked, seeming how tall he is while still bearing a baby-like face.

“From class 2-D. I’m a level below you Noona,” He answered and started jumping about. How adorable!

After locking the door, we walked together and apparently, nearly three blocks from my house, we parted ways. Taking a shower and jumping on the bed, I started to wonder…Why does it seem as though it is so easy for me to make friends with strangers?  Practically what happened between Sang Hyun and I, now that I think back, was the same situation as when it was with Seungho, other than the fact that Sang Hyun wanted to be my friend and Seungho, well, my boyfriend.

Now Game Is Over…Deoisang dashin nare-,” My ringtone played all of a sudden.

“How was school today Yeobo? Keke…,” Seungho texted me.

“Boring without you…T_T and since when did you start calling me Yeobo!”

“Since, hmmm….NOW!”

“^^ anyway, I made a new friend today,”


“Don’t sound so serious! It’s our Hoobae (Someone of lower level…around there^^)

It’s cute to see how jealous he seemed when I started telling him what happened. However, unlike Nicole, he reluctantly agreed with me being friends with Sang Hyun. See…I don’t need Nicole! I can totally cope with school this way… I have an amazingly supportive boyfriend…A cute new hoobae friend…I’m perfectly fine on my own.


Sorry if this Chapter is shorter than the previous ones!! And if you have noticed, the ringtone is MBLAQ's Dashi(Again)! ^^ ahahaha...I totally introduced to you guys a new character...Where I'm going..I TOO do not know! Thanks to my subscribers and tell me if it is going waaay to fast or anything! COMMENT! Ghamsahabnida!

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QueenBabe #1
good story!
JennyL #2
Don't stop there xD
Update soon you're leaving us hanging XD!
MelonCandy #3
Asdfghjklll <3

winterfell #5
Seungho's sweet ^^ <br />
He knew about Sunhwa?! >.< She's a creeper; stalking him since second grade. -shudders-<br />
Update soon ^^
winterfell #6
So it's clear thunder's the stalker now. Just leave Eunah alone. Stalk the creepy stalker girl. They were made for each other~ both stalkers >.< <br />
Aha Mir's so cute. Always thinking about food xD <br />
Update soon ^^
winterfell #7
Creepy girl >.< <br />
Run back to Seungho Eun-ah. He's better for you. Leave Cheondung... <br />
Hehe Mir's so cute :D<br />
Update soon ^^