
This isn't Love (이건 사랑이 아냐)

@mini-cupcakes : Heya! Thanks for the subscription~ ahaha A Sweet stalker is a weird but totally matching term! ahahah! Ikr~ The Song is amazing!!


"Im starting to see something outside my window everynight!" I complained to Nicole, shuddering as I recalled the previous nights where I always notice something moving outside my window.

"Seriously? Who?" Nicole looked at me with a worried look.

"I don't know but all I know is that I want that person to stop! It's scaring me like crazy!" I whimpered, hugging my bag tighter.

"Told Seungho yet?" she asked, she seemed to be uneasy after hearing this, should I not have told her?

"Not yet, I just don't think it's appropriate to tell him," I answered looking into her eyes as though searching for an answer.

"I think you made the right choice. Im still not too sure about Seungho, he seems too mysterious for your own good Eun Ah," Nicole informed me once more.

"Stop that! Stop thinking badly of him!" I shouted, standing up.

Her kind and worried look turned coldly at me. I took a few steps back in shock, she never looked at me this way before. She stood up, turned away and walked towards the classroom door.

"If you don't want to listen to me, might as well I don't stay here," She spoke. Even though the wind from the window muffled her words, the words stay pierced into my heart.

I stood there, shocked at what happened as I watched her walk off. I tried to call her back, but no words came out. So, I let my best friend go...

"Here you are!" A voice I have been yearning for spoke, "Eun Ah, what's wrong?"

He took me in his arms. Now I start to wonder why Nicole didn't want to trust Seungho at all. Is this going to be a choice I'll regret in the future? Or is this the right one?

As he repeated his question with worry quivering all about in his voice, I decided to tell him everything that happened. He just held me in his arms, his ears open all the way with understanding nods given every few times.

When my tears dried up, he pulled me off my seat and out the classroom. Locking the door for me, he held my hand once more.

"Every crying girl needs ice cream right? Or do you prefer chocolate?" He looked at me with a grin that washed my miseries away.

"Preferably ice cream, I don't feel like eating chocolate now," I gave him a small smile, touched that he is trying to cheer me up.

When I got home that day, I opened my computer and noticed a new mail. I clicked it open...

"Still dating him?

His personality will show up soon...


Consider yourself warned my dear Go Eun Ah..."

I stared at the screen and shuddered once more as I noticed someone moving outside my window again... Is my best friend right? Is this 'anonymous' correct as well? Or should I trust Seungho all the way?? I'm confused...

Are the chapters toooo short?? LOL! Since i find it quicker to update with short chapters, l'll just stick to the short short short chapters! Thanks for the subscribers!! WEE! Comment btw~

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QueenBabe #1
good story!
JennyL #2
Don't stop there xD
Update soon you're leaving us hanging XD!
MelonCandy #3
Asdfghjklll <3

winterfell #5
Seungho's sweet ^^ <br />
He knew about Sunhwa?! >.< She's a creeper; stalking him since second grade. -shudders-<br />
Update soon ^^
winterfell #6
So it's clear thunder's the stalker now. Just leave Eunah alone. Stalk the creepy stalker girl. They were made for each other~ both stalkers >.< <br />
Aha Mir's so cute. Always thinking about food xD <br />
Update soon ^^
winterfell #7
Creepy girl >.< <br />
Run back to Seungho Eun-ah. He's better for you. Leave Cheondung... <br />
Hehe Mir's so cute :D<br />
Update soon ^^