♚Radio Stream---Graphics [NOT accepting req. atm u_u] ♚





Open - The shop is open

Hiring - Need Designers (Accepts every designers that applied) 

Busy - Designer is busy; requests would maybe take longer

Hiatus - No request would be taken. Taking a break.

Closed - Shop is closed permanently


1. Please subscribe if you requested so you'll know when your request will be finished

2. Comment after you requested so I know that there is customers lol

3. Please credit the shop after you had placed the poster to your roleplay/poster

4. Please immediately tell me by commenting below if you want to cancel your request

5. Please be patient

6. Please please please please please don't insult the posters in this shop *worried*  I'm just 11 years old *pouts*

7.  You may request from other shops^^

8. Please save the poster in your desktop incase you lost the link

9. Please fill in the forms clearly so I understand what you mean hehe

10.  Password: ☞ IntoTheNewWorld ☜ (Since this is my favourite song of SNSD)





*Profile Link:

*Story Title:

*Story Link:


*Picture Links:

*Poster? Background? Banner?Character Chart? Wallpaper?:


*Do you want a quote?If yes, what?:



Anything Else?:


Staff application form:


*Profile Link:

*Themes You Are Good At:

*Themes You Are Bad At:


*Program Used:

*You Can Do (Character Chart, Background, Banner, Poster):

*How Long Does It Take You To Make A Poster:

*Animation (YES or NO):

*Something About Yourself (Your age, Bias, etc.):

*Example Of Your Work (3-5 examples):



                     Azuline ¦ Graphics Request Shop

(Comment If you want to be one^^)


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i've requested...sorry if I disobeyed some rules...I really forgot and our internet was broken..
*Username: exoisanawesomesauce

*Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/231260

*Story Title: Decision

*Story Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/409362

*Characters: Woohyun, Sunggyu, L

*Picture Links: i'm fine with you choosing the pictures. ^^

*Poster? Background? Banner?Character Chart? Wallpaper?: poster and background

*Theme: soft angst, romance

*Do you want a quote?If yes, what?: Which decision should I make?


*Password: Into the new world

Anything Else?: It's a fanfic xD i want the poster is not that dark, just a soft angst. thanks
Username: Happyblossom

Profile link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/348789

Story title: Capture My Heart

Story link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/215688/capture-my-heart-comedy-romance-you-exo-luhan-sehun

Characters: Luhan, Oc and Oh Sehun

Picture links: It's okay if you could provide though.

Poster and background please :)

Quote: Stop pestering me!

Artist: Barami_hatsumoto

Theme: Comedy romance


Anything else: I would be glad if it would be a light poster themed. Thank you

*Profile Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/347689

*Story Title:Wrong Send

*Story Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/399299/wrong-send-b2st-blockb-snsd-tara

*Characters:Snsd's Jessica|B2ST's Gikwang|T-ARA's Jiyeon|BLOCK B's Jaehyo

*Picture Links:Jessica- http://24.media.tumblr.com/c6c90037d9be5a65fadfcacf60f492eb/tumblr_mhu71612Ol1qlwz38o1_500.jpg
*Poster? Background? Banner?Character Chart? Wallpaper?:

*Do you want a quote?If yes, what?:



Anything Else?:For the color of the poster,any ind of violet~And thank you very much~and for SaranghaeyoAngels,for an 11 year old kid you're actually good,I'm sure when you grow up,your poster's will be better~Also for barami_hatsumoto your really good,for a 13 year old.I'm older than you and yet,I dont know how to editT.T AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH~I'LL CREDIT YOU IN MY STORY~
*Username: chodingfish
*Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/101081
*Themes You Are Good At: Angst, romance, cute, fluff, sad, dark (sometimes /slapped/)
*Themes You Are Bad At: comedy and sometimes colorful
*You Can Do: Poster, background
*How Long Does It Take You To Make A
Poster: I'm not sure because I have school and if I'm in a good mood it will be less than a week
*Animation (YES or NO): no
*Something About Yourself (Your age, Bias,
etc.): I'm Riga and I think I'm old OTL My biases are sehun, kai and luhan in exo but I also love sungyeol and zelo *u* I like to make poster of course ehehe and well, there's nothing special about me and I'll do my best
*Example Of Your Work
- http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/221/0/0/morning_breeze_by_beyonhae-d5afqcl.jpg
- http://fishyoriga.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/life3.jpg
- http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lze7wydJlS1qc1rs5o1_500.jpg
- http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8ivc5j7171qc1rs5o1_500.jpg
- http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m662eeR2zy1qc1rs5o1_500.jpg
sorry, there's a typo OTL
It's supposed to be :

I'm Chinese and I'm 14[2013] and I have declared war against 'Procrastination' so deal with it. I'll be extremely happy if you want a poster cause I'm a hardcore fangirl xD

for the something about yourself part , sorry for the inconvenience OTL
*Username: barami_hatsumoto

*Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/29242

*Themes You Are Good At: soft romance and cute/romcom

*Themes You Are Bad At: dark [black-coloured themes]

*You Can Do (Character Chart, Background, Banner, Poster): Poster, Background and Character Chart [and I even accept desktop wallpapers xD]

*How Long Does It Take You To Make A Poster: idk lol, depends on my mood [cause i have school]

*Animation (YES or NO): NO

*Something About Yourself (Your age, Bias, etc.): I'm Chinese and I'm 13 and I have declared war against 'Procrastination' so deal with it. I'll be extremely happy if you want a poster cause I'm a hardcore fangirl xD

*Example Of Your Work (3-5 examples):
[1] http://i.imgur.com/gd9qY.jpg
[2] http://i.imgur.com/Tlpyc.png
[3] http://i.imgur.com/PP5CT.jpg
[4] http://i.imgur.com/m9HvI.png
[5] http://i.imgur.com/GD1KB.jpg
[6] http://i.imgur.com/MsVko.jpg
and here's my gallery -> http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/122630/gallery-of-wisdom-graphic-graphics-gimp-freebies-wallpaper
*Username: PandaOfApink1

*Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/303797

*Characters: Naeun and Sehun

*Picture Links: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/303797

*Poster? Background? Banner?: Poster and Background

*Theme: Comedy and Romance

*Artist: Anybody can,hehehe

*Password: IntoTheNewWorld

Anything Else?:
nanatashah #10

*Profile Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/214555

*Themes You Are Good At: angst and romance

*Themes You Are Bad At: comedy and fluff

*You Can Do: Poster , Background

*How Long Does It Take You To Make A Poster: less than 12 days

*Animation (YES or NO): NO

*Something About Yourself (Your age, Bias, etc.):annyeonghaseyo ! nanatashah-imnidah ! I hope you could make request from this shop . I'm not too good at making poster but I'll try my best . My biases is INFINITE , TEEN TOP , BAP and some more . I'm just 13 years old girl . take care of me well . *BOW*

*Example Of Your Work (3-5 examples):http://24.media.tumblr.com/73e66962ff5393ffba0e5b6c620216e3/tumblr_mfvlhszeG21rkqix9o1_500.jpg
*I made my example small because I don't want it to so big .. sorry for the trouble *BOW*