Snowy Encounters

In The Snow

"Whew! Thanks for helping me shovel my driveway, _______! This would have taken me forever and I would have been so bored!" MinYoung exclaimed.

_____ laughed as she started to gather her things and dress warmly. "No problem! I'm always here if you need me!" 

"You sure you don't want to stay for dinner? I've got lots of food~" MinYoung insisted. 

"I'm sure, MinYoung. It's getting late and I've got to start getting back home." _____ walked out the door and waved. "I'll call you!" MinYoung waved back and went on with her business. 

______ walked to her shovel and said, "Alrighty Mr. Shovel... let's go home! Kaja~" She carried the big shovel over her shoulder and began to walk to her home-sweet-home. There wasn't a lot of people out since it was too cold out. ______ continued walking until she noticed a shiny object glistening under the street light. 

"Wahhh~ It's a coin! Hehehe~~~" She grinned and reached for the coin. "You must be cold in this pile of snow. Don't worry! _____ is here to keep you warm in her nice cozy pocket!" ____ put the coin in her so called "cozy pocket", quickly stood back up, and, without looking around, abruptly turned around and..


_____ heard a grunt and a hard fall onto the ground. She then finally came to realize that she hit something with her shovel but to her surprise, she did not see a something on the ground, but a someone. _____ thought to herself, ohnonononononononono! She dropped her shovel and crouched near the victim of her shovel. The young man had his hand on his wound, his face clearly showing he was in pain.

______ finally spoke. "Sir, are you okay!? I'm soo sorry!! I didn't see you and..and.. and--"

The stranger cut her off. "It's okay! It's just a bruise...that's all." He removed his hand from his face which revealed not only a big purple bruise but a handsome face, too. ______ couldn't help but stare at the handsome stranger and admire his features. Her trance was cut short when the man laughed.

"It must be really bad since you keep staring at it." 

"Huh?" ____ replied.

"The bruise....." 

"OH! Yeah.. the bruise.." She finally came back to reality. "THE BRUISE! Oh my gosh... I'm really sorry! Here.. let me help you. My place isn't that far from here."

_____ put the handsome stranger's arm around her shoulders and walked him to her home, with the shovel dragging on the floor.

When the two finally reached her place, ______ gently placed the young man on her couch and placed an ice pack on the bruise. The man winced in pain. 

"Oops. Sorry.. " ____ apologized. "And sorry again for hitting you with my shovel.. I was being---"

He interrupted with a laugh. "It's fine! Don't worry about it too much. If it weren't for your shovel, I wouldn't have met such a pretty girl."

_____ began to turn different shades of red and continued to treat the young man's bruise. As the two waited for the bruise to heal, ____ and the handsome stranger talked to pass the time. Then, the swelling went down and it was time for the handsome stranger to return home. 

"This was nice. Of course not the shovel part, but meeting you made it better." He said. "We should meet again."

"That would be nice." _____ smiled.

"Speaking of meetings.. we didn't properly introduce ourselves. Let's start over." The handsome stranger held his hand out. "I'm Wufan."

"I'm _______." She replied as she reached for his hand. Wufan smiled as their hands touched and shook. 

"Well, _______, it was nice meeting you. I hope we see each other some time soon." Wufan said. He walked out of the apartment and began to walk away. ______ watched him as he walked away. Suddenly, he looked back and waved back to _____. She waved back and in return, she received a wink. _____ held back her smile and closed the door behind her. She leaned against her door and slowly made her way to floor. _____ looked at her shovel and said, "Thanks Mr.Shovel.. for hitting such a handsome stranger." 

OMG! How was it?! >< This is my first attempt at a oneshot and writing all by myself. ^^ Sorry it got really bad toward the end! >< 

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barooya #1
Chapter 1: I really think this is cute! ^___^ I wish you can write this is real 2nd pov though. But♥
I think I need my Mr.Shovel too... ><
Park_HyeSun #3
Chapter 1: (Writing another comment just because I can :D)

Mr. Shovel! ^^ The story's great. But I'd suggest that you increase the font size. :o Unless it's only weird for me OTL.
Chapter 1: Wah, I think if I hit someone either that I would be in demo trouble....I like it very much
Update soon please, can't wait first the story!!!
Park_HyeSun #6
Where's the story DDDDDD:
Update please ,I'll supporte you like always ;D !!! Hwaiting !