Where Are You Hyung 1/1

Where Are You Hyung?

Where Are you Hyung?

Jongup clutched the flashlight to him in a panic. He had never been so scared, so exhillirated in his short life. The fear rose up in his throat like bile and although he was the "fearless dancer" he was terrified.

It was dark and the meager flashlight in his hands did nothing to dispel his fears; in fact, it strengthened them. He always wondered when he turned the thin beam of light around what was lurking in the shadow his movement had caused.

A stick broke in the bushes. The sound was amplified a hundred fold by the sound of his own racing heart. He had never felt this alone before, this exposed.

"H-Hyungs?... Z-Zelo-ah?" he called softly knowing full well that they were not going to respond to him. Why would they? He was completely and utterly alone.

'What was that?!' he thought as another stick broke followed by a low shhhhhing sound that made Jongup's already racing heart kick into turbo.

"H-Himchan-hyung?" he called again and he shone the light into the deep bushes. It was hard to see and the red light of their makeshift flashlight constructed from a broken toy of Junhong's was reflected by everything and offered no light.

He was so scared. Nothing he could do was going to change that until he found his hyungs and Junhong. As he circled the trees running far and wide to locate his lost hyungs he couldnt find them anywhere.

"Oh god... I-I'm so so so worried...." he said as he circled a tall structure that looked almost like a house. He had never felt this along on all his 17 years on this earth. He had never felt so cut off, so alone, that the sound of his beating heart in his ears seemed distant.

He poked his stick in the bushes, shining the light after it. He heard a rustling noise followed by a rush of shadow. As he turned to follow it the tears hed been biting back for a while had lept from his eyes and rolled unabated down his cheeks. He looked around and saw no one, nothing. That was it.

"Hyung?! Himchan hyung?! Where are you hyung?!" he yelled as he closed his eyes dropped the glowstick and ran.

As he ran he couldnt help but be blind. The dark, the stinging tears and the fear clouded his vison until he hit a wall. He flew back on his with a scream and sheilded his face from the maker of the muffled oomph.

"Dammit all Jongup-ah!" Himchan said as Yongguk, Zelo, Daehyun and Youngjae laughed hysterically. "Ugh... You're bad at this game"


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Chapter 1: Jongup is so cute and innocentt xD
haneul_lee #2
Chapter 1: Cutie jongie. ^^ I wonder what game were they playing.
Park_HyeSun #3
Chapter 1: So... they played a trick on him? XD