
Kyuhyun's Exciting Winter Break (and the Cause to Jongwoon's Endless Headache)

"He's on a date!" Kyuhyun hissed into his phone.

"Why are you whispering?" Ryeowook hissed back. "Also, what?!"

"Yeah, he left me a note, he's on a date," Kyuhyun rubbed his forehead and used his nail to scrape some of the cheese stuck on the bottom of the pizza box into his mouth.

"Out of all times, after so long of being single, he conveniently went on a date now? It's like he sensed we were planning something...," Ryeowook huffed and Kyuhyun agreed with a hum. "What will we do now?"

"I don't know," Kyuhyun sighed. He typed a quick reply to Changmin on the laptop before continuing to speak to Ryeowook. "Should we tell Sungmin?"

"Ah, maybe. He's coming over tonight, I'll tell him then! Do you want to come, by the way?

Kyuhyun thought about it. Kind of. "No, it's okay, you have fun," he said in a pretend-cheery tone, "...braiding your hair together." he added under his breath and fortunately Ryeowook didn't catch his little remark. Ryeowook said his goodbyes and ended the phonecall. Kyuhyun stared at the phone for a second before he sighed and set it on the table and returned to his earlier conversation with Changmin online. He thought telling Changmin about Ryeowook for a second, but came to the conclusion that discussing Starcraft was far more interesting that pondering Kyuhyun and Ryeowook's.... whatever it was between them. Plus, Changmin didn't care. Changmin cared a very little about anything if it wasn't related to food. But Ryeowook did cook very well...


The morning after.

Jongwoon expected it to be very awkward and that he'd have to crawl back home in shame,.

He did not expect to be pulled right back into the arms of his last night's company after he had sat up for the first time. Smile graced his lips instantly, he couldn't fight it. Siwon muttered something against the back of his head.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Jongwoon admitted and Siwon loosened his grip, but only slightly.

"You need to promise you won't run away. I want you right back here again," his voice was so raspy and delicious, Jongwoon wanted to turn around and kiss him for all his worth, just to see if he tasted as amazing as he sounded.

"I promise," Jongwoon got up and walked towards the door he thought was the bathroom. It was the right door and he stepped inside the room that was just as expensive and fancy-looking as the rest of the house was. He quickly did his business and checked himself in the mirror while washing his hands. Hair was a mess, but the man looking back at him was looking more awake and pleased than Jongwoon had seen himself look in ages. It had been ages since he had done anything like he just spent the entire last night doing, and even if he apparently had only slept for a few little hours, he felt so very full of energy. A bit spent too, though. And sore. Of course.

He returned back to the bedroom and Siwon was lounging on his back, the blanket up to his waist and a very obvious tent formed where his crotch was. Jongwoon smirked at his general direction, and before getting back on the bed, he searched for his pants and fished out his phone to check out if he had been needed during the night when he had other things in his mind. Inside him as well.

Turns out he had been needed, by Kyuhyun, the three phonecalls kind of gave it away.

Siwon let out a little whine, and Jongwoon glanced at him while thinking whether he should call Kyuhyun and tell him he's okay. "I'm sorry, my nephew-"

"I'm sure he'll do just fine, tell him you have more urgent things to handle right now," Siwon directed his gaze towards his groin and Jongwoon chuckled.

"You're right," he set his phone onto the counter next to him and his lips as he made his way back to the bed. Siwon reached his hand towards him and Jongwoon grabbed it, interlacing their fingers together as he sat on top of Siwon's middle, legs on each sides of his body. He backed up a little, so his bottom would meet that one part Siwon ached to be touched. "Thank you for inviting me to dinner." he said as he rolled his hips gently, making Siwon's face twist. "I enjoyed it."

"Thank you for coming," Siwon's voice sounded needy. Jongwoon bit his lip. "Thank you for everything else too. I hope we can have dinner again. In the near future."

"I'd love to."

A sudden thought popped into Jongwoon's head. He still kept on moving his hips discreetly, but his face showed that he was thinking. Siwon reached his free hand - the one that wasn't in Jongwoon's - to his cheek, waking him up from his thoughts. He gave him a questioning look, and Jongwoon stopped his movement.

"Before I continue," Jongwoon said as Siwon whined again about the sudden end to the movement that was making him feel so nice. "I want to... have dinner another time, yes. But, can we...," he trailed off looking into Siwon's eyes for a second. "Can we keep this a secret? From everyone. Please."

Siwon looked at him, eyes searching for something in Jongwoon's expression. Then, he spoke. "Of course." His smile made Jongwoon smile as well. "I was actually thinking the same thing myself as well."

A mischiveous smile spread onto Jongwoon's whole face. "Oh, were you?"

Siwon raised his eyebrows.

"I'm pretty sure your thoughts should be completely somewhere else right now," he guided Siwon's hand on top of his own , as he started moving his hips again, effectively throwing everything Siwon had in his mind out of the window.


"He got laid!" Kyuhyun hissed onto the phone. Ryeowook was quiet for a second, confused. He gave Sungmin a questioning look, but the older male just shrugged and glued his eyes back onto the TV screen.

"... How... do you know? Did he tell you?" Ryeowook asked and Sungmin snorted. Ryeowook glared at him.

"Look at the time.

Ryeowook did as he was told. "It's noon."

"He's not home yet."

Ryeowook gasped and his mouth formed an 'o', as he gaped and turned to look at Sungmin. He mouthed the same words to him, and Sungmin mimicked his expression. They just stared at each other for a while, clearly shocked by the fact that their friend all of the sudden developed a life, without their help. Where was the world going into?

"Yeah," Kyuhyun just said. "But I need to go now. I'm hungry. Bye."

"Bye, don't burn yourself!"

"What do we do now?" Ryeowook sighed as he ended the phonecall and plopped onto the bed and laid down, resting his head against Sungmin's stomach. Sungmin offered a piece of candy to Ryeowook from his bag, and Ryeowook take it, munching while deep in thought. 

"Nothing, I guess?" Sungmin said with his mouth full of candy. "He's still our friend, if he's in a relationship, we can't just terminate it just because we want him to be with someone else."

"You're right, but...," Ryeowook turned around, pressing his face against Sungmin's abdomen now, earning a funny look from the older male above him. "They would have been so cute together." Sungmin laughed, the younger man's brown hair. 


Jongwoon left way before Siwon would have wanted him to leave. Siwon kind of wanted him to stay for the whole day. And the next night. Actually, he would have wanted to spend a couple days just with Jongwoon. 

But Jongwoon had work to do. And right after Jongwoon left, Siwon received a phone call from non other than Kim Heechul, asking him to dine with him and a few other of their friends. Siwon actually didn't want to go, but Heechul was someone Siwon couldn't say no to.

So, after a quick shower and getting dressed in new, clean clothes, Siwon left the house and drove his car away from the driveway, heading towards the one restaurant he knew Heechul wanted him to go. He reached it quite quickly, and was welcomed through the door by the bouncer, who immediately recognized him. Siwon found his way to the usual table they sat in, and was instantly welcomed by warm smiles and words - and a lopsided smirk from Heechul.

He sat down between Heechul and Sooyoung, who gave him a weird grin, almost as if she knew something Siwon didn't. She probably did. Next to Sooyoung sat Im Yoona, another actress, looking as graceful as she always did. Yoona's attention was one someone else than Siwon, though, that being the large, bulky man sitting next to her. Ok Taecyeon, a fitness model. He didn't dine with them as often, but lately had been coming more and more, and Siwon was almost sure it was because of Yoona. 

"Why do you look so happy?" Heechul snorted as he looked at Siwon. The younger male gave Heechul a strange look, he didn't think he looked any different than he normally did.

"I don't know," Siwon raised his eyebrows. Sooyoung laughed, for some reason.

"What have you been doing today... or the night before?" Heechul kept on asking. Yoona giggled now, too, suddenly interested in Siwon and Heechul's interaction. 

Heechul was onto him. "Nothing in particular, why you ask?" Siwon swallowed nervously.

"You were with someone, weren't you?" at this, not only did Siwon's eyes widen, but so did Sooyoung's. She collected herself quite quickly, though, whereas Siwon just kept staring at Heechul.

Remember what you promised Jongwoon, Siwon reminded himself before speaking. "Maybe, what if I was?"

"Who was it?" Sooyoung asked. The tone of her voice was strange, but Siwon couldn't figure out why.

"No one," Siwon turned to look at Sooyoung. "One night stand."

Sooyoung looked relieved and a smile spread onto her face again. Siwon gave him a weird look. 

What was her deal?


Jongwoon felt deep regret when he noticed how much work he had left undone just so he could spend a night with Siwon. Okay, he didn't regret, not one bit.

Actually, as he sat in front of his laptop, he found it extremely hard to focus on the work, when only one thing was on his mind, and that one things wasn't even a thing, but a person, a person who had succesfully replaced all thoughts of stress and things alike in Jongwoon's mind with his handsome face and body to die for.

Jongwoon groaned, he really needed to work. But he had gotten a taste of something, something he wanted to taste again and again and again, until the taste was so familiar he couldn't live without it. He wanted to get addicted.

He threw his head back and looked at the white paint of his ceiling. He sighed.

Suddenly Kyuhyun came downstairs, with a backpack slung over his shoulder. Jongwoon straigthened himself and looked at his nephew. Kyuhyun his lips before he spoke. "I... uh. Do you mind if I spent the night at Ryeowook's, like. A movie night. You. Know."

Jongwoon almost laughed and nodded. "Go ahead, just remember to behave," he implied towards the incident with Ryeowook and Sungmin and alcohol. It would take a while for Jongwoon to forget, and forgive. Well, he had forgiven Kyuhyun, but Sungmin... Sungmin wasn't on his good list right now.

"Yeah, I won't do any stupid , I promise," Kyuhyun nodded awkwardly and took a deep breath before he made his way to the door and left the house. Jongwoon shook his head as the door was slammed close and returned back to his laptop. He typed a couple of words until his brain decided to remind him of Siwon's existence, as if Jongwoon had forgotten him for the couple minutes he just spent interacting with Kyuhyun instead.

I wonder what he's doing... I wonder if he's free right now.

Some unknown force made Jongwoon reach for his phone and type in the familiar name, press the green call button and lift the phone on to his ear. 


Siwon excused himself from the table hearing his phone ringing. He walked to a secluded corner and pulled the phone out of his pocket, only to notice the caller was Jongwoon. He smiled and picked out his call.

"Hi," he said in a low tone. "I'm at dinner right now."

"Ah. When are you coming home?" Jongwoon asked, his voice was a bit nervous.

"Soon. Why?"

"I'm.... home alone."

Siwon bit his cheek to stop his grin from spreading onto his face. "What do you mean by that?"

Jongwoon huffed on the other line. "You know exactly what I mean by that."

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389 streak #1
Chapter 14: Rereading, still got a broken heart coz there's still no next chapter button 😔
389 streak #2
389 streak #3
Chapter 10: what? some lame ? It's good! Scratch that! It's great! LOVELY! Wooooooow! XDDD
389 streak #4
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun and his little crush towards Sooyoung was fantastic! Love it!
389 streak #5
Chapter 4: I manage to read until this chapter. I'm falling in love with this story! I love how Siwon casually asked Kyuhyun if his uncle was single LOL And the way Jongwoon hold that cucumber just.. LMAO!!!

And finally, those conversation that Sungmin, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun had about Jongwoon was hilarious! I can't stop laughing right now!

Eniwei, I love Kyuhyun wasn't the third wheel or er for YeWon hihihihi... I read toooooo many story about Yewon and Kyusung, I love both of them. Damn, in fact I love stories with bottom Ye! XD

Can't wait to read the other chapters!
leezsha #6
Chapter 14: dear heeeeebum~ just visiting coz i miss your stories a lot...............i hope you're well!
Chapter 14: Wow~ I hate that I have already reached the last chapter of this. My dear, you need to update! This story is so great and I'm super curious to know where things go. I absolutely love the development of characters in this~ they are all so perfect and realistic in my mind. I found myself laughing aloud several times throughout random chapters. And Ryeowook is just too damn cute! Yahhh, I so want the KyuWook to work out in this, haha. And I've never even read a fic of those two before! See what your writing is doing to me?

But of course, the YeWon is absolutely beautiful. I was dying in laughter during the chapter when Siwon showed up at Yesung's place without a shirt on and Sungmin was there. xD

I understand that life is busy and it's not always easy to update~ but I hope that you some day do continue writing this! Take care. ^^
Chapter 1: I've only read the first chapter of this fic and I absolutely love it so far. Can't wait to see what happens next . <3
JinseiNoAkki #9
Chapter 14: I love this so much. This is damn near perfection and I love the pacing, I love the Yewon, and everything is just brilliant.
It's funny, sweet and insanely cute <3
You're the best, thanks so much for this gorgeous gem of a fic!
Please update soon XD
nighcloud407 #10
Chapter 14: love yewon interaction <33333