Chapter One

Simple Days


A/N: hello there! Welcome to the first installment of Simple Days! I hope you awesome people enjoy the story~
Chanyeol walked into the bookstore on a cool, calm, autumn day. It was Saturday and he very rarely went to the bookstore on Saturdays. He had his usual smile on his face and he was happy like always. He walked over to the romance section of the bookstore and scanned over the books with his eyes. When he had found the book he wanted, he walked up to the check out counter and laid his book down. Chanyeol started to dig into his bag that was slung on his shoulder for the right amount of money, when, suddenly, a voice interrupted him.
"Something Like Fate, huh?" A low, melodic voice spoke. Chanyeol looked up, slowly, and his eyes grew wide. There, right in front of him, was an angel. His eyes were laid on the most handsome creature that he had ever come across. He didn't know what to make of it. So, he just stared. And stared. And... STARED. And the handsome creature became confused.
"Hey. You there. You-who?" The man waved his hand in front of Chanyeol's face. Chanyeol snapped out of his trance and blushed a deep red, rubbing the back of his neck as he did so.
"S-sorry. I was dazed for a minute there. What did you say?" Chanyeol asked him. He had been so caught up in that face that he didn't hear what he said. The cashier smiled.
"I asked about the book you were checking out. It's good. I've read it a couple times." He gestured to the book on the counter. Chanyeol nodded frantically.
"It's my favorite book of all time!" Chanyeol's eyes brightened and he started jumping up and down. The man chuckled as he rang up the book and gave it to Chanyeol.
"Do you want this in a bag?" The man asked and Chanyeol shook his head, taking the book from the cashier's hands.
"My name is Kris, by the way. Kris Wu." Kris told him. Chanyeol smiled and waved goodbye to the man, Kris. He started to walk towards the front door.
"Wait! You never told me your name!" Kris called out to the boy. Chanyeol just smiled and laughed as he walked out of the bookstore.
Kris slumped forward, elbow on the counter and hand under his chin.
"I have to find out his name." Kris muttered, determined to find out the boy's name.
"Kris." Chanyeol muttered under his breath when he was out of the store. He beamed his infamous Happy Virus smile and started walking back to his apartment.
The sun shone down on everything as the wind blew against Chanyeol's face. It was his favorite time of year. It wasn't too cold or too hot, too wet or too dry. It was just right and Chanyeol liked it that way.
Chanyeol strolled along the sidewalk watching as people passed by. He smiled to himself.
"So, Kris, huh? I have a feeling that we will be seeing each other a lot. You will find out my name soon." Chanyeol looked up at the sky and closed his eyes, savoring the mixture of UV heat and cool wind. A perfect mixture in his mind.
When Chanyeol got to his apartment, he set his book on the dining room table and went to go take his jacket off. He noticed his phone had at least five unread messages and four missed calls. All from his best friend. He sighed and opened the messages.
The first message:
To: Chanyeol
From: Baekhyun
'Sup, Chanyeol?
The second message:
To: Chanyeol
From: Baekhyun
Dude, where are you?
The third message:
To: Chanyeol
From: Baekhyun
Oh yeah, that's cool. Just don't answer me. I COULD BE DYING!!!!!
The fourth message:
To: Chanyeol
From: Baekhyun
Okay, I'm not dying, don't worry. But, still, you should pick up your phone so I know you're still alive. You are alive, right?
The fifth message:
To: Chanyeol
From: Baekhyun
Okay. Now, you're just a douchebag.
Chanyeol sighed once more and laughed at Baekhyun's antics. Chanyeol shook his head and plopped down on his couch. He searched through his contacts, finding Baekhyun's number and calling it. It rang a couple times, then he heard Baekhyun pick up.
"Well, hello there, Chanyeol." Baekhyun greeted him, half-angry. Chanyeol smiled and laughed inwardly.
"Hello, Byun Baekhyun. I got your text messages." Chanyeol told him.
"Did you? Did you really, Chanyeol? I could have been dying. I could have been KIDNAPPED!" Baekhyun half-shouted into the phone.
"Oh, please, Baekhyun! Your kidnapper would give you right back once it got to know you." Chanyeol laughed inwardly, again. He heard Baekhyun scoff.
"Chanyeol! That was mean! You're a meanie!" Chanyeol could practically hear the pout in Baekhyun's voice.
"Yeah, yeah! Whatever. Did you actually need something from me or did you just text me and call me to annoy me?" Chanyeol asked and laid back on the couch.
"I called and texted you for both. Do you happen to have the history notes from yesterday? I lost mine." Baekhyun asked him, sweetly. Chanyeol scoffed.
"You 'lost' them? Baekhyun, you never lose things. And why don't you just ask Zitao for them?" Chanyeol asked, putting emphasis on the Zitao. Chanyeol knew Baekhyun all too well, meaning that Baekhyun told him everything. Including his "meaningless" crush on Huang Zitao, the Chinese exchange student. His crush was totally not meaningless and, besides, Chanyeol thought that they would make a fantastic couple. Chanyeol suddenly heard Baekhyun choke on something, probably some type of drink or some leftovers of Kyungsoo's cooking.
"BWOH?! I CAN'T JUST DO THAT!!!! T-T-That's like me jumping off a bridge! That's like you trying to cook! That's like-"
"Hey, hey! My cooking is not that bad."
Now, that was a lie.
"Chanyeol, yes it is. You almost blew up our kitchen when you tried to cook for me and Sehun. Kyungsoo was furious, not because you almost blew it up, but because you even thought about touching one of his pans."
"Okay, okay. We're off topic here. Why didn't you just ask Zitao, without all of the excuses, please?" Chanyeol sighed again, for the nth time that day.
"Because, Chanyeol. I would be so embarrassed. You don't just go up to your crush and ask him for notes! But, of course, you wouldn't have experienced this because you've never liked anyone in the time that I've known you. Which is despicable, in my opinion." Baekhyun finished his little rant. Chanyeol made an annoyed face.
"What is it, 'Hate On Chanyeol' day?!"
"Bag. See how this works? See how our friendship works? I love it!"
"More like an abusive relationship to me." Chanyeol muttered. Baekhyun scoffed.
"Hey! I am not abusive!"
"Maybe not physically, but verbally."
"That's just how I feel, Baekhyun. That's just how I feel. And, besides, I'm only kidding. I know you'll stand by me with whatever I do; you're my best friend." Chanyeol smiled as he said this.
"Oh. My. God. Chanyeol! You are gonna make me cry! Chanyeol! I'm crying! Why do you have to be so fantastic?" Baekhyun went into his ghetto voice. Chanyeol started cracking up.
"Oh, Jesus, Baekhyun! You are going to be the death of me if you keep going into that ghetto voice. I won't be able to take it!" Chanyeol fanned himself as tears sprung from his eyes. He heard Baekhyun start laughing.
"Chanyeol, you know you have one, too. Don't even deny it."
"Alright, alright. Yes, it's true. I do have one. And it's name is Shondala."
What Chanyeol heard afterwards was the dropping of a phone and Baekhyun's roaring laughter.
A/N: So, did you enjoy?! I love Chanyeol and Baekhyun's abusive relationship :D and oooo! Who is this Huang Zitao? You fantastic people will have to find out :) until the next chapter~~
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I love the story, update soon.
Mr_Koala #2
Chapter 1: Awww the Krisyeol is progressing :D
Looking forward to the update ^^
Chapter 1: Poor Krissus cannt even get Chanchan's name e_e
smart Chanyeol ...
Yess..I love Chanyeol & Bacon's abbusive relationship...
See you soon
Chapter 1: Have a feeling the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol is based on ours....
nathrakh #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
OuO love the cashier & normal guy <3 so romantic!!! =3=
update soon