Two Worlds Apart

We were meant to be [Season 2]

Gui Gui: I think i need to go..
Danson: Come on. You said that..
Gui Gui: I know, but.. I need to look for my baby..
Danson: You mean.. Guilun..?
Gui Gui: You know!?!?
Danson: You know Yuna..?
Gui Gui: Yuna?
Danson: Umm.. I mean Genie.
Gui Gui: Yeahh..
Danson: She's my ... my..
Gui Gui: Don't worry.. I need to go..
Danson: But.. You want to know.. Where's Guilun..?
Gui Gui: You know..?!?!?
Danson: I'll explain you the story...
Gui Gui: Okay..
Danson: Yuna is Genies twin..
-Flash Back-
Yuna: Genie! Come here! Look at the view on top of the mountain.
Genie: Whooa.. SO NICE!
Yuna: Come on! Take a picture.
Genie: Okay.
Yuna: Stand there. Watch out you'll fall.
Genie: I won't fall!
Yuna: No You will.
Genie: Come on! Look.
Genie took a few step back.
Yuna: Take my hand!
Genie: No! You'll fall!
Yuna: That's the point!
Genie: Okay.
Genie took Yunas hand and suddenly Yuna fell.
Genie: Yuna!!!

Danson: While i was walking, i saw Genie she wanted to suicide. Genie took a rock and hitted the rock into her head. Luckily i was there to save her. 4 weeks later she woke up.
-Flash Back-
Genie: Yuna!!?!?! YUNA!?!? Wheres Yuna?!?!?
Danson: You mean your twin?
Genie: YES!!!
Danson: Shes alrights she said shes going to the movies with a guy name Aaron..
Genie: Thank You!
Danson: I'll go with you.. Even though i don't know you much..
Genie: Um.. Okay..?

Yuna: Aaron! I want ice-cream!
Aaron: Hao La! Hao La! (Okay Okay, i guess :D)
As Aaron crossed the street, there was a crazy driver coming.
Yuna: AARON!
Yuna pushed Aaron to the side & Yuna got hurt. After a while she died.

Danson: Now Genie is pretending to be Yuna. She stealed your baby.
Gui Gui: Guilun!?! I'm going..
Gui Gui walks off then turns back.
Gui Gui: I'll come back, mind me being your slave after that?
Danson: Sure!
Gui Gui: Why.. did you tell me..?
Danson: Cause.. you seem really kind & you seem your life is depressing.
Gui Gui smiles: Bye.. I'll come back.. After i find Guilun Aarons + Gui Gui= Broken heart = Two worlds apart.
Danson smiles: Gui Gui + Danson= Brother & Sister. When we know each other more.

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