What we are looking For

One Last Wish - EXO Writing Contest

What do we want?


Author: CheckMate97

Favourite OTP Exo pairings: SuBaek, SuChen, KaiSoo, SeKai, HunHan, Baekyeol, Kray, TaoRis, ChenxTao

A little bit about the author: Hello there! ^-^ I am CheckMate97 but you can call me Bayley! I enjoy reading and writing fanfictions so I really hope that I get a lot of entries for this contest! I will be looking forward to reading them! Did I mention that we will give reviews of the stories? Well if I didn't, you know know! Well, if you want to get bonus points from me, then here are some genras, themes and other stuff that I like: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Comedy. 

Well that's not a lot but I hope that you do enter! ^^ 

Author: Jokerr--

Favourite OTP Exo pairings: SuBaek, Baekyeol, LuKai, SeKai, KaiSoo, TaoRis, Kray, SuChen, ChenxTao, LuLay

A little bit about the author: Hello! I am Jokerr--. Just call me Joker for short! I also enjoy reading and writing fanfictions. Excpecially when it is about my favourite couples! As Bayley said we are doing a review, and we will post the judging criteria soon! I hope that I get everyone's entries! I ship everyone with everyone so if you see a couple that I don't ship, that you do, write about them anyways! I'm sure it'll be easy for me to start shipping them! That's how I began shipping Kray! I just read random fanfictions!  Write about anything. I'm good with anystory. I also, like seeing them using their powers so I'm sure that if you put use of their powers in there then you will get a lot of bonus points from me! ^~^ Well that's all for now!  

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I will join! \(○^ω^○)/
silverseaturtles #3
Hey, I have a question: Are we allowed to have the enter the same story for this contest and for another writing contest? Thanks~