
One Last Wish - EXO Writing Contest

Follow them please?

1. You must subscribe to the contest

2. This is an EXO OTP contest, so for your favourite EXO couple only, you may add original characters but I want the main to be them getting with a fellow Exo member

3. It must be a new story. I will not take old stories

4. When making a story you must put the contest with link in the description

5. I will give you prompts, this does not mean you have to use them. 

6. Comment below in this format if you wish to enter: 

     Affusername: {ex. Checkmate97}

    Story Title: {ex. 93 Million Miles}

    Story Link: {Put link here} 

    Prompts being used: {Ex. None || 9, 7 & 4}

   Couples: {Kray}

   Story Type: {One-shot/Drabble/Chaptered Story}

  Status: {Incomplete/Complete}

7. No ! Sorry, but we don't read those~ ^^ 

8. The deadline will be far from now... 

Open: December 26, 2012

Deadline: March 26, 2013





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I will join! \(○^ω^○)/
silverseaturtles #3
Hey, I have a question: Are we allowed to have the enter the same story for this contest and for another writing contest? Thanks~