My Heart Belongs Only to You *Final*

My Heart Only Belongs To You *One Shot*


________ POV:
I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, anxiously biting my fingernails. Kyuhyun sat beside me, his arm around my waist. The hard plastic of the orange waiting room chairs were uncomfortable, especially when sat in for a long time. 
"______?" A nurse in a white outfit called my name. My stomach was in jumbles. I looked at Kyuhyun, who had tears in his eyes, but was smiling slightly. I stood up, Kyuhyun with me. "I swear, everything will be better after this." I say. I have a rare heart condition. My heart is failing me, and it's giving out. If I don't get a new heart soon, I could die.
Thankfully, about a month ago, we got a call from the hospital, saying they had an exact match, so now here I am, waiting. 
"I know." He looks deep into my eyes. "I love you with all of my heart, ______. Always remember that, okay?" He said it as if we were never going to see each other ever again. But we were. After my heart transplant, we would be able to stay together.
2 Weeks Later:
The nurse, MinYoung, walked into my room with my lunch. Grilled cheese sandwich with a side of salad and milk. Gross. MinYoung was a young and beautiful woman, and very pleasant to be around.
I'm still recovering, that's why I have to eat this terrible food.
"MinYoung, why hasn't Kyuhyun come to see me yet?" She knows Kyuhyun, because I've told her all about how amazing he is, and what a great boyfriend he is. 
She looks away and won't meet my eyes. "Well, _____, Kyuhyun.... he... he gave his heart to you." She looks very sad. "His heart and yours were a perfect match, and he was willing..."
I start sobbing my eyes out. How... How could he do this to me? I know it was to help me. To live, but he didn't have to do this! Now I just want to rip out my new heart, and shove it back into his chest, so he can live again, because withour him... I'm nothing. 
It dawns on me that I will never hear his angelic voice again, singing me to sleep. He will never tease me again. I'll never have to cook for him again. 
'W-were you ever going to t-tell me?"
"I didn't want to. It crushed me when I found out he was your boyfriend." MinYoung had tears streaming down her face.
"D-do his parents know?"
"They were the last ones to see him. Just remeber sweete, he loved you like no one else. But it'll be easier to let him go quicker, sooner, that way it'll hurt less in the future."
4 Years Later:
I look down at the small photograph in my hand. It was one of those cheap ones you can get at the mall. It was of Kyuhyun and I, two months before my heart transplant. Had he known what he was going to do by then?
The picture was of Kyuhyun kissing me on the cheek, and me blushing like crazy. Kyuhyun was barely containing his laugh at the time. I remember it like it was yesterday...
I look at Kyuhyun's headstone, for the first time in years. It was our anniversary today. I've barely been to his grave since it happened. I hadn't been able to go to the funeral, for guilt had forbidden me to do so. 
Tears ran down my face like a waterfall, and they landed on the stone. I kneeled down and traced the letters of the name I knew so well. "Why? why did you leave me?" I whisper. 
All of the sudden, I hear a little child's giggle, and I turn behind me to see a little boy, of about 2 running around with a grown man chasing after him. That grown man. My husband of 3 years. And the child. My son. Kyuhyun. My husband insisted we name him that. He has been so kind and patient with me. 
But the memories are everywhere. It seems like every little thing I do reminds me of him. Whenever something burns in the kitchen, I'm reminded of how Kyuhyun couldn't cook for his life. Whenever I go to the amusment park and see roller coasters, I'm reminded of Kyuhyun's love of thrill rides. And whenever a Starcraft poster pops up, I remember how Kyuhyun was amazing at games.  
My parents have tried everything to get me to forget Kyuhyun, or to atleast make the pain go away, but nothing's worked. I guess time will do the job for me, but know my heart still aches whenever my mind wanders to him. 
Out of no where, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and I turn to see Kyuhyun. My Kyuhyun. The one I fell in love with. "______, don't cause yourself pain any longer. Forget me. Be happy. I sacrificed my life for you. Make the most of it." He smiles at me, "We will be together in the end." He mumbles something I can't hear, and as suddenly as he came, he leaves with the promise of our love. 
I rise again, and look down at the photograph. The wind picks up, and it blows out of my hand. But I don't chase after it. This is me letting him go. "I promise to love you forever Kyuhyun. With both of our hearts."
I feel little arms around my leg, and see my child Kyuhyun gripping my legs. "Mommy, are you okay? You're crying." I reach up to touch my face, and the wetness immediatly freezes my fingertips. I smile down at my son. "I'm fine, sweetie. I'm perfect. Now let's go home." I grab his little hand, and with one last look at Kyuhyun's grave I start walking away. 
As I'm looking out the window during the car ride home, what Kyuhyun mumbled suddenly makes sense. I couldn't hear him properly before, but now I realize he said
I'll be waiting for you, ______
I'll miss him, but for now, I have a family to take care of. I look in the backseat and see my son resting, with his head tilted to the side. 
I'll love you forever. No one can ever replace you in my heart.
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Chapter 2: I love this.. and I want to know how would u possible to make sequel of someone's dead already. so yes!
Chapter 1: Oh my!!! I'm crying!!! THIS IS SOO GOOD YET SOOOO SADDDDDD!!!! I got goosebumps reading the part where the nurse told it was kyuhyun's heart!! Arghhhhh!! this is sooo saddd but romantic ahhh...u're goood!! DAEBAK!!!!!
mermaid_monkey13 #3
Chapter 1: does it unfair to her husband? anyway i love the story good job?