One Shot



Title: Unrequited



A coin fell inside the instant noodle empty pot, rolling for milliseconds before stop. The boy playing the guitar lifted his face that was hidden beneath the gold fangs, he wanted to say thank you, but his mouth closed when he saw a smiling young man wearing a expensive dark coat and neat hair before him, so the boy, feeling ashamed of his untidy looks, lowered his face murmuring a low ‘thank you’, hoping the man would turned away, off of his misery in this moment.

The man though, stood there, half meter away from the other, waiting to hear more music coming from the guitar, and his wish was accomplished when the blond one started to play again even when the sound of the music was a bit dull this time, so different from the once that caught his interest, and even so, the man didn’t move.

The passers walked to his/her destinies, some stopping a bit to hear the boy playing in the middle of the square and some didn’t even hear the sound the guitar was playing as they walked. Just one man standing before another, that by now, was immersed again on his music as the night fell and the blond one stood, collecting the money left on the container, sighing at how little money was and smiling at the hope that tomorrow would be a better day. When he turned, already forgetting about the tidy man from hours ago, the blond young man jumped steps back startled, touching his pounding heart at the shock.

“! Oh man, you surprised me”

The blond man said in a friendly way once he saw the man from before, but his half smile disappear as the other expressionless face.

“I see. You’re the unfriendly type, right?”

The guitarist set his case at his back when there was no response as he shrugged his shoulders, stopping as he turned, eyeing by the corner the man that was looking straight at him and holding his wrist.

“I’m Cho Kyuhyun and…” the man stuttered setting his eyes on the floor “I would like to know your name”

The blond young man smiled as he twirled, facing the other and lending his hand for a shake.

“I’m Lee Eunhyuk”

The other breathed again while lifting his face with shimmering eyes; the guitarist was a bit taken aback, but grinned after a moment, encircling the taller shoulders with his slim arm, dragging Kyuhyun to a walk.

“It’s cold, treat me a hot drink”


Kyuhyun was amused watching how Eunhyuk talked about music –one of Kyuhyun’s dreams time ago, was being a musician, but he dropped that dream to become a business man, and now–, watching the way Eunhyuk speaks about music, how his eyes glitters and how talkative he can be in front a stranger when he explains the years he spend learning to play the guitar even when he was and is still poor, makes Kyuhyun admiration for the other grew more.

Kyuhyun wanted to ask many things about the other once Eunhyuk stopped talking, but when Kyuhyun eyes were set on the other face, on how those doe eyes watched him in a way no one has see him before, or how the guitarist his plum pink lips after drinking the hot chocolate or how defined his jaw line is. Kyuhyun forgets the questions as his lips formed a smile as he nodded when the other started to talk again, and is then when Kyuhyun knows, he is enchanted.

“So…” Kyuhyun started playing with his fingers under the table, and he feels something burning on his face even when he is sure his expression is still a bit stiff, so he his lips lowering his eyes “do you want to go and hang around a bit more?”

When Kyuhyun raised his eyes to watched Eunhyuk expression, he regretted it when the other eyes were bored on him, trying to figure something, it was scrutinizing and even a cold. Kyuhyun heart raise his pulsations but he waited for seconds that seemed minutes or maybe hours beneath the other stare. Kyuhyun just saw how Eunhyuk stood and walked off, so he left escape a breath of dejection, but when he saw how the blond stopped on his track and heard his soft voice.

“Don’t you want to come?”

Kyuhyun lifted his eyes confused but at the tender expression the other was giving to him, he nodded and stood clumsily.


It have been a year since they meet, and it seemed like yesterday and like always, Kyuhyun is waiting on a coffee store while glancing the window in the hope to see his lover, and Kyuhyun smiled at the memories, at how he chased the other more than a friend, until Eunhyuk once stopped suddenly slapping him first, startling him while he rubbed his face, before Eunhyuk kissed Kyuhyun, pulling away with teary eyes

“I been played many times, I don’t want a broken heart.”

Kyuhyun remembered how those words left him dumbstruck for a moment, before a smile broke on his face as he jumped and hugged Eunhyuk, swearing his love will be forever and how he never ever will betray or play with Eunhyuk’s heart. Kyuhyun still remembers how happy he was back then, because the stars, sun and universe seemed so little in comparison with his immense love towards Eunhyuk, and is now when he will fulfill his promise.

Kyuhyun pulls his hand inside his coat as he held tightly a dark velvet small box, smiling to himself and widening that gesture when he spotted Eunhyuk walking to him, because today, is the day Kyuhyun will confess again his feelings, asking to his beloved one to marry him, and Kyuhyun stood, pulling off the chair, so Eunhyuk could sit and the smaller blushed at the attention, because is the first time in Eunhyuk’s life, that someone cares for him and treats him with love.


Kyuhyun grins at the shyly act his boyfriend is showing, how cute Eunhyuk is, and it makes Kyuhyun happier when he knows, Eunhyuk is only shy with him.

“You’re welcome, my cutie pie”

Kyuhyun kissed Eunhyuk cheek and seated across the blushing one. Kyuhyun hearts races swiftly as his hand is on his coat pocket holding the velvet box when his cell phone started to rang.

Eunhyuk smiled motioning to his boyfriend to take the call while Kyuhyun pouted complaining with furrowed eyebrows.

“Yeah… What?”

Kyuhyun nodded dryly as he stood abruptly, startling his lover, showing an apologetically expression towards Eunhyuk and the latter nodded with a worried face but smiled to comfort the other.

Kyuhyun glanced again his lover, biting his lower lips frustrated but nodded at the phone.

“Yeah… I’ll be right there”

Kyuhyun turned to Eunhyuk, kissing his lover forehead as he showed a sorry look on his face but Eunhyuk pecked Kyuhyun lips, standing and fixing Kyuhyun’s tie in a neat way.

“There, now go”

Kyuhyun stopped with worry eyes, glancing back at his smiling lover that is waving at him. Kyuhyun smiled half heartedly, because he doesn’t want to go, even when he has set a step out the store already; his heart is shouting him to return as he chuckled at his silly insecurities, because even if he didn’t confess now, he has all lifetime to be together with Eunhyuk.


Eunhyuk is reading a book, or more like watching the drawings on the book, because he is too lazy to finish reading something that has more than ten pages and he grinned at the draw of a kid falling in the arms of his father, and then he lowered his face, how he wished to have a father or a mother he could depend on, but his thoughts wandered when the memory of the time Kyuhyun introduced him to his fathers and Eunhyuk lips formed a sad smile as tears started to gathered on his eyes.

“Dad! Mom! This is Hyuk, my lover”

They looked neat and tidy like Kyuhyun looked the first time, but those persons doesn’t even bother to greet him or say something to him as their smiles are lost, and Kyuhyun’s mother watched Eunhyuk with a disapproving look while talking about him as if he doesn’t exist.

“But, he seems…”

Kyuhyun’s father smirked finishing.

“like a beggar”

Eunhyuk felt how the tears started to fell, spreading the ink on the book as he remembered too how he lowered his face biting his inner cheek and hiding the chocolates he bought that time like a present to Kyuhyun’s parents and Eunhyuk started to hiccupped on his small apartment, when he wiped his tears away, Eunhyuk watched the clock on the wall and rubbed his puffy eyes, smiling at the promise Kyuhyun send him by text; I will be with you at seven, love you~

Is quarter to seven and Eunhyuk stood, walking to the bathroom so he can washed his face before Kyuhyun arrives and he stopped at the ring on the phone, so he picked it up.


Eunhyuk dropped the phone as he took his keys, exciting his place with his thin shirt even when it was cold, don’t minding his appearance as he hopped the bus in a rush, tapping his feet on the floor anxious until the bus stopped as he ran towards the hospital with teary eyes.

Mr. Eunhyuk?

Cho Kyuhyun is on Seoul Hospital, he was badly injured hours ago in an accident. Inside his coat was your name, so even when we already called his pare-

Eunhyuk eyes wandered over the place, twirling to all the aisles until he spotted the reception as he ran, not even waiting for the young lady to finish attending other person as his lips grew dry at the spoken words.

“Where’s Cho Kyuhyun?”


Pounding in anxiety as his stomach felt a coil inside and a sank on his chest when he slipped the white door to the right, hearing woman sobs as a voice belonging to a young man was being hear too.

“He is in coma, we don’t know how much time will pass until he awakes but have hope”

When Eunhyuk stepped inside, he saw Kyuhyun’s mother nodding as Kyuhyun’s father was watching his son and patting his wife back, then Eunhyuk eyes were set on the one that spoke, a young doctor with soft tender eyes that was watching at Kyuhyun with care and a sad smile while murmuring.

“I really hope he could awake”

Eunhyuk heard though, as he walked closer to the small white bed Kyuhyun was laying on and his eyes started to being wet and tears fell, so Eunhyuk lifted his hand to reach Kyuhyun face as his heart was throbbing in pain when he felt a burden sensation on his skin and when he turned, he saw the glares Kyuhyun’s parents were giving to him.

“How dare you!!”

Shout the woman with angry swollen face because the tears as Eunhyuk bit his lower lip.


Eunhyuk was interrupted by Kyuhyun’s father that scowled before express in icy voice.

“Is your fault, he was in such a hurry to see you”

Eunhyuk opened his mouth slowly but no sound came out as he closed it again lowering his face. A foreign voice made him lift his face though, it was soft and yet distant.

“May I know who are you?”      

Eunhyuk then recognize him as the doctor and he forced the words because he was feeling so numb at being alone and Kyuhyun there, with him, at his side, laying in a bed, but more than anything, injured because of him. If only he hadn’t agreed to see Kyuhyun when he saw the text the other send him, or if just he could deny one day to meet Kyuhyun because Kyuhyun was sometimes clingy but that was one the things Eunhyuk loves about the male, and even so, now…

“I’m Lee Eunhyuk”

And in Eunhyuk’s mind, the words that left his mouth felt so empty, when his name sounded so… soulless?, he doesn’t know, but when he waited for the other to introduced himself, Kyuhyun’s mother spoke first.

“Don’t mind him, he has been stalking my son, he is gross”

Eunhyuk flinched and the bit empathy the doctor’s eyes had towards him disappeared in a swift moment as he treat him like he was no there.

“I see, well…”

The doctor watched with a small smile Kyuhyun’s parents.

“I know you’re busy, so I can send you a report about his condition everyday”

Mr. and Mrs. Cho nodded beaming at how a well know doctor with be taking care of his son, so they bowed as the doctor started to walked to the door, passing Eunhyuk and stopping for a moment before exciting.

“You may know me as Doctor Lee, but you can address me as Donghae”

Eunhyuk left the place tailing the doctor, so he can ask how Kyuhyun was since Kyuhyun’s parents were still in the room, but Donghae faked a smile at him, replying.

“You heard, he is in coma, the rest is confidential”

Eunhyuk bowed holding his emotions and thanking the doctor, he felt so lost, and so drained all so sudden, but when Kyuhyun smile appeared on his mind, Eunhyuk breathed deep, and turned walking to Kyuhyun’s room, waiting outside because he was not allowed to enter when Mr. and Mrs. Cho were still inside.


Two weeks Eunhyuk has been waiting outside the room, in the aisle where the nurses pass in hastened steps, where the cold is intense at the night, where Mrs. And Mr. Cho send him glares every day at five in the afternoon when they see him there; waiting. And like every day, Eunhyuk just lefts the place around two hours every two days, the enough time to just take a shower and maybe eat something before returning to the hospital.

Eunhyuk has no friends, and no family since child, the only one he has, is laying on a bed right now. So Eunhyuk waits, hoping Kyuhyun will awake. Eunhyuk stands just for less than six minutes at seven in the morning when he trail Doctor Donghae in the hopes he will tell him something, but always receiving a short ‘is confidential’, but Eunhyuk keeps waiting until Donghae stopped before the now skinnier young blond man and Eunhyuk lifted his face, dark bags and tired eyes, but even so, he smiles.

“You know, is creepy if you stalk Kyuhyun-sshi even when he is in this state”

Eunhyuk heart dropped and tears menace to fall, so he lowered his face not knowing what to do or say, he feels so helpless, and he wants to say he isn’t a stalker but Kyuhyun’s lover, but the words remained stuck on his throat as he murmured a fainted sorry.

Donghae sighed and sat next to Eunhyuk, watching the door that leads to Kyuhyun’s room as he spokes.

“Since you know him from a long time, how he is?”

Eunhyuk turned his face a bit startled at the sudden question, but then he sets his eyes on the white door too, as his lips formed a smile, a soft dreamy one.   


It has been six months by now, and Eunhyuk still followed the same routine, the difference is that Donghae allowed him to watch over Kyuhyun after the little chat they had that time, and since Kyuhyun’s parents went on a travel overseas and Donghae was very busy attending other people, he barely could check Kyuhyun’s condition. Of course, Eunhyuk was fine with that, because even when he had nothing by now and even lost his apartment, everything that mattered to him was Kyuhyun, so he gladly let go the material things.

Eunhyuk appearance was thinner, the silky skin he had once, now was pale and the skin barely covered his bones, but the smile on Eunhyuk’s face every time he watched Kyuhyun face, the tenderness on his eyes as the sweet nothings he would whisper to his lover was the thing that warmed Eunhyuk’s heart and body, always.


One day, Kyuhyun started pulsations on the machine started to fade away and Eunhyuk called the nurses and doctors in panic, he waited and waited being pushed out the room, he was anxious but when a doctor went out with a thin smile saying to Eunhyuk that Kyuhyun will be all right, Eunhyuk smiled with tears on his eyes saying how thankful he was. The doctor smiled sincerely and patted Eunhyuk shoulder.

“I bet you love him so much”

Eunhyuk nodded, but the doctor had been walking away already, even so, those few words cheered up Eunhyuk’s spirit to keep waiting with hope.

That night, when Eunhyuk was walking for a cup of coffee with the little money he gained the same afternoon with a small performance, he watched Donghae on a dark aisle flirting with a nurse, and Eunhyuk turned with his heart thumping at the sight of the two ahead of him kissing. That time, Eunhyuk didn’t even dare to talk to Donghae, even when he wanted to ask why he was losing time with a nurse when Kyuhyun was dying.


After the first year, Eunhyuk was used at Donghae flirting manner with the nurses and how he is serious with work but at the same time how little time his relationships last, even so, they became less awkward, but never Eunhyuk tried to explain that he was Kyuhyun’s lover, because Donghae always seemed like a not so creepy stalker.


It was tired, Eunhyuk notice after the first year and six months that his body was sore, his eyes were wanting to close and the tears were falling more usual than before, every time Eunhyuk would watch Kyuhyun laying there was breaking Eunhyuk’s hopes, even so, every day and night, he was there, waiting.

“You know Kyu, today I decided to started working at a coffee shop, is small but warm, and I want to have some money when you awake, so you don’t get to scold me”

Eunhyuk laughed at the last words while pushing aside his tearing heart as he put a long dark fang behind Kyuhyun’s ear.

“I miss you Kyu…”

And Eunhyuk broke in tears, gripping the blanket as hiccupping. He wanted to be strong, to be there always, but why he was feeling so weak, so useless, so frustrated as he kept crying more.


Five years. Eunhyuk wasn’t in bones by now, he learned how to deal with a part time job, with taking his meals in time and showering every two days still, he didn’t seemed like a pale ghost walking between lives, but he didn’t seem alive neither. Eunhyuk dropped his bag on the chair as he seated next to Kyuhyun, grabbing his hand and kissing the other cheek.

“Still soft and warm”

Murmured Eunhyuk with a forced smile; even when he was smiling, he wanted to still cry.

“Your parents went on another trip, so… I came here like every day, I hope you don’t mind if just me is the one talking nonsense thing to you all this time”

The voice was soft and cheerful even when inside he wasn’t, but he held Kyuhyun’s hand tighter, kissing it, watching the young man laying on the bed.

“I will be here for you, always”

Eunhyuk then changed the flowers he brought yesterday for the new ones from today, the night was falling and Eunhyuk was falling asleep, whispering.

“I will be here as long as you want me to be”


Eunhyuk was working his part time job, from seven in the morning to noon as he greeted the customer with a smile, and waved a good bye.

He was finishing changing, ready to go to the hospital when his phone rang as he picked it up.


This time, Eunhyuk dropped his phone too and ran to the hospital since it was just two blocks away. Eunhyuk was panting as he ran to Kyuhyun’s room with a bright smile and throbbing heart in expectation, he opened the door and when he beamed.


The other foreign eyes greet him, bowing a bit.

“Who are you?”

Eunhyuk face broke as he lowered it, eyes set on the floor, and when he lifted his face hearing some giggles, Eunhyuk saw how Kyuhyun was watching Donghae with tender eyes and a grateful smile, so Eunhyuk bowed biting his lower lip.

“I guess…” and he held the tears when Kyuhyun’s parents entered the room “I will take my leave”

Eunhyuk walked out the room, hearing Kyuhyun soft caring voice and Donghae talking about how he always checked his condition, and Eunhyuk chuckled bitterly, this time, the tears didn’t feel, because he was dry.


Eunhyuk was walking outside the hospital room as he bit his thumb nail, when he suddenly bumped into someone as he bowed.


Eunhyuk heard a chuckle, it was soft and deep as he lifted his face, his eyes shimmering at the sight as his heart stopped for a moment.

“You’re funny”

Eunhyuk blushed lowering his face, smiling like he didn’t even remembered how to until now, but all that disappeared at the sound of another voice.

“What’s wrong Kyu?”

It was Donghae’s voice and Eunhyuk shocked eyes were locked on the two before him, on how Donghae was wrapping his arm around Kyuhyun’s shoulder and the latter didn’t seemed to mind as he turned to Donghae with a bright smile on his face.

“I just bumped into someone, that’s all”

Donghae then recognize Eunhyuk and grinned like a kid.

“Oh, is you, is been a week since I didn’t see you”

Kyuhyun frowned a bit, asking Donghae who was this person.

“You don’t remember?” and Donghae smacked his forehead “of course you don’t, well…” Donghae then thought for a moment “he is somehow like a friend to you”

Kyuhyun looked skeptical, glancing from head to toe the blond boy before him.

“He doesn’t seem like someone I would know”

Eunhyuk lowered his face, biting his inner cheek. Finally allowing the tears to fell as he bowed, saying with a weak voice.

“Sorry, I had to go”

Kyuhyun noticed the small drops on the floor and the small fragile figure turning at the corner of the aisle, and something inside him made a twirl but he shrugged as he watched at Donghae.

“A friend, you say?”

The other just nodded as he smiled.

“Now, let’s go to the garden, is good for your health”

Kyuhyun forgot about the smaller man as he nodded, following Donghae.


Two weeks after. Kyuhyun feel after talking with Eunhyuk that they shared some interest in music and that actually Eunhyuk knew him very well, so Kyuhyun deduced; Eunhyuk was his best friend. The two talked about several things and Kyuhyun spoke a lot about Donghae, missing his friend expression.

Three days before Kyuhyun could be allowed to leave the hospital. Kyuhyun was watching the garden from the hospital on his blue gown, seated next to his best friend and he softly smiled at the sight of the doctor with childish features that was playing with a little girl -a patient from the hospital too-. Eunhyuk gaze traveled to where Kyuhyun's was and his eyes widened in sorrow before regain his cool facade.

"He is growing on me Hyuk" pronounced almost like a whisper Kyuhyun, still his stare fixed on the doctor and Eunhyuk forced a cracked smiled, hiding his eyes behind fangs.

"Like a friend or..." Eunhyuk gulped and when he felt the eyes that he loves the most finally set on his body, he pulled away his feelings and managed to fake a caring, relaxed and smiling expression when he lifted his face, his own eyes encountering Kyuhyun's ones; "like a lover".

Kyuhyun couldn't hide the soft expression that once was for Eunhyuk and the lovely gaze, that the latter knew wasn't now for him but to the doctor, the simple gesture told Eunhyuk the deep feelings inside Kyuhyun's heart, so he nodded in comprehension.

"I guess..." Eunhyuk started, he wanted to say so many things and shout many more but when he watched the pure glowing eyes of his ex-lover, the one who didn't remember him, he sighed and laughed, he wanted to cry but instead he laugh -you are not mine anymore- and then... his heart broke.

Kyuhyun watched his friend baffled and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I didn't say anything funny" Kyuhyun re-marked annoyed and Eunhyuk watched the angry expression, the same one that he had when someone insult him before, when they were lovers, and Eunhyuk smiled bitter, that was the only gesture he could treasure now, a unloving one.

"I know" was all Eunhyuk replied and then his gaze was lost at the front, so Kyuhyun watched again the doctor that looked like an angel for him and he smiled.

Eunhyuk by the corner of his eye just stole a glance of the man that loves but doesn't love him anymore.

"You're not the Kyuhyun I knew anymore" murmured Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun turned confused to watch him, but the latter was just seeing the garden; still Kyuhyun asked.

"Did you say something?"

Kyuhyun frowned at the lack of response; Eunhyuk didn't turn to face him but said.

"He is handsome and nice" Eunhyuk gaze was lost and Kyuhyun couldn't contain the silly smile that suddenly was spread on his lips while he turned to face the doctor as he nodded.


"His name is Donghae, right?" Eunhyuk asked, stealing glances at Kyuhyun dreamy expression that answered with another soft "yeah".

"You're the Kyuhyun for him then"

Kyuhyun blinked; "Eh?"

Eunhyuk set his eyes on him and smiled, Kyuhyun lifted and eyebrow at the far away gesture, the one that seem like a good bye for some reason, and he felt a bit uneasy.


The named turned smiling and stood waving a small good bye.

"I'll come and visit you tomorrow"

Kyuhyun nodded at the man that now was turning his back to him, unknowing the thoughts of the other that was closing his eyes, holding the burning sensation on his eyes as well as the tears.

Tomorrow I will be the Eunhyuk that wasn't mean for you, like you’re the Kyuhyun that isn’t for me.





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Angelic_Maknae #1
Chapter 1: I was crying while reading this. :'( It's sad how Kyu didn't remember Hyukkie. TT.TT
Pikachau #2
Chapter 1: This made me want to cry :c
Very good though!!
Chapter 1: I'm cry when reading this story...
Please make a sequel where kyuhyun remember hyukkie... I can bear to see hyukkie to suffer...,(>_<)
Chapter 1: I couldn't cry (I'm don't cry easily sorry...) but my heart felt heavy. It was just like if someone kept on stabbing it...

It's a really good story, but sad... Is it possible to ask you a sequel? (One of the reasons is I wan't my heart to come back as it was before being stabbed and the other one is because I want a happy ending... ;___;)
ELFhyukhae #5
Chapter 1: Sequel pleaseeeeeeeeee :'( make hyukkie live happy with anyone >< i just want him to be happy >< let hyukkie move on pleaseeee :'( paliiii i want a sequel Sequel Sequel >< pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
heyitstheduff #6
Chapter 1: Sequeeeeeeeel~ (╥﹏╥)
vesevour #7
Chapter 1: -Sobs- nooooo make a sequel or i shall stalk u muahahahahahaha.Ok im joking but i seriously want a sequel with a happy ending TT
Chapter 1: sob. sob. sob. huuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaa....why? T_T
kami_wings #9
Chapter 1: Let's just say that you and your sister is right cuz it's kyuhyuk, but also kyuhae. I would also tag this as "angst" since Kyu doesn't love Hyukkie and the story is revolving around Hyukkie like you said. Really desiring for a sequel cuz...this may sound rude, but I want Kyu to suffer from losing his Hyukkie when he gets his memories back. BUT, ending is them being together once again...*running lots of scenarios in my head*
Chapter 1: you should make a sequel for this
or i'll be your nightmare....ha3
angst kyuhyuk is not good for our health...