A New boy...

To Fit in or Not

AN: *sighs* Hi guys... Uhh... this is so not what I'd planned. I really have no idea why this came out like this -.-" *shrugs* I'll be changing the foreword soon, so no one will think that this is cute and all T.T Sorry again.

PS.: if you liked it, please don't unsub. One, I might be making a sequel, two... *shrugs*dunno xD

Soft, barely audible whispers filled the small classroom when the door opened suddenly. The teacher was already there, and nobody seemed absent, yet someone was definitely there. As strange it sounds, this rarely ever happened in that school.

Everyone looked at the short-ish figure that was standing in the door, a strange, slightly disgusted and confused expression on his face. It was obvious that he didn't like the sight of the thirty boys sitting in the classroom almost silently, all of them staring at him like they were waiting him to do something. And it was true, since he still hadn't fully entered the classroom yet.

As he scanned through the room, he noticed something. Everyone looked the same. Literally. Even the old, balding teacher was wearing the same ugly, grayish uniform (that of course, Jonghyun had to wear as well), though he looked even worse in it. The boy scrunched up his nose as he entered the classroom slowly, hoping that this was just a joke. He had no idea why people would be wearing the same thick-framed glasses that made their eyes look bigger. He was almost sure that they even wore contact-lenses so even their eyes would be the same color. Very slowly, he bowed to the class and introduced himself, his eyes continuously scanning the room for something... different. Just anything that stood out, but he didn't find anything. Everyone was the same, and it irritated him.

'Jonghyun-sshi, please sit down next to Kibum-sshi.' The teacher told him as he was still standing in the middle of the small classroom, feeling a bit helpless. This 'Kibum-sshi' raised his hand, making Jonghyun let out a soft groan of annoyance.

Even the boy he would sit next to looked the same as the others, though his hair was a shade lighter than most boys. He slowly made his way to his seat, feeling his classmates' eyes on him as he sat down and took out his books. He looked at Kibum who was looking at him as well, his brown, feline eyes boring into Jonghyun's puppy like ones that weren't hid by the ugly glasses everyone else in the room was wearing.

'Is this just a joke?' the shorter, but obviously older boy whispered when teacher started writing onto the blackboard. He was almost sure now that the class was just pulling a prank on him, because he was new and all.

Kibum rolled his eyes, shrugging as he started copying what the teacher was writing without a word. One of the main rules in class was 'No talking'. Kibum wasn't going to break that rule, not even when his new seat-mate was looking at him for an answer curiously, his stare almost enough to make the younger open his mouth and whisper 'no'.

The teacher started talking, yet Jonghyun was still waiting for an answer, staring at the strangely feminine boy beside him as the younger tried to take notes. After a few minutes of this, Kibum finally turned to Jonghyun and mouthed 'no.' before turning back to his notes as if they were really interesting.

Jonghyun sighed, almost convinced that the younger had lied to him. There was no way that everyone would be wearing the same thing (maybe students, but teachers too? It sounded ridiculous) , having the same hairdo and wearing the same, disgusting glasses that they obviously didn't even need at all.

But slowly, the new student had to realize that yes, there was a way for everyone to be the same. And if it hadn't been enough, they even acted the same. At break-times, they would sit at their seats, mainly talking to the ones who were sitting near them. There were no commotions, no fights, no loud kids trying to be funny. Nothing.

Jonghyun tried talking to Kibum, mainly because the younger was sitting next to him and even as a new student he could understand that in the school, you didn’t just talk to whoever you wanted to, however the boy refused to even look at him as if there was something wrong with being new.

The day passed quickly. Nothing really happened, just boring teachers talking about even more boring things, and some ‘bold’ students asking to help the teachers sometimes. Jonghyun couldn’t wait to go home, because this place was killing him. All he wanted to do was get his guitar and play some songs to relax himself.

But even after he got home, the only thing he could think about was his new, weird school. When he told his mother that something was wrong with the place, she just laughed it off and ruffled his hair, saying that Jonghyun was exaggerating (or lying) because he wanted to go back to their old him. The ‘wanting to go home’ part was partly true. Jonghyun wanted to go back to their old town, to his friends and ‘admirers’ or whatever they were.

But seriously, that wasn’t only why the normally cheerful boy was complaining to his mother. Something smelt fishy there, and he knew it. But strangely, his mother just couldn’t see it. Or she simply didn’t want to. Jonghyun knew that his mother wanted to forget everything, his father, that woman and everything else, but he didn’t understand why she couldn’t see that he wasn’t just being a spoilt brat when he explained that something was really off.

Days passed in a similar manner, Jonghyun trying to understand why everyone (and not just the students, but most of the residents of the town) were the same. All of them were dull, bored-looking, and most importantly, empty.

What scared Jonghyun was the fact that slowly, his mother started to lose her ‘shine’ as well. She was becoming more and more like the other women in the city. She wore similarly designed skirts and T-shirts as them, drank the same, tasteless coffee, and talked about the same, meaningless things. But maybe, maybe Jonghyun was just exaggerating. Maybe, just maybe his mother was tired.

But no, sadly he wasn’t just exaggerating. His mother had indeed, changed. She became quiet and soft-spoken, just like all of the other people in the town. Well, or at least most of them. Because there were people left who liked to act differently.

It wasn’t the best room, and he knew it, yet he liked being there (plus, it’s not like he had any other places to spend his time at). The simple, dark colored walls usually made him feel at peace, while his bed was huge and covered with just enough soft blankets and pillows to make it comfortable for him to sleep in it. There were posters of various bands on the wall, some of which had been left there by the previous owner of the room, whose taste was similar to Jonghyun’s thankfully. He plopped onto his bed and looked at the white ceiling, imagining that he was back in his old room. As much as he loved this one, he couldn’t help but want to go back so badly.

He glanced at his guitar that he had laid onto the floor carefully last night. He wanted to play, but something that had been told him a few days before didn’t let him. Ever since then, he just… couldn’t touch the instrument without thinking of the cruel voice and the almost scary stare he was met by when he stared into those shockingly beautiful, but soulless eyes. What happened, you might ask…

Ever since he had started going to that school, Jonghyun had been refusing to wear those ugly, thick-framed glasses. He didn’t want to hide behind those. The problem was that some of the teachers had been telling him that he will be given detention if he didn’t wear it, because he was… different from the other students. Those scolding words alone wouldn’t have been enough to make him upset and restless though, oh no! Jonghyun was tougher than that. But… what happened between him and Kibum were more than enough to throw him off balance.

‘Will you just stop it?’ the younger asked suddenly. They were in class, but the teacher hadn’t come in yet.

‘Stop what?’ Jonghyun asked, looking at the other male curiously. The feline-eyed boy that barely ever talked to him surprised him with his sharp tone. Whenever Jonghyun heard him talk to his friends, his voice was soft, almost like he was scared of being heard by people he shouldn’t be. But at that moment, his voice was loud and clear as he spoke the next words, pushing his glasses further slightly.

‘This whole ‘I’m different because I come from a different place’ act. It’s fu… ridiculous. Just, stop it and act like everyone else. Or leave. We don’t need outcasts like you.’ he finished the sentence with scrunching his face up in disgust. The words hurt Jonghyun, yes, but they weren’t the reason why he could barely concentrate on anything since then. No… The reason was the look in his eyes as he looked at him. Not a look of disgust, as one would have imagined to mirror his facial expression, but something else. His eyes held fear towards something Jonghyun couldn’t understand, and they were sad. So sad that they made Jonghyun’s heart clench. And there was something else in his gaze as well. Jonghyun couldn’t identify it, but it was like Kibum was begging him. His eyes held something that made him look incredible vulnerable. If he knew what Kibum wanted, Jonghyun would have done it at the moment the words left the younger’s lips. If he wanted money, the elder would have given it to him. If he wanted something else, anything… Jonghyun would have been glad to provide him whatever it was. But he couldn’t, because Kibum didn’t say anything. He just stared at Jonghyun with those beautiful eyes of his, and secretly wished that the elder could hear his thoughts. ‘Please, don’t listen to me…’he pleaded in his mind. ‘Don’t make the mistakes I had… please…’  

 Hesitantly, the elder boy reached out to touch the younger’s face. But his hand was swatted away, and Kibum’s eyes became empty once again. He was looking at Jonghyun with the same look everyone else had been. Like he didn’t have a soul.

Kibum’s eyes had been haunting Jonghyun since then. Every time he closed his eyes, he could see those beautiful orbs filled with fear and loneliness. They were begging Jonghyun to be the same as them. Or at least that’s what the teen thought. Because sadly, he couldn’t read Kibum’s mind…

Jonghyun had changed. At school, he wouldn’t try to make a dialog with others anymore. He didn’t try acting different. All because of what Kibum had told him, and what he had mistaken in the younger’s eyes.

A week later, the boy had finally decided. He was going to blend in, to act like everyone else. He glared at the pair of disgusting eyeglasses in his hands and put them on. A soft sigh left his lips as looked into the mirror, a familiar, yet unfamiliar face staring back at him. ‘It’s not me. ’He thought, desperately wanting to just throw the glasses away. They made him the same as everyone else. Such a small detail had changed on him, yet such huge things had happened to him because of that. He felt caged, dull…

 He didn’t want to feel like that. He didn’t want to fit in. He wanted to be different, free…

Yet that day, Jonghyun walked to school with a fake smile on his lips. He greeted his classmates, his voice empty, just like their response to the few words that left his mouth. Kibum, who was sitting at their desk looked into his direction, his eyes widening. ‘No…’he whispered, but he couldn’t do anything anymore. The mere thing that he had been trying to prevent had happened.

Kibum looked at his seat-mate with sorrow filled eyes. He had no idea why those glasses changed people, or if the ‘change’ even had any relation to those things, yet he knew that he had done the wrong thing.

What Kibum didn’t know was that it wasn’t the glasses that changed Jonghyun, or anyone else in the class, including himself. It was the power of being the same.

Years ago, when the town was founded, one of its ‘leader’s started to notice that the kids in the private school where they wore uniforms were different from the ones who went to public school and didn’t need to wear the same things. Slowly, he realized that it was because if they weren’t allowed to wear what they choose, what they wanted to whatever it was, they changed into little mindless dolls. He didn’t know the reason why, but he couldn’t have cared less. He discovered a way to ‘rule’ his own little world that no one ever could take away from him. He just didn’t feel like he had to know why they became different (yet the same).

Needless to say, uniforms became mandatory for everyone in the small town. After a few decades, no one, maybe only the newcomers realized that something was off and that the townspeople seemed to wear the ugly things ‘on purpose’, despite the town have a mall that sold many different type of clothing. But slowly, the pressure became too much for them, and they blended in, becoming quiet, calm residents of the town. The same as Jonghyun…

Many, many months passed after the day Jonghyun came to school while wearing the glasses. He had thrown away ‘everything’ he had. Kibum had never spoken to him since then, only stared at him sadly. ‘I’m sorry…’he thought, a tear falling out of his eye once as he was looking into the older boy’s empty eyes. ‘I’m so sorry…’he added as he pushed his glasses up and turned his attention back to the blackboard. There was nothing to do now, even if he had regretted his choice of words on that day. The only thing he could do was stare and cry inwardly, wishing that there was a way to reverse things…






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I'll update today, but... I kinda made 'some' changes on the story xDSowwy.


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Pipi92 #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is so beautiful but sad, i need sequel T_T
Chapter 1: Omg. it's soooooooo beautiful but soooooooo sad too. please don't end it like this :( please write sequel or something please :(
Chapter 1: Omg. it's soooooooo beautiful but soooooooo sad too. please don't end it like this :( please write sequel or something please :(
_Ailee__ #4
Chapter 1: What is this sad ending???? I live it!!
thestrangelittlegirl #5
Chapter 1: that was totally.... I had not expected it..... Prequel, sequel ANYTHING!!! DX
SohAnna #6
Chapter 1: Make this longer!!! Onegaiiii!!!
SohAnna #7
Whooo!!! Update!!!
Mystique_12 #8
Chapter 1: the story is daebak but it seems kinda incomplete.....plz write a sequel!!!!
*puppy eyes* plzzzzzzzzz!!!!!