Typical Weekend with Alexander .

Best Friends ... Forever
*RING RING RING RING * goes my alarm clock ,it reads 7:30. I get up , get dressed , do my hair, eat some breakfast , brush my teeth , and I wait for Alex to come pick me up. So why get up at 7:30 on a Saturday? Well this was Alexander's way of hanging out , yes I hated waking up early , but it was worth seeing him happy with me. *knock knock knock* I get up and run to the door , by the time I get there he's already inside stretching his arms out for a hug. I immideatley know what he wants and I run up to him and give him a big long hug , he spins me off my feet one hand on my waist another near my neck with his face burried deep in the crook of my neck tangled with my hair , he finally puts me down and gives me a kiss on the cheek ; I blushed . He then whispers "you ready , sunny?" with a smile . "you bet! I say grabbing my bag. once I have my bag with me he opens the door open for me "sunnies first!" he says cheerfully. I laugh and walk under his arm , and wait for him to close the door . Once the door is closed he runs up to me and puts his hand near mine and slapping it , this usually means he wants to hold mine, or teases me for his hand. The mall wasn't so far away so we walked . 8:00AM the mall is open just as we arrive , and yet it's still full! we enter the mal still holding hands and we make our way through some stores. Alex, suddenly sees some girls from our school nearing us , and he let's go of my hand only to put his arm around my shoulders ; once again blush. The girls look at me with disgusted yet jealous faces . I fell happy that they're jealous of me and alex's bond . "okay they're gone now ." I say to him "oh , I know, I'm just not going to let go " he says while laughing. "ugh, okay whatever you say prince alex " I reply teasingly . by the time we reach the second floor I sort of make him release me, his arm was making my neck hot and his arm was leaning on my causing my shoulders to get tense and numb. like he said, he won't let go and he pulls me back by placing his hand on my hip and bringing me closer to him , then he just leaves his hand laying on my hip, my heart started to beat fast , he's done this before , but it feels different today, my feelings for alex are growing bigger everyday I see him. I then lean my head on his side and I place my hand on his chest , I could feel his warmth, his heart beat, his abs. "like what you feel, sunny?" he asks teasingly "oh, of course , I like it alot" I say sarcastically while laughing a bit. we went into some stores , and bought a few stuff . "gah, I'm hungry !" says Alex "you didn't eat breakfast?" I ask while looking up at him. "nope , I was going to be late to pick you up, if I did eat." he says back sweetly "oh , okay well let's go to the food court and fill your stomach up oppa." I say back to him "wait can we go somewhere else to eat " he asks "uh, sure , why not, but where?" I reply "just follow me , sun" he says while grabbing my hand and running to the escalators . 9:30 we go to where he wanted to go , it was a little outdoor bistro,it looked really nice with the water fountain and huge garden behind it . We ordered some breakfast and I ordered a fruit smoothies, after we were both done, he offered to pay. we then walked to the garden , hand in hand. we sat down on a bench , still holding hands. he looks at me and takes a piece of my hair out of my face and holds my cheek in his hand, I look at his hand the up at him and smile , he's smiling too. He then looks shocked and grabs my hand and pulls me further into the garden, at this point I was scared cause he saw something bad, my face probably? "whats wrong" I yell to him while were still running . we then both trip I fall on my stomach lying on him, we were face to face, I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I couldn't . He looks to me and smiles , I the slide off him and rest on my back. he grabbed my hand , and leans on one of his elbows, he turns to me and once again puts his hand on my cheek , I turn to look side ways and up to him , there he was , my gorgeous best friend , touching my cheek and laying down beside me . no big deal. He leans closer to me until we are face to face again, but this time he stays and , he kisses me on the lips! my heart was beating fast, I almost choked from not breathing through my nose cause Alex's mouth was covering my mouth . I bring my hands up his back, and run then through his hair , he laughed when I did that, I could feel his lips transform into a smile , but his lips were still locked on mine. He then leans over more and his chest is on mine, I didn't care if he was squishing me , he was t heavy , but I wanted this to last, the smell of roses, the sense of water , the taste of Alexander. He then moaned as I accidentally bit his lip as I actually tried to pull him closer. He then got up , the kiss was about 4 minutes long, I could even feel his tongue at times , but why did he do this. he laid back down on his back and I turned to him "what was that for?" I asked "I've been craving you for a long time sunny" he says back scared to look at me "sunny ," he says as he gets up to sit , " Ive had these intense feelings for you for a while now " ong so have I , I wanted to say. "and I don't know, I just want you to be mine !" he says picking me up . " so what I'm trying to ask is , if you will go out with me " his cheeks were red, and I could almost feel his heart beat get faster and faster as he waited for me to answer. "of course! I've also felt like this for you too " I say smiling to him "really!? that's great!" he says super happily , and hugs me for a long time PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKE! :) SUBSCRIBE ,COMMENT,FRIEND, please :)
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what-is-this #1
Chapter 1: the first commentor was right.
EveDay #2
Chapter 1: this is good though my eye hurts by how it was written. you should separate things. it was nice actually