Chapter 4


Dongwoo swiftly parked their car neatly outside their gate.

“And we are here,” He said with a smile. Dongwoo glanced to the back seats, finding Sungjong who was stretching his arms and their companion who was still having her nap.

Woohyun decided to piggyback the still sleeping Yoonmi in. The others followed them from behind.

After hearing the noise from main door, L, Sungyeol and Hoya popped out from their room.

Confused looks formed on their faces when they saw the stranger they found just now came again, and this time she was resting on Woohyun’s back. L sighed as he walked out to join the rest.

Yoonmi was gently positioned on the sofa while the rest surrounded her sleeping figure.

“Why is she here?” L asked, his arms folded to his chest.

“She said she needs to go home,” Sunggyu replied casually.

“But this isn’t her home isn’t it?” L rejoined coldly.

“Hyung, we don’t know where she lives. She just said she wanted to go home and fell asleep on the journey. Let’s just let her rest for tonight hyung,” Sungjong answered him back.

L rolled his eyes. He still feels uncomfortable on having a complete stranger in their home.

“Just send her to the police or something. They would find her home for her. Why even bother? We know nothing about her,”

“Myungsoo, enough already. She’s not the same, don’t worry,” Sunggyu said, “It’s getting late anyways, you guys should rest,”

L looked away, feeling the bitterness in his stomach as a memory recalled in his mind.

“Then, I guess..” Dongwoo clasped his hands together, “Let’s prepare to bed?”

Woohyun walked out suddenly. Everyone turned to him.

“I want to check on something,” He just mumbled before he disappeared outside.

“I want to get some drink,” Sunggyu left for the kitchen. Sungjong trailed after him from behind to get his usual glass of milk before going to bed.

Hoya walked back to his room after saying good night to the rest. Sungyeol took his last glance at the new guest before he left. He also tapped L by his shoulder, who was still staring keenly at the sleeping figure.

L noticed something with his deep daze. He leaned forward and held the broken name tag.

“Park Yoon..?” He asked to himself.

“Park Yoonhee?

Wait no, Park Yoonah?

Park Yoonhui?” L guessed while observing the broken name tag.

He finally saw a small half ‘ㅁ’(m) letter. L thought for a while.

“Park Yoonmi?” he called out.

Yoonmi suddenly opened her eyes. L almost jumped back from the shock. She stared into the blank air and quickly sat up. Her eyes met L.

L blinked.

What the heck is she staring at?

L tried to wave his hand in front of her. She blinked after a deep gaze. Yoonmi looked up at L again and her eyes started to brim with tears.

L became panic and stepped backwards as she began to cry.

“Hey hey… shh, shh..” L tried to calm her down before the others found out.

“I’m sorry….I’m so sorry..”

L looked at her in confusion.

Yoonmi ignored him as she wept and cried more loudly. Her tears flowed down her cheek as she kept repeating ‘I’m sorry’ all the times. L heard footsteps coming to their direction.

“Yah, be quiet, jehbal!” L finally exploded.

Yoonmi screamed as she held her head inside her two arms.

Everyone rushed into the living room. Everyone stared at the crying Yoonmi and the panic-stricken L.

“Dude, what did you do?” Sungyeol was the first one to ask.

“I- I…She- she was-“

“L, what did you do to her? We heard you yelled just now,” Sunggyu fixed his stare at L.

“Aish! I don’t know! She just starts screaming like crazy! I didn’t do anything!” L retorted angrily. He glared at Yoonmi.

Yoonmi was crying inside her knees.

“I’m sorry,” she uttered again.

Hoya tried to touch her but she screamed again.

“Go away! I’m so sorry! Please go away!” Yoonmi yelled with all her might as she wept.

“See?!” L pointed out.

A click on the door made everyone turned to Woohyun who just dashed in. He panted as he held a broken piece of a name tag.

“I found her bit of her broken name tag,” Woohyun held up to show it to us. He smiled in full satisfaction.

“Park Yoonmi,” L muttered before him.

A flick of surprise formed on Woohyun’s face. That was when he noticed the crying Yoonmi.

“What happened to her?” He finally asked the confused others.

Everyone glanced at L.

“What?” L snapped.

“Uhh…” Sungyeol began.

“Park Yoonmi sshi, gwenchana?” Sungjong started to walk close to her.

“I’m so sorry..” she sobbed.

“Why is she apologizing?” Sungyeol asked as he looked at Yoonmi.

“Please, I’m so sorry..”

Yoonmi began to hiccup. Sungjong was about to pat her hand to comfort her but she flinched away.

“Leave me alone, I’m sorry!” she cried as she pushed past everyone and dashed into the corner of their living room.

She had her arms defending her face, as if she’s afraid of getting harm. The seven guys stared at her in confusion. The bruises on her arms and face made they felt even sorry. She had her whole body trembling as she kept blocking her terrified face with both of her arms.

Sungjong looked at Sunggyu.

“I think she is still recovering from whatever happened to her,” Sunggyu concluded. Somehow, he didn’t know why his heart aches from seeing the girl in front of him in pain like that.

“But she was fine just now. She even wanted to go home,” Woohyun looked at him.

Sunggyu shrugged.

“I told you guys that it’s a bad idea,” L muttered as he glared at Sunggyu.

“Maybe we should call the hospital or the police now. Just look at her hyung… I can’t afford seeing her like this,” Sungyeol pointed out with a sigh.

Sunggyu didn’t answer him. He was still battling the argument inside his head.

“Park Yoonmi sshi, do you know where you live?” Hoya asked her.

Yoonmi turned to him with her frightened eyes. She breathed nervously and looked down.

“Your family? Your parents?” Hoya asked again.

Yoonmi looked down again, still terrified.

“Your mother?” Hoya said.

Yoonmi immediately glanced at him, her eyes were red and watery.

“Where is your mother?” Hoya repeated again carefully.

“Umma…?” Yoonmi finally spoke up.

Hoya nodded to her.

“Umma…” Yoonmi dazed off into space again with her watery eyes.

The others waited for her response.

“Umma!” Yoonmi shrieked as she plopped down to the floor, and began to cry again. She hugged her knees and buried her face.

“Umma…I’m sorry,” She said as she hiccupped.

“I told you she is crazy hyung! Just call the police or I will!” L threatened. He took out his phone from his pocket and began to dial an emergency number.

Dongwoo suddenly snatched his phone and clicked end.

“We’ll call the police tomorrow.” He said.

Dongwoo began to walk towards Yoonmi. He chose his steps carefully.

“Yoonmi sshi..” he called out softly.

Yoonmi didn’t look up at him.

Dongwoo finally reached her side and rubbed her back as he sat beside her.

“Ssh.. ssh..” he whispered gently.

His hands ascended to her head as Dongwoo her hair carefully. Yoonmi finally looked at him with her watery eyes.

“Don’t worry, you are safe here,” Dongwoo said to her, “Don’t cry, we will protect you, okay?”

The others were amazed by Dongwoo’s comforting ability. Yoonmi didn’t even flinch away from his touch. She was staring at him as if a child looking up to her mother with full concentration.

“Are you okay?” Dongwoo asked her gently with a warm smile of his.

Yoonmi stared at him again.

“I…I…I’m scared..” she stammered as her eyes fully drawn into his eyes.

“It’s okay,” Dongwoo wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He squeezed her shoulders for support, “We will protect you, don’t worry. You have us,”

“Tell me you are not serious,” L looked at him.

Dongwoo looked up to the others with a calm expression.

“Hyung!” L retorted.

The others didn’t know how to react.

Dongwoo looked at Sunggyu.

Sunggyu sighed when his eyes met Dongwoo.

L turned to Sunggyu.

“Hyung, no,” He warned.

“I will go to the police station after school and get her to the hospital for a check again.” Sunggyu said to the others.

L dropped his jaw in disbelief.

“Are you guys okay with it?” Sunggyu turned to the others.

Sungyeol glanced at L, then to Yoonmi. He nodded slowly. Hoya gave his permission too.

“I can’t believe this is really happening!” L snapped and stormed off to his room. His door was slammed harshly.

Sunggyu exhaled at his behavior, but he couldn’t blame L for it. He knew his reasons.

Sungjong finally walked to Yoonmi and helped her up.

Yoonmi had her hands closed to her chest, still traumatized of what happened.

“I will go and talk to L,” Sungyeol said to the others and looked at Yoonmi before he left.

“Yoonmi can sleep in my room tonight. I’m fine with the sofa,” Hoya volunteered.

Sunggyu nodded and left to his room. Woohyun patted Hoya’s shoulders and gave his proud grin. He trailed after Sunggyu after that.

Hoya shrugged and led the others to his room.


“Yoonmi sshi, you can sleep here tonight. Sleep well, okay?” Dongwoo said to her as he gently put the blanket on her. He gave her a smile before he walked out.

“Sleep well,” Sungjong also gave her his friendly smile as he brushed her hair from her forehead.

Hoya grinned as he took out his extra blanket and pillow from his closet.

 “Goodnight, Yoonmi,” Hoya smiled to her as he switched his lights off.

 He left Yoonmi to bed after that.



Annyeong again! Haha.

Did you guys already watch SPECIAL GIRL by INFINITE H?

OmGyu for Dongwoo's cuteness and his amazing voice.


*Doing heartbomb with Woohyun*

Thanks for reading!

-Candywoo :3


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ilabya5 #1
xwhyyy #2
Chapter 5: Omg I'm totally loving this story<33
Please update it soon~~:((
choding_yeol27 #3
Chapter 5: author-nim :( update soon
Um. Hi.
New sub/reader/commenter here! ^^
Totally digging the story.
Update soon! :)
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Chapter 5: she's in the toilet trying to let out some massive ____. LOL. update soon!!
Chapter 5: She is missing in action ... Lol
Chapter 4: omg ! please update sooon cuz im flippin tables cuz i wanna know what happends after ...