Chapter 2



“So, you are the thief,” She said.

Yoonmi turned around and found five girls watched over her.

Oh god.

“I didn’t steal it,” Yoonmi spoke up.

“Oh, what to do? We just saw you holding my little baby over there. You are caught red-handed, thief,” The leader said.

“I was just putting it back,” Yoonmi replied calmly.

“Well yeah, after you stole it, duhh,” Another said, rolling her eyes.

“I did not steal it!” Yoonmi retorted back.

“We saw it!” She screamed at her.

Yoonmi scoffed and tried to walk out from the classroom, but the queenkas blocked her.

“Where do you think you are going?” one of them grabbed Yoonmi by her shoulder.

“Please, I’m telling the truth. Let go of your hands. I really don’t want to start a fight,” Yoonmi pleaded.

“Too late, you just started it,” She smirked.

Before anyone could do anything, they saw a group of other students coming from the hall.

The queenkas pushed Yoonmi away and walked back to their seats.

Yoonmi sighed as she held back her anger. She quickly went for her seat. As she passed by, one of them made her trip.

Yoonmi fell but immediately stood up. She glared at the culprit.

“Our business isn’t over yet, keep that in mind, thief,” She whispered hastily. Yoonmi turned her head away and continued her walk.


“I’m home,” Yoonmi called out to her house. She was about to walk straight to her room but she paused when she saw her mother in the living room.

“Oh, Yoonmi ah, you are home,” Her mother smiled to her. Yoonmi sensed something isn’t right, so she walked closer to her mother.

Yoonmi is originally an orphan, but she got adopted by Lee Kyungja and her late husband, Park Yoonjae at her age of 5. Lee Kyungja, however married another man, Han Jaesik. Oh how Yoonmi really hates that name. That man knew nothing but poker and violence. She hates him.

“Where is him?” Yoonmi asked her. She preferred addressing him as ‘him’, instead of her father. That man would never be her father. Never.

“He… went out,” Her mother answered with a fake smile. She seemed to be hiding something, so Yoonmi placed her palm on top of the woman’s leg.

“Ah! Ouch..” Her mother cried as soon as Yoonmi touched her. Yoonmi quickly unfolded a little bit of her mother’s trousers and found a big purple bruise. She sighed and looked away.

“I’m alright, Yoonmi ah. Don’t worry. Just go to your room. I will make you dinner,” She patted her daughter’s hand and smiled.

Yoonmi stood up and stomped up to her room.

She’s tired of how her mother keeps defending that brutal man. She didn’t even know why her mother marries him at the first place. Ugh!

Yoonmi threw her bag down and exhaled.

She really is going to move out from this hell someday.


That night, after helping her mother with the dishes, Yoonmi left for her room. She locked her room, which she thought is a real must. In case.

She had to stay up late for her homework so she let her table’s lamp on.

It wasn’t long until she heard the main door being slammed.

He is home.

Yoonmi ignored it and tried to continue her homework.

Suddenly, she heard some crashes. And a loud thump.

She heard her mother’s cries and the man’s yelling in his drunken condition.

He probably threw everything in the house already.

Yoonmi clasped her hands onto her ears and quickly climbed up to her bed.

She wrapped herself in her blanket and shut her eyes forcedly. Her mind never left to pray for everything to end. She felt scared at the same time.

In the end, Yoonmi shed her tears on her pillow again for that night.


[Woohyun’s POV]

I practically threw myself beside Sunggyu, who was watching the TV with the others.

Sunggyu punched me by the arm. I chuckled as I adjusted my head on his shoulder.

“Sungjongie~ Get me a glass of orange juice, please~” I called out to the maknae. Sungjong turned to me with a look. I gave him a serious expression. Sungjong sighed and started to walk towards the kitchen.

“Get lost, Nam Woohyun,” Sunggyu pushed my head away from his shoulder. I groaned and put my head back on his shoulder.

“Hyung, it’ll be your turn to do the laundry tomorrow,” L grinned at me.

“Right, I’ll stop by the laundry shop tomorrow,” I sighed. Sungjong arrived with my juice and rolled his eyes at me.

I thanked him with a smile and nudged Sungyeol with my foot. He was sitting on the floor with L and Dongwoo while the rest are sitting on the sofas.

“What?” Sungyeol turned to me with an annoyed look.

“Nothing. You are just blocking my view, move over,” I told him. Sungyeol grunted and shifted aside to L.

I looked at TV, trying to grasp what the others are watching.

“Why news?” I asked them.

“Ssh, listen,” Sunggyu replied as he increased the TV’s volume.

The TV showed a couple of picture, reports and stuffs about bullying and violence. I raised an eyebrow as I watched.

When it ends, Sunggyu lowered the volume back.

I heard Dongwoo heave a sigh. I glanced at him.

“The world is becoming mean and meaner,” Dongwoo muttered.

“It’s amusing to know that some people are living with unfairness,” Hoya added.

My forehead creased. Since when do these people become like this?

“Alright guys, it’s time for dinner. Nam Woohyun is doing the dishes today,” Sunggyu suddenly stood up. I almost lose my balance from it.

“What? Me?” I looked up at him. The others grinned and chuckled as they led their way to the kitchen.

“Yah, wait up!” I called out and rushed to catch after them.


Yoonmi tried her best not to produce any noise as she left her room. She didn’t want anyone to notice her out from her room. She didn’t dare to even look at her mother that morning.

“You are off to school without saying anything again?” She heard a voice ahead her. She sighed as she looked up. Her eyes quickly scanned her messy house. The vases are broken again. Another crystal collection of her late adopted father was broken too. She heard footsteps coming ahead her.

“Where’s mother?” She bravely asked him.

“In her room,” the man replied shortly.

“She is still not awake?” Yoonmi asked again.

The man shrugged and walked closer.

Yoonmi sighed and left before he could get any closer.


When Yoonmi reached her school, everyone began to give her stares and glares. She also heard uncertain murmurs from them.

“Thief,” She could hear them whispered. Yoonmi endured everything back in until her last class ended.

Just as Yoonmi walked down the almost empty hall after her last class, she heard sharp footsteps behind her. She spun around and saw the yesterday’s queenkas. It seemed like they were waiting for her. And revenge.

Yoonmi ignored them at first and fasten up her pace. She also heard the footsteps followed her pace from behind so she decided to make a run for it.

She crashed onto someone on the way and her books were scattered. Yoonmi quickly picked everything up and stood up, even though she sprained her ankle from the fell.

She continued to limp-run out from the queenkas.

Dongwoo stared at her. He couldn’t even apologize when he crashed onto her. He felt guilty but decided to continue his walk. The queenkas walked passed him with serious expressions. Dongwoo felt something isn’t quite right and glanced back. The girl was still trying her best to limp out.

He was about to turn to help her when he heard a call ahead him.

“Hyung, let’s go,” Hoya grinned at him.


“Where the hell do you think you are going?!”Jeon Jiyoon pushed Yoonmi hard to the bricked wall. They finally caught up to her and trapped her behind the school’s building. Yoonmi cried when her body crashed onto the hard wall.

“Are you thinking of running away from us, you thief?!” Gayoon began to push her too. Yoonmi didn’t do anything but stared at them. She noticed that Sohyun was recording everything on her phone. Her being bullied, is being recorded.

“I did not steal your purse, I swear!” Yoonmi spoke up. She received a kick from Hyuna. Yoonmi clutched her stomach and groaned.

“I just found your purse in the restroom. I came to return it to the owner. I swear I didn’t even touch whats inside!” Yoonmi defended. Hyuna slapped her hard. Yoonmi touched her cheek.

“Admit it, you b!tch!” Hyuna punched her in the face.

“You better apologize to us! Urgh!!” Jihyun began to knee-kicked Yoonmi. Yoonmi cried and groaned.

Hyuna grabbed Yoonmi by her collars and glared sharply to her.

“You are jealous, aren’t you? You came from a low class family. You even live in those gutters. You can’t afford to buy these purses because you are an orphan! You have no one to buy it for you, don’t you? You came from nowhere!” Hyuna hissed as she banged Yoonmi’s head hard onto the wall. Yoonmi held her head and panted. She felt a little blood at the back of her head. She was on the verge of tears. Her pride was hurt. Yoonmi glared at her.

“Oh, you are glaring now, good.” Jiyoon said. “Now, try to fight us!”

The rest giggled and laughed gloriously.

Yoonmi only stared stonily at them.

“I said fight us!” Hyuna pushed her onto the wall again.

“You b!tches,” Yoonmi said through her gritted teeth. She received another punch from Jiyoon. The girls enjoyed it so much whenever they heard Yoonmi cried in pain.

Yoonmi looked up and grabbed Jiyoon by her hair. The real fight has started.

The others began to pounce on her. She began to receive punches, kicks, pulls and scratches everywhere. All of her body began to aches as she cried in pain. The girls are beating her up with no mercy.

“I dare you to repeat those words again!” Hyuna yelled at her as she slapped her hard.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Stop it! Please!” Yoonmi pleaded as she groaned.

“I said repeat those words again!” Hyuna shouted.

“I’m sorry! Please stop! I’m so sorry! I won’t go near any of you again!” Yoonmi received continuous punches everywhere. “Please stop it! I’m sorry!”

The girls didn’t stop there. The sight of Yoonmi’s condition made them proud of themselves and continued even more.

Minutes later, Yoonmi almost collapsed from the beatings but the girls caught her up.

“Alright, let’s go for a final close-up and done!” Sohyun high-fived Gayoon as she hit end of recording from her phone and smiled.

“Alright, thief. We’ve recorded everything. If you dare to mess up with us again, we’ll put your video onto public, arasseo?” Hyuna warned.

Yoonmi nodded weakly.

“I’m so sorry,” She said. “I’m so sorry,”

The girls smiled in victory. They left Yoonmi alone as they giggled more.

“I’m sorry,” Yoonmi continuously said weakly. She limped home in that condition.

“I’m so sorry,” She kept repeating for the whole journey.


Yoonmi pushed her gate lightly and entered her house. She heard a loud crashed from her the living room. Yoonmi quickly limped up to her house.

When she reached her living room, Yoonmi almost out from the terrifying scene. That man was holding the kitchen’s knife in his hand. Her mother was dying below him. Beside her was her favourite big vase, which was now broken into pieces.

That man was surprised to see her. Even more surprising was her terrible appearance. Yoonmi clasped her hand onto and her tears immediately flowed when she saw the blood coming out from her mother’s blouse.

“Yoonmi ah..” That man called. He dropped his knife when he saw her.

“Yoonmi ah, run..” Her mother croaked. “Run, darling, run!”

Before the man could do anything, Yoonmi quickly turned and dashed out from her house’s ground. She didn’t care about her sprained ankle anymore and ran for her life. She didn’t even know where to head, as long as she lost the man who was catching after her behind.

Yoonmi’s tears continuously flowed as she dragged her feet to run.

Umma… umma… umma..

“Yoonmi ah! Stop right there!” She heard the man’s voice. Yoonmi fasten up her pace and quickly ran from his sight.

I’m so sorry... I’m sorry…


Everything out.


Okay bro. Imma update until here only. You would have to wait for the next update. (Silently praying you guys would click ‘Subscribe To Story’)

Haha, pardon me. :3 Anyways! Here is one HohoFinite for you guys!

Merry Hohoho to those who are celebrating! :) Have fun with chicken and snow (To those who is experiencing snow right now *Sniff sniff*) (And to those who gladly wants a chicken right now. E.g, Me *Wide grin*)

Don’t catch a cold! :3

-Candywoo :3

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ilabya5 #1
xwhyyy #2
Chapter 5: Omg I'm totally loving this story<33
Please update it soon~~:((
choding_yeol27 #3
Chapter 5: author-nim :( update soon
Um. Hi.
New sub/reader/commenter here! ^^
Totally digging the story.
Update soon! :)
Your request had been finished. Do pick it up in the graphic shop! ^^
Chapter 5: she's in the toilet trying to let out some massive ____. LOL. update soon!!
Chapter 5: She is missing in action ... Lol
Chapter 4: omg ! please update sooon cuz im flippin tables cuz i wanna know what happends after ...