Winter Wedding

You know what would be perfect?

December 25, 2012


It's the most wonderful time of the year! You and Kai decided to visit Namsan tower because it was your long time wish ever since. "Uwahh!! Finally! After 4 years of being in a relationship with this weirdo.. I finally get to visit you!!!" You exclaimed happily, throwing your arms in the air and giggling.


"Woah calm down there Rudolph!" Kai chuckled, patting your head, where Antlers lay. Your nose was glowing red due to the cold weather. "Aishh! You, Kim Jong In!!"You exclaimed, smacking him on the head and stomping away.


You huffed and pretended to walk away angrily. "Yah! Wait up!! It was a joke, a joke!!"Kai exclaimed, walking by your side.


You stifled a laugh, hugging his arm and sighing. "Since it's Christmas, I'll forgive you..."Kai did his signature smirk and held your hand. "Last one to the top is a sore loser!!!"You yelled, pushing Kai and running up the stairs to the third floor of the N Seoul Tower. 


It was a long climb, but you enjoyed the thought of making Kai do something embarrassing once you reached the top. You took a peak down, locating where your boyfriend is. He was nowhere to be found. "Omo? Jong Innie? YAH! Kai?? YAH! Kim Jong In-oppa! Where are you??"You started to panic not locating your boyfriend. What if he fell down the stairs?! What if he got kidnapped by a YETI!? A lot of What if's were flooding your mind. You shivered as the Chilly wind nipped against your skin. 


You were having second thoughts if you should race back down to look for him. You were about to take step down when you felt a cold hand on your hand. You yelped, jerking away and slipping on the step. A pair of hands hugged your waist, and you were face to face with Kai. His face was so close that you cold feel his breath. "Yah! You idiot! What's the matter with you? So clumsy..."He tsked, as you opened your eyes. Your cheeks were tinted with a dark shade of red. You wondered if it was from the wintry weather or was it just you.


The both of you stayed in that position for a few moments until realization hit Kai and he let go of you. You saw him blushing and the fact that he was blushing made you smile. Your boyfriend was so cute like this. You felt really happy when you found out that he had a free schedule for this day to spend it with you and his family. "Uhhh... Hey, let's go?"He asked you, reaching out for your hand.


You nodded slowly, grabbing his hand and going upstairs. After a few minutes of  climbing... You were finally at the top floor. A lot of couples have gathered here today to 'lock their love forever'. "Oppa! Come on!! Let's lock ours too!!"You shouted, dragging him across the crowd. 


He laughed whole heartedly as you stopped in front of an open area where there were not much locks. You grinned widely and started to rummage in your bag as if you were looking for something important. "What are you looking for??"Kai asked you, furrowing his eyebrows.


"Hmmm..? It must be here somewhere...."You mumbled, still rummaging in your bag. "AH! Found it!!"You exclaimed, holding out two heart shaped locks, both with yours and Kai's name on it. "Lock it together oppa!"You said, giving him both of the locks. He did what you said and held out his phone. "Let's take a picture!"he smiled Cheerfully, placing you beside him and putting his arm around your shoulder. He snapped a picture of the two of you and placed it as his wallpaper. 


You held the keys in your hands. "Alright.. We'll throw the keys at the same time on three okay?" Kai nodded. "1, 2, 3!!!!!"You exclaimed, jumping and throwing your key along with Kai. The both of you started laughing. "I love you oppa..."You smiled, pressing your forehead against his and wrapping your arms around his neck, standing on tip toes. "I love you too my princess...Merry Christmas..."He breathed, sharing a not so short and sweet kiss.




~A Few minutes later


The both of you were having a walk down Namsan park, hand in hand. Kai, beside you, sighed contentedly. "This is perfect! The scene..The moment with you..."He smiled at you. 


His Cheesiness made you smile. "You know what would be perfect?"


"What?" Kai asked.


You shake the snow out from your hair, then replied, "A winter wedding."


"A winter wedding?" said Kai, which made you nod. "Why?"


"Because,"You began."There's just something so... Magical..."You smiled, bending down and gathering a clump of snow in your hands."Something so pure...And Beautiful...About Winter...."You blow the snow off of your hands and let loose a small giggle.


"So, what you're saying is that you want to hold our future wedding in December?"Kai raised a brow, folding his arms across his chest.


You turned to him, flashing a wide smile. "Can we?" Relief started to flood you that he got your hint. For a moment there, you thought that he wouldn't catch up to you. 


"If that's what you want," Kai shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Why not?"


That made you squeal a little, you straightened up then ran towards him. Coiling your ams around his neck, you say "Really?! That....Would be amazing....."


"Well, you better start planning then.."He did his signature smirk, pressing his forehead against yours.


"Don't worry," you said, cupping his face with your hands. You stared deep into his eyes, getting lost in that infinite pool of darkness. "Everything's all planned out...." And with that, you leaned in, closing the distance, and pressing your lips against his.





Merry Christmas to everybody out there!! :)) I hope you enjoyed this One Shot I made. I got inspired by a song.. And an imagine made by someone I know... (Imagine cr: KL-mars sunbaenim) ;))





cr: BananaMilkie


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kowarinai #1
Chapter 1: That made my Chrismas. If only it was real >~<
Chapter 1: Cuuuuute ♥
Lollifuu1 #3
Chapter 1: LOL Redundancy my dear author-nim! But still, It's cute!! 9/10 :))