How to NOT get Security Checked/Blocked


How to NOT ge

Security Checked / Blocked

We all hate getting SCed right? Well here are some tips that may help you not get SCed. I can't gaurentee anything but this is as far as I know from other RPs.

Make a creative name- although it has to be creative, please make it similar to the original name, we still need to know who you are (● ̄(エ) ̄●)


Put everything into "Friends Only" or "Private"


Make sure your profile is unsearchable


Make "English" your first language, not Korean. When Facebook finds out that you have everything in English and you set your language to Korean, It will think you are a poser     (((( ;°Д°))))


Rather than having your phone number used, have more email and security questions, it will boost up the security


In the "Security Settings", everything should NOT be disabled, if it is, it gives you a HIGH chance of being SCed


Your  "Secure Browsing" should be ENABLED Just check mark the box

Your "Login Notification" should be checked- They give you a choice between EMAIL or Text/Push Notification. It is better to check the EMAIL because "Text/Push Notification" requires you to give them your phone number


Have a security question- it is better than wasting your phone number. Make sure you actually know the answer to the question 。◕‿◕。


Do not add more than 3 people per day- Add only the admins for the first 48 hours 


Change your passwords constantly and don't have the same password for all of your accounts.


Don't log onto more than one account at the same time- for example, don't have Google Chrome up with one account and another account with Internet Explore


Add pictures, play games, etc. so Facebook will think you are normal


When you first make your account, don't immediately start comment/like things


BE ACTIVE! o(o)o  - Facebook tend to aim for the inactive people sometimes


Delete SCed friends- SCed is like a disease, you don't want the disease to spred


Reuse an old account

When you use a recycled account, PLEASE CLEAR EVERYTHING

(ex- friends, wall, name, etc.)


If you are going to change to a new account, please delete your old account click here



Once again, I hope this will help you even though I can't gaureentee anything


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i remember when me and my sister were on here together </3 all the memories ;; i hope it re-opens eventually
I miss HP so much q n q it was the first rp I ever joined. I hope you guys open it again one day!
JuicyG #3
When are guy going to open again?
Chapter 13: That is helpful. Thanks.
Chapter 3: I miss you HP family ; A ; I don't think you'll remember me but HINT -_____ bunny son- ahahaha big give away.
jamiepango #6
Chapter 3: May i be D.O of Exo-K?

i come in peace :3
Chapter 13: "so facebook will think you are normal"
I died laughing hahahahahahahahahahahaha XD
Thank you for this XD
Chapter 3: May i be V of bts ?

I come in peace
kimmykim #9
Chapter 2: May i be D.O of EXO-K

I Come In Peace
Chapter 10: May I be OH HAYOUNG of APINK?

I Come In Peace :3