A Little Fight

Between Love and Relationship

Title: Between Love and Relationship

Genre: Romance, fluff

Rating: G

Cast: 2min

Author: Pigeon of Autumn

Disclaimer: Full story by PoA




‘Don’t you understand?!’ Taemin slammed the door shut behind him, furious. He looked at a pair of eagle eyes in front of him, rage clearly drawn.

‘What?’ Minho asked softly, kept his killer-smile. He knew that Taemin—how hard he tried to—couldn’t resist this. There’s a use of being a Flaming Charisma.

‘The meaning of a relationship.’ Taemin answered coldly, avoiding Minho’s eyes when he know that those smile could kill him in a second.

‘What is it? Can you tell?’ He mocked Taemin, clearly. And in no time, the anger filled those beautiful brown eyes of his, greater than before.

‘Are you playin—’

‘You can’t tell, right? You don’t even know what is love.’ Minho trapped Taemin’s face with his hands. The younger looked at him angrily. He’s not a child who wants to play. But Minho made him look like one.

‘No one know what is love.’ Again, the cold tone came out from Taemin’s plump lips. Minho laughed softly and caressed the chubby cheek in front of him.

‘And you can tell about a relationship? It’s just the same as love, isn’t it?’ And Taemin shook his head with an annoyed groan.

‘Don’t you understand, Choi Minho? Love isn’t the same as a relationship!’ He let himself out of Minho’s tight hug and walked away. Far enough to avoid Minho’s grab, but close enough to make him had no reason for not listening.


‘It IS different! When you love someone, you don’t have to own him. But when you had a relationship—’

‘You have to love him. Well, I love you.’ Minho took a step closer, and Taemin took a step further.

‘Not enough to stop that girl from kissing you.’ He looked at the wall beside him. Just in case Minho would gave him another killer look.

‘But enough to keep my heart with you.’ And that’s it, right before Minho took few steps closer and reached Taemin’s wrist. Cupping his face, and gave him a genuine smile.

‘Shut up.’ When Minho was about to laugh;Taemin blushed so hard that he should hide his face onto Minho’s chest.

‘Yes, love.’

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Chapter 1: Cute 😍
Chapter 1: Awww this is so adorable! P.S, This is Author-nim ^.^
Pigeonautumn #3
I'm glad you guys like it, hehe
Thanks for the comments^^
Chapter 1: I thought it was a very adorable one shot. Loved the cute bickering :P
RiyuRUN2U #5
Chapter 1: so adorable...kkkk
Pigeonautumn #6
wohoho komentator pertama XD
thanks noona^^
hwangrijin #7
Chapter 1: hahaha..XD
*dunno why i laugh at the end..>.<*
but afterall i love this story..jealousy of taemin..kkkk XD
but i agree with minho..no one know what love is..love has a different meaning fr every person..so do relationship..:)