Let the Games Begin

Hit me, I Dare You




Days has past, it was already the last day before Valentine's Day. It's been filled with laughs, jaelousy, and wild cheering.

February 9- Tied Together

This game, it was challenging. Though couples are about working together, not many did. Ropes were tied around one another's foot and they go through a few obstacles. To name a few, there was: Hop-scotch, Running, kicking the ball, and trying to catch a ball. Not a surprise that Goo Hara and Junhyung won. They've been together the longest and had amazing teamwork.

February 10- Dress Them

It wasn't much of a challenge. Couples were challenged to dress up their signifigant other and make sure it suits his and her taste. It was excrutiating pain when couples would lie, for they had a lie detector that would taze their hand and go throughout their body. No surprise that ~~~~~ and Taemin won. They were known for their common sense of fashion. 

February 11- Makeup Tag

This was more of a challenge for the guys. Girls sat down in front of no mirror, required to bring all the makeup they possibly had. Like most youtube makeup guru's that had their hubby do their makeup, it was exactly like that. This challenge brought many laughs and awe's. More than half of the couples did a terrible job on makeup. Even messing up the lipstick. The best was no other than Hongki and ShinHye. 

February 12- Cards 

It left the audience jealous but also satisfied. Not exactly, the only people satisfied was BAP when they saw THE Lee Taemin purposely drop the card and ~~~~~ and his lips met. Her eyes were wide open when it happened and quickly parted before she let herself respond back. Choi Naeun was going ballistic on the other side, EXO laughing at her. BAP saw her and snickered. 



As of today, February 13, the final day before Valentine's Day. 

"Is everyone ready for Round 4?" Ms. Lee asked and faced the couples who nodded. 

"Today's game is the one and only..." before Mr. Kang could continue, he cued for a drum roll which was obeyed and he got it. "THE POCKY GAME!!!!" Girls gaspes and whined how some of their precious Oppas might kiss the girl they would want to be, in front of them. Guys cheered and hollered. 

"I can't wait," Zelo said, a hint of seduction in his voice. Weird since he was only said that woth his hyungs around. 

"You said that like you're trying to seduce one of us, Zelo." Yongguk said, making the younger one blush. 

"It was uncalled for," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"FIRST UP IS...." Ms. Lee said, "Yonghwa and Seohyun!" The couple went up, the innocent one was blushing extra hard this time. Yonghwa held the pocky stick in his mouth and smiled at his girlfriend, motioning for her to take a bite. She did, not wanting loose the game. 

"LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!" All the teachers shouted like how they did for the last 5 days. Yes, they even made them attend school on a weekday afternoon just to watch the couple games. 

"Just a bit closer," Mr. Kang whispered under his breath and his smile disappeared when Yonghwa seperated from the pocky stick first right after Seohyung took the bite. The remaining of the pocky stick was dropped to the floor in which Ms. Lee picked up and measured. 

"4 CM!" she announced, the two blushing hard. 

Couples went on and on, not one had enough courage to finish the last remaining piece. Not even senior CC, Leeteuk and Kang Sora. 

"Please don't disappoint the crowd," Mr. Kang whsipered to Taemin before they went up the stage. He confidently nodded and walked to the center with ~~~~~. They were given a strawberry pocky stick and ~~~~ held it in . 

"We have a fiesty one here!" Mr. Kang announced once ~~~~~ took the pocky stick and stuck it in instead of the boy. The crowd hollered. Taemin took the lead and bit it first. ~~~~~ followed and she was beginning to blush the closer their face got. 

'BITE IT!' she saw her Himchan Oppa mouth out and saw her other Oppas making a biting gesture. Not really, they were actually biting onto a pocky stick. She smiled and bit the stick, forgetting that Taemin was on the other side. Her eyes widened once again when she felt soft and warm lips on hers. She looked straight and saw Taemin closing his eyes, kissing her. 

"YAH! NO MORE KISSING!" Choi Naeun shouted since ~~~~ closed her eyes, responded, and wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. The pocky stick was, indeed, not completely gone. Yes, their lips met but there was a small piece seperating theirs. Once ~~~~~ reponded, a piece fell. They seperated when the schools screams got louder. 

".3 CM!" Ms. Lee announced, "we have winners!!!!" BAP hollered the loudest and hugged the two tightly on the stage. 

"Thank you for watching today's competition! Please come tomorrow! The only hours for school is the hours of the first 2 classes, couples challenge, and to announce the winners!" Ms. Lee and Mr. Kang announced, watching as Mr. Kwon opened up the gates for students to leave. 

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" the crowd stayed, watching Taemin and ~~~~~. The two blushed, taking small peeks at each other. Naeun stomped up the stage and took the microphone from the two teachers. 

"YAH! SHUT UP AND GO HOME!!!!!" she yelled through the microphones and it hurt everyone's ears. The fact that the microhphone speakers were at full volume and she was yelling. EXO laughed at her fuming face and let her drag away Suho and Luhan out of the gates with the rest following. 

"I'm anticipating all of your performances tomorrow," Mr. kwon said patting all of the couples' back. 

"How come we're not allowed to know what your performance is about?" BAP asked with a pout, trying to convince the couple to finally let them see what they've been practicing. 

"It's a surprise, duh, Oppas." ~~~~ said, patting their cheeks. 

"See ya later, hyungs!" Taemin yelled while running the other direction from BAP to go practice with his girlfriend. 



Valentine's Day, the day everyone hopes to get at least a rose from a best friend, maybe even their family members. ~~~~~ woke up happily and got presents from out of her closet. She walked quietly down the stairs and saw her Oppas all eating their breakfast. She walked behind them and before she can scare them- 

"You can't scare us, dongsaeng-ah~" they all cooed and she puffed out her cheeks, letting out a huge breath. 

"Why so happy this Valentine's Day? Or...in our case...Single Awareness Day." Youngjae said, evening chuckling at his lame joke. 

"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I have presents for all of you!" she announced, finally watching as her Oppas turned her direction. She had 6 boxes or bags in her hands. She passed them out and watched them open it as she ate her Valentine breakfast. Which was a simple Nutella filled toasts with strawberries stacked on top of them. 

For her Yongguk Oppa she got a crewneck. It wasn't much of a gift to many peoples' point of view but this brand, The Hundreds, was pretty expensive. He loved it! He never had enough money to buy his own, the money him and Himchan earned was for the house payment, food, and all those stuff. Only 40% they kept as pocket money. 

Her Himchan Oppa got a pretty expensive coat since he was so into fashion. And for his love of his favorite food, she got a gift card for any fast food restuarant. 

Her Daehyun Oppa got pretty much what he wished he had for the last 2 years. Coupons for free ice cream, korean BBQ, fries, and all that stuff. And the best part is that it never expires and he had 20 of each. 

For her Youngjae and JongUp Oppas, she got iPod Nano's the 7th generation. For Youngjae, he got the black one and JongUp had the blue one. 

Lastly was her Zelo Oppa who had gotten a while collection of mouth masks

"Ah, Zelo Oppa, go to the fridge to see the rest of your gift." ~~~~~ said, smiling toward her Oppa. He nodded and walked to the fridge. 

"Yah, Zelo, what's in there?" Yongguk asked since he stayed in the fridge for over 2 minutes. He popped his head out with his mouth full of cherry tomatoes. 

"How many boxes of cherry tomatoes did you buy?" JongUp asked. 

"10," she replied and finished up her breakfast. Zelo was finishing the last box by the time they had to dress up in their uniforms. Surprising how that tall, skinny boy ate so much and gain no weight at all. Or at least didn't look like he was gaining any weight. In, about, 15 minutes they were all downstairs in their uniforms. They all wore red today, red blazers. Plaid skit for ~~~~ and black cackies for her Oppas. Her red bow that Himchan Oppa helped her tie up and their ties. 

"Kaja?" Youngjae said, holding the front door open for them to exit out. 

"EXO hasn;t been of a problem, haven't they?" JongUp said. 

"Hah, no. They bother ~~~~~-ah and I all the ing time!!!!" Zelo said and made weird hand movements all over the place. They were enjoying their walk together until a rock hit Youngjae's head. Now blood was going down his temple, to his cheek, and dripped down. 

"Gwenchana?" ~~~~ whispered in Youngjae's ear and he nodded. They ran away faster and ignored EXO all the way to school. They went to their special spot and caught their breaths. Taemin was already there, waiting for them but was worried once he saw BAP and his girlfriend trying to catch their breath. 

"What happened?" Taemin asked all of them. They nodded, ~~~~ took out her first aid kit from her bag and started to clean up Youngjae's wound. They missed out on the first two periods just to avoid EXO. If they hurt ~~~~ or Zelo, they swore to hurt them so bad. 

"Besides EXO hurting Oppa...." ~~~~~ began and breathed in a big chunk of air, "today has been going pretty relaxing." 

"Nae. Oh, yeah, are you guys ready for the performance today?" Yongguk asked and the couple nodded after smiling at each other.

"WHY CAN'T WE SEE A TEASER?!" BAP chorused and the two chuckled. 

"Will all contestants of this couple challenge performance, come and get ready!" The group heard and their mouths were agape.

"Jinjja? It's already lunch time?" Zelo said and they all stood up, shrugging their shoulders and walked over to where the performances were to be held, the Auditorium. They stood far away from EXO while Taemin and ~~~~~ went backstage to get their makeup and costume ready. 

Performances went on and on. Either the audience were awed or disappointed with the performances. 

"MWO?! IS THAT ~~~~~~ and TAEMIN?!!!!" BAP heard EXO yell out and turned to the stage. Their eyes were wide open. 

"Oh," Youngjae said.

"My," Daehyun said.

"ing," Himchan said.

"God," Zelo, JongUp, and Yongguk chorused. All 6 of them were wide eyed at the two who were standing on stage, mouth agape. 





BAP: Trolololol. We just put out a cliff-hanger. 

Me: Hey, sorry, readers! It's already a long chapter, I didn't want you guys to read too much. 

EXO: Why are we so mean to BAP? 

Me: Aish! Jinjja?! This is a story! You're just reading it, Oppas!

EXO: Arasso! Calm down. 

BAP: We'll calm back soon to finish the end of our Valentine's Day with you. 

Taemin: Ex-cuse me! With me!

EXO: You're weird. 

Taemin: I don't get it.....

Me: Shut up, you guys. Let's wrap this up, I'm sleepy. 

BAP, Taemin, and EXO: Chakaman. 

Me: What?

BAP, EXO, and Taemin: How was your Valentine's Day?

Me: It was lonely but awesome at the same time. My poor chingu had her Valentine dump her and so she gave me her teddy bear, my other chingu left candies in my locker, my other chingu gave me one delicious cupcake. And my other friend...he got me roses since I was lonely. 

Taemin: How about that one guy who made you sad those last 2 weeks?

Me: Oh....I don't know what I feel towards him. I know I still like him, but sometimes I get annoyed just seeing him. I don't know how to explain it.

BAP: Ah, okay. We love you, don't worry. 

Taemin and EXO: US, TOOOOOOOOOOOooooo!!!!

Me: Okay, Okay! I'm tired, wrap this up. NOW.

Taemin: Don't forget to Subscribe

EXO: Comment! And please tell us how your Valentine's Day went.

BAP: UpVote!

Me: And keep reading! Sorry again for not completing this Valentine chapter.

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PieLife #1
Chapter 16: LEETUEKKKK
Chapter 19: Hehe, next update? ;)
Chapter 19: Omg luhan and taemin r friends! Uh oh
Chapter 18: Wow I had no idea a few of the members liked her! They still shouldn't have played pranks in the first place = =
rooting for Taemin still~ hehe
EXOtic123 #7
Chapter 18: i want her with either bacon or luhan!!!
tigerlily09 #8
Chapter 18: Great chapter!!!! :-)
EXOtic123 #9
Chapter 17: omg please update^^
Chapter 17: ohhhh sekshi!!!!