Road to Heaven

A New Beginning

“Cereal for breakfast guys!” Jieun said cheerfully as she placed two bowls of cereal on the dining table.

“Hurry and eat. We have to leave by 11am so that we can reach Heaven on time.”

“Heaven? Are you sure it really exists?” Suzy asked Jieun. She always thought that death meant eternal darkness.

“Yes of course dear. Heaven does exist. Going to heaven is like your second chance in life. With no limitations.” Jieun responded calmly.

“Now after your meal. I want you to go up and pack your bags. I left a small bag on both of your beds. The wardrobe in the room would have a variety of clothes to choose from. Choose as you please. But don’t take too much. It’s a long road ahead.”

Suzy and Kai ate their food and went upstairs to pack their bags. They didn’t question Jieun because they knew it was pointless. Besides, she seemed quite trustworthy.

“Woah. These clothes sure are pretty.” Suzy exclaimed and picked out a beige coloured gown. She placed it back in the wardrobe thinking how it wouldn't be suitable for a trip like this.

Suzy decided to put on an oversized black sweatshirt along with denim shorts. She placed extra clothes in her bag before zipping it up and heading down stairs.

When she was there, she saw Kai who was already seated down on the sofa. Dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans.

Suzy’s mouth went ajar as she took one look at Kai and she immediately turned away, embarrassed.

Kai didn’t understand why Suzy shot him the embarrassed look until he looked at her and looked at himself. They were in matching clothing.

Out of the piles of clothes Jieun left in the wardrobe, they managed to pick out the exact same colours. How peculiar. Both of them thought to themselves.

“Okay! Now that both of you guys are done packing! Let’s go!” Jieun came out of the kitchen after packing some food into her bag. Instead of wearing her usual casual dresses, she came out in a long white sleeve tee followed by brown shorts.

She took a quick glance at Kai and Suzy.

“Did you both plan these outfits?” Jieun shot both Kai and Suzy a suspicious look.

“No!” Suzy said in protest. Why would she plan matching clothing with Kai?

Jieun smirked playfully at both of them and they left the house together.




An hour of non-stop walking passed. Neither Suzy nor Kai complained. Ever since they got here, they never felt physically tired no matter what they did. Sleeping helped them with their mental fatigue. The walk was quiet because none of them had anything to say. How did you die? How did you feel when you died? Well, they didn’t want to talk about it at all. Relieving those painful memories were the last thing they ever wanted to do. They only could pray and hope that their future would be blissful.

“Hey guys! Wanna hear a fun fact?” Jieun turned around and smiled brightly at Suzy and Kai.

“Hmm what?” Suzy said. Preoccupied with the heart shaped leaf she picked up a while ago.

“Do you know that both of you don’t even have to breath?” Jieun said, trying to get the interest of Kai and Suzy.

“We don’t!?” Suzy said in fascination. It seems that the leaf she held wasn't fascinating anymore. She dropped it on the ground immediately and covered and pinched her nose.

Kai on the other hand, didn’t really care. He was dead anyway, breathing or not, what difference did it make?

“Hey Kai!!! Try it!!! We really don’t need to breath! Isn’t that fascinating!?” Suzy said to the uninterested Kai. Trying to sound as excited as possible. She wanted to cheer Kai up, because ever since the start of the trip he had been awfully quiet. Of course in a bad way.

“I rather be able to breath.” Kai said coldly. Suzy felt like the pat on her back just now was nothing at all. It wasn’t a hint to a start of a friendship.

This once again ignited the silent atmosphere. A little while later, when Jieun was up ahead and Kai and Suzy lagged behind. Suzy took it as an opportunity to talk to Kai, alone. Even though she knew Jieun probably would know what they were saying anyway. She just didn’t want to face the embarrassment of seeing Jieun while talking to him.

“Hey Kai! Can I talk to you for a bit?” Suzy said as she ran a few steps to catch up with Kai.

“Hmmm… Yeah sure.”

“About everything. Are you okay? I mean…I know everything is hard to go through. I understand you. So please don’t bottle everything inside of you okay? I mean you can always talk to me or even Jieun. So please don’t go through this alone. I know we barely know each other. But I really want to get to know you better. So yeah, just don’t think you’re facing this by yourself. We’re here for you.” Suzy flashed a warm smile at him and quickly ran a few steps in front and yelled for Jieun to wait for them. She was embarrassed.

You’ll be here… for me? Kai glanced at the bright clear blue sky.

Noone ever was. What makes you special? Kai looked down and stared intently at Suzy who was laughing and joking with Jieun.

Something about her made Kai wonder. Why were their paths ever crossed? What made them have to go through this together? Jieun said it earlier that it was a rare case for dying at the exact same time. Do I have some special link to her? He did feel that Suzy was different. But he didn’t know in what way.

Kai shook his head. All this thinking made him a little mentally tired.




“Okay guys! Here’s the first stop!” Jieun pointed at a huge farmhouse. It was located in the middle of a huge field of grass. Everything was full of life, full of vigour. There were cows, horses, sheeps, every animal you would find at a farm.

“First stop? What do you mean by that?” Suzy asked. Puzzled. Weren’t they on the way to heaven? Why did they have to stop?

“Oh! No wonder I felt like I forgot to say something. Dear me, I must be getting old… Okay about that. We can’t go Heaven immediately. Not until you finished going through the 4 steps to Heaven. You could call it a mission, and both of you have to complete 4 of these missions before getting your passport to Heaven.”

“What!? Why do we have to do that?” Kai asked in protest.

“It was planned by the Gods. To make you guys break your core. You see, all living souls have a core. And this core needs to be broken to be allowed to enter Heaven. And you guys have exactly 36 hours to do that. If not…” Jieun said carefully and hesitated at the end.

“If not?” Suzy and Kai both chorused together.

“If not, you’re both going to fade away.” 

“Fade away!? You mean we’ll die again!?” Suzy yelled angrily. It was already tough going through this dying process once. To go through it again is simply ridiculous.

“Yes… you could say its something like that. But…! Fret not! I’ll do all I can to make both of you live. It is after all, my job.” Jieun looked at both of them with a warm motherly smile.

“Now lets head on inside.”


“umm.. Jieun what’s this core, thing anyway?” Kai asked.

“It’s for me to know, and for you to find out.” Jieun simply walked on in front of them and into the farmhouse ahead.


“Oh Jieun. It’s good to see you again. What’s the matter this time?” They walked in the farmhouse to see a attractive young man with reddish brown hair. He looked about Kai's age and with his sleeveless shirt, you could see the biceps on his arms. He glanced at Suzy and Kai but continued carrying the blocks of hay.


“Jinyoung. I need help to do Station 1. Free to lend a hand?”

“Yeah of course. We’re short of hands anyway. Let me go get ready the necessities.”

“Wait! Guys, say hi to Jung Jin Young. He’s going to help you guys in Station 1.”

“Please treat us well!” Suzy bowed her head at Jinyoung and flashed him a big bright smile.

Kai simply bowed and did not speak a word.

Jinyoung smiled at Suzy and simply nodded at Kai’s greeting.

This is going to be hard. Jinyoung thought to himself. He shook his head, deep in thought. Thinking of how he could help both of them through this. Especially Kai.



Please don't imagine Jinyoung with arms like Tacyeon. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Okay this chapter is just a transition to the main thing!

Which is in the next chapter

so i'll update it asap to not make it boring at all. ;)

IF i can finish typing it tomorrow. (2012 KBS SONG FESTIVAL TMR!!!!) Ok actually today. HAHA


Oh & i'm sorry for the lack of Kaizy moments!

I'm trying to progress this story slowly so it isn't as unrealistic as it already is HAHAHA.

Special cameo in this chapter! :) Its jinyoung! *fangirl screams*

Next best song after Seunggi's song, Nell - White Night.

I'll have more upcoming Cameos too! ;)


Credits to my buddy, Cracker, for the pweeteeee posters & the idea of the holding the breath part :)

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Chapter 1: Aigoo.. Suzy still fortunate to have her mom and daehyun beside her, but kai case it too pitiful.. He died alone..
Wow, from the foreword only already sounds intersting.. Can't wait to press the next button..
Precious421 #3
Chapter 16: Absolutely wonderful! I love how you have kaizy with side plots of others.... Update soon pls!
jungieyah #4
Chapter 16: HanZy, DaeZy, JinZy or KaiZy? I love every pairing but I mostly go for the realistic ones.
Chapter 16: Daehyun plzz!!! Daehyun!!! XD
Update soon!!
Update please :'3
Tiffonay #7
Chapter 16: ahh such an amazing chapter. :)
And oh my gosh your poll, I can't answer it omg it's too difficult.
Chapter 16: i like it! :)
they will be a sweet couple <3