The Question

Feel, Don't Think

Title: Feel, Don’t Think

Genre: Romance, fluff

Rating: G

Author: Pigeon of Autumn

Cast: 2min

Disclaimer: Full story by PoA




                ‘Why do you love me?’


That was a question Minho asked a few days ago. At that time, he was just silent, he couldn’t answer—up till now—and he doesn’t even know why. Actually, he didn’t find it necessary to answer that question, since they both knew and understand that love doesn’t need any reason. He loves Minho, that’s all. The end. So why did he ask that?

How hard Taemin tried to forget that question, he failed. Every time he met Minho, saw him, that question would pop out of his head. And that led him into a great frustration.

Taemin sat himself into a comfortable couch Key got for their room. A glass of tea in his hand, and the other supporting his chin. While Minho was out, and he’s all alone, he got plenty of time, thinking.

Why does he love Minho? Why on the earth he chose Minho out of 6 billion people? What’s so special about that tall, frog-eyed guy, which could melt Taemin’s heart?

As he kept thinking, he felt like he was so close to the answer. All the time. But, again, those answers went away when he tried to reach them. He felt like he knew how to find the answer, but he—somehow—forgot that.

And again, he stood up, let out a heavy sigh and got out of the room. Taemin walked lazily to the kitchen and sat on the dinner chair while he takes his phone out. His delicate finger moved rapidly when he browses his contact list, searching for his boyfriend’s number.

‘Hyung, are you done?’ He asked to the guy on the other end. He heard Minho’s tired sigh and smiled a bit when he answered.

‘Yes, and I’m going home as fast I can.’ Taemin even could feel Minho’s smiling there.

‘Ne, please. I miss you, and I need to talk.’ He said softly, tapping his fingers to the table. Minho furrowed his eyebrows and asked.

‘Your tone is strange. You know? It’s scary.’ Taemin laughed and continue tapping his fingers. His mind was still on the question Minho gave him. But he tried—as hard as he possibly could—to forget it, at least for now. When he doesn’t have anyone to ask.

‘How is it supposed to be?’ Taemin stood up and walked to the living room. He had no idea about what will he do now. He’s alone, bored, frustrated and Minho didn’t even here to answer his obsessive questions.

‘Well, it doesn’t have to be so serious, ya know? It feels like you’re gonna break up with me.’ Minho groaned and Taemin giggle. He sat on the long couch and stretched his thin legs.

‘What if I do?’

‘Don’t you dare, Lee Taemin. Oh wait, Imma got to the car. Bye, baby.’ Taemin whined when Minho ended the conversation by his own. His hateful habit.

But now, all he can do is waiting.




‘Why do you love me?’

‘That’s my question, why do you ask?’

‘You asked me first.’

‘Yeah, so?’

Taemin smacked his stupid boyfriend’s head and earn an annoyed groan from Minho. The taller guy looked at him with a curious look.

‘I’m frustrated. I kept thinking about it for days, day and night. I’m tired of—’ He stopped talking when he felt Minho’s sensual lips against his. The kiss was short, yet so full of passion and love. Minho caressed his cheek and smiled a flaming charisma smile that could melt any girls who saw him.

‘You’re wrong.’


‘You shouldn’t think about it.’

‘But I’m cur—’

‘I know,’ the rapper sat himself on Taemin’s bed and played with his fingers. Taemin sat beside him and wait ‘But you won’t find the answer if you think about it.’ He added, turned his head to Taemin and kissed his forehead.


‘So… You have to feel it. Don’t think.’ Taemin looked up at Minho and give him the killer puppy-look of his.

‘So I have to—’

‘Feel it. You love me with your heart, not your head, didn’t you?’ Taemin nodded slightly and looked straight on Minho’s eyes. Those black eagle-eyes were so loving, so warm, and Taemin love the way Minho look at him ‘Now, I guess you can answer my question?’


‘Why do you love me?’

‘I-I just… feel it.’

And that’s before Minho smacked his lips against Taemin’s again. He love the way his cute boyfriend would asked him about things—important things—with a whiny and demanding voice. And he doesn’t want Taemin asked about why Minho loves him. Because he love him.

He just does.

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theslymaknae #1
Chapter 1: You're a great author XD why don't you tell me earlier? XD keke

i loove this, bukan cuma karena ceritanya keren, tapi karena plotnya.. relatable,

thumbs up! <3
Chapter 1: aww it's so fluffy ^^ i love it :) so cute keke
Chapter 1: lol this is sweet but idk why I just want to laugh. don't get me wrong okay :D
Chapter 1: Awwww! That is so cute <3
hwangrijin #5
Chapter 1: wow...XD
noona found you in here to chan2..XD
love it!!..totally agree with minho...
love is something that you must feel by your heart..not think by your head..hehehe..
Pigeonautumn #6
Chapter 1: Thank you, Poppykisses, my first comment XD

Gdragon39 too, thanks a lot^^
I'll try make better stories.
gdragon39 #7
Chapter 1: so touching..:')
poppykisses #8
Chapter 1: this was cute ^^