Don't doubt me.

Signs of Lying


BANG! BANG! BANG! Myungsoo’s brows scrunched up in annoyance. He was trying to take a nap but obviously it was quite impossible being in a house with six other nuisances, especially one in particular. BANG! BANG! BANG! “Myungsoo! Open the door!” Myungsoo rolled his eyes. That voice confirmed his assumption. It was the one. Lee Sungyeol, the king of nuisance. “YA! KIM MYUNGSOO, OPEN THE DOOR! IT’S ME!” Myungsoo flinched at the high-pitched dolphin squeal.

Unenthusiastically and unwillingly, Myungsoo dragged his tired body off the bed and to the door. He knew if he doesn’t let the nuisance enter, the others would kill him in his sleep. Opening the door, he stared at the nuisance with a cold face. In his most natural; or unnaturally human; emotionless-tone, he asked, “What do you want?”

Sungyeol flashed his best grin at the lad, ignoring the drop in temperature radiating off of his body. Without answering, he pushed pass Myungsoo and entered the room. Myungsoo turned and saw the nuisance helping himself onto his bed and snuggling his face into his fluffy pillow. Myungsoo’s lips unconsciously pulled up into a small smile. But he caught himself quickly enough and wiped it off faster than it had appeared. He closed the door and retreated back to his bed.

He poked his long index finger at the nuisance. Sungyeol stared at him with sparkly eyes. Myungsoo could swear that if they were in an anime right now, Sungyeol would have the white bling-bling stars in his eyes. Myungsoo narrowed his eyes and said, coldly, “You didn’t answer me yet. What do you want and why are you on my bed?” Sungyeol pulled the black covers over his face and mumbled something inaudible.

Myungsoo’s brows scrunched up again. He pulled the covers down and said, “I can’t hear you! Repeat what you said or I’m going to throw you out!” Sungyeol pouted, unhappy with Myungsoo’s attitude. He sat up and said, in a whisper, “I wanted to ask if you were being honest that day…” Though low, Myungsoo was able to catch the words. He raised his eyebrows in confusion. He doesn’t remember what he said the other day. He stared at Sungyeol questioningly, sending off an uncomfortable vibe. Sungyeol got angry and yelled on the top of his lungs, “I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU WERE LYING! YOU DON’T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAID SO HOW COULD YOU HAVE BEEN HONEST!”

Sungyeol wanted to ramble more and more but Myungsoo clamped his hand over his mouth and threatened, “If you yell one more time, I will make sure you can’t ever say another word again. Do you understand?” Sungyeol stared at him with huge, displeased eyes. He refused to give him and turned his head away. Myungsoo let out a sigh and dropped his hand. He gave up. He said, “I’m sorry for forgetting what I said. Can you please refresh my memory?”

He searched Sungyeol’s face for an answer. However, what he saw was one word: red. Sungyeol’s cheeks were flaming up so quickly and brightly that Myungsoo thought he was getting sick. He quickly turned Sungyeol’s head to face him and felt his forehead. Wasn’t a fever though. Why was he so red then? Sungyeol pushed his hand away and said, again, in a mere whisper, “You…You said that I was b-beautiful. Were you lying?”

Myungsoo finally remembered. He said that Sungyeol was beautiful on stage. He couldn’t hold back a smile from the recollection. Catching Myungsoo’s smile, Sungyeol thought that he was laughing at him. His face scrunched up and his nose turned red. His eyes brimmed and sloshed with tears. Myungsoo finally snapped back to reality and realized that Sungyeol was going to cry. He quickly grabbed Sungyeol’s hand and placed it over his chest. Sungyeol gasped and tried to pull back his hand but failed.

“W-What are you doing?! Let me go!” Sungyeol squeaked. Myungsoo looked down at Sungyeol’s hand and said, “If someone is lying their heart will start beating rapidly. Sungyeol is really beautiful. Am I lying?” Sungyeol felt a steady heartbeat under his palm but feels his own heart jumping like a jackhammer in his chest. He quickly lowered his head.

Myungsoo slowly tilts Sungyeol’s head up; lifting his chin up; so their eyes meet. Sungyeol felt like a backless puppet. Myungsoo said, slowly and quietly, “If someone is lying they would avoid the person’s eyes when they talk. Sungyeol is really beautiful. Am I lying?” Myungsoo’s eyes were truthful and sincere causing Sungyeol to want to look away. His heart was beating faster and faster and he could feel the heat in his cheeks.

Myungsoo leaned close into Sungyeol’s face. Their lips were only millimeters away and their nose touching. Myungsoo whispered, “If someone is lying their breathing will become irregular. Sungyeol is really beautiful. Am I lying?” Sungyeol felt faint as Myungsoo’s hot breath pressed onto his lips and sent shivers throughout his body. He didn’t catch Myungsoo breathing irregularly but he’s definitely the one with all the signs of lying himself. He swallowed hardly and said, “M-Myungsoo…I feel faint.”

Suddenly, something soft and warm pressed onto his lips. They were Myungsoo’s lips. Sungyeol automatically wrapped his arm around Myungsoo’s neck. Myungsoo lowered him onto the bed and moved his lips over to Sungyeol’s ear. He whispered, blowing out hot breath, “Don’t ever doubt me. In my eyes, Sungyeol is always the most beautiful.” 


*creds to whoever these belong too i see them all over my dash tys ur the best for making these <3* 


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: So.cheeeeeesy soooo flufffffy omo my fangirlheart is going to explode!!! Please write more myungyeol fanfics authornim! ^-^
Milkboy_sehun #3
Chapter 1: <3 so cute I'm gonna die -3-
Chapter 1: the last gif! :3 ♥
i love this story! :**
Chapter 1: myungyeol is i lying??¦D
Chapter 1: Soo fluffy im gonna die!!
love the gif. <3
Chapter 1: OMG this was indeed very cheesy! I loved it! I love cheesy fics!
Haha! It's Adorable! Make more MyungYeol fluff! =D
deliciousyou #8
Chapter 1: Ow ow ow... So cheesy~ but i like it!! And the last gif ❤