


Lee Donghae P.O.V.
I'm sooo happy and excited right now. Today is my Hyukkie's (a.k.a Eunhyuk) birthday and I am currently holding his present, which is also a surprise for him, in my clutches. Its something I have been saving from my part-time job as a waiter in a cafe near my College.
Its a pendant where a monkey is holding a fish up, which kind of resembles us. Me the fish and Hyukkie the monkey...hehehe...
Anyway, it cost a fortune for me as I am still just a student and taking part-time jobs at a cafe. Compared to what Hyukkie always provide for me, this may looks shabby to others. Hopefully my Hyukkie will still like it...
My Hyukkie is older by 3 years and currently working stably as an Engineer of a very big company which is SM Engineering. Unlike me, he has no financial problems and always manages to pampers and smothers me with the best gifts and presents ever. 
He is always telling me not to worry about money too much, or trying to asure me that he likes buying me stuff as well as he WANTS to do it, even when I kept insisting that he doesnt have to buy me so much stuff. 
Anyway, back to my gift, I really hope he liked it, as much as I do. Cant wait to see him. Hopefully, with this present, we could become closer and everything will be back to normal.
You see, lately Hyukkie's been coming home later than usual, and we dont get to see each other as much. He also is not as lovey dovey as he used to, and always tells me that he is tired or stressed from his work.
I dont get to snuggle as much too, since I am pretty clingy. When he comes to bed at night, he just lay at his side and sleep. When I tried to hug or snuggle, he would give excuses such as "its too hot hae-ah, I need space", or sometimes he just lets me hug him without hugging me back.
It pains me knowing that he is changed. He used to cling to me as much as I cling to him. It was hard for us not to do any kind of skinship either at home or outside our home, coz we were just soooo....clingy.... And I miss that.
I dont know what I did wrong. When I tried discussing this with him, he keeps saying that it is nothing, and he is just tired from his work. No more heated or passionate kiss, just mere pecks sometimes on my lips or just the cheek. 
Thats why I wanted to do something special for him. I'm going to cook dinner for him with all his favorite foods and give him my present. I will also call him later when I arrived home to remind him again to come home early today to celebrate. 
But first, I am heading to my best friends home, Lee Sungmin, coz I need his idea on how to make tonight more romantic than ever just for Hyukkie...heeee...
When I reach Sungmin's home, I ring the bell twice but nobody answered the door. I tried knocking too, but still no answer. Then, since I have been to his apartment billions of time, I reach for the spare key hidden below a vase outside his door and enter his home.
"Min-ah...its me. Where are you?" I shouted, but there was no reply. Thats weird.
I walked towards his room hoping to find him there. But, what I heard makes my steps faltered. The sounds of bed creaking and moans can be heard from his room.
I was about to turn around as I dont want to disturb him, that is until I heard something that makes my heart literally stop beating.
"I love you Min-ah, so in' much". That voice, its so familiar...That Voice,that I missed so much, and crave to hear those words directed to me every day... 
"Please...let me be wrong" I whispered in my head.
Without knowing how, my legs just move towards the room and I open the door, only to see MY Hyukkie fell on top of sungmin after losing himself in the passion, and with a last scream of Sungmin's name.
I frozed, and without noticing my tears just fell. There they are, lying while snuggling to each other and smiling with satisfaction, My boyfriend and my best friend.
Sungmin was the first to noticed me and his eyes widened immediately. "Hae..."
I saw Eunhyuk immediately turn to look at me as well and the shock and guilt can be seen clearly from his face. He tried to untangled himself from the mess on the bed quickly when he saw me... "Hae...I can explain...."
Without a word, I just turn around and make my way to the door to get away from them. I can hear Eunhyuk shouting my name and asking me to wait. There was a also a loud thud sound, which from my guess he fall down from the bed in his haste to find his clothes and run after me.
I ignore the screams and shouts of asking me to wait and walked away....out the door... and I swear forever out of Eunhyuk's and Sungmin's life. Luckily there was a taxi, so I stop it and I am able to leave the scene quickly, just in time to see Eunhyuk running out of the door and watching me leave in the taxi, helplessly.
I went to my parents house and as I enter, I search for my mother. I saw her in the kitchen preparing lunch, and I immediately run to her and hugged her. She gasped when I hugged her as she did not expect it to be me.
"Hae-ah...what's..." She didn't get to finish her sentence as I just realize I was sobbing so hard in her chest. She then focus on comforting me and tried to sooth me, and didn't question me anymore.
After what feels like hours, I finally stop crying, only the occasional sniffles can be heard. I raised my head and look at my mother "I'll go to England, like daddy asked me too"...I told my mom.
She seemed surprised? "Why? I thought you hated the idea and wanted to continue your studies here in Korea"? She asked.
"I changed my mind? When will daddy come home? Maybe I'll just call him and asked him to booked the flight immediately" I determined.
Later that night
"Are you sure Hae-ah? I dont want you to forced yourself" My dad said.
"Yes, I'm sure. I want to go, give myself a chance to see other countries too. I'm fine, I cant wait to go tommorrow" I tried convincing my parents and smiling as sweetly as I can, but I think it came out more as a grimaced.
"Okay...if only you are really sure. However, if you feel like you cannot handle it there, tell me immediately, araso...?"
"I will daddy"....
The next day
I'm sitting in one of the sits in the airport, waiting for my flight which leaves in another hour. My dad is sitting on my left side, while my mom is on my right side, clinging to my arms like she doesnt want to let go. I gave a small smile to ease her mind, and silently telling her I'm okay.
"Haeee..." I heard the one voice that I am not willing to faced right now, without feeling any hurt or sadness.
"Haee...pleasee...can we talk" Eunhyuk pleaded. I looked at my parents and I smile at them. 
"I'll be back, okay"? They nodded.
I stand up and walk a little further away from them, without waiting for Eunhyuk. When I stopped, I didn't turn around to faced him, as I am scared that I will lose my confidence and falter.
"Hae...I'm sorry...It was a mistake...I dont know what happen that posses me to do that with Sungmin... I love you hae, please believe me...I love..."
"How did you now I'm here?" I cut him off. 
"Your parents told me when I called your house last night, since you did not pick your phone. Thats why I am here now"
I just stood still,not turning around.
"Hae-ah...pleaseee...scream at me, hit me, anything, just dont leave me... I Love you... I 
"but you love Sungmin too?" Again I cut him off.
I can imagined when he froze and widen his eyes staring at me, unable to provide any comebacks. I sighed, then, finally I turn to face him with a really painful smile.
"Eunhyuk...Thank you for loving me for the past five years and giving me the chance to feel happiness. You were the one who taught me how to fall madly in love, how beutiful love is and you were also the one who end up giving me a lesson on how painful it can be" I looked at him, while he just stares at me.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't make you happy or if you feel like I dont love you enough. I'm sorry for always depending and relying on you, clinging to you like there is no tomorrow, I'm sorry.." I was starting to sob now, and It was hard for me to get my words straight.
"hae..its not like that..." Eunhyuk tries to speak now
"I'm leaving Eunhyuk...I may or may not come back. I just want to tell you one last time. I love you Hyukkie-ah. No matter how much it pains me, but your happiness is everything to me. I'm letting you go Hyukkie-ah" I sobbed harder.
He just gapes at me with his mouth wide open, but did not utter a word...
"Be happy Hyukkie-ah" I told him, and finally moving past him back to where my parents is waiting for me.
Luckily when I reached my parents, its also time for me to board the flight. I hugged them and rushed as fast as I could towards my boarding door.
"Donghaeeee...waittt" I heard Eunhyuk's voice shouting my name.
I turn one last time and waved at vision blurry as I was a mess for crying too hard. 
"bye Hyukkie"...I whispered silently.
Then, I turned around and did not look back anymore. There and then I vow to myself...
"I Will never love again".....
P/s : My first angst, i guess...hahaha... Please dont be too hard on me...;( comment please, highly appreciated....;) 
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Aidenlee_24 #1
Chapter 1: This needs a sequel. 😔
HanBaram #2
Chapter 1: Oh myyyyyyyy
Chapter 1: make the sequel
mikimary #4
Chapter 1: please do tell me when you made a sequel...
i love this story... love how hae is strong and not giving up at hyuk too easy..
thanks for the story..
made me realize that sometime friend and lover can betray us easily
okay i'm blabbering again
Chapter 1: Wargh~~
Please, please please make a SEQUEL!!..
A chaptered one!!..
OMG!! Poor Hae.. T___T
Hyuk! YOu!!!!!!.... aish!!
nanrose #6
Chapter 1: this really needs a sequel.... :( wanna know what happens to hae, don't let him not love anymore... :(
Chapter 1: hueeeee haeeeeeeeeeee *hugs
fishyla #8
Chapter 1: omfg I cried so hard
donghae. humble ㅠㅠ
please please please make a sequel for this
omg pabo would never know when you will meet someone so pure like hae anymore ㅠㅠ
CraZyDreamer_lord #9
Chapter 1: This seriously needs a sequel,like really if not this would be considered a story unfinished.