Oh, grandmother.

Y u m i 's S o r r o w s.

Yumi's point of view:

I was amazed at he was saying. Is he being serious right now? I hope he is. Otherwise I would be sad if he was a part of them. He must have read my mind. "Don't worry, I'm not a part of the bad crew." How did he know I was thinking that?

He let out a huge sigh. "What's wrong?" He turned to me, tending to my wound. "I'm not a part of the bad crew, but Sunny is." Sunny? There was no way she would be a part of that bad group. She was so sweet and also my best friend. She wouldn't do that to me, would she?

I was in complete denial. "Are you sure it's Sunny? I mean, she's such as sweet person. And she's my best friend! There is no way that she'll betray me. I haven't even done anything wrong to her!" He shook his head. "Tsk. Tsk. I have proof, trust me." He went on another website called "Facebook" and clicked random buttons.

I watched as the screen changed into different places, and there was a random girl's page. He scrolled down. "This is the facebook wall. It allows people to talk to each other, post their own status and tag each other in status's like the one I'm going to show you right now."

He scrolled down all the way to the bottom of the page and I could see a ton of hate messages about me. There was nothing different about it, because I've had hate messages sent to me. "This doesn't prove anything. I've got hate messages almost everyday ever since that incident with Key."

He scrolled up a bit more, and I could see Sunny's name highlighted in someone's status. It read. "@Sunny: We're going to mess that Yumi girl up so bad that we won't even see her after. I can't believe she tried to steal your man!" Her man? Does she mean Dongho?

He scrolled up again. "That's not it either, there's more." This time he showed me the reply that Sunny gave the girl. "I know! She's such a . She should just like die already. keke. I can't wait! I can't believe I was even friends with that . Ugh I'm so disgusted."

I fell to the ground, crying. Sunny, how could you? Then that means she did hear me last night. And that means my dream came true. I thought it would be fake, but everything came true. Is this my body's way of telling me something? Or is someone trying to warn me?

I looked up to the ceiling, imagining my grandmother's face. "Get up now, it's not the time to be crying. You shouldn't even cry over that back stabber. I can't believe that I was friends with her all this time. I guess you don't really know people's true personalities until later."

He pulled me up and sat me down on the bed. "So, are we going to your grandmother's grave or what?" I really needed to talk to my grandmother. I didn't even bother to care if Dongho would be there to hear everything. I needed to get all of my emotions out otherwise I don't know what I would do.

I picked up the bus map that he had in his hands earlier. "Yeah, we should really go to my grandmother's grave. I need to see her. But we have to get a move on if we want to catch the next bus." He started grabbing some things, and I made sure I had enough money. I thought about running away from home.

We quickly ran over to the bust stop, and we arrived just in time. The bus came within a minute of us getting there .We hopped on and sat in the middle of the bus. We started to make a game plan if anyone caught us. Because in order to get to Busan, we would have to pass by the school.

And who knows if any teachers are still out there. Within 5 minutes, an old lady came on. I recognized her from the time I went to the amusement park with Key. It seemed she recognized me too. "Oh! It's the young lady from the other day! Have you been well?"

I was so happy she was here. She had such a warm feel to her. "Annyeonghaseyo halmeoni. I've been very well and healthy. Have you been well and healthy too?" She sat down in the row next to us, and faced me so we could talk more. "Yes, I've been well."

She looked at Dongho strangely. "Excuse me, but this isn't the same guy as before. Did you and the other boy break up?" Oh yeah, she thought that me and Key were going out that one time. Dongho looking confused told me to tell him what was going on. I whispered "She thought I was going out with Key."

I turned back to her. "Halmeoni, this is just my classmate Dongho. We aren't dating or anything." She let out a hearty laugh. "Oh, is that so? Well, you have a cute friend there. I would love to have him as a grandson. Too bad most of my family only had boys."

That was weird, my family mostly had boys too. I was the only girl. Eh, ,maybe it's just a coincidence. She then asked us "Where are you two headed to?" Just as I was about to say our destination, I remembered that I still needed to buy flowers and offerings. I can't go there empty handed.

I told the grandmother "I have to buy flowers since I'm visiting someone." I then whispered to Dongho. "Before we go, we have to buy some flowers and offerings for my grandmother. I can't go empty handed, that's against tradition." He nodded and gave an "ok" sign.

The grandmother kept talking and asking questions. "Wow, that's very sweet of you. My only grand daughter is supposed to visit me today too. Where exactly are you headed? Mokpo?" I shook my head. "No halmeoni, I have to go to Busan."

Her face lit up. "Fate is such a wonderful thing. I'm headed to Busan as well!" This bus ride was getting weirder, but maybe it was because our stories our similar. Fate is a scary yet wonderful thing.

We had such an enjoyable bus ride because of Halmeoni. She made us laugh, and kept us talking the whole way. We finally reached Busan, and we stepped out of the bus together.

"What is your first stop young lady?" I replied "The flower shop. Where are you going halmeoni?" She smiled and touched her lower back. "Aigoo. I'm going to the graveyard first. I'll wait for my grand daughter and when she comes, I'll talk with her for a while. I'm leaving on the 7:00 bus with her."

That's the bus we're supposed to take too.

Yumi's mother's point of view:

Yumi's father had already left for work, and there was nothing I could do. I was just a plain house wife. I went inside Yumi's room to see if anything needed to be cleaned. Like always, there wasn't. I was feeling very tired today, and I didn't know why. I barely even did anything.

I searched through her room, to find anything I could play with while she was gone. I looked at the calendar, and I noticed a red circle. What could that be? Is it an important date? I haven't checked my calendar in a while. Ever since grandmother died, I had a hard time looking at it.

There was a red circle in one date, that was today. It looked familiar, so I went back into Yumi's room. I compared the calendars and they matched. What is it that's going on today that I don't even remember? I looked in the back of my calendar, and I saw that it was grandmother's death anniversary.

Just then, a phone call came in. I looked at the caller iD, and it was Yumi's school. I became worried. "Yoboseyo?" From what I could hear, there was chaos in the background. A male voice came on.

"Excuse me, but is this Yumi's mother?" My heart beat faster. "Yes, this is she." "I would like to let you know that for the past couple of months, students have been bullying her and it reached it's peak today. It's causing an outrage with the rest of the girls. Also, I would like to inform you that Yumi isn't in school today."

I had no idea that she was going through such a rough time. Is that why she was so upset with us? "What do you mean she's not at school today? She said she was going to school!" He was running out of breath. "Ma'am, she isn't here in school today, so I'd like you to find her and let us know if she's alright. Once you do we'll take care of this manner."

There was a click, and he had hung up. What should I do? My baby is missing! I looked around and I saw the calender. She must be at her grandmother's grave!

Yumi's point of view:

After we parted ways with the halmeoni, we went to the nearest floral shop. Whenever I would visit with her, halmeoni always took me to this particular flower shop. She'd show me the dragon's breath, that was was her favorite flower. It soon became my favorite flower too.

Dongho was silent throughout out the whole time, and I appreciated it. After buying the dragon's breath we went to buy some offerings and walked to the graveyard, enjoying the scenery on the way. I tried not to cry. We got to the grave yard, and the halmeoni was no where in sight.

She said that she would be there, but she wasn't. I walked up to my grandmother's grave, and started crying. I started to tell her everything that was happening. After I was done, Dongho too was crying. "I didn't know that you had to go through such difficulties."

Yumi's mother's point of view:

If today is her grandmother's anniversary, and she isn't at school, then I know for sure she was in Busan visiting her grave. I called up my husband, who was at work. "Yeobo! I'm going to Busan for a while so if I come home late, don't worry okay?" His voice was already worried. "Why are you going to Busan?"

I had no time to explain so I said "I'm just going to buy some things we can't get here in Seoul. Bye!" I had no car, so I took the bus. The whole time I wanted the bus to drive faster. I was in a hurry, and I didn't want to lose Yumi's trail. Soon enough I got there and ran straight to the graveyard.

I saw Yumi by grandmothers' grave, and with a boy. He seemed familiar. I then recognized him as Dongho. When she said she liked him, I was curious as to who he was so I searched on the internet. He must be important for her to bring him with her to her grandmother's grave.

I ran up to the two of them. " Yumi" She stared at me with sadness in her eyes. "Mom? What are you doing here?" "I know everything that's been going on at school, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you. Will you please forgive me?"

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superkpopp #1
love it :D
Chapter 3: i really like the way the characters interact in this story ! <3
alicheungmss #3
haha hope you update soon
kekeke what a coincedence :D
Thank you for writing the story!!~~ I had lots of fun reading it the whole way through and you write it amazing sppeed x_x LOL. I could never do soo many updates THAT fast LOL~) i'll be sure to support your new shop : D : D : D : D
:O that was awesome~ that was like a... (I had to go back to count ^^~ >.<) FIVE chapter update!!! >.< lol. I had fun reading so far!! : D I loved it~ (: Hwaiting! ^^~
oh, is everything alright though? she's fine right? >.< thanks for still writing it though >.< and LOL. I can tell, your writing styles are really different xD xD : D and I really like it so far! hwaiting! <3 <3
lol. Don't worry about it (: Still thank you ^^~ and also dw dw~ lol. I love yes style ^^~ I shop there often LOL.
DivineHarmony #9
@IloveLifee: That's good (: I might end up taking a long time typing up the chapters. I want it to be as good as possible. Haha sorry I couldn't find a better site ^^
I really like it so far <3 thank you so much! ^^~ I love the writing style as well >.<, It really engages me LOL. good job (: also the dress was really pretty *_* Imma buy it now xD xD