Sunny's revenge.

Y u m i 's S o r r o w s.

Sunny's point of view:

I was just surfing the internet and I looked through Yumi's history. I also saw new mail coming in almost every second. I read one of them, and I saw that majority of them was hate mail. I felt so bad for her that I didn't know what to say. All this time she's been going through a rough time and I have only been thinking about myself.

What kind of friend am I? In my opinion, not a very good one. I wanted to reply to those hate mail so much for her, but I knew it probably wouldn't do any good. They would probably ridicule her some more. I knew they were doing it at school, but the fact they took it to the internet was so horrible.

I decided I would stick up for her and this time end this once and for all. I couldn't handle this anymore. She was my best friend and if she ends up leaving me because of it, then I don't really know what I would do. I probably wouldn't even let myself forget it.

Also, she's the only one who understands my problem with Dongho. If I can't talk to her about it, then I think I might go crazy. So much people in our school, but almost all of them ridicule her. I don't want to befriend those kind of people. Whether she's here or not. That would mean betrayal.

I secretly logged onto mine, about to type up a mean message to some of the girls that were hate mailing her.

All of a sudden I heard some ruckus, and went towards the door and leaned my ear against it to hear better. It sounded like an argument. I tried to figure out who it was, and I recognized the voices. It was Yumi and her parents fighting. What's going on?

I opened the door slightly and watched the events unfold. They were holding her and I was afraid that she would get hit or something. Instead, I just saw their worried faces and Yumi was crying. She was facing the other way, as if she didn't want them to see.

"We're transferring you to another school." What? No. That's exactly what I don't want them to do. Please, don't take away my best friend. She's the only person that I have left, now that my relationship with Dongho is strained. It might not even go back to the way it was.

Yumi was crying harder, but she wasn't making any sounds. How can she do that? Is she afraid of them? I thought that they were a normal family, and never thought much of it. Is her relationships with her family that bad? What would happened if she ran away?

She should have ran away! If she can just get through this right now, I would help her escape. I'd ask my parents, and get her somewhere safe. Heck, I'd even go with her if that's what it takes.

Then all of a sudden Yumi yelled at her parents. "I don't want to leave! I'm in love with a boy names Shin Dongho!" Shin Dongho? The Shin Dongho from our school?

There's no way that she would fall in love with him. I thought that they hated each other!

But then again, they seemed pretty close when it was the fashion show. Maybe they fell for each other then? Oh no, I'm going to compete with my best friend for the man that we both love?

No, I don't want to compete. I'm going to get rid of my competition once and for all. I went back on the computer and message someone.


You don't like Yumi right? You think she's a right? Well so do I. I've got some interesting news to tell you. I'm actually going to tell you a story too. Since I met him, I was in love with Shin Dongho. Yeah, the one from our school. He's the one in U-kiss. Well, I'll have you know that I told Yumi that I liked him. And then after I told her, she tried to seduce him! She's a horrible person who just wants to play around with guys. I'm no longer her friend, and I want to join your crew. Can I? You may not want to because I've been close to her, but maybe you might because I was. I can share every deep and dark secret about her. Let's make her cry, and lets's make her want to leave so bad, that she'll be her parents to transfer her. But I won't let her. Her family likes me more than they like her and I'm so sure that I can convince them. I'm going to get them to make her stay in our school and we can torture her some more until our heart's content. So what do you say? Are you in? It'd be better if we got more people to join. Message me back if you're interested.


Yumi still wasn't back yet, and I got a few new messages. Wow, word spreads around fast.

The leader of the people that gang up on her messaged me back. I never knew revenge could taste so sweet.

"Hey girl!

Wow, I never knew you could be so evil Sunny. In fact,I'm proud of you. You don't know how happy I am to read your message. We can totally be friends now. The only thing is, once you join us you can't go back. Are you still in? If you are, then you gotta take the bad girls club creed:

"A Bad Girl knows what she wants and how to get it. She makes her own way, makes her own rules and she makes no apologies.

A Bad Girl blazes her own trail and removes obstacles from her path. A Bad Girl fights and forces her way to the top with style and beauty.
A Bad Girl believes in jumping first and looking later.

People will love you. People will hate you. Others will secretly wish to be you.

A Bad Girl is you!"

Don't look back, because if you do, we'll eventually get you back too. We don't let anyone escape. I've already got a whole thing planned out so just wait until tomorrow, I'm going to make sure that she's going to want to kill herself. Remember, all you gotta do is stand and watch or do whatever I tell you to do. I think you can be my right hand woman. Hahaha!


I felt so good, yet so bad. I won't end up regretting this will I?

Yumi came rushing into the room crying, not saying anything. She plopped on her bed while I signed out and went over there to "comfort" her. "It'll be okay." Just wait until tomorrow.

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superkpopp #1
love it :D
Chapter 3: i really like the way the characters interact in this story ! <3
alicheungmss #3
haha hope you update soon
kekeke what a coincedence :D
Thank you for writing the story!!~~ I had lots of fun reading it the whole way through and you write it amazing sppeed x_x LOL. I could never do soo many updates THAT fast LOL~) i'll be sure to support your new shop : D : D : D : D
:O that was awesome~ that was like a... (I had to go back to count ^^~ >.<) FIVE chapter update!!! >.< lol. I had fun reading so far!! : D I loved it~ (: Hwaiting! ^^~
oh, is everything alright though? she's fine right? >.< thanks for still writing it though >.< and LOL. I can tell, your writing styles are really different xD xD : D and I really like it so far! hwaiting! <3 <3
lol. Don't worry about it (: Still thank you ^^~ and also dw dw~ lol. I love yes style ^^~ I shop there often LOL.
DivineHarmony #9
@IloveLifee: That's good (: I might end up taking a long time typing up the chapters. I want it to be as good as possible. Haha sorry I couldn't find a better site ^^
I really like it so far <3 thank you so much! ^^~ I love the writing style as well >.<, It really engages me LOL. good job (: also the dress was really pretty *_* Imma buy it now xD xD