Choosing Reality Over a Dream.

I Guess I Must Be Dreaming.

Ever since Taeyeon got together with Tiffany… I’ve had such delusions.

I mean, back then we shared something truly heart-warming. I guess our chemistry didn’t flow too well.

I guess our feelings towards each other affected us too much that I broke it off.

And every time I see her, we exchange glances… possibly of regret, a painful sorry feeling surge through our veins.  I feel hypocritical, since I’m with Sooyoung now.

I just hope one day, the longing for Taeyeon will fade.


It’s that time of the year; Christmas showers us with the happiness of giving. The snow, a representative to delay everyone’s actions outside of where they belong.

I just want to give my love to Taeyeon, just once, to make up for the one where I couldn’t.

“Sica, want me to walk you home?” Sooyoung walked into her last class for the year. Seeing that Jessica was dazed with a pained face, she rubbed her upper back soothingly.

“It’s kinda cold outside and it’s going to rain as soon as we get out, so I think we better get going.” Sooyoung smiled warmly as she got a large sized thick coat and wrapped it around her like a whole-hearted hug.

Shivered by the rapture of Sooyoung’s arms, retaliated with the afflicted thought of Taeyeon in her heart.

When the moment seemed like a lifetime to Sooyoung, she saw that Jessica was in her own little world once again. Her fingers formed to flick Jessica’s forehead. Feeling the impact of Sooyoung’s fingers, she flinched, snapping back to reality.

“You were staring into space again.” Sooyoung chuckled softly, helping Jessica up slowly, she saw that Jessica’s eyes were glassy and did not blink for even a few minutes.

Sooyoung with both hands took Jessica’s shoulders and turned Jessica around slightly roughly to face her. Breathing a little heavily, with each pant she slowly whispered.

“How about you get yourself cleaned up, and I’ll pack your stuff. Alright?” Sooyoung stared into Jessica’s golden brown glazed eyes.

With a simply nod, Sooyoung walked her slowly halfway to the bathroom. With an assuring look, Jessica walked off down to the hall where the bathroom was. Sooyoung rushed back to the classroom and started to pick up Jessica’s stationary and books, slipping them into Jessica’s small metro designed leather backpack.

Finally reaching for the pencil case, she grabbed the bottom unaware of the opening in the pencil case, her stationary set falling apart with multiple sounds of clattering onto the ground. With a heavy sigh, she crouched down grabbing all the pencils and pens in huge amounts, with a sudden stop.

Her eyes were fixated on a locket, a rather familiar one. Picking it up, and releasing the latch, she saw a small letter in a form of a card. Taking it out slowly, she saw it was addressed to her from no other than …




Jessica almost reached the bathroom when she heard familiar voices passing by her. Tiffany seemed to be talking about her day, along with Taeyeon listening. Seeing them pass by, her eyes locked in with Taeyeon’s as she looked back at Jessica.

Immediately looking down, breaking their eye-contact made Taeyeon tense up as she continued to walk away. Jessica raised her hand up to her chest and held it close with the other.

"How strange it feels, moving in slow motion, I guess I must be dreaming..."

Jessica and Sooyoung spoke in unison, unexpectedly.



“And Yoona comes around and slaps Sunny, since Sunny was using her good old annoying aegyo on her, oh my god it was so funny!” Tiffany giggled though Taeyeon seemed ignorant, Jessica entering her mind simultaneously.

Taeyeon made a decision worth jeopardising her relationship with Tiffany. Clenching her fists with utter assurance she stopped herself and Tiffany.

“Hold that thought, Fany. I forgot something back in the classroom, pack up my stuff and yours, you know my locker code right? Okay see ya!” Giving no time for Tiffany to even make a sound, Taeyeon rushed off.

 Holding the handle to the bathroom, Jessica felt a hand tug on her wrist tightly, not out of anger or hate but out of desperation.  Looking up to the side, being Taeyeon breathing heavily through her nose, her crystal clear brown eyes undergoing some kind of telepathy with Jessica’s.

“Come with me.” Taeyeon dragged Jessica away into an empty classroom and stood idly as Jessica remained silent.

“How are you doing Jessica?” Taeyeon didn’t turn around; her back remained facing Jessica not wanting to seem cold but chose to.

“Well… I guess…” Jessica whispered with a raspy voice. Looking down, she couldn’t bear to see the figure that she longed for.

“You know…” Jessica heard Taeyeon’s footsteps come towards her, her hands that grabbed a hold of Jessica’s.

“It’s okay to feel this way.” Jessica looked up at Taeyeon, who smiled warmly, her voice full of honesty.  

“You just never had the chance to share what you wanted with me, and it hurts not to because I’m with Tiffany and you’re with Sooyoung. I know this seems forbidden, but we assure ourselves that we will go back to them once we’re done… right?” Jessica nodded, grasping Taeyeon’s hands a little more tightly. She couldn’t utter any words out of worry, instead Taeyeon stepped in.

Sooyoung read the letter as Taeyeon spoke.

The world is a colourful place.




All colours.

Coloured with big things, small things, all sorts of things. But the most colourful part of my world is…


The world is a musical place, with high notes, the low notes,

All the notes in between. But the most musical part of my world is…


As harmonious as it sounds, don’t let this be a dream. Let it be a reality where we can experience it once in life.”

Jessica’s lips were vulnerable at that moment, where Taeyeon captured them. Pressing tightly onto her lips, Jessica raised her hands onto Taeyeon’s shoulders. For what seemed like a lifetime, both did not want to let go, but let go either way.

“That girl…” Sooyoung stared into the letter, friction of her hands on the piece of handwriting.

“Now that you’ve … expressed your feelings. Do you feel better?” Taeyeon asked cautiously yet softly.

“I feel better; I would’ve felt even better and happier if I almost had you.”

Taeyeon forwarded and gave Jessica a warm hug then jumped.

“What what what.” Jessica pushed away imperatively from Taeyeon.

“It’s snowing.” Taeyeon pointed happily towards the white framed window.


Watching the snow fall as a sunset set as the background, both were mesmerised but how beautiful the scenery was and unknowingly interlocked hands.

“The most beautiful part of my world is you, Jessica Jung.” Taeyeon whispered while staring into the distance with a bright grin.


supp guys! you haven't heard from me in a while, i do apologise. it's rare that i will write frequently i'm sorry, but that's how it'll be.

i hope you enjoyed this oneshot! :D <3

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Beautiful. But Taengo and Jessica cheated. I wonder why can't they just be together. Unnie, I want this to be a multi-shot story. Hehe. You should do a sequel/prequel of this with TaengSic and maybe SooFany when you have a chance to write. It's my first time reading a TaengSic fic by the way. Anyways, I didn't know you like TaengSic too. Hehe. Happy New Year! :)
Chapter 1: wow it is so cute
please write more
Chapter 1: WOW. It's so cute. But... they're still with their own girlfriends. Sequel, I guess? Haha. It's so sweet and it fulfilled my TaengSic heart. *thumbs up*
taengsicunbreakable #4
Chapter 1: Cure and amazing. My TaengSic feels have been satisfied~
Chapter 1: I feel like crying LOL. I needed this for my TaengSic feels. And I love how you made things happen simultaneously :D I like the way you write, author-nim~ Thank you for sharing this one shot!
Chapter 1: love this so much. it was so sweet xD
summerwinter #7
u should make a sequel and make taengsic togethar but LOL WHUT /SLAPS SELF/ HAHA UP TO YOU
u're not that lazy than i thought huh /:)
thumbs up for your oneshot ;) /throws cookie
taenytaengsic #8
Chapter 1: this is so cute. It's sad that they still have their own girlfriends though... even though they do, I'm glad for the TaengSic moment ^^
taenytaengsic #9
Can't wait for this! CHRISTMAS TAENGSIC <3