He's back!

My Baby's (Player) Father


Jieun woke up breaking out in sweat, she hurriedly got off the bed and headed to Yoogeun’s cot only to see him sleeping peacefully. Her legs gave way and she fell down on the cold hard floor beside the cot, in tears.

‘Please don’t take him away from me… Please.’

She eventually fell asleep beside the cot until the baby’s cries woke her up. She stood up and scoops Yoogeun up, she looked at the clock and decided to give Yoogeun a bath; she waited for the bath-tub to be filled with enough water as she tried to coax the crying baby. At one point, she was getting very frustrated with all the noises, Yoogeun’s cries and the water running from the tap.

Jieun closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down, no matter how frustrated she is, she can’t vent it out on her son. She turned off the tap and proceeded to remove the baby’s clothing. She then placed Yoogeun slowly onto the bath-tub and holding on tightly to the baby for fear of the baby slipping. She smiled finally when she sees Yoogeun smiling.

After she’s done bathing Yoogeun, she hurriedly took the towel and dry Yoogeun before putting on a fresh new set of clothing for the baby who is smiling to her occasionally. Jieun carried Yoogeun as she looked herself at the mirror. She is looking very bad, her eyebags are huge and she looked really haggard. She turned to look at Yoogeun as she gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

After placing Yoogeun inside the cot, she went to take a quick bath, when she’s alone inside the bathroom, her thoughts started running wild; she started crying for no reason while showering. She felt very negative, she’s afraid that Yoogeun will be taken away from her one day. She switched off the tap, dries herself, put on her clothes and ran towards Yoogeun’s cot only to see the little one sleeping soundly.


Luhan decided to drop Jieun a visit; he brought the tonic soup that his mother had prepared specially for Jieun. Jieun opened the door, she looked around to make sure that no one is around Luhan, “Come in,” she said as she carried Yoogeun who was sleeping in her arms. Luhan didn’t think much but was quite surprised at Jieun’s reaction when he arrived.

“My mother prepared this tonic soup for you, she said it’s good for woman who just gave birth,” Luhan explained as he poured the soup out for Jieun.

Jieun sat down on the dining room, still carrying onto Yoogeun, “Drink this up, I’ll carry Yoogeun for you,” Luhan said but Jieun protested immediately, “No, no, I’ll carry him, no one is allowed to take him away from me.”

Luhan was surprised at Jieun’s sudden outburst, “I’m not taking away him from you.”

Jieun stood up quickly and distanced herself from Luhan, “No one is allowed to take him away from me,” she mumbled repeatly as she stared down on the floor. Yoogeun started crying, irritated from Jieun’s patting.

“Jieun, the baby is crying,” Luhan remarked as he tried to inched towards Jieun, she was too busy coaxing the baby to realized that Luhan is making his way to her. Luhan was so close to carrying Yoogeun when Jieun noticed, she cried and pleaded, “Please don’t take him away from me. Please…”

‘Jieun… Something is not right with her.’

It finally dawned on him that Jieun might be down with post-natal depression. Luhan explained, “Jieun, look, I’m not taking him away from you.”

Luhan finally succeeded in carrying the crying Yoogeun as Jieun sobbed uncontrollably, he coax Yoogeun and placed him inside the cot, he then went back to the dining area and saw Jieun crying on the floor, he walked towards her and hugged him.

‘It’s this same warmth that I’m missing…’

Jieun hugged back Luhan that startled him a little, he didn’t expect Jieun to hug him back, “Don’t cry anymore, I’ll always be here for you,” Luhan comforted.

“Baekhyun…” Jieun called out in between her sobs.

“Don’t leave me…” Jieun continued, Luhan’s heart is on the verge of breaking when he heard it.

Luhan bit his lips and replied, “I won’t leave you. I won’t.”

Jieun released the hug, she looked at the guy in front of her, she couldn’t help but kissed him, Luhan didn’t pushed her away but deepened the kiss, he knew that it’s wrong. He could taste the saltiness when they kissed that came from her tears.

Jieun broke the kiss and hugged him tightly, “Baekhyun…”

Luhan bit his lips and hugged her back.


After feeding Yoogeun, Luhan accompanied Jieun till it’s time for him to leave, “It’s late, I should get going,” Luhan informed and was about to stand up when Jieun wrapped her arms around him, she placed one side of her face against his back and whispered, “Don’t leave.. Please.”

‘I cannot continue lying to Jieun.. I can’t.’

Luhan removed her hands from him, “I’m not Baekhyun! Look carefully, I’m not Baekhyun.”

Jieun’s eyes started b with tears, “No! Baekhyun.. He was here just now! He was!”

As much as it hurts to see Jieun cry, Luhan couldn’t bear to lie to her, “Jieun, you are sick! We should go and see a doctor soon!”

Jieun wailed, “I’m not sick! Get out!” She used both her hands to push Luhan out of the house, she slammed the door shut and wept behind the door, “I’m fine, I’m not sick,” she murmured.


“Jieun-ah, wake up! I’m home,” Baekhyun sang as Jieun opened her eyes, she broke into a smile as she hugged the person in front of her, “You are finally home, I’m sorry for what happened, just don’t leave me anymore,” Jieun exclaimed.

Baekhyun pinched her nose and remarked, “You lost weight; did you not have proper meals?”

Jieun folded her arms and pouted, “Ever since you left, I lost all my appetite.”

“I’m sorry,” Baekhyun apologized as he kissed Jieun on her forehead, “Go and wash up, I shall go and take a look at my son,” Baekhyun said as he makes his way to the cot. Jieun smiled at the sight and went to wash up.

When she’s done washing up, she saw Baekhyun seated on the bed playing with Yoogeun, Jieun smiled and used her cellphone to take a picture of the father and son bonding together.

‘Baekhyun, as long as you are back, we can start all over again.’

“Silly girl, why are you in a daze over there, come over here,” Baekhyun called out.

Jieun walked over and started playing with the baby with Baekhyun. Laughter filled the room and it’s the best day ever of Jieun’s life.


First of all, I trolled you guys, Mrs Byun did not take Yoogeun away.

Hehe, if she took Yoogeun away, the story will then come to an end.

& Yes, finally Baekhyun's name is appearing in the story once again!

I miss this boy. 

Ok can, Jieun is treating Luhan as Baekhyun.

Sad Luhan...

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36 streak #1
Chapter 61: Really enjoyed reading the whole story ... loved it so much authornim. Totally worth reading. There was time i felt bad, anger, shocked, amazed, heartbroken, disappointed and delighted... plot, plot twist and everything about this story was amazing. Couldn't stop reading... each chapter was so awesome, meaningful, interesting and intense... there was so many ups and downs in their life from beginning but at the end they r still together...that stole my heart ... love the way they both loved, cared and supported each other... but there was time when I got frustrated watching his selfishness and carelessness towards oc ... the whole time I really loved her character.. she's truly amazing and strong bit sometimes shows her weaknesses and fragility in love towards him.. but that's love though... strong love and bonding for each other... felt so bad for specially luhan and also slightly for key..I'm in love with them and the story. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story. :) <3
Chapter 61: I really loved it.. Though it's a little like those K-Drama type cliche story but still good one.. I enjoyed reading this... Thank you for such an awesome story..
eternal_exol_ot12 #3
eternal_exol_ot12 #4
eternal_exol_ot12 #5
eternal_exol_ot12 #6
Chapter 30: Why can jieun say no for being her bridesmaid?
Chapter 38: this is so stupid
Chapter 9: from Daegu to Seoul takes like 3 hours w/o traffic
Chapter 15: Lol 'should be a gay'. XD