Chapter 5: He makes a move!

Meant To Be?

Author's Note:

Hi guys! Today is the second day of our semi-finals exams, but we were dismissed earlier than usual because its raining so hard. So, since I'm free today and the third day of our exams is next week, I decided to make this chapter earlier than planned. I posted in my fanpage that I'll be updating on Sunday and I also gave some spoilers, but too bad because there were just.. 5 likes? If you have time, please like this page.. pretty please?? ... I want that page to be lively, and I'll make polls regarding the characters there so please... please, please like the page. I promise that I'll be really active there. ^U^

Sorry if there's a note before the story. I just can't help it.. I need to promote the page as much as I can because I'm more active in FB than here. And I could feel that some readers just skip my note.  keke.

So, here goes the fifth chapter! Enjoy!



"Oppa, stop making the atmosphere weird!"

Hoya laughed. "What? What did I do? I'm not even moving. You're the one who did silly things.."

Eunji pouted, and later on, she sighed.

"So? What's this thing you need help about?"

Eunji grimaced. "Aigo.. Now that I think about it, I'd feel awkward if I tell you that.."

"Yah! Don't tell me that now! Dongwoo-hyung even helped me lie to our manager, you know.." Hoya scratched his ears.

"But it's something.. really.. Ah, how should I put it..?" Eunji looked at Hoya. "It's something we've never ever talked about before, oppa.."

Hoya's face hardened. "What? Don't tell me you're in love now?"

Eunji's eyes widened. "Hey! How did you know it was about that? I mean.. I'm not in love but how did you know it's about love?"

"Because you're the kind of girl who's not interested with topics like love. I thought it was taboo for you.. So?" Hoya leaned back, his hands supporting him from behind.

"Did it really seem like that? I'm not even sure if it's about love or what. But three persons in a row asked me almost the same, exact question. Almost, almost. And it's love, so I guess it might really be love?" Eunji explained.

"Why don't you just tell me the exact thing that's bothering you?" Hoya sat right up. "I don't mind staying up all night, but you know that I can't stay here that late.."

Eunji glared at him. "As if I'd let you stay here 'til morning." Hoya just laughed. At least things have gotten better..

"Actually.. These days.. I feel like there's something wrong with me.."

"Like?" Hoya felt more and more curious.

"Like.. I sometimes feel gloomy but I don't know what the reason is. I feel.. distracted. And it only makes me more confused as I think about it harder." Eunji sighed. "Oppa, am I weird?"

Hoya was speechless. He didn't know what to say. "I.. I don't know. You're not weird. But.. How can I possibly know if you yourself doesn't know?"

"Aish." Eunji messed up her hair and pulled on it. "I wanna pull all my hair out now."

Hoya laughed. "But.. One thing's for sure.. You're slowly loosening up to your surroundings, Eunji."

"So you think I am dense? Huh?" Eunji grabbed a pillow and smacked Hoya in the face. "I'm too uptight? Is that what you're telling me?" Eunji kept hitting Hoya, while Hoya kept covering his face.

"That hurts, little brat!" Hoya was laughing for no reason. Maybe I could have a chance in the near future. If that's it, I can't wait anymore. 

Eunji stopped a bit. "It hurts but you're laughing?! Eeeew! Weirdo!" She laughed too.

Hoya grabbed Eunji's arms but she still kept hitting him. How could I ever forget her manly strength?

"You're the weird one! How did you manage to be so strong with that body?" Hoya leaned back and pushed Eunji away, but she's really strong so it didn't help. So instead, he sat right up, held her left arm and pulled the pillow from her grasp, so hard that he thought the pillow would tear in two.

But at the sudden turn of events..

Darn. I May have pulled TOO hard.

Eunji fell on top of him. Their faces are a little too close that if someone would enter the room she'd think they're kissing.

He tried not to look at her lips, but too late.. He flushed with the thought of kissing those lips.. Those lips he'd seen be kissed by guys on-screen.

Neither of them could move.

He saw Eunji open but no sound came out. Instead, she nibbled her lip. She opened it again, only to close it again. They tore their gazes away from each other.

Eunji slowly and carefully moved away from him. "What the heck was that?" She laughed nervously, and muttered, "Sorry, oppa.."

Hoya still can't move. His face is hot. All thanks to the bed above them, Eunji wouldn't see how red he must be right now.

"I'm fine.. I should be the one saying sorry."

Eunji laughed an awkward one again. "I-I can't believe we ended up in an awkward situation again.."

"And I can't believe you also find that awkward.. You've changed a bit, Eunji." Hoya sat up.

"What do you mean?"

"If it was the past you, you would just snatch the pillow again and laugh as if nothing happened.."

"Are you sure that would be my reaction if I were the Eunji from before? AND I don't even remember changing myself." Eunji folded her arms.

"But you're better like this.."

"What? What did you say?"

"Nothing." Hoya stood up and looked at the clock on the wall. "It's already this late? Aah. I think I should be going now."

"Okay." Eunji sat still.

"Why don't you give oppa a hug before I go?" Hoya joked. But Eunji's reaction was unexpected.

She blushed. "I can't believe there's this side of you too!"

Hoya smiled so bright that Eunji couldn't look at him. "What? I'm just kidding." He laughed at the dumbfounded reaction of Eunji.

"I hate you! I almost thought you're flirting with me!"

It was Hoya's turn to laugh an awkward one.

"What now? The door is open.." Eunji stood up and walked towards the door. "Or shall I you?"

" me to the dorm's main door, okay?"

Eunji rolled her eyes. "Oh yes, your Majesty."

When they came out, the girls were eating dinner in the dining room. They even heard Bomi mutter, "They finally came out." Chorong nudged her. Hoya and Eunji felt embarrassed. "What? I'm just saying that because we can finally eat together.."

"Unnie, Oppa, sorry we ate ahead of you. Bomi-unnie here, was famished." Namjoo said, obviously making fun of Bomi.

Chorong waved her hand at them. "C'mon.. Eat, you two."

Hoya shook his head. "Ah.. Thank you. But I'll pass.. because I really need to get going now.."

"Yeah. And their food at home is much better than ours, probably." Eunji walked to the main door. Hoya just gave them a shrug.

"Oppa, please don't forget to tell the boys how thankful we were, okay?" Yookyung said.

"Of course." Hoya remembered something. "Oh yeah, we all changed numbers except L so we couldn't text and call you. We're being careful with.. you know.." Hoya shrugged. "But I'll ask Eunji for your numbers later so the boys could have them.." Chorong was curious as to why Hoya quickly looked at Naeun when he mentioned Myungsoo.

Is there something going on?

"I'll be going now, okay?"

"Okay.. Take care, oppa! Thank you again!" Hoya waved before walking to where Eunji is waiting.

Chorong swallowed hastily and drank a little from her glass. "Hey, we should at least walk him outside." The girls nodded, and they followed her.

Before Chorong could pull open the glass door, her hands flew to to stop a squeal. They all saw Hoya pull Eunji for a backhug. They even heard him say, "I missed you so much. I'll be sure to contact you as much as before, okay?"

Eunji freed herself from his arms, but they were dumbfounded when Eunji turned to hug him back. The girls gasped a little too loud that Chorong readied herself to run for it in case the two look behind them.. but the two were oblivious to their surroundings.

"Oppa, I'd feel lonely if you drift away from me. You're my very first loyal boy.. friend."

Hoya wanted to but he threw the idea aside because Eunji looked so sullen. "Of course." But it would've been better if it's BOYFRIEND. not just boy friend.  *sigh* "You know.. I can't think of not having you in my life. I mean.. We're already this close. And.. I found a special girl in you, so.."

"Don't you go promote your song on me now.." Eunji laughed but her eyes were distant. "You should go now, oppa."

Hoya let go of her and waved. "Bye."

"Bye." Eunji waved too. Hoya started walking away but he kept looking back at her. Before entering the elevator, he looked at her one the last time, and Eunji didn't tear her gaze away his face. Their eyes were full of something indescribable with words.

Eunji turned as Hoya entered the elevator. She closed the main door, and when she was about to open the glass door, she almost squeaked.



"You're so unfair! Why did you go without us?" Woohyun complained as Hoya changed his clothes.

"I can't believe it! Hyung, you've totally forgotten about us!" Complainer number 2, Sungyeol nagged.

"Aish. I told you guys, it was my idea. Don't accuse Hoya.." Dongwoo said.

"But still.." Sungyeol scratched his hair. "I really can't believe it."

"You guys should pipe down. Don't act so rashly now.. Our purpose for getting closer to them was originally for helping Hoya, right? You should be happy because he's got the courage now." Sunggyu sat down Hoya's bed.

"Yeah. I was just so excited to see her that I didn't even think of what may happen.." Hoya looked at them. "You actually should just thank me because they really liked the chocolates."

Woohyun laughed. "It wasn't even your idea!"

"It was my idea. Chorong only told me that we should just give them something they could eat!"

Sungjong grunted. "Then I'll be sure to give them chocolates next time too!"

L laughed. "Why are you all acting so childish?"

The guys looked at him evilly. "And why are you amused at something like this?" Sungyeol retorted.

Dongwoo seconded L. "But you're really acting too much."

Hoya looked at Woohyun. "Say.. Are you interested in one of them, hyung?"

Woohyun looked back at Hoya. "I'm not! I'm just.. Nevermind. I guess the others don't want to see them as much as I do."

"Hey, I also want to see them!" Sungjong raised his hand. "Right away. But we have to be cautious.."

"Yeah. But Hoya-hyung did it so easily!" Sungyeol complained again.

"Aigo.. That only means Hoya is braver than us, don't you think?" Sunggyu slapped Hoya's back. "So what did the girls say?"

"They said thanks so many times. And Chorong looked like she knows my feelings towards Eunji." Hoya said.

"That's all?" Woohyun asked. "Don't tell me you only talked to Eunji during your stay there?"

"Hey.. That wasn't even an hour. You're talking as if I stayed so long.."

"What's that? You really did talk only with Eunji-noona?" Sungjong exclaimed. "Did you talk together, alone?!"

Hoya nodded. The guys all exclaimed. "I can't believe you! Only last month you were so timid! What happened?" Sunggyu laughed so hard.

"Where did you talk?" L asked, his eyes almost closing due to amusement. It's like he already know the answer.

Hoya fidgeted a bit before answering, "In her room?"

The room filled with screams of disbelief and tease. The guys punched Hoya playfully everywhere.

"So this guy has a backbone!" Woohyun laughed and messed Hoya's hair up. "I can't believe you!"

"Hey! Chorong was the one who pushed me to that room, anyways. It's all thanks to her.."

"Now I really envy you, hyung!" Sungjong folded his arms. "You've gotten really bold."

"I won't ask more what happened, but I can't believe you didn't bring any good news to us besides Eunji's and your situation. Sunggyu scratched his neck.

"Of course I have good news. I explained why you lost contact with them in your place. And I even asked Eunji for their numbers, so you could all contact each other again.."

Woohyun's face lightened. "Chincha?! Why didn't you say that sooner? Give them to me," He looked so excited.

Sunggyu almost rolled his hamster-eyes. "And you say you're not interested in them?"




"Neh. Did you wait long? I'm sorry.. Chorong-unnie wasn't home so I had a hard time fixing myself.."

Woohyun opened the car's door. "No, no. I should be the one apologizing, you know. C'mon in."

"Oppa, why did you have to call me out? You should've just went to our dorm.."

"I'm sorry, were you busy?"

"No, no." Bomi shook her head many times. "I mean.. The girls would be happy if you visited.."

"Ah. But I only wanted to see you.." Woohyun laughed when Bomi smiled pathetically. "I'm just kidding."

"Oppa, you shouldn't kid me like that.. I'd feel awkward towards you again.." Bomi shyly covered as she laughed.

"Oh? You should really just forget about that incident.."

Bomi didn't speak after five seconds. "Ah! But you suddenly made me remember!" She threw her head back and cackled so loud that Woohyun can't help but laugh too.

"Did I? Sorry!" Woohyun laughed again. "Anyways.. It feels so good to hear that laugh again."

Bomi's eyesmile didn't fade. "Are you insulting me, oppa?"

They both laughed again. "How could I? Your laugh is your best asset.. Oh, and also your gorilla walk!"

"Ah. I can't believe you!" Bomi slapped Woohyun's arm as she laughed in embarrassment.

Woohyun caught Bomi's hand, and he enclosed it with his. "Your hand's really soft.."

Bomi's smile faded, very slowly. Woohyun's sudden mood change alarmed her. "Uhmm.. Oppa, why did you call me out?"

Woohyun smiled. "I just wanted to see you, I guess.."

Bomi gave him a tight smile. "Wha.. What is this? Really.. Oppa, I told you.. D-Don't kid me like that.. I might take it wrongly.."

"But I'm not kidding around. Why?" Woohyun moved closer to Bomi. "Is it bad to miss you?"

Bomi pushed him awkwardly. "Oppa, there's something wrong with you.." She laughed again, but she was obviously tense.

"Hey, if you keep pushing me I'll just move closer so don't.." Bomi froze and gaped at him.

Woohyun grabbed both of Bomi's hands. "Okay. Let me get straight to the point."

"Oppa, you're making me nervous.." Bomi's smile is slowly turning to a frown, but Woohyun continued.

"Bomi, do you have a boyfriend?" He looks sooo darn serious that Bomi could only shake her head. She knew right then what Woohyun's up to.

"That's good." He smiled. "Then.. Would you be my--" but Bomi cut him off.

She shook her head in dismay. "Oppa.. I can't be your girlfriend.." She tried to struggle but the sudden question made her weak.

Woohyun's face hardened. The atmosphere changed. "It.. It will be troublesome.. For you, and specially, for me.."

"We could keep it a secret, Bomi.." Woohyun let her go. He run a hand through his hair. "There are so many celebrities out there who date without being caught.."

"But oppa.. Our feelings are not right to begin with." Bomi looked serious too. "I look and act foolish but I'm pretty decent.. I don't want to anger your fans.."

He held her hand again. "I'll do my best so we won't be caught.. And I swear in my life that my feelings are real." Woohyun's eyes softened. "I like you.."

Bomi looked at Woohyun straight in the eye. "Oppa, you only like the idea of me.." She smiled sadly. "We've only been close for a couple of weeks.. and I.. don't want that kind of relationship. I don't want a secret relationship.."She sighed. "It'd feel like lying to the world.. I don't want that." Bomi looked like her mind won't be changed anymore.

Woohyun sighed. "Why don't you give try give it a chance? Please?"

Bomi shook her head. "No, oppa.."

"Then.. Can I be someone as close as a boyfriend?" Woohyun's eyes pleaded. "Please.. I want to know you better and spend more time with you.."

"Oppa.. I'm sure you had lots of girlfriends before.. You're so good at this.." Bomi pulled her hand out of his grasp. "I don't really care, but.. why don't you just keep your feelings in check and try asking some girls out?" Bomi moved out of the car.

"Bomi--" Woohyun wanted to get out too but Bomi stopped him.

She just stood outside and looked through the open window. "It's hard to see you as a boyfriend oppa.. I only regarded you as a friend not too long ago.. So it will be really hard to see you as someone closer than that. But.." She laughed bitterly. "Give me some time..okay? Ask me that question again after a month or so."

Woohyun's face lit up. "I definitely won't ask other girls out. I'll wait for you, Bomi.."

"Okay.. But don't promise me, so I wouldn't expect from you oppa. I hate broken promises.."

"Me too." Woohyun's eyes twinkled. "You won't regret your decision.. You'll see."

Bomi's smile crept its way back to her eyes. "Okay. Uhmm.. We have practice today, oppa."

"Oh. Right. Now, go back to your dorm safely.." Woohyun waved enthusiastically. "Until you say yes, I won't stop liking you even if it bothers you, Bomi."


"Hyung, there's another gift for you. I found this on the doorstep this morning while returning from an errand." L gave Hoya the gift. It's wrapped beautifully in purple.

"Hey Hoya, your fans are really courageous, huh?" Sunggyu sat beside him. "Last time I checked, L was the most popular among us."

L just shrugged. He doesn't really care about these things.

Hoya just sat there holding the gift and thinking hardly.

"Hoya, isn't the sender of the previous gifts and that gift the same person?" Dongwoo asked while in the middle of sipping his milk tea.

Hoya still didn't speak.

Sunggyu cleared his throat. "I wonder where Woohyun run off too, so early in the morning.." 

"Eh? I heard him talking to manager hyung. He needed a drive, or something like that.." Sungyeol then slowly stood up and walked towards the refrigerator. "I didn't understand because I'm still so sleepy.."

"Hyung? Are you okay?" Sungjong looked at the others before looking worriedly at Hoya. Something must be up.

Not long after, Hoya heaved a long, deep sigh. "You know.. I actually know who the sender is."

The guys looked excited. "What? Is it Eunji afterall?" Dongwoo asked again.


Their smiles faded. "Then it's from a fan you know?"

Hoya shook his head. "It's from someone.. from Busan."

"Ah.. A friend from Busan?"

Hoya shook his head again. "She's someone from Busan, but we're not really friends.. You guys know her too."

Sunggyu slowly put things together. "Aigo.. I have a bad feeling about this."

"What? Who is she if she's not Eunji?" Sungyeol looked troubled. "We don't know any other girl from Busan."

Sungjong's eyes widened. "Hy-Hyung! Except for.."

All eyes were on Hoya when they all came to one conclusion. Hoya just nodded, as if answering the question they all had in their minds.

"Those gifts, including this.. are all from.." Hoya sighed for the nth time. "Lizzy."

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hottestkhuntorian93 #1
Chapter 8: I just found out your story and I'm in love with it. I don't know why but it feels so real. I just love pinkfinite interactions. And when I read your latest chapter about yookyung I suddenly feel sad again. And suddenly I cried because of this:"APINK'S Hong
Yookyung is gone. Their milky one is
not APINK'S YOOKYUNG anymore,
but just Hong Yookyung."
You make me miss Yookyung again :(
Great job author-nim. Can't wait for the next update
gaarazlover04 #2
Chapter 8: awww. this chapter's so heartbreaking unnie..i feel u. i'm glad with woomi being closer, but i would also totally love woorong if u put them together.. my heart can't decide. and unnie,u make me not lose hope in pinkfinite.i know you're gonna come up wth somethng to make it work. right? and a little request,unnie. more myungeun pls! XD
gaarazlover04 #3
Chapter 7: unnie, i love this chapter! you make me love hoji more. fighting! author-nim. ;>
Chapter 7: When I watched Mr & Miss Idol I saw Lizzy‌ always‌ said envy to Eunji cause Eunji‌ now is erher rival‌ on Busan‌ e.o
Jenicakrung #5
Chapter 7: get rid of that lizzy Eunji! Hoji is the best .
ara2712 #6
Chapter 7: waaaaa it's a happy scene at first for HoJi but ruined when i knew that Lizzy keep bringing Hoya gifts -_- tsk tsk tsk. she's definitely likes Hoya too.
and WooMi!! aaaa!! i screamed when Woohyun ask her to be his girlfriend! but why she refused? i hope they will end as a couple~
update soon pleaseee~~ author-nim! fighting! ^^
gaarazlover04 #7
waaah! thank you so much for the story, author-nim!
i love your story very much.. i even made an account here so i can comment. i'm recommending your story to the pink pandas i know!
Chapter 5: It look so yummy *Q* xD‌
Glad to see them make up n.n
But, A/N Infinite‌ is stay in this drom‌ before‌ A pink or not‌? (I mean‌ old dorm‌ that with A Pink‌ cause I didn't‌ know >< ]
amazingmyza #9
Chapter 5: really like this story. glad that they made up :)
ehehehe. update soon :) Hwaiting! ^^
Jenicakrung #10
Chapter 5: I like it very much eventhough they are busy to their careers more pls. thank you for this