Chapter 4: Stupid!

Meant To Be?



Eunji blinked a bit out of shock.

"Eunji.. What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" The director asked.

"N-No.. I'm fine. I'm sorry I was a bit out of it." Eunji looked at her feet.

The director sighed. "It's the first time that you're in a loss of concentration. I understand, though. Even the best artists feel tired too. I know you have other things to matter besides this. You could take a break."

Eunji bowed to their director, in a loss of words, but she didn't forget to say her thanks.

"Thank you, and I'm really sorry, PD-nim.."

"It's alright Eunji. Rest first and unwind a bit.." The director smiled before turning his back on her. "Insung, you're up."

Eunji sighed again as she walked away the set. She found a bench near the makeup artists. They're all busy so they wouldn't take notice of her.

"Aigo.. Eunji-ah. What the hell's going on with you?"

"Yah. Don't go talking to yourself like that." Eunji was surprised when she saw Kim Bum standing in front of her. "What's wrong?"

Eunji smiled and shook her head a little. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong, oppa.."

"But there's definitely something wrong. You act a bit odd today.. and it's unusual." Kim Bum motioned on the bench, as if asking if he could sit beside her.

Eunji moved as she responded, "Is it really that obvious?"

"Yes it is. You're always focused no matter what scene you're on."

"Ah, oppa.. I don't know. There's something I'm worried about, but I'm not sure what it is." Eunji touched her forehead. "And when I think more and more of it, my head feels fuzzy."

"Chincha?" Kim Bum clicked his tongue. "But what do you think it is?"

"Aigo.. That's what I've been trying to know ever since last week." Eunji looked at Kim Bum. "I feel so lonely but I don't know what exactly is the reason.."

Kim Bum looked back at her, just as serious as she is. "Eunji, are you heartbroken?"

Eunji blinked. Her brows slowly furrowed. "What? Heart- I don't even have someone like that."

"So I have a chance then?" Kim Bum whispered.

Eunji was speechless for five seconds, she just stared right into his eyes. "Oppa." Eunji smirked. "Don't pull such tricks on me."

Kim Bum burst laughing. "You're really something, Eunji-ah." He laughed so hard that he coughed many times. "What's with that poker face?!"

"I'm sorry, but I was born with that face." Eunji folded her arms as she pouted. "And what chance are you talking about? Don't you dare kid me, oppa."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Kim Bum nudged Eunji. "I was just trying to lighten you up. But.." He had this boyish smirk on his face and said, "I almost got you there, didn't I?"

"No freaking way!"

"Aigo.. Our missy really is a cold hearted woman." He laughed again. "This is why you won't know what you're currently going through."

When Eunji didn't respond, he continued. "You won't understand anything unless you try to admit and realize trivial matters.. like love maybe?"

"What? Where did you quote that?" Eunji laughed awkwardly. "Oppa, don't say such things.. It makes my head hurt."

"Ah.. Eunji.." Kim Bum slowly turned his head to the side while looking carefully at her. "You really won't understand anything if you stay like that."

Eunji's face hardened. "You know.. Oppa.. Of things like love, I don't feel like giving myself in yet. I'm still clueless as it is.."

Kim Bum sighed. "That's what you think. But what if your heart feels otherwise?"

"I.. I don't get it." Eunji pursed her lips. "Oppa, tell me more.."

He shook his head. "It's not for me to tell.. It's for you to know by yourself. Or maybe.. There's someone who could help you with that?"

"It would take longer if I'll be alone." Eunji looked at a cloud somewhere in the sky above them. "Who should I ask for help?"





"Ah.. Unnie! Welcome home!"

"Annyeeooong." Chorong almost stumbled while kicking off her shoes. "I'm so tired."

"What did you bring for us, Unnie?"


The girls squealed. "Chincha?!"  "Give it to us!"

Bomi pulled the plastic bag Chorong was holding. But Chorong didn't let it go. "Yah! We have our own ones! Just wait first, I'll give you yours, okay?!"

"Okay!" Namjoo squealed again like a child, so excited for chocolates.

Hayoung noticed the different brands of the chocolates. "Unnie, I can't believe you bought expensive ones! Thank you, I love you!"

"Omo. Unnie, where did you get so much money?!"

Chorong laughed sheepishly. "Guess what?"

"What?!" The girls asked in chorus.

As Chorong responded, Eunji got out of the shower. "Hello."  "I met Hoya! Coincidentally!" All the while, Chorong was looking at Eunji because she suddenly entered the room.

"I'm going to sleep." Eunji immediately walked towards her room.

"Eunji-ah.. Don't you want chocolates? He bought us these." Chorong felt snobbed.

"I don't want any. Just.. divide it to yourselves." She gave them a quick sideway glance.

"Oh, c'mon. Don't give these away just because you're avoiding Hoya-oppa." Bomi said before Chorong could reply. "I know you're also craving for these as much as I do.."

Eunji gave them a cold look. But she headed towards them and slumped at the sofa. "Fine."

"And yours was the most expensive so be a little more appreciative. Here, take it before these gluttonous monsters chomp it." Chorong took Eunji's chocolate out.

And the girls' eyes almost popped out of their head. Eunji's jaw fell. Bomi was the only indifferent one.

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?!" Namjoo blinked her eyes many times. "It is for real?! Right?!"

"Yes it is. But sadly, the receiver don't like it?" the corner of Chorong's mouth twitched as she watched Eunji's reaction.

"I.. I can't take that!" Eunji was still motionless. "That's a treasure!"

"It's heavenly!" Hayoung pointed at the chocolate. "It's heavenly, I say!"

"Hoya-oppa is out of his mind!" Yookyung gasped as she looked at the price which was still attached to the box.

"What.. I don't get it. What is that chocolate?" Bomi laughed. "Why are you all overacting? Why am I the only one who aren't? What--"

"Pabo! This single box is worth $250!!!" Chorong held the chocolate right in front of Bomi's eyes, for her to see the price clearly.

Though a bit late, Bomi was astounded. "EH?!" Then she looked at Eunji, then back to the chocolate. "I think I love Hoya.." She joked.

"Gluttonous woman!" Namjoo pointed at her, as if saying, 'Arrest her!'

Under the chocolate's brand, 'Knipschildt 로 Chocopologie' , was a little card. It has Eunji's name in it. "There's something for

Eunji to read.. so please take it, Eunji-ah. Hoya will be more than saddened if you won't eat it."

"Unnie, are ours cheap?" Hayoung asked.

"Nope. Only Eunji's was the most expensive chocolate in the world." Chorong laughed.

"He spent his own money for these?" Naeun can't help but ask. "I feel so much thankful, but I really pity Hoya-oppa's wallet.."

"Ahh.. No, he didn't spend money for all of these alone.." Chorong smiled. "When I saw Hoya on the mall, he was wandering around alone."

"But the Infinite guys were actually there too. Hoya said that they were looking for gifts.. For us! Since we haven't seen each other for almost three weeks." As Chorong talked, she gave the girls' chocolates. "They only separated because they have different tastes for gifts to women. But apparently, they forgot the money they brought together up. and Hoya has it."

"And so you told him to give us chocolates instead?" Eunji asked as she read the note on the chocolate box.

"Yes?" Chorong laughed. "I just hinted it. What I told him was, 'Give us something to eat instead!' And he was the one who came up with the idea of chocolates. And I loved it, so.. He bought them. And I think Eunji was really special because he even withdrawed money just to buy those chocolates."

Yookyung  smiled. "Awww.. How thoughtful of Hoya-oppa.."

"Oh. And just as I was leaving, I bumped into Myungsoo on the perfume department." Chorong eyed Naeun. "And he says hello to our Naeun.."

"Really?" Naeun's reaction said it all. She looked happy.

"Yes. He said that.. quite awkwardly." Chorong laughed.

Bomi laughed too, as she ate a mouthful of a chocolate. "Dish teysht shooo good!"

Eunji opened the box. The girls were actually waiting for her to do that.

"Unnie, taste it now!" Hayoung encouraged her to eat.

"Why would I eat now when I can see you drooling over my chocolate?" Eunji laughed. She seemed to be back to the usual her.

"Ah.. don't be like that, unnie! You don't know how much I envy you so right now." Yookyung said.

"Yeah! And I didn't even find myself envying you for your acting career!" Namjoo then bit her chocolate bar.

"Eat now, Eunji.. C'mon, c'mon. No one's looking anymore." Chorong waved a hand at her.

Eunji laughed as she shook her head. "Say what? I was actually thinking of sharing them with you!"

All the girls' heads immediately turned back to her. "Really?!"

"Yes! How about I give each person a piece of chocolate?" The girls nodded, Naeun laughed. "And the rest is mine?" The girls nodded again, Naeun laughed again because of their synchronized response.

"Because you're sharing, I'm also sharing mine!" Bomi said happily.

"Everyone is sharing then!"


"So.. Why did you change your number?"

Hoya sighed. "It's not only me.. The others also had to change their numbers, except L."

"Really? Hm. I thought you were avoiding me." Eunji sounded so cold.

"I'm sorry.. Our saesang fans somehow got our number and they wouldn't stop flooding us with messages and calls, even so late at night.. And the contacts were only saved to my sim card, not on the phone. I didn't know how to contact you. We all can't think of anything because there are many people watching Infinite's every move."

Hoya took a long, deep breath. "Eunji.. I'm really sorry."

"Hey.. You don't have to apologize so much. And those chocolates? Oppa! You didn't lose all your money because of that chocolate, did you?"

Hoya laughed. "Of course not. My parents would kill me if I did."

"Tss. What a rich brat."

"Who's the brat here? You could've just told me 'Thank you'."

There was a short silence. Eunji did not respond.


"Oppa.." was the only response.

"What? Don't tell me you're crying of happiness and appreciation right now?" Hoya joked.

"Stupid oppa!" Eunji's voice cracked a bit.

Is she really crying? I think I heard her voice crack.. And that's so unusual for an excellent singer like her. "Eunji.."

"Oppa, I.. I want to tell you something.." Eunji's voice suddenly became deadly-serious.

"Just tell me, Eunji.. I'm afraid our time won't be that long. We'll be going home minutes later. Dongwoo-hyung and me. So?"

"Oppa, thank you so much. You don't know how much I'm so relieved right now.. I thought you've forgotten about me." Eunji breathed on the phone.

"How could you even think of that? I was just too busy.. You also were, right?"


"Busy kissing another guy."

Eunji scoffed. "Oppa, how dare you! That's work, don't even tease me about that!"

Hoya laughed weakly. "Yeah. Work." Of course I know that. The things we do for work.. Aigo. But why did it have to be a kiss with someone far greater than I am? Hoya sighed again.

Eunji, hearing this, somehow felt Hoya's sudden change of mood. "Something wrong, oppa?"

"Nothing. I guess.." Hoya hummed and murmured, "It can't be helped, anyways."

"Pardon me? Sorry oppa, but I didn't hear what you just said.."

"That was nothing. I was just talking to myself.." Hoya changed the subject. "SO.. did you find a new bestfriend?"

"Of course not. You're the best best best friend ever! You're the most sensible person I could easily talk to.."

Hoya felt warm. "Is that so? Me too. You don't know how much I miss you right now.." Hoya almost bit his tongue. It's too late to take it back!

Eunji heard him clearly. She might have thought of what to respond, since she didn't speak as soon as 15 seconds.

"Oppa.. I missed you too."

Hoya felt his heart race. He can't smile at all due to his shock. "R-really?" Hoya laughed weirdly. "I'm glad to hear that.."

"But now that I already heard your ugly voice, I feel like hanging up because I don't really miss you anymore!"

Hoya was speechless for a moment. He was taken aback but he laughed as soon as his mind cleared. "You're really a brat, after all!" and he laughed it off.

Eunji laughed too. "You know that I'm not the sweet-type, oppa.." She stopped suddenly. "Uhmm.. oppa?"


"I'm wondering.. If we could see each other even just for a bit?" Hoya wanted to see Eunji's face so much right at that instant.

"What? Why? Is something wrong, Eunji?"

"Oppa.. There's something I need your help with.."

"Really? What is it? What about the girls? Did you ask them for help too?"

"Oppa.. I tried asking them but.. they're apparently.. not that helpful. Chorong-unnie tried, but I still didn't get it. Now I only have you oppa.."

"What about.. Inguk?"

"Inguk? Gosh, oppa.. Why do you always ask as if something's still going on between us?"

"I'm sorry.. I just asked. I mean.. you're still in touch, aren't you?"

"Yes we are. But once a week isn't gonna make us any closer than how close we've gotten, so far.." Eunji added, "And I feel more comfortable with you.."

Hoya can't help but smile. He must be grinning from ear-to-ear, because some of the staff from the backstage of M! Countdown were giving him odd looks. But nobody would hear what he's saying because they're close to the stage, while he's meters away.

Dongwoo was changing his clothes in the dressing room when a number called. And when he heard Eunji's voice, his immediate action was go out of the room because their manager was there with the makeup artists.


"Oh. Eunji.. I'm sorry, I was just.. thinking about something."

"Okay.. So..? Oppa? What do you say?"

"I say 'Ho', you say 'Ya'! HO.."

"Yah! You really love coming up with that. I'm freaking serious here, Oppa.."

Hoya laughed. "What I wanted to say is.. That'd be great. I'll look through our schedules later and see if there are some vacancies.. is that alright?"

"Hmmm.. Yes. Now that you mention it, I also don't know when is my free time. I guess I'll just postpone something unimportant in my schedule.."

"You're a busy woman, Eunji.. You sure you'll have free time soon?"

"Yeah! My last musical performance was yesterday.. so my schedule isn't as loaded as before."

"Okay. That's good.." Hoya stopped for a moment. "Aigo.. Eunji-ah.. I'm afraid our conversation ends here. Dongwoo-hyung said it's time to go."

"Oh? Okay." Hoya thought Eunji already hanged up on him but, "Ah! Wait oppa! Pinky promise, first! I mean.. promise me first!" Eunji laughed.

Hoya laughed again. "Promise." As he saw their manager approaching, "I'll call you later, okay?" Eunji said 'Okay' and 'Bye', and he heard the line went off. He almost said the three words. Those three words..

And then a smile crept Dongwoo's face.


Eunji's phone is ringing.

"Where's Eunji?" Bomi, who's currently watching a zombie movie with Naeun, asked.

"She said she's going to rest for a bit before eating dinner. Unnie's probably asleep.."

Chorong, who's dusting off the television, said, "Just let it ring if it's an unknown number. If it's not, then answer it."

"Aigo.. It's so rare for Eunji to miss a movie like this. It's her favorite.."

"It's an unknown number unnie." Naeun put the phone back to the table. "I know right? Eunji-unnie has changed a bit.. in some little ways." Chorong suddenly stopped.

"Unnie, don't stop wiping in the middle of the television. Move!" Bomi waved at her. "It's the best part, Unnie!"

Chorong moved away from the television and whined at Bomi. "Eew! What's so good in these movies?!" Naeun chuckled.

Namjoo stepped out of the kitchen. "Chorong-unnie, Yookyung-unnie said, 'Ask unnie if she could lend me a hand here! Because Hayoung, and me, are just making things a mess!" Namjoo said so childishly that the girls laughed so hard. "Yookyung-unnie, you heard me!"

Chorong walked past her, but she turned back. "Oh. Namjoo, please don't-- Yah!"


"Look at this kid.. Just as I was saying.. Gosh. Don't answer somebody's phone!"

"But I already accepted the call." Namjoo squirmed. "Y-Yoboseyo?" She put the call in loudspeaker.

"Hello.. Eunji? Is that you?"

"Hoya-oppa? You're Hoya-oppa, right? Oh my God! Thank you for the chocolates!" The girls instantly sat beside her when they heard Hoya's name.

"Oppa, thank you!" they said in different timing. Hoya laughed.

"Namjoo? Oh. You're all there huh?" Hoya laughed again. "You're welcome! You should thank the other guys too."

"Are they with you?"

"Uhmm.. No? They're not with me.. Sadly."

"Huh? You're alone oppa?" Namjoo asked. She have forgotten that the call was for Eunji.

"Y-Yes." Hoya seemed to be out of breath. "Is.. Eunji not there?"

"Oh. She's.." Namjoo looked at Chorong, and the latter mouthed 'sleeping! but don't tell him!' "She's- she's not sleeping! I mean.. she's in the toilet, please wait a minute okay?" Bomi and Naeun rushed to Eunji's room to wake her up.

"Oh. Okay.." Hoya breathed deeply. "But Namjoo, could you please open your door? I'm right at your doorstep."

"Re-really?!" Namjoo gasped loudly that Hoya laughed again at her reaction. "Unnie, open the door!"

"I'm already at it!" Chorong typed the pass code on the door so fast that not even three seconds have passed.

"Annyeong!" Hoya bowed as the door opened.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" Chorong bowed back. Namjoo also did so as Hoya laid his eyes on her.

"Huh? We have a visitor at this hour?" Hayoung curiously stepped out of the kitchen when she heard a different voice. Upon seeing Hoya, she covered and apologized. "Annyeong! Oppa, those chocolates were delicious!" Hayoung said excitedly.

Hoya felt a bit shy, but he was happy nonetheless. In fact, he felt so great. "That's great! You're welcome.." It's just that.. there would be no one to back him up.

Just as he felt awkward, Chorong gave him a push on his back. When he turned, he saw a smile of an adult.

How could he forget? There's someone who could understand his situation. Chorong is already a grown-up woman. AND she probably is the only one from APink who knows what his really intention is.. and his feelings for Eunji.


"You're here for our Eunji, right?"

Before Hoya could reply, they felt a door bang. Bomi and Naeun were laughing so hard outside Eunji's and her room. "We got kicked out! Can you believe that?!"

Chorong and the other girls laughed. Hoya can't help but laugh too.

"C'mon Hoya.. I'll help you."

"Help me with what?" Hoya was so shocked when Chorong pulled him in the arm, so he didn't have time to struggle. He was so panicked because he was being brought closer to where Eunji might be.

"She's inside, come on in. I'm sure she won't kick you out.." Chorong said.

"Really? Well I think she might throw me out of the window instead." Hoya joked but there was a hint of nervousness in his tone.

The girls all laughed. "You've just guessed the worst-case scenario, oppa!" Yookyung, who must be done cooking, said right out of earshot.

And before he knew it, they're already in the room. Eunji's room.

"This is my and Eunji's room. No other man has entered here, okay?"

Hoya wasn't sure why she had to tell him that. He  only figured out when he heard it right out of Chorong's mouth.

"I only allowed you here because I trust you."

"And what's the meaning of this?!"

They were both shocked to see Eunji sitting right up, hovering above them. She's on the top-deck of the bed.


"Eunji, he's a visitor so please be good to him, huh?!" Chorong quickly walked out of the room. "I'm out of here!" as she giggled.

And they're alone. Finally?

Hoya slowly looked back to Eunji. Instead of seeing an anger-stricken face, he saw a poker face.


"H-Hey.. That's creepy." Hoya scratched his arm. "Don't yell so angrily with your face as stern as that.."

Eunji eyed him cockily. "How dare you enter a lady's room so easily?!"

"I-I.." Hoya seemed to be at loss of words. Of course I know what you're thinking! "Don't get the wrong idea.. Your unnie pulled me in here.."

"Aish. Stupid! Why did you let her pull you 'til here?! What are your muscles for, man?!" Eunji got down the double-deck.

"Stop calling me that.. I'm your oppa. If you say that one more time, I'll- I'll..."

"You'll what?" Eunji smirked when he didn't answer. "You're too kind to even try anything. Tss." Then she sat down the lower deck of the bed. "Sorry.. it's just that.. I feel like it's a disgrace."

Hoya sat beside her, but not too close. "What?"

"Pabo! You're my best best best friend, but you're still a man!" Eunji smacked him in the arm.

Hoya was still nervous but he just can't stop himself from asking her, "So.. You could see me as a man too?"

Eunji looked at him, as if stating the obvious. "Of course! Look at those arms, that's not of a woman's!"

Hoya was double-shocked when Eunji suddenly held the tip of his shirt and pulled it up.

"And those abs are totally not of a woman!" Eunji said, proving her innocence.

"Your actions prove otherwise." Hoya felt his ear prickle. He must be blushing right now. "Look at you, pulling a man's shirt up just like pulling a girl's.. And you say that you see me as a man?" Hoya's tone became deep.

Eunji felt panicked. Hoya held her hand that was clutching on his shirt. She immediately withdrawed her hand, and instead she felt it flying to Hoya's back.

"I HATE YOU!!!!!! STUPID!!!"

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hottestkhuntorian93 #1
Chapter 8: I just found out your story and I'm in love with it. I don't know why but it feels so real. I just love pinkfinite interactions. And when I read your latest chapter about yookyung I suddenly feel sad again. And suddenly I cried because of this:"APINK'S Hong
Yookyung is gone. Their milky one is
not APINK'S YOOKYUNG anymore,
but just Hong Yookyung."
You make me miss Yookyung again :(
Great job author-nim. Can't wait for the next update
gaarazlover04 #2
Chapter 8: awww. this chapter's so heartbreaking unnie..i feel u. i'm glad with woomi being closer, but i would also totally love woorong if u put them together.. my heart can't decide. and unnie,u make me not lose hope in pinkfinite.i know you're gonna come up wth somethng to make it work. right? and a little request,unnie. more myungeun pls! XD
gaarazlover04 #3
Chapter 7: unnie, i love this chapter! you make me love hoji more. fighting! author-nim. ;>
Chapter 7: When I watched Mr & Miss Idol I saw Lizzy‌ always‌ said envy to Eunji cause Eunji‌ now is erher rival‌ on Busan‌ e.o
Jenicakrung #5
Chapter 7: get rid of that lizzy Eunji! Hoji is the best .
ara2712 #6
Chapter 7: waaaaa it's a happy scene at first for HoJi but ruined when i knew that Lizzy keep bringing Hoya gifts -_- tsk tsk tsk. she's definitely likes Hoya too.
and WooMi!! aaaa!! i screamed when Woohyun ask her to be his girlfriend! but why she refused? i hope they will end as a couple~
update soon pleaseee~~ author-nim! fighting! ^^
gaarazlover04 #7
waaah! thank you so much for the story, author-nim!
i love your story very much.. i even made an account here so i can comment. i'm recommending your story to the pink pandas i know!
Chapter 5: It look so yummy *Q* xD‌
Glad to see them make up n.n
But, A/N Infinite‌ is stay in this drom‌ before‌ A pink or not‌? (I mean‌ old dorm‌ that with A Pink‌ cause I didn't‌ know >< ]
amazingmyza #9
Chapter 5: really like this story. glad that they made up :)
ehehehe. update soon :) Hwaiting! ^^
Jenicakrung #10
Chapter 5: I like it very much eventhough they are busy to their careers more pls. thank you for this