☫ The Hall of Judgement ☫

Creed Breaker


Bored eyes  scaled the ancient room in disinterest and disdain. Cement pillars towered over any body that entered with skillful artistry. Angels and demons remained the still life carved into the stones, soulless eyes peering down at any visitors…or new permanent guests.  Paintings that seems to have been constructed by the gods themselves lined the walls, lifelike orbs following Jongin and the newcomer whose eyes lingered on the golden frames intricately carved and decorated with silver.

The man beside him seemed amazed, unaccepting of what lay before his eyes. Had he entered the confines of hell or the gates of utopia? Jongin knew, but could not tell. He, too, had once thought of the room as awe striking as the human juxtaposed to him. However, after viewing the grand hallway millions of times a day, it’s effect quickly wore and he found the place distasting. But as was his job, and as would he serve.

Distantly, a golden podium presented itself in their vision, becoming detailed with each step taken until the two came to a stop in front of the carving. A thick antique book lay upon the gold, kindly shut as a feathered pen and a glass of ink lay to the side of the text.

“W-what do I do now?” Jongin stared at the man before allowing a lazy exhale and returned to his usual slouch after stuffing his digits into the pockets of his charcoal suit.

“You wish to bring back your late wife, correct?” He interrogated, eyeing the man without emotion. His eyes held greed and Jongin could easily figure that he chose to bring back his wife not because of her close, sentimental value but for the price she came along with. The middle aged man nodded, feigning a look of depression, but he fooled no one. Kai saw the expression several fold and was no longer tricked. He saw through their darkest desires straight into their hearts of black. Humans. Somehow they were all the same.

“Yes. She was all I had…oh how I miss her so. You…you can bring her back right?” With a slow blink, Jongin nodded toward the book and pen he was forbidden to touch.

“Under the received list, write your name. Under the Resurrection list, write hers.”  Hesitantly, the male shuffled toward the book and Jongin stared as greed filled his eyes. Each edge was lined with a glistening silver. Greed surfaced and quickly, the book was pulled open. Immediately, whispers of the dead filled their ears, and Jongin stared at the man who seemed to be overwhelmed. Shaking his head, he stepped forward examining the countless names scribbled in hundreds of languages—some familiar, some not. A pause passed before the man signed his name along with his wife’s, shooting Jongin a glance of expectancy.

“Well? Now what?”

“Now you choose.” Jongin shifted his optics to the side, meeting the bright white suit of Luhan. The boy was not a reaper but was incessantly known for running this hall—The Hall of Judgment. He held a boyish face, and Jongin knew why. Luhan had died a pure soul at the age of twelve thousands of years ago in a tragic stoning after his family was accused of witchcraft. The guardian of Aloria had granted the job of running this hall. To the humans, Aloria had many names: Enlightenment, Tao, Heaven, Utopia. It was simply a place of desire, but to enter one must not desire at all. Therefore, few had ever seen its gates, and Jongin did not expect that to change.

“Choose what?”

Luhan walked over, steps silent, until he stood next to the man.

“We have…rules. We cannot bring the dead to life without payment. A life must be taken when one is resurrected and vice versa. But…if you wish to bring her to life that bad, then you must pass the expectations and become a reaper. Then and only then will you have even a slight bit of a chance to bring back your wife and enjoy life with her. “ Luhan’s eyes twinkled with interest, and Jongin could already tell that the boy was calculating which choice would be decided and what the unfortunate old man would say next.

“So? Take another life? Why does it have to be mine?” Luhan smiled. In his life, Jongin had never seen a smile purer than the boy in front of him. Unlike himself, Luhan could not simply look at a body and decide if he or she was truly pure, but he was gifted with the sight of the mind. He could read  any thoughts, lift any object, learn any news all without having to make an ounce of contact.

“Because you, sir, are setting the price on a life that is not yours. It is only fair that we do the same to you, yes?”

“W-what if I don’t want this anymore?”

“Then you have but to say so, and the names under your hand will be erased along with your memory of this place. You will go back to the life you lead before you met our dear Kai.” Jongin observed the small bit of sweat dripping down the male’s forehead as he switched between himself and Luhan trying to make the right choice.

“Fine. I’ll take my chances of being a reaper.” Jongin would have cracked a mocking smile if he had cared enough. Luhan on the other hand was ecstatic.

“Good choice! But I’ll warn you, not many people pass the three day Reaping.  So far, only three have passed.” Truth.  The only three to pass consisted of two others around his age—Sehun and Baekhyun—and of course, himself.

“I can do it. It won’t be hard.” Luhan’s smile barely disappeared.

“Well then. This is your final choice, correct? It cannot be changed later.” With a reluctant nod, the man shut the book, and Jongin almost felt sorry for the poor soul he’d locked. “Good, follow us.” Sighing once more, Jongin walked alongside Luhan passing through another overly decorated hallway that seemed to be a dead end. However, as Luhan   slowly shut his lids, a bright white circle of light glowed in front of the wall before splitting the wall in half and tracing ancient chants into the wall.

“Cover your ears.” He warned, and after obeying, the walls began to scream and rumble in their presence, growing louder in the ears of the man. The more the wall separated the louder the screams. Until finally, the doorway was open to an elevator like contraption, but the floor was not. The floor was a large ticking clock that seemed to inch so slowly that it seemed still. The clock represented time in millennia and with one look, it could be easily seen that the world was nowhere near its end. In the middle stood a tall, dark haired boy otherwise known as Tao. Another pure soul, Tao had died fighting for his village at the distinct age of 19. Since then, he was granted entrance to this place and kept time as well as guarded the entrances to Aloria and Ameno—hell. Neither could be reached without going through the same process of the man before them, but Ameno held many more souls captive than its counterpart.

“If she is revived, what about her? What will happen?” Tao looked up from the middle of the click where he sat cross-legged and in meditation.

“I will go back to the time and place of her death. And if you fail the Reaping test, you will take her place.” Tao spoke calmly, as if what he’d said held no detrimental effect. It was as if death, to him, was only a part of life. Jongin could never understand the boy, but long ago, when he’d first been accepted he was told that Tao, born Huang Zi Tao, had reached a state of knowledge and wisdom far beyond that of even Aloria’s Guardian and Ameno’s prince.

“Okay. I’ll go.” Slowly, the man walked into the room of time.

“Sit on the twelve.” Tao commanded, and the elder male obeyed.  As he did so, a bell rang throughout the halls, alerting everyone that a new soul had been entered and put to the test. The roman numerals on the clock glowed a bright white as Tao shut his lids. Though the Reaping fully extended for three days, few ever made it that far. This man was no different, especially if Jongin could see his greed before he even signed his  name. Moment passed before Tao reopened his lids. His usual dark brown orbs had been replaced with glowing red ones that eyed the man like prey.

“You are subject to greed and pride.  The very reason your wife was killed. You do not pass. Welcome to Ameno.” The previous white letters began to redden as Tao’s orbs simultaneously began to fade to its dark brown.

“What?! No! NO! I HAVE TO LIVE! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY I AM ENTITLED TO?!??!?!? LET ME OUT OF HERE! LET ME OUT!!!!” Jongin simply stared back at the unfortunate soul, and before the man could step out of the room, their previous view was replaced y the same blank beige wall that remained still in time on the outside.

“Figured.” Lu Han’s smile disappeared and was replaced by a frown and a shake of his head. Golden brown locks shook before he turned to Jongin.

“Why didn’t you tell me anything? I wouldn’t have even told him about Reaping as an option if I had known his greed before he’d signed the Book of Names.” Jongin shrugged, and they made their way back to the previous hall.

“I thought you’d figure it out.  I’m going to get my next assignment.” They nodded and parted as Luhan turned and Jongin found himself in a room full of candles. The room was completely soaked in the darkness of the night as candles lay everywhere. Jongin  stared at the boy who had just finished lighting a new candle.

“Chanyeol?” The male turned with a grin and walked over to Jongin, placing a friendly pat on his shoulders.

“Next assignment, I assume?” Jongin nodded.

Chanyeol looked around and noticed a candle at its last moments, second from being extinguishes by its only liquid wax. Chanyeol signed with a frown.

“His name is Shin Hojun. He’s soon to die, and there will probably be several people wanting him back. Wait a while before attempting any wishes.” With a nod, Jongin disappeared, ready to meet his next subject.

Chanyeol was left with a grin.

“You’re in for a treat.”

I guess this is more of an introductory chapter. Just to let those who haven't read Criminal Minds to get a hold of my writing style. ^^ Chapters will be much longer.

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