i remember...

I still think of you

Your POV

I miss the time when we were together. I missed the time when we went through everything together. I missed the you, Jang Dongwoo.


I remember the time you confessed to me.


“_____, please be my girlfriend” Dongwoo announced as he kneeled to the floor.

A small crowd was forming around us.

Tears were b my eyes, but I wouldn’t let them fall.

“Yes” I breathed and smiled widely.


I smiled softly as I remembered the fond memory. We were so young that time. Maybe we were too young to define love.


“Oppa, mianhae I’m late” I frowned as I ran out of the door.

“It’s alright” Dongwoo replied.

“Let’s go” I smiled as I dragged him.


I remember your cheeky grin, that grin you would show when you got what you wanted.


“Oppa, you’re only covering me” I whined.

“I’m fine, the rain can’t hurt me” Dongwoo grinned.

I moved the umbrella towards his side a bit touching his hand in the process, but it didn’t stay there for long…


I remember the time when we used to study together, every single day before the all importatnt exam, although we didn’t do much of that.


“oppa, don’t slack off. You need to study for the exam” I said as I playfully hit his shoulder.

“ow” Dongwoo pretended to whine in protest. “I can’t help it if you’re pretty”

“Stop being delusional” I said as I rolled my eyes, but soon laughed.


I remember the time when we went on our first date.


“Tomorrow, are you free?” Dongwoo asked as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

“Yup, why?” I asked.

“I’ll take you somewhere” Dongwoo said happily.

“Is this a date?” I whispered.

“Yes it is a date” Dongwoo said as his eyes twinkled.


I remember the time he used to play with my hair, twirling it in your fingers and letting it fall softly on my back.


“Your hair is so pretty, it’s so soft as well” Dongwoo whispered in my ear.

I shuddered at the sudden contact, a blush slowly forming on my cheeks.

“Oppa, it’s not. I like you hair better” I smiled.

“Don’t be silly” Dongwoo said as he scrunched up his nose.


I remember our promise, the promise we vowed to never break.


“oppa, promise me you won’t leave me” I whispered.

“Why would I leave you? You’re  my world, I can never do that” Dongwoo said comfortingly.

“Promise?” I asked again.

“Of course. In the next few months I’ll still be with you, in the next few years I will still be with you, I will forever remain by your side” Dongwoo said as he hugged me.


I remember out first kiss, first kisses are always special.


He began to lean in, his face extremely close to mine. His lips a centimetre away, I closed my eyes.

“Why are you closing your eyes” Dongwoo said cheekily as he whispered in my ear.

I blushed a deep shade of red and looked down.

Dongwoo noticed it and quickly bought my face to the same level as his and kissed me gently on the lips.

I smiled in the kiss and couldn’t help but feel butterflies in my tummy.


I remember the time how we laughed at the faces we pulled. We did it quite often.


We sat on my couch in the living room. Omma and Appa were out and I took this chance to invite Dongwoo over.

Dongwoo made a face, and I burst into fits of laughter. I couldn’t help myself. I loved his expressions. With this Dongwoo began laughing as well.

I tried to pull a face but it never was funny, but Dongwoo he was special. He laughed at anything that I did, not in a mean way but in a friendly way.


I remember the first time you comforted me when I was sad.


I had just gotten into a fight with my best friend. It was over something stupid as well. I wasn’t cry baby but this just triggered my tears and I couldn’t help but let them out.

Tears uncontrollably slid down my cheek, negative things popped into my head. I couldn’t stop them. When I wiped away some tears more would come streaming down my cheeks.

“_____, why are you crying” Dongwoo panicked as he quickly pulled me into an embrace. “Shh, don’t cry, I’m here”

My tears soon died down, I hugged him tightly not wanting to let him go. He always made me feel better.


I remember the first time you told me your feelings.


It was my birthday; I wasn’t anticipating anything and lounged around in my room.

My phone vibrated against the table.

_____, come over to my house (: – Dongwoo.

I giddily got dressed and began to head over there. I opened the door with a key he had given me.

There in the middle was a table, there were candles everywhere.

Tears brimmed my eyes, I couldn’t believe it.

Dongwoo emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray of food. He was wearing a black tuxedo, with a bright pink tie.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the tie. Dongwoo placed the food down and put his hand which I gladly took. He pulled out the chair for me and I sat down.

We happily ate, engaging in small conversations. He suddenly got up, smiled at me before he left. He came back with a mud cake. I love chocolate.

“Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear _____

Happy birthday to you” Dongwoo sang as he placed the cake in front of me.

“Thankyou oppa” I said ecstatically.

“Make a wish” Dongwoo said.

I closed my eyes, blowing out the candles while making a wish. When I re-opened them he was staring at me, with his head on his hands.

“_____, I know this is really sudden, but I just was to tell you this. I’ve holding it in for so long. You’re everything to me. Remember that. Without you my life would be really dull, nothing would be fascinating. You bought me happiness, you gave me comfort, and you made me happy. I know were fated together, there’s an invisible string that Is connecting me to you, I know there is. Whatever happens we’ll forever be together no matter what, even if I’m not by your side. I love you” Dongwoo said as he searched my eyes.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, the tears that I had been holding in.

“I love you too” I began to bawl.

Dongwoo reached up and wiped away my tears with his thumb. “I’m always here for you. Don’t forget that”


I remember our graduation day.


“Now Jang Dongwoo would like to make a speech” the principle announced after everyone had gotten their diplomas.

“Good morning students, teachers and parents. The year has finally come to an end. I’ve met a lot of new people this year, and I can’t help but announce that only one of them made me really happy, made my heart beat, made me experience the love I thought I would never have. I won’t mention her name but she knows who she is. She changed my life for the better. I’m sure everyone one of you has a special someone in their heart, whether it’s a crush or a lover. I can assure you that you will get them, try hard enough and they will be yours” Dongwoo paused for a while as he scanned the crowd. His eyes met mine and I knew he was looking for me.  “We’ve gone through hard and easy times together, and I know I will miss this school when I leave. I’ll miss the teachers who helped me succeed, the students who made me stronger and most of all my parents who supported me who are up in heaven watching me. I would just like to say that this year has been great and I wish everyone a happy and prosperous life. Thank you and congratulations”

Everyone threw up their graduation hat. Dongwoo ran up to me, embracing me in a tight hug.

“I loved that speech” I whispered. “Was it about me though?”

“Of course it was” Dongwoo replied.


I remember the day you met my parents for the first time.


“Oppa, I want you to meet my parents” I said.

“Are you sure? It’s the right time?” Dongwoo asked.

“Yes I think so” I said.

“What if they don’t like me? What if they hate me? What if they tell me to break up with you” Dongwoo said as he started to worry.

“Don’t worry, they’ll love you” I said as I squeezed his hand.


“Omma, Appa, This is my boyfriend Jang Dongwoo” I announced.

“What’s with his hair” Omma asked.

“Is he a foreigner?” Appa asked.

“ani” I said. “He dyed it”

“_____, can we talk to you” Omma said as she dragged me out of the room leaving Dongwoo by himself.

“Break up with him” Appa stated.

“ani, I love him” I shouted softly.

“Listen to your dad” Omma said sternly.

“No, I won’t” I said in defence.

“He won’t do you any good” Omma said as she rolled her eyes.

“I don’t care, I love him, okay?” I shouted.

“Don’t you dare talk back to us” Omma said.

“Tell him to leave now” Appa yelled.

I flinched as I went up to my room.

“Where are you going?” Omma shouted.

I ignored her and packed some clothes. I went over to Dongwoo and held onto his hand.

“C’mon were leaving” I whispered as I slammed the door shut behind me.

“What happened?” Dongwoo asked.

“They didn’t like you” I whispered as I bit my lip to hold back tears.


I remember the time how we slept together for the first time, nothing more than that.


I snuggled into his chest, breathing in his scent. His head propped on top of my head. I was blushing a very deep shade of red, but he wouldn’t see that.

I drew circles on his chest as he my hair.

“I love you” Dongwoo whispered.

“I love you too” I whispered back.

I was happy that in the morning I would wake up to someone beside me.


I remember the day you asked for my hand in marriage.


We were walking hand in hand around the neighbourhood. The cool breeze was nice in this hot weather. I was wearing a yellow summer dress and he was wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

“I got a restaurant booked for tonight” Dongwoo announced.

“Waeyo?” I asked.

“Special reasons” Dongwoo said as smiled warmly.


We arrived at the restaurant, there was no-one inside beside the staff and us.

“Dongwoo, why isn’t there anyone here?” I asked.

“I booked the whole venue” Dongwoo smiled.

“Wouldn’t that cost a lot?” I asked worried, that he had spent too much money.

“Not a penny” he grinned.

I tilted my head in confusion.

“My parents owned this restaurant, but after they passed away the restaurant was than given to me” Dongwoo explained.

Well, looks like I learnt new thing today.

We sat down and Dongwoo ordered us our meal. Once we had finished all of our food the lights dimmed. A waiter gave us a tray with a semi-circular lid on it.

“Open it” the waiter encouraged.

I opened it and almost dropped the lid in surprise. I covered my mouth; I couldn’t believe that this was really happening.

“Will you Bae _____, be my lawfully wedded wife?” Dongwoo asked as he kneeled to the floor holding up the ring box in his hands.

“Of course I will” I said as I jumped into his arms.

I remember the day everything went wrong.


“DONGWOO OPPA” I screamed as I raced down the street.

We had just gotten into a fight and he left in an instant.

I chased after him, but he was too fast.

He didn’t bother looking and crossed the road. I stopped in my tracks, tears trickling down my face. A truck driver had run into him.

He was on the floor, blood oozing out of him. I ran to him, grabbing onto his shoulders.

“Dongwoo oppa, wake up” I whispered.

“I’m sorry” Dongwoo whispered. “i…love…you…”

“I love you too” I said hurriedly.

An ambulance came and took him away.

They let me in the ambulance with him after I told them that I was his fiancé.

I held tightly on his hand hoping for the best.


He was put into the emergency room; I sat outside on the chairs waiting impatiently.

“Please be alright, Dongwoo oppa” I prayed as I clasped my hands together.

After a while the doctor finally came out of the surgery room.

“Is he alright?” I asked, concern written on my face.

“Miss, I’m sorry. He couldn’t make it” the doctor said sadly.

I froze, my legs gave in and I fell to the floor.

“He’s gone, he’s really gone” I whispered to myself.

I covered my face with my hands and I began sobbing uncontrollably.


I remember the day I had to cancel everything for the wedding.


 With shaking hands I began to dial the wedding reception, where the wedding was meant to be held at.

“Hello, this is Weddings for you. How may I help you” the lady said.

With the word wedding, I began to shake.

“Um, I’d like to cancel a reservation” I replied shakily.

I heard rustling, before the lady spoke again.

“ What was it under and what day?” the lady asked.

“Bae _____ and Jang Dongwoo. On the 14th December” I replied.

“Is there any reason in cancelling this?” the lady asked.

“He….. p….passed away” I said. “Thankyou” I replied as I hung up.

I dropped the phone to the floor, I began crying, and tears fell down my cheeks as I shook.


I still think of you.


It’s been exactly 40 years since I last saw him. I still cry remembering all the happy moments. I always thought I would smile, but now I realize that I miss it too much to smile or laugh at it. Even til now tears still cover my face when I think about it.

I still have everything you gave, believe it or not. I still have that ring you gave to me wrapped tightly around my wedding finger. Although we didn’t end up getting married I still wear it, It reminds me that I was once special to someone.

“Jang Dongwoo, if you can hear me, I still love you...

                                                                                                …We’ll be reunited soon”

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Chapter 1: Awwww! That's so cute! (But sad) I really liked it^^
Chapter 1: Aww I'm crying rivers here! Very nice!! \(TT-TT)/
Chapter 1: It's really sad it makes me wanna cry my life would be be perfect if I have a boyfriend that love me like she love him
Chapter 1: Aww, such a touching but sad love story.

40 years had passed and she still think about him. That's what true love is about.
Chapter 1: this made me cry :(
i love it~
Chapter 1: it's sad but thank god im not crying.
btw, nice story
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i was crying!!!!!!!!!!!