School Love




'Finally...', Yonghwa, Jungshin and Minhyuk said on their mind when they hear the bell rang.

'Oh! No! I must run away first!', Jonghyun thought, he quickly stand up and get his things and leave the class faster then Hyoyeon come.

"Where is Jonghyun?", she asked the three guys who sit there with innocent face.

"I don't know!", Yonghwa said.

"He said that he has meeting and must leave quickly...", Minhyuk said.

"Hah?!? That just a reason! Lee Jonghyun, you think you will run away from me forever!?", Hyoyeon yelled.

"Calm down, Hyo-ah... You know that you already scared everyone...", Yonghwa said,

"Ne, besides Jonghyun just do his job, you can't blame him...", Minhyuk said.

"I know it but I can't-", Hyoyeon hasn't finish her word.

"Just forget it, I will treat you ice cream!", Jungshin said suddenly.

"Jinjja?", Hyoyeon asked with her big eyes.

"Ne, but after basketball practice...", Jungshin said.

"Okay, no problem. Besides I also have my practice...", Hyoyeon said.

"Then we should go!", Yonghwa said.


'Thanks a lot, Jungshin-ah. You saved our friend...', Minhyuk said on his mind.

'If not you, Jonghyun will die...', Yonghwa said on his mind too.


Then they go to practice basketball. Everyone gather at there of course half of them were girl. Jung Yonghwa is the captain in Shinhwa basketball team, so there so many girls gather at there just to look him. Jungshin also playing basketball. In Shinhwa High School, no one can beat Yonghwa and Jungshin. They are very perfect when play basketball but that's not for Minhyuk. He didn't like sport because he's not good at it. He always lose when he play basketball. He really hate it, so he just come there to look for his bestfriend playing basketball. Hyoyeon also join the female basketball team in school. She is also good at sport. She is the captain in her team. If you mention sport then you will know Hyoyeon. After their tiring practice, they are going to the school cafe.


"I'm tired...", Yonghwa said while he lay his head on the table.

"Me too...", Minhyuk said.

"What are you tired for? You just stand there and look for us...", Yonghwa said.

"Yah! Standing for that long take my energy too and my ear is hurt when they shout like crazy!", Minhyuk defend himself.

"Aigoo, you are so weak...", Yonghwa said.

"Yah! Why are you said me like that?!??"

"Don't fight at here...", Jungshin said then everybody silent.


After that, the waiter come and ask what they want to order.


"One coffee...", Yonghwa said.

"One cappucinno...", Jungshin said.

"One orange juice...", Minhyuk said.

"Orange juice???", Yonghwa asked with confused look.

"Ne, what's wrong with that?", Minhyuk said with his innocent face.

"Aigoo, I don't know what is on your mind...", Yonghwa said frustation.

"Heh? Waeyo? Waeyo???", Minhyuk confused.

"It's nothing, Minhyuk-ah. Hyoyeon, pick what you want, I treat you...", Jungshin said.

"Okay, hem... I want one coffee, one double ice cream, one choco chip, one sundaes, one choco banana, one ice mountain and... for the last I want one king size ice cream. That's all...", Hyoyeon said while they all surprise by her order.

'You're dead, Jungshin-ah...', Yonghwa thought while look at Jungshin surprise face.

"You... You eat so much...", Jungshin said.

"Ne... Hyoyeon-ah, are you sure you can eat that all?", Minhyuk asked.

"Ne, I'm sure. Waeyo? You change your mind to treat me?", Hyoyeon asked Jungshin.

"Ani...", Jungshin said and Yonghwa just smile look at them, he know what will happen when you are going to treat Hyoyeon, because this happen to him too.

"Yah! You know about this, didn't you?", Jungshin whispered to Yonghwa whose smile at him.

"Why are you don't tell me?", Jungshin asked.

"You don't ask me. Besides I really surprise when you said you want to treat her. But it's good because you save Jonghyun...", Yonghwa whispered back and tap his shoulder.

"Jonghyun-ah, you must thank me!", Jungshin said.


After they eat, it's already night so they decided to go home. But when they walk to gate, they saw Jonghyun.


"Hey! That's Jonghyun!", Minhyuk said.

"Ne. But what is he doing here?", Yonghwa asked.

"Maybe he is waiting for us?", Minhyuk said but then Jungshin smack Minhyuk's head.

"Do you think he still would wait for us when she with us?", Jungshin said while pointed at Hyoyeon.

"Yah! What are you saying?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Calm down, Hyo-ah. You know Jungshin mood isn't good today...", Yonghwa said.


'Especially when he must lost so much money because of you...', Yonghwa thought. He remember when Hyoyeon eat at cafe. After she eat all things, she continue order the other food. 'How can a little girl eat that much?', Yonghwa thought but suddenly Minhyuk words make him back to his world.


"I think there is someone with Jonghyun...", Minhyuk said.

"Ne, I think she is a girl...", Jungshin said.

"Maybe his girlfriend?", Hyoyeon said then everybody become so curious about who is her then they walk towards Jonghyun, Yonghwa got surprised when he saw that girl.

"Seo Joohyun...!?", Yonghwa said then Seohyun look at them.

"Yah! Why are you here?", Hyoyeon asked Seohyun.

"Wae? I can't be here?", Seohyun asked back.

"You two stop it!", Jungshin said, he really frustation.

"By the way, Jonghyun-ah, why are you at here? With her?", Minhyuk asked and pointed at Seohyun.

"We just finish our meeting, I ask Seohyun about something so...", Minhyuk cut Jonghyun words.

"What something?", Minhyuk asked.

"Nothing...", Jonghyun said.

"Nothing? There must be something, right Yong?", Minhyuk asked Yonghwa.

"Hemm...", Yonghwa said.

"Maybe they are dating?", Hyoyeon guess.

"Mwo? Ani, I'm not dating with him besides we just friend, so don't spreading gossip!", Seohyun said.

"Then why are you two together?", Hyoyeon asked.

"It just like he said, nothing!!", Seohyun said.

"Can't you two stop??!?", suddenly Jungshin shouted again makes everybody silent.

"Yah! What happen with him? Why is he always mad today?", Hyoyeon whispered to Minhyuk.

"It's because of you...", Minhyuk said.

"Me?!???", Hyoyeon asked.

"Ahh! Ani, maybe he is not in his good mood...", Minhyuk said.

"Then... It's already late so I would go home first...", Seohyun said.

"How you go home?", Jonghyun asked.

"By bus...", Seohyun said.

"But... It's already late, is it safe?", Jonghyun asked.

"Of course, don't worry I already usual with it...", Seohyun said and bow to him to say goodbye.

"Yah! Yah! I think your relationship with her is good...", Minhyuk said.

"Yah! I said it's not! We just friend! And stop your annoyed face!", Jonghyun said.

"Ahhh... You don't have to be shy, Jonghyun-ah...", Hyoyeon said.

"Yah! I said it's not!", Jonghyun said.

"Then why your face so red?????", Minhyuk said more.

"It's because you don't stop tease me!", Jonghyun said frustation then suddenly Yonghwa speak.

"I'm tired, I want to go home first...", Yonghwa said then he leave them.

"Me too, I'm tired today, I'll go home...", Jungshin said.

"Then I go with you!", Minhyuk said to Jungshin.

"Okay...", Jungshin said then he walked leave them.

"Bye, Hyoyeon, Jonghyun...", Minhyuk said.

"Bye...", Hyoyeon and Jonghyun said then Minhyuk run to chase Jungshin.

"Wae? What happen to them?", Hyoyeon asked confused.

"I don't know, they seem not in a good mood...", Jonghyun said.

"Now, just both of us here. What will we do?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Then just go home...", Jonghyun said and about to leave.

"Ehm, then I'll take your ride...", Hyoyeon said then follow Jonghyun.

"Mwo? Just go home by yourself!", Jonghyun said.

"Hey, Jonghyun-ah... Don't you worried about me? This already late. It's not safe for a girl go home alone...", Hyoyeon said.

"Don't worry... People wouldn't do any bad thing to you because you're so scary...", Jonghyun .

"Yahh! Don't make me to remember this afternoon problem!", Hyoyeon threatened.

"Ahh... Ne, ne...", Jonghyun said frightened.

"I think you really have a special relationship with Seohyun...", Hyoyeon said while narrowed her eyes.

"Aniyo! Why are you said about it again?", Jonghyun asked.

"Because you looks like very worried about her when she want to go home by herself, but... Me? You just tell me go home alone... What does it mean?", Hyoyeon said.

"Aishhh! Okay, okay! Let's go!", Jonghyun said get annoyed.

"Keke, gomawo, Jonghyun-ah!", Hyoyeon said excited.


In Yonghwa's house...


"Omma. I'm back...", Yonghwa greets his mom who is watching TV.

"Why are you so late?", Mrs. Jung asked.

"I have my basketball practice today...", Yonghwa said.

"Oh. Araso...", Mrs. Jung asked.

"Omma, I'll go to my room first, I'm so tired...", Yonghwa said.

"Okay. Sleep well, Yong. Have your sweet dream...", Mrs. Jung said.

"Ne, omma. You too...", Yonghwa said then go to his room.


In Yonghwa's room...


'Is there something between Jonghyun and Seohyun?? Why Seohyun was so good to him? But she can't like that to me. She never talk to me nicely. She always shout or mad at me. Did I do something wrong to her? She is so weird, no one like her, everyone admire my handsome, but her? She doesn't care. Omoo, is she a girl? Or she has no sense of the man? She is abnormal! Besides she looks like very hate me... This morning incident in the canteen can show how much she hate me. What's wrong with me? Why should I be in a bad mood when I see her with Jonghyun have that good relationship? It's their business. Not mine. But... Arghh! I wonder with myself!', Yonghwa said on his mind and make him so confuse about his feeling.



Jungshin appearance...

The second victims by Hyoyeon... Jungshin, poor of him keke~

Yonghwa confusing feelings...

Thanks for liwayway and soshi5 already vote for this story :)

We will update again :)


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skhr65 #1
Chapter 16: Annyeong~..
Can u please update again authornim ??
Chapter 16: I knew it was Victoria who took the picture!!! And I am glad that Hyoyeon and Seohyun became friends at last!!! Please update soon… ^^
b_noonna #3
Chapter 16: It's really really yongseo style...
Chapter 14: omo... i like Jungshin-Hyoyeon :3
seohyun5014 #5
Chapter 12: hyoyeon is not a bad girl.. she just she.. is just her character .. for her i think that she dont love yonghwa as a lover but she love yong as a dongseang that she should protect.. because for her yonghwa is too good to be with a cheap girl.. haha so she reacted like that without knowing her true feeling.. for this story i'll ship Yonghwa-seohyun, Hyoyeon-jungshin, and yoona-jonghyun.. hahha i just got the feeling (feel free to imagine right authornim).... and last but not least you(authornim) have are super deabak imagination maybe because you have two brain (muku & kpoplover) by the way.. Hwaiting!!
seohyun5014 #6
Chapter 1: when i read your first chapter.. in my mind i thinking of harry potter story hihi ( well im big fan for Harry Potter series-J.K rowling ) its really fun to read! Nice!
Mahrichii #7
update soon please its so so fantastic
Snowyhappy #8
Chapter 6: yoona and minhyuk pls.... update soon
Chapter 12: Why hyoyeon be bad girl in this story T,T
Chapter 12: that was great i loved that yonghwa was stopped because seohyun back hugged him kekekekekekek i loved that part
update soooooooon
fighting !