His First Love

In This Life


He meekly stood up from his slumber when he heard the doorbell rang. The moment he opened the door, he was face to face with Jinki, his bestfriend.

            “Woah bro, turning to a zombie, are we?” Jinki jokingly commented as he let himself in.

            He just grumbled for a reply before he angrily asked, “What brings you here?”

            “The boys asked me to drag you out of your uhm…home?” Jinki awkwardly stated when he took notice of the messy surrounding. He cleared his throat, “Anyway, they said they miss you. You should go, besides, going out might help you, you know, forget.”

            He thought for a moment, can he really forget? Can he really move on? He thought maybe, just maybe, it’s indeed worth a try. So he sighed in defeat before standing and walking to his room, “I’m going, just let me change for a minute,” he told Jinki before closing the door.



“Hyung! I was losing hope in here, I really thought you won’t agree coming,” Taemin exclaimed through the loud music before attacking him with a breath-taking bear hug.

            Apparently, he was brought to their usual hang-out place, the club. Well, he thought this is just what he needed, fun, liquor, and a mind out of this world.

            “So, Jonghyun’s finally out. I’m shocked you still look the same, I seriously thought the next time that I’ll see you, you’ll look like a caveman,” someone interjected, making all the others laugh.

            “Shut up, Minho,” Jonghyun countered, giving Minho a glare.

            “So, how are you feeling?” Key concernedly asked Jonghyun.

            “I feel like I’m in need,” he said, taking a bottle of beer in his hand and gulping half of it, straight, before continuing, “of this.”

            “He’s really depressed,” Taemin whispered to Minho, but too bad, Jonghyun heard it. He’s right anyway, he’s depressed, and they can sense that. Well who wouldn’t, he had stopped drinking and going to this club since who knows when and here he is right now, drinking non-stop, like a beastly vampire hungry for human blood.

            “Of course, even you would be depressed if you’re first love turns out like that,” Minho replied, and still, Jonghyun heard it. Yes, she was, unfortunately, his first love.

            “You know what?” he asked her as they were seated on a bench close to the river. She has her head on his chest while his hand her hair gently.

            “What?” she answered. Looking up to see his beautiful face illuminated by the moon. They came to watch the sunset earlier, it was their first anniversary as a couple.

            “You’re my first love,” he stated, meeting her gaze. “And I promise you’ll be my last,” he then swooped his head down so his lips would meet hers.

            “Since when did the cool Kim Jonghyun become this mushy?” she giggled right after pulling from the kiss.

            “Ever since he met the most beautiful Choi Sooyeon, I think?” he smirked, pinching the bridge of her nose.

            She scoffed, “Why are you so cheesy now, huh?”

            “Because I love you?” he countered.

            He then started to tickle her in the stomach, “Stop! Hey!” she yelled in between giggles. “Tell me you love me first,” he said, still continuing his actions.

            “Alright, alright, I love you, okay? Only you, forever,” she smiled at him, before he leaned down again for a passionate kiss.


Jonghyun shook his thoughts off, it feels bad, to realize that all that’s left of her and him were memories, nothing more.

            He walked to the dance floor, still with a beer bottle in his hand. He danced carelessly to the music, shouting like there’s no tomorrow. Until some unknown woman approached him, inching their bodies closer, it seems like in any moment, no space will be left between them as they danced together to the rhythm.

            This girl doesn’t seem to be any less comfortable in this position, hell she doesn’t even care if this stranger she’s so close with will her in the next second. The next thing he knew, he was thinking about her again, how she was totally different from any other girls that he met.

            “Sooyeon honey, this is Jinki, Minho, Key and Taemin,” he introduced his friends. They were in the same club, sitting on the VIP booth where the five boys were usually seen.

            She just muttered a shy “Nice meeting you,” as a reply, before smiling timidly. She looked down awkwardly; she wasn’t used to this kind of environment to be honest.

            “Hey Sooyeon-ssi, we don’t bite,” Key nudge her, handing her a glass of liquor, “Here have some,” he said, flashing a smile.

            “S-sorry, but I don’t…” she embarrassedly stuttered.

            “Oh it’s totally okay,” Key snapped putting the glass back in the table. Jonghyun then cleared his throat.

            “Uh, we’ll just head off to the dance floor if you won’t mind,” Jinki said as the four of them left.

            “Are you alright?” Jonghyun asked pulling her closer. She just nodded as a reply.

            “Do you want anything? If you want I’ll order juice for you,” he offered.

            “No thanks,” she replied.

            “Do you want to dance then?” he asked again.

            “No, I’m fine here. You can go, I’ll stay here,” she assured him.

            “No, come, I know you’re not comfortable, I’m sorry for bringing you here,” he said standing himself up before pulling her.

            “I’m fine, we don’t have to leave if you don’t want to,” she answered, trying to sit down again.

            “I promised to have dinner, so we’ll go now,” he said before dragging her out.

            “But your friends-“

            “I’ll just text them,” he guaranteed before pushing her to the car. That night, they headed to her favourite ramen shop to have dinner.


He rushed to the bar, ordering another bottle of beer. This is not good, he shouldn’t reminisce, he should move on. That’s what he was ought to do, ever since the beginning, he wasn’t supposed to fall in love, he wasn’t supposed to be turned into a nice guy from the bad boy whom he originally was.

            He was ordering bottles for the next few minutes, drinking one after the other, all straight. He thought that maybe if he consumed too much, the unwanted memories will disappear, and he can live a peaceful life without those haunting him.

            “Yah! You bastard, what do you think you’re doing to yourself?” Jonghyun heard someone yelled. He turned to see all four of his friends through his blurry vision.

            “Leave me alone, I know what I’m doing,” Jonghyun refuted, turning back to his business.

            “What the Kim Jonghyun, can’t you get yourself together?! Move on! Grow up! Accept the fact that you’re no longer together, you’ll never be, you can’t! No matter what you do, you can’t be together!” Key yelled at him.

            He dropped his head on the bar table, letting his forehead hit the cold marble. Those were her exact same words, “We can’t be together”.

            “Jonghyun,” she sobbed over the phone,” I think I can’t go to meet your parents tomorrow.”

            “What’s wrong? Are you crying? Are you alright?” he worriedly asked. She just continued to sob, worrying him even more.

            “Meet me at the park near your house, I’ll be there in a minute,” he said before hanging up.


“What happened?” he asked her as he hugged her tight, they were sitting on the bench in the park that night, and only the two of them were there.

            “M-mom…she…she told me the truth,” she said in between sobs. He brought her head away from his shoulder, wiping her tears with his thumbs.

            “What truth?” he curiously asked.

            “My father…he’s…he’s alive. He…he has a …family,” she sobbed harder, leaning her head on his shoulder again.

            “So? It’s not how the typical Choi Sooyeon would react. You’re strong aren’t you? You shouldn’t get affected by this,” he tried to comfort and strengthen her.

            “B-but…but mom, she…she said…she’s going to…to give me off to him…he’s rich…he could make my…my dreams come true,” she was hugging him now, tightening her grip as she sobbed even harder.

            “Shhh, your mom only wants the best for you, you know that,” he said as he her back gently.


“Jonghyun honey, come in!” his mother excitedly invited him inside. He was startled of course, something strange is bound to happen, he could feel it.

            He was pulled into the dining room, where his dad and a girl were seated. “Jonghyun, you’re here,” his dad smiled at his direction. “Please sit down.”

            He sat down, and of course, he saw the face of the other girl that was seated with his family, she…she was excessively familiar to him.

            “Jonghyun,” his mother giggled, “meet your half-sister, Sooyeon.”

            “N-nice meeting you, Jo-jonghyun…oppa,” she awkwardly bowed in front of him. Oppa? Is this a joke? She never called him oppa before, saying it was only for siblings. Is she totally okay with all of this? Are they pranking on him? What the hell.


“Run away with me,” he told her when his parents left.

            “W-what are you talking about?” she flinched.

            “Sooyeon stop acting, I know you’re not into this. So all we need to do is elope together, that’s the only way,” he said.

            “But oppa-“

            “What the Choi Sooyeon! Don’t you love me enough that you won’t even fight for us?” he yelled.

            “Sorry Jonghyun oppa, but my love for you was purely just how a sister loves her brother, nothing more, I think we have mistaken it from the start. We can never be how you wanted,” she admitted.

            Back then, he didn’t know what to do. His heart, his mind, his whole being was broken into countless pieces. He cried like he never cried before, and that’s when he decided to leave, and to never come back.


This is about time the he realized, he can’t really move on, and he can’t accept the truth either. He can’t go with both choices that he only has.

            He stood up and headed to the exit, not minding the voices that tell him to come back. He went inside his car and drove off fast to who knows where. He took his phone out and dialled her number.

            “Oppa! You called, finally! Mom’s been worried sick about you, you should go home now,” he heard her say immediately after the first ring, making him cringe.

            “Sooyeon, I still love you. I can’t seem to forget about it, no matter how I try. I’m asking you this one last time, will you…run away with me?” he tried asking, but all she answered was,

            “O-oppa, please…please go home now. Mom, Dad and I…are waiting for you.” With that, a trickle of tear came out of his eye.

He bitterly smiled and said, “I understand, if we can’t be together now, then maybe…in the next life…we can,” then he turned his car around, still in the fastest speed, he aimed for the moving truck. 


AN: Okay, I was shocked I finished this that fast. :))


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Oh, and sorry. That was it. No sequels or anything. :))


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Chapter 1: wai-